Why Every Vote Matters!

<em>Edit Promo Post</em> October 2024 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

Election Integrity Update by Bill Bruch

It truly amazes me that many voters say they reason they do not vote is because “it won’t matter.” That is a crazy defeatist attitude. EVERY VOTE IS IMPORTANT AND EVERY VOTE MATTERS!

In fact, especially in “off-year” local elections, with only a 36.41% statewide voter turnout in 2023, percentage wise, each vote is actually much more valuable.

There is no better example of this than in the recently concluded WA State 2023 elections. Did you know that there were many races decided by only 9 or fewer votes? Here is a summary:

Adams County: Hatton Mayor - Decided by 2 votes

Adams County: Hatton Town Council - Decided by 2 votes

Adams County: Hatton Town Council - Decided by 2 votes

Adams County: Hatton Town Council - Decided by 2 votes

Clallam County: Cape flattery School Board - Decided by 3 votes

Cowlitz County: Kelso City Council - Decided by 4 votes

Ferry / Okanogan Counties: Curlew School Board - Tied (decided by coin flip)

Grays Harbor County: Aberdeen Mayor - Decided by 4 votes

Grays Harbor County: Aberdeen City Council - Decided by 9 votes

Grays Harbor County: Cosmopolis Town Council - Decided by 2 votes

Grays Harbor County: City of Elma - Decided by 9 votes

Grays Harbor County: Ocean Shores City Council - Decided by 1 vote

Grays Harbor County: Ocean Shores City Council - Decided by 4 votes

Lewis County: Hospital District - Decided by 6 votes

Skagit County: Sedro-Woolley City Council - Decided by 8 votes

Skagit County: Sedro-Woolley School Board - Decided by 6 votes

Thurston County: Rainier City Council - Decided by 1 vote

Wahkiakum County: Cathlamet Town Council - Decided by 6 votes

Yakima County: Naches Town Council - Decided by 2 votes

Of Note: The Snohomish County Fire District Position 7 race was only decided by 14 votes with 30,045 votes counted

Other notable close races:

King County: Mercer Island School Board - Decided by 15 votes

King County: Newcastle City Council - Decided by 14 votes

King County: Woodinville City Council - Decided by 18 votes

<em>Edit Promo Post</em> October 2024 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

In fact, especially in “off-year” local elections, with only a 36.41% statewide voter turnout in 2023, percentage wise, each vote is much more valuable.

2023 was the lowest turnout general election in our states recorded history, and as expected Democrats taking away tax-advisory votes from the people really hurt voter turnout.

5082 Abolished Advisory Votes! In WA State voters got an opportunity to weigh in on taxes that were passed by the Legislature without their direct approval. "Advisory Votes" were often the only time voters heard of a new tax. Since 2012, advisory votes on 38 tax increases appeared on the ballot.

Why would Democrats make a law to abolish advisory votes? Perhaps it is because most every time voters got an opportunity to go on record, they overwhelmingly VOTED AGAINST RAISING TAXES BY HUGE MARGINS.

In truth Dems just don't like what voters have to say about taxes. The answer is to listen to the voters instead of stealing their voice...What a Concept!

So, the next time you or someone that you know is thinking about not voting, please remind them that their vote could mean the difference in a Marxist or a common-sense Conservative writing and enacting new laws and making everyday decisions that directly affect all of us.


Bill Bruch

Bill Bruch is the WA State GOP Election Integrity Chairman, WSRP Executive Board Member, 4-Term Skagit County GOP Chairman, Citizen Journalist, Blogger, Business Owner, “2021 Citizen Activist of the Year” award by the Olympic Conference, 2020 WA State House Representative Candidate, Former Council Member, and WA State 2016 RNC National Convention Delegate.

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Your NewsWA State 2023 Election Update: Why Every Vote Matters!

<em>Edit Promo Post</em> October 2024 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

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