Farmhouse Restaurant in Mount Vernon
Ann Davison Sattler is a Republican candidate for Lieutenant Governor, a former Seattle City Council candidate, a Seattle Urban mother, a walk-away Democrat and someone who is fed up with the King County Democrat agenda; wasteful government spending, growing homelessness and rampant opioid addiction.

"Out of every elected official in our state, no position more requires a moderating touch than the Lieutenant Governor. Of all of the positions, only the Lieutenant Governor combines the duties of an executive and a legislator and needs to work directly with the state legislature to breach impasses. We need someone who can bring both sides of the aisle together to tackle our difficult problems and I know I am that person." Website Link
Bill Bruch is a Republican candidate for Legislative District 10 State House, a former La Conner Town Councilmember, a Skagit County Property and Project Manager and Chairman of the Skagit County Republican Party. Bill is seeking office because the excessive-taxation and over-regulation coming out of Olympia is hurting families and businesses. Bill is a proven local elected official who works well with both sides of the isle and will bring balance, transparency and accountability to the sate legislature.

"One-party state control continues to undermine and destroy the stability of Washington State, and things will only get worse if we don’t regain seats in the legislature to fight the current majority party’s big government tax and spend agenda. As a State Representative, I will be working hard for the best interests of the people of the 10th Legislative District, our three counties, and the state." Website Link
On Saturday, February 22nd, from 3 pm to 5 pm, both candidates will be hosting a Joint Meet & Greet Fundraiser event at the Farmhouse Restaurant in Mount Vernon, 13724 La Conner Whitney Rd (Map). Enjoy hors d'oeuvres and drinks with plenty of Q & A.
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