PLEASE REMEMBER TO VOTE AND TELL YOUR FRIENDS TO VOTE - The primary election ballot is due by 8 PM today! For the November general election, if you would like a GOP Ballot Collection Box at your business, church or other high traffic location they are now available at our SCRP Office - 2114 Riverside Ave Suite #206
Legislative District 10 State Senator Ron Muzzall is kicking off his Re-election to continue representing the citizens of LD 10 with his infamous Burgers in the Barn event!
WHEN: The evening of Saturday, August 19th, 2023.
LOCATION: 3 Sisters Family Farm - 938 Scenic Heights Rd. Oak Harbor (MAP)
WHAT: Farm slinging burgers, enjoying friendship, comradery, and support! Connecting on the issues most important to LD 10.
WHY: It is important that we show strong, local support for Ron Muzzall, who is the top target of Democrats in Washington in 2024.
Ron's approach: Ensure the government is spending taxpayer dollars responsibly, safeguard public trust in government, and enhance economic prosperity through common-sense legislation that makes life easier, not harder.

The 2023 Skagit County Fair is Wednesday, August 9th through Saturday, August 12th, from 10 AM to 10 PM. Visit the SCRP booth, located near main stage, west side of the venue. Address: 501 Taylor St, Mount Vernon (MAP). To volunteer email:

The R-101 Reject SB 5599 Campaign fell short by aprox. 5,000 signatures. The REFERENDUM allows citizens, through the petition process, to refer acts of the Legislature to the ballot before they become law. The Citizen Referendum counter measure to repeal SB 5599 in just 7 weeks amassing 157,000 registered voters' signatures was a herculean effort. A huge thank you and our deepest gratitude and appreciation to all the volunteers, and good patriots who put time and energy supporting this cause bringing unity to like-minded people! It is good confirmation knowing people truly care about parents' rights and their children, wanting to protect them from legalizing kidnaping and mutilating their bodies via WA State Democrat legislators.
A Ballot Initiative is a citizen-initiated ballot measure. The ballot initiative process allows citizens to propose statutes or constitutional amendments. In 1912, Washington became one of the first states to adopt the initiative and referendum process, thus securing the rights of citizens to make and remake their laws, and to provide a check over the decisions of their Legislature. Art. II Sec.1 page 8 of the State Constitution says the first power reserved by the people is the initiative.
If Washingtonians are dissatisfied with certain laws or feel new laws are needed, they can petition to place proposed legislation on the ballot.
The process is termed INITIATIVE because the electorate can initiate legislation. The electorate can either place a proposition directly on the ballot or it can submit the proposed law to the Legislature at the regular legislative session allowing elected representatives an opportunity to enact proposed legislation themselves instead of placing the measure on the ballot. The initiative and referendum processes guarantee Washington’s electorate the right to legislate. Document
WE HAVE ANOTHER CHANCE - New initiatives to sign at the SCRP Office. The goal is to get 400,000 signatures by December 31, 2023.
THE INITIATIVES: Good Government Policy and Simple Solutions
This measure would remove certain restrictions on when peace officers may engage in vehicular pursuits. Such pursuits would be allowed when the officer has a "reasonable suspicion" a person has violated the law, pursuit is necessary to identify or apprehend the person, the person poses a threat to the safety of others, and those safety risks are greater than those of the pursuit.
This measure would prohibit the state, counties, cities, and other local jurisdictions from imposing or collecting income taxes, defined as having the same meaning as “gross income” in the Internal Revenue Code.
This measure would repeal an excise tax imposed on the sale or exchange of certain long-term capital assets by individuals who have annual capital gains of over $250,000.
This measure would allow parents and guardians of public-school children to review instructional materials and inspect student records, including health and disciplinary records, upon request.
It would require public schools to provide parents and guardians with certain notifications, including medical services given and when students are taken off campus; access to calendars and certain policies; written notice and opportunities to opt students out of comprehensive sexual-health education; answering certain surveys or assignments.
This measure would prohibit state agencies from imposing any type of Carbon Tax credit trading and repeal Cap & Invest program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It also REPEALS the wretched cap-and-trade tax scheme which doesn't do anything to stop pollution or greenhouse gasses and driven gasoline and diesel prices up $1/gallon. It is a regressive tax that hurts working families harder than rich people.
This measure will allow working Washingtonians to opt out of the state government's insolvent "long-term care" tax scheme. It's an unpopular and expensive deduction out of working people's paychecks. Its benefit is minimal, and people can't afford another payroll tax!
All of these initiatives have until the end of December to gather the needed signatures to qualify for the Nov 2024 general election ballot. More details here
Initiative to the Legislature attempts to rid workers of WA Cares, payroll tax
Brandi Kruse Video Interview: Brian Heywood About the 2023 Initiatives
Why Citizen Initiatives are vital to local democracy: 4 key success factors
Initiative to the Legislature attempts to rid workers of WA Cares, payroll tax
Now that many terrible Democrat policies are taking hold in WA State, carnage and devastation is being felt by average citizens and working families. From public education to public safety, our state is a disaster! Below are a few examples:
Record drop in math proficiency among WA State students sparks concerns. A new report card shows the largest drop ever recorded in math! The average math score for 13-year-olds fell 9 points from the 2019-2020 school year to the 2022-23 year. That report card shows only 74% of fourth graders in Washington tested at a basic level. Only 35% are proficient in math. The numbers are even lower at the eighth-grade level with 64% showing only a basic knowledge of math, while just 28% showed proficiency. Article / Video
Escalating student violence in schools' sparks concern, demand for action across Washington State
Washington sees record-high violent crimes in 2023, record-low officers per capita. Public safety is a top priority for House Republicans. The State House GOP introduced HB 1380 during the 2023 session to provide funding options to put more police officers on the street. House Democrats ignored the solution. Article

What happens when hard drugs are decriminalized?
Marijuana users are 3x more likely to develop peripheral artery disease
Washington state now forced to refund drug conviction fines related to the state Supreme Court’s Feb. 2021 ruling that the state’s felony drug possession statute was unconstitutional. Nearly $8 million taxpayer dollars have already been paid. The state Legislature approved $47 million to help offset the cost of vacating charges and adjusting sentences, and another $50 million was set aside for the reimbursements. Article
Washington State remains the most expensive fuel market in the U.S. with prices reaching over $5.00 per gallon. The state’s new Democrat imposed "Cap & Trade" Carbon Tax scheme is contributing 45 cents for every gallon of gasoline. Article

INSANE!- WA could soon replace gas tax with pay-per-mile program. Democrats say, the gas tax does not generate enough revenue to fix state roads and claim the pay-per-mile program is needed. Plug in or gas up, it doesn’t matter. The more you drive the more you pay! Article / Video
THANK YOU DEMS! Washington's average gas price is 13 cents higher than #2 California.

The condition of Washington's highways is getting worse despite the increase in taxes
Washington State's abortion pill stockpile untapped as court fights continue
Millions of dollars in federal grants went to a comprehensive sex education nonprofit that had ties to the curriculum. King County's public health department allocated nearly $5 million in federal grants. Article
Opioid overdoses death is over 100,000 annually, fostered by Democrat lawmaker policies. According to Families Against Fentanyl, fentanyl is the leading cause of death for 18-45-year-olds. Republicans led the way to expand drug treatment and bolster law enforcement; but much more needs to be done! Article

7 Republican AG's have sent a letter to former retail giant Target warning that their Pride month displays have violated state laws that "protect children from harmful content meant to sexualize them and prohibit gender transitions of children." The letter was penned by Indiana AG Todd Rokita and signed by his counterparts from Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, and South Carolina. "As the chief legal officers of our States, we are charged with enforcing state laws protecting children and safeguarding parental rights," the letter stated. Article
The math favors Republicans for U.S. Senate in 2024. There will be 34 U.S. Senate seats on ballots across the nation in November 2024, including 20 held by Democrats, 3 by independents, and 11 by Republicans. Of the 20 seats now held by incumbent Democrats, at least 8 are in states defined as “competitive” with 3 Senate Democrats in states won by Trump in 2020—West Virginia, Montana, and Ohio. Of the 11 U.S. Senate seats held by GOP incumbents; all are in states rated as securely red. While all 11 GOP-held Senate seats appear “safe” or nearly so, as many as 9 of the 23 incumbent Dem & Independents could be in for difficult reelections.
The Senate Races Set Up Dems for Delicious Agony
Former Washington State Secretary of State Kim Wyman left her federal appointment as Lead Senior Election Security Advisor for the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to pursue an opportunity in the private sector.
CISA has recently come under immense criticism for allegedly colluding with Big Tech and government-funded third parties to conduct censorship of Americans’ speech on social media by proxy and then attempting to cover up these activities.
According to the House Judiciary Committee and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government report entitled, “The Weaponization of CISA: How a ‘Cybersecurity’ Agency Colluded with Big Tech and ‘Disinformation’ Partners to Censor Americans." The report details how:
* CISA considered the creation of an anti-misinformation “rapid response team” capable of physically deploying across the United States.
* CISA moved its censorship operation to a CISA-funded non-profit after CISA and the Biden Administration were sued in federal court, implicitly admitting that its censorship activities are unconstitutional.
* CISA wanted to use the same CISA-funded non-profit as its mouthpiece to “avoid the appearance of government propaganda.”
* Members of CISA’s advisory committee agonized that it was “only a matter of time before someone realizes we exist and starts asking about our work.”
* In response to mounting public scrutiny, CISA scrubbed its website of references to its domestic surveillance and censorship activities.
* CISA was originally founded in 2018 to be an ancillary agency within the Department of Homeland Security designed to protect “critical infrastructure” and safeguard against cybersecurity threats. Over the last five years, the House committees ongoing investigation concludes that the CISA is acting as an illegal intelligence agency.
“CISA is not a law enforcement agency and is not authorized to act as an intelligence agency. But, in practice, that is how CISA has behaved, arrogating to itself the authority to conduct surveillance of Americans on social media. During Wyman's watch CISA expanded its unconstitutional practice by developing an elaborate social media censorship apparatus spanning multiple organizations, in order to facilitate the censorship of Americans’ political speech both directly and by proxy. There is no constitutionally viable legal authority that allows CISA to engage in this or any other kind of censorship. Thus, not only does CISA’s conduct violate the First Amendment, it also disregards the basic principle of the separation of powers, which prohibits agencies from acting outside of their congressionally delegated sphere.” Article
Election Integrity:

The Perfect Crime: Tech Companies Are Manipulating Our Elections and Indoctrinating Our Children — How We Can Stop Them. Big Tech companies are deliberately manipulating the outcomes of our elections and the thinking and beliefs of our children. And they are having an enormous impact. The GOP currently has a slim 10-seat majority in the House of Representatives. Without Google's interference in 2022, the GOP would have a majority of between 27 and 59 seats, and a Senate majority of up to 8 seats. Article
A coalition of more than 70 conservative nonprofits sent a letter to House leaders urging them to pass recently introduced legislation that seeks to strengthen the integrity of U.S. elections. “The undersigned nonprofit organizations and policy leaders write in strong support of the free speech and citizen privacy provisions in the ‘American Confidence in Elections (ACE) Act’ (H.R. 4563) introduced by Congressman Bryan Steil,” the letter reads. “This thoughtful legislation protects and strengthens important First Amendment rights that Americans have enjoyed since the founding of our country.” Article
VIDEO INTERVIEW: Art Zark Finds Massive N.Y. State Voter Roll Database Fraud
The number of Americans who believe Biden did not legitimately win the 2020 election has grown to 62 %, with another 6 % who say they don’t know if he won or not. An enormous mountain of evidence, including whistleblower testimony, expert analysis, or proven machine vulnerabilities has awakened a huge majority of American voters to the realization that our elections are largely rigged. Article
"Motor Voter" needs to be fixed - States must verify citizenship, and Only Americans should be voting in American Elections. PILF J. Christian Adams Video
The Truth is starting to come out slowly, but surely...This "Woman" was a Popular Liberal Account on Twitter - She Also Never Existed (like many phantom voters). Twitter BOT account linked to Belgium, showing how easy our elections are being manipulated. Post / Article

Election Fraud: Exposing an Organized Crime Syndicate
Parallels Between Al Capone and Today’s Election Fraud Syndicate. The organized crime tactics made famous by Al Capone live on today under the guise of “fortifying our elections." Article
Most people in the media don’t want you to believe that election crimes are committed. The Heritage Foundation has been systematically documenting them for years. When those who deny the crimes occur are forced to confront the data, the response sometimes shifts to “It doesn’t matter anyway.” A new database created by the Public Interest Legal Foundation shows that one single vote has altered the outcome of hundreds of elections. Article
It is Good to be a Democrat ... If You are a Criminal
The theft of elections in America by Democrats has a long history, a lawyer who worked for Democrats described his history of stealing elections that dated back two MORE decades. At that time, the chief of staff for former California Assembly Minority Leader Scott Baugh told of his conversation with a "Democrat lawyer intimately involved in 'stealing' elections from Republicans through hand recounts" and how he "admitted to the process." Article
'How Democrats Steal Elections' "The first rule is, you keep counting until you're ahead. And if that doesn't put you ahead, you recount, re-recount -- you keep counting until you're ahead. If you're behind, then you've got nothing to lose." Second, "the more times those ballots are handled, the more chance there is that chads will break loose" and hence disqualify the ballot. Third, he said, "the minute you're ahead, you stop and declare yourself the victor." Article
A super PAC crowned as the primary outside committee backing Biden’s re-election efforts has received large sums from a dark money nonprofit that has acquired tens of millions of dollars from a mysterious entity. Article
Out of all the volumes of evidence that we’ve been looking at on the 2020 election, one area that hasn’t received as much attention as it deserves is the US Postal Service. It makes sense that it was involved. The union for postal workers endorsed Joe Biden in the run-up to the 2020 election—and then those same union members were handling all of the mail-in ballots.
But how were they involved? What exactly did they do to help the Democrat Party steal the election? A retired postal worker may have just given us the answer.
“I now know where the mules got their ballots. Straight from the post office in returned/undeliverable mail. While I have zero proof of where they ended up, I had those ballots you were talking about in my mail bag with wrong addresses or lacking apartment numbers or even people that moved and still had ballots delivered to their old apartment. We put those ballots in a basket, and someone came by and picked them up. Hundreds or even thousands of ballots."
“Who picked them up, where did they go?
“Now we know why signature match was removed… Someone needs to investigate the post office and their Democratic union run activities.” Article

New Poll Shows Majority of Americans Support Voter ID, Limited Mail-In Voting. 88 % of Americans support laws mandating voters show a form of ID in order to cast their ballot. Only 9 % oppose ID requirements. 76% of voters believe “voting in person is better than voting by mail.” The data also reveals that about 3/4 of Americans “reject automatically sending ballots without a voter’s request,” and think ballot harvesting “should be illegal" and 89% say “every ballot should be received by Election Day.” Article further illuminates the sheer absurdity of this Smurf money laundering, revealing how Democrats are exploiting it to manipulate elections. It shows an average of about 10 cents per day in 18.4 transactions per day. This equates to slightly more than half a cent per transaction over 154 days. It's astonishing! The sample is taken from the chart available on our website through the provided link. The recurring spikes and amounts in the data are indicative of two things: 1) the involvement of an automated software program, and 2) potential campaign money laundering.
Upon analyzing data from the past 5 years, we discovered 14 million transactions ranging between one penny and 99 cents. Similarly, there were approximately the same number of transactions ranging between $1.01 and $1.99. This aggregates to a substantial sum. Disturbingly, it appears that our most vulnerable citizens are being exploited by politicians. Our findings reveal that all of the individuals, termed ‘Smurfs’, involved in these transactions are aged 65 or older, with many in their 80s and even 90s. Furthermore, Political Action Committees (PACs) are significantly implicated in this fraudulent scheme, along with various financial institutions that process these transactions. The scheme operates by using the names and addresses of elderly individuals. It is important to note that the money does not pass through the Smurfs’ accounts, but the operation nonetheless involves structuring, identity theft, financial abuse of the elderly, conspiracy to defraud, and numerous other criminal activities. POST
VIDEO: The John Eastman Interview
HERE WE GO AGAIN: Dems have repeatedly tried to lower the voting age to 16 in recent years and now they’re pushing this idea once again. They have radicalized a significant portion of the youth population through schools, and they think that these young people will vote the way they want them to. The Democrat-led movement to lower the legal voting age to 16 — or in some cases even younger — is gaining momentum as teenagers and other activists seek to score local victories while winning the support of some voices in the media.
Everyone knows what this is all about. Democrats want to lower the voting age because they know how radical and easily manipulable they are.
So to recap:
18 to join the army.
21 to buy cigarettes.
21 to buy alcohol.
But 16 to decide the fate of the entire country for 4 years.
Especially 16 Y.O.'s who have been indoctrinated into WOKE culture. If 16 Y.O.'s were allowed to vote, every public school in America would instantly become a target for ballot harvesting by union Dem activist teachers. Article

“Progressives” are angling to build an illegal supermajority on the Postal Service governing board, destroying what’s left of election integrity—but only if Senate Republicans let them - The latest front in election integrity: The battle for control of the U.S. Postal Service.
In May, the American Postal Workers Union (APWU) launched a new offensive to seize control of the USPS Board of Governors with the goal of transforming the $81 billion organization into the world’s biggest mail-in ballot collector. Article
Democrats Exploit Automatic Voter Registration Systems to Register Non-Citizens
The Myth of Voter Suppression: The Left's Assault on Clean Elections. Election fraud, voter suppression, hysteria, and the dueling partisan narrative? Here are the facts. In the tradition of Tammany Hall and the Jim Crow era, Democrats are still bent on hastily bending and changing election laws to make it easier to wield power. In this new book, Fred Lucas details how voter fraud is well organized, and how the Biden agenda is attempting a federal takeover to wipe away states’ clean election laws such as voter ID and undermine confidence in elections.

Several states have withdrawn from ERIC (Electronic Registration Information Center) over credible claims of bias, lack of transparency, and questions about data sharing and usage, among other reasons. ERIC was started as a project of the Pew Charitable Trusts. Funding was provided by “two grants to Pew in 2011 totaling $725,000” from George Soros’s Foundation to Promote Open Society. The key Pew staffer behind the formation of ERIC was David Becker, “a former Justice Department trial attorney who earned a reputation as a ‘hardcore leftist’ who ‘couldn’t stand conservatives.’” Becker formerly worked for People for the American Way, an organization that opposes voter identification requirements and other commonsense election reforms.
Becker led ERIC until 2016 when he left to start “a new ‘reform’ group, the Center for Election Innovation and Research,” which distributed tens of millions of dollars in grants to election officials and offices in battleground states in 2020. After relinquishing an operational role in ERIC, however, Becker continued to be involved in an ex-officio nonvoting capacity on the ERIC governing board. A sizeable majority of the funds from the Center for Election Innovation and Research went to traditional Democrat Party strongholds, to pressure election offices into mounting registration and get-out-the-vote efforts intended to benefit the Democrat Party. Reports indicate that ERIC member data are being shared with Becker’s Center for Election Innovation and Research. Emails obtained through litigation and public records requests reveal that ERIC data from Rhode Island were provided to the organization, as well as from Georgia. Legal Memorandum
WASHINGTON: Why King County Election Policies Foster Corruption and Fraud: King County Elections is mailing out all 1.4 million "registered voters" updated signature forms. A nefarious person(s), entity, NGO, etc. can now intercept and sign this new signature form and match it to the original “registered voter” who no longer lives at that address. This is, in fact, using a fraudulent signature and making it “legal.”
What a great gift to criminals, who no longer need to forge signatures, they can simply make up new ones…Also, anyone that previously voted a ballot (not a legal ballot of their own) where the signature did not match, can sign the new signature form allowing them to now vote the ballot(s). This creates a state sanctioned “legal” means to vote illegally. And aliases can abound…
And of course no one verifies these new identities of “registered voters” to make sure they are the same person. Signing an oath is good enough for the Secretary of State, county auditors, and election officials. And with lawlessness no longer punished in WA State, what do criminals have to lose??? Article / Podcast

Washington State Sham and Scam Election "Audits" That Are Not Audits...
Why is the Clinton Foundation communicating with Dominion Voting? Using Microsoft Azure, which has many features including communications between two or more parties, the IP address is and traces to Quincy, Washington. Post
TEXAS: Texas leaves ERIC! ERIC has proven itself to be a corrupt organization - illegally inflating voter rolls with liberals for one, at taxpayers' expense to boot. Meagan Wolfe of the Wis. Elections Commission: stop giving ERIC our personal identifiable information. It is a felony crime what you are doing with our information and ERIC. They are passing our social security numbers, driver's license numbers, voting history, names/addresses, phone numbers and email addresses along with other information about us citizens to third parties. Post
OHIO: LANDMARK ELECTION INTEGRITY LEGISLATION. Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose announced the creation of a new Office of Data Analytics and Archives that will begin work immediately on a major new election transparency initiative. Article
OREGON: Oregon becomes the latest state to put ranked (rigged) choice voting on the ballot
Oregon Election Integrity Suit Headed to Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Lawsuit asks for a declaration that Oregon’s mail-in voting and computer tabulation of votes are unconstitutional and asks for an injunction against use of those systems in elections. Article
ARIZONA: Massive Voter Discrepancies Found in Arizona 2022 General Election
* 33,000 zip codes changed right before the election- and then changed back.
* Over 100,000 voter data changes made after the deadline.
* Explosive new report on changes made to the voter rolls right before the deadline, and- in some cases- after the deadline!
* 33,000 zip codes changed in one county. Then changed right back. This election was a sham!
Cochise Supervisors' quest for conducting 100% hand count continues in court
Glenn Beck: Did Joe Biden get 81 million legitimate votes? Kari Lake: "Of course not. You don't lose 17 out of 18 bellwethers and win the most votes in the history of our country. You don't only win 16% of counties and win the most votes of anybody." Video
NORTH CAROLINA: North Carolina’s Republican-controlled Senate passed legislation that seeks to enhance the integrity of the state’s elections. But the Veto-Proof North Carolina Republicans Are Advancing Half-Baked Election Integrity Measures. Article
NC identified over 1,400 individuals who appeared to be foreign nationals on their voter rolls
VIRGINIA: After being first in Virginia to use it, Arlington hits brakes on ranked-choice voting
IDAHO: New Idaho State Legislative Proof of Residency Requirement Law Enacted
Gavin Newsom Meets with Dems in Boise to Discuss Turning Idaho Into California
GEORGIA: The Halderman Report Silences Election Fraud Deniers - Georgia's election system has been exposed by a liberal professor. Article
Georgia’s corrupt election system is certainly only the second-best Georgian election system in the world, lagging way behind the one found in the former Soviet state of Georgia, the birthplace of Joseph Stalin. The Halderman report is being unsealed after being frozen in ice for more than two years, further revealing Raffensperger as having knowingly presided over an election system vulnerable to the worst types of cheating imaginable. Article
Georgia to cancel thousands of voter registrations
NEW YORK: The forensic voter roll analysis done by NY Citizens Audit exemplifies this pattern as well as any. Having discovered that New York's 2020 general election was certified with 338,000 more votes than voters. Article
WISCONSIN: Lawsuit Seeks to Reinstate Drop Boxes: In two weeks, the Wisconsin Supreme Court makeup will flip from conservative to liberal and election attorney Mark Elias has just filed a lawsuit seeking to rescind the prior court’s decision on the use of drop boxes. Article
Absentee voting rules violate Wisconsin Constitution, lawsuit alleges
ILLINOIS: Judicial Watch settled a federal election integrity lawsuit on behalf of the Illinois Conservative Union against the state of Illinois, the Illinois State Board of Elections, and its director. The settlement grants access to the current centralized statewide list of registered voters in the state for the past 15 elections. This is a victory for all legal voters in Illinois. Voters will now have the transparency that federal law requires in order to ensure elections in Illinois are more honest and cleaner. Clean voter rolls mean cleaner elections. Article
MICHIGAN: Simple way for JocelynBenson to prove that "the 2020 election was the most secure election in American history." BE TRANSPARENT! Instead, she and her minions are destroying election records, delaying or denying FOIA requests, removing duly elected clerks from oversight of elections, calling recounts of a handful of ballots in random precincts "an audit", prohibiting access to the machines counting our votes, and repeatedly violating laws designed to promote transparency. And that's just for starters...Post

Jocelyn Benson is leading the way in the coverup of #The2020Coup. In addition to being found in violation of law in 5 separate court cases, you have ordered destruction of records that assist in revelation of election fraud. You are the one guilty of election interference by any objective measure. Post
Grassroots Conservatives, Party Leadership Defend Indicted Michigan GOP Electors. “I’ve seen first-hand the tactics of the communist regime in my native Poland. Nessel’s indictments are designed to scare her political opponents. She wants us to shut up. Don’t oppose the regime. And if you support Trump, we are coming after you. I’m with Trump 100 percent. He’s trying to warn people of the enemy within.” Article
TENNESSEE: A resident in Franklin said she DID NOT donate 2,182 counts in the amount of $17,092.82 to ActBlue between the years 2018-2022. 2020: 205 counts = $3,071.90 2021: 1,103 counts = $7,997.00 2022: 865 counts = $5,863.92. @OKeefeMedia
NEW JERSEY: Art Zark: Continuing research into New Jersey's voter ID numbers
Murphy Signs Bill to Increase Transparency in Election Results Reporting
FLORIDA: Florida's Election Illusion - AI Driven Election Manipulation. The many ways Florida Voters’ Rolls are being manipulated:
Adding Voters - (with 2 different approaches)
Reactivations - Previously INACTIVE Voters, some with clear out-of-state mailing addresses for moving out of state, will be Re-Activated and moved to another county as active voters. In some cases, the same voter will get a new last name, new birthdate and be put into another political party.
Reinsertions - These voters come out of nowhere. They were not on the voter rolls the previous months but have older registration dates. They typically come on the voter rolls, just to vote. And that leads us to the second way:
Deleting Voters - This one shocked us because we're not expecting the volume of deletions around the time of the election. Worse we could see voters who clearly voted by mail were also being deleted.
Flipping Addresses - These were the Red Belly Rd example, where a voter has their address broken without their knowledge. When mail ballots are requested to the undeliverable address, they are then harvested most likely at post offices. Then before the election, the address will be corrected resulting in the victim not even knowing they requested a mail ballot and voted. This is most likely why people show up at the polls and are told they already voted. Article / Video
Why Are "Uncertifiable" Voting Systems Being Used to Administer Elections in Florida?
ALASKA: A federal court denied Alaska’s motion to dismiss a lawsuit to obtain voter list maintenance reports from the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC). Article
VERMONT: The so-called “Vote 16” campaign recently notched a victory in Vermont, where the Democrat-controlled state legislature last month overrode Republican Gov. Phil Scott’s veto of a measure allowing 16-year-olds to vote in municipal elections and hold the highest elected offices. Article
MASSACHUSETS: Dems Exploit Automatic Voter Registration to Register Non-Citizens
NEBRASKA: Nearly two-thirds of voters decided to amend Nebraska’s Constitution to require people to present a valid photo identification before casting a vote. The law wisely prevents voters from signing an affidavit in lieu of providing a photo ID, a fraud-prone practice allowed in some states. This is a great improvement and a testament to the good work legislators can do when they faithfully heed the electorate’s concerns. Article
VIDEO: American Patriots Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips Respond To Bill Barr
They're trying to silence Bolsonaro just like they're doing with Donald Trump and the MAGA movement - The establishment is scared. Video

Biden's AG, Merrick Garland, who I turned down for SCOTUS (in retrospect, based on his corrupt and unethical actions, a very wise decision!), together with Biden's Department of Injustice, have effectively issued a third indictment and Arrest of Joe Biden's NUMBER ONE POLITICAL OPPONENT, who is largely dominating him in the race for the Presidency. Nothing like this has ever happened in our Country before, or even close. They illegally spied on my Campaign, attacked me with a totally Fake "Dossier" that was funded by Hillary Clinton's Campaign and the DNC, impeached me twice (I won!), they failed on the Mueller Witch Hunt (No Collusion!), they failed on the Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, the 51 "Intelligence" Agents fraud, the FBI/Twitter files, the DOJ/Facebook censorship, and every other scam imaginable.
President Donald Trump’s federal criminal trial has been delayed into 2024 but is still slated to take place before voters vote for the next president. U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon on July 21 said the trial will not start until May 20, 2024. Trump is facing 37 bogus felony counts, including conspiring to obstruct justice and illegally keeping control of national defense information. The trial will take place in federal court in Florida and is expected to last about two weeks. Article

Dems now going after The Mar-a-Lago Maintenance Man...
The left calls Jan 6 a threat to “our democracy.” But the ultimate threat is when politically unaccountable actors literally remove elected officials from office. That's why the pending Jan 6 indictment of Trump is arguably the most dangerous of all to our Constitutional Republic. I believe the federal administrative police state is preparing to invoke the "insurrection" clause from Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to disqualify Trump from running, in a way that past indictments would not. This isn't theoretical: in New Mexico, County Commissioner Cuoy Griffin was removed from office after his election for merely being physically "present" on the Capitol grounds on Jan 6, even though he was peaceful and did not even enter the building. This sets a dangerous precedent to keep Trump off the ballot. Vivek Ramaswamy Video
Mayik Garland Chris Wray, Mayokis, Joe Bidem, All Needs To Be Impeached Immediately

Since Republicans retook control of Congress, oversight and investigations have been moving at a break-neck pace, assisted by whistleblowers from federal agencies who are willing to risk their careers! Article
IRS whistleblower Mr. Ziegler confirmed that between 2014 to 2019 the Biden family received approximately $17 million from Romania, China, & other foreign countries. What were the Bidens’ selling? Nothing but influence & access to the Biden network. Video
LOU DOBBS PODCAST "CHINA BOUGHT JOE BIDEN." No one but Congress has ever investigated the Bidens. House Oversight is now investigating their serious crimes and the cover-ups. Anyone other than a Biden would already be in jail for their crimes!

Hmm: Multiple Banks Filed Over 170 Suspicious Activity Reports on the Bidens
Hunter Biden's Lawyers Attack MTG Over Display of Nude Photos of Him With Prostitutes
Sen. John Kennedy Describes the Biden Family Cover-Up - "it's almost always the cover-up and not the crime that proves most damaging." Article
Hunter Biden’s former business partner Devon Archer testified in front of the House Oversight Committee, confirming Hunter put Joe Biden on the phone over 20 times during his business meetings, selling Biden’s influence in foreign business deals. Video
Someone brought cocaine into the White House, and no one knows anything... Biden’s staff isn’t cooperating, and there is a very real possibility that nothing determinable will be revealed because this administration is trying to bury this embarrassing incident. Article
Who Brought the Cocaine into the White House?
Why the Biden White House's Response to Their Cocaine Fiasco Is Absurd
The Secret Service Makes Me Nervous
Dan Bongino Says Biden Family Member Brought Cocaine To White House
U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley is demanding answers from the Delaware U.S. attorney who's charged with prosecuting Hunter Biden about his knowledge of bribery accusations against Hunter and Joe Biden. Whistleblower confirmed the FBI has a document in which a trusted source accuses Bidens of taking $5 million bribes. Article
It Looks Like Hunter Biden's Laptop Implicates His Father
Corrupt DOJ Requests Court to Order Devon Archer’s Surrender for Imprisonment PRIOR to Testimony on Biden Crime Family. The move is an attempt to obstruct Archer’s upcoming testimony before the House Oversight Committee regarding Biden family crimes. Video
State Supreme Court Lets University Of Delaware Keep Biden Senate Records Hidden From The Public
The Bidens Are Trashing the White House
Chris Wallace and Mainstream Media are Still Trying to Cover Up Hunter Biden's Laptop
Communists Burn the American Flag in Philadelphia on July 4th outside Independence Hall. Left-wing extremists disrupted the city’s Celebration of Freedom event by blowing airhorns and yelling into a bullhorn, then they locked hands while one pulled out an American flag and set it on fire and taunted attendees, saying, “Come join a real revolution!” Article / Video

New details have emerged on the U.S. government spying on citizens, following the release of a bombshell report showing that intelligence agencies have bought vast troves of sensitive information on Americans from businesses that harvest people’s data. Article
DOJ announces multiple indictments against whistleblower who exposed Biden received payments from CCP-affiliated individuals
Jim Jordan Reveals Damning 'SMOKING-GUN DOCS' Detailing Big Tech Collusion to Censor Americans
Jack Posobiec Podcast: The Receipts - Ray Epps lawsuit, criminal charges and Chris Wray
Dozens if not hundreds of government operatives infiltrated the protests at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021 - 20 CONFIRMED INCIDENTS AND OPERATIONS: The DOZENS of Feds, FBI Agents and State Operatives and Assets Who Infiltrated the Trump Crowds on January 6th at the US Capitol, Led the Protests. Article
Kash Patel: Chris Wray Deserves Criminal Referral For Lying And Defying House Republicans
Jan. 6 Prisoner Takes His Obstruction Charge to the Supreme Court' - The federal government has effectively declared a jihad, or a holy war, on everyone within sight of Jan. 6,' attorney says. Article
Reps. Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene said they will send a measure to the House Appropriations panel that defunds the salary of Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Director. Article
FBI Director Wray said the bureau has never investigated the speech of parents at school board meetings. FBI whistleblower testified to the contrary and said he was personally directed by the bureau to surveil school board meetings. Maybe a criminal referral for perjury is in Director Wray’s future. Maybe he deserves it on more than one count…Video
Gaetz GOES OFF On Durham for ‘Laughable’ Investigation. Rep. Matt Gaetz broke with most of his party’s fawning praise towards John Durham, highlighting how the Special Counsel who was supposed to investigate the origins of Russiagate had made no progress in finding key figures in the origins of the hoax, including British/Maltese academic Joseph Mifsud. Video

China Funding Indoctrination Efforts in American Schools. A conservative watchdog group that promotes greater transparency and parental authority in education exposed connections between the CCP and indoctrination efforts in public schools. The report titled “Little Red Classrooms,” was sent to 34 governors and other lawmakers around the country. The report claims that CCP-linked financial entities are directly funding U.S. public K-12 schools for the purpose of spreading Chinese propaganda disguised as lessons about Chinese culture.
“The alarming evidence uncovered by our investigation should concern parents, educators, and policymakers alike,” said PDE president Nicole Neilly. “Families deserve to know who is influencing the American education system so that they can make informed choices about what their children are learning behind closed doors.” Article
The Biden Regime Isn’t Just Coming For Your Gas Stoves - They’re Coming For Much More! Household appliances proposed regulations have been met with backlash from critics who believe that they will ultimately require Americans to replace many of their existing appliances. Article / Video
Illegitimate Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, a dedicated advocate for leftist ideologies, has filed cases against 16 people "for signing certificates claiming President Donald Trump won the presidential election in 2020." Article
GOP House and Senate Armed Services Committees took a buzzsaw to wokeness in the military, advancing defense bills that will cut down Biden administration’s efforts to push race and gender-based training and initiatives throughout the Department of Defense. Article
New Evidence Reveals the Biden DOJ Edited Video Footage in Order to Convict Innocent Jan. 6 Trump Supporters and Oath Keepers – And Now They Got Caught. Article
Tucker Carlson BLOWS The Doors Off January 6th LIES - Reveals Fox News Refused To Air His J6 Interview of Capitol Chief of Police PROVING The US Capitol Was FILLED With Federal Agents. Tucker describes Fox execs attacking him for J6 report. Video

Jan 5, 2021, Ray Epps was the man caught on multiple videos declaring they should storm the Capitol, which was drowned out by crowds chanting, “Fed.” Then Epps lead the charge into the capitol on Jan 6. I hope Tucker’s lawyers force Ray Epps to explain why he was never arrested by the FBI despite literally telling people to go into the Capitol. Article / Video
Julie Kelly Audio Interview: The Truth About January 6
Andrew Tate's Lies in VIRAL Tucker Carlson's most-viewed interview of all-time
CENSORSHIP - THE NATIONAL WAR ON TRUTH: Tucker Carlson Reveals the Questions You’re Not Allowed to Ask. Public discussion is no longer organic - There is now a system that decides which stories can be reported by news outlets, which topics politicians are willing to comment on, and which topics should be deemed untouchable. Video
Judicial Watch Sues Justice Department over the FBI's Investigations of Parents at School Board Meetings. JW is asking for all communications from FBI Officials regarding investigations being carried out after an Oct. 4, 2021, memo from AG Merrick Garland.
John Fetterman almost has Joe Biden beat in making themselves sound coherent when they don't even know what day of the week it is. In a new interview with the New York Times, Fetterman makes you wonder if he should be in office. Article

Do Not Submit to the Planned Worldwide Totalitarian Police State! For the first time in history, globalists are poised to create a “worldwide totalitarian police state.” Article / Video
The Chinese Military Is Training Kindergarteners For War In Bootcamps Across The Country

Dozens of Armed IRS Agents In Tactical Gear Raid Florida Business: Report
The WORST of DEI - Watch Out! By Dems standards, DEI is not diversity, equality, and inclusion—its racism, redistribution of wealth, and religious persecution. If we are playing by the rules of the Left, DEI is a very bad and dangerous ideology infecting our institutions!
Gov. Ron DeSantis eliminating DEI in the state of Florida. Better viewed as standing for Discrimination - Exclusion - Indoctrination, which has no Place in Public Institutions! Treat people as individuals, not as "groups" - Video.
Lesbians demanding constitution be changed in British Virgin Islands
Hunter Biden Smoking Crack Driving 172 MPH to Vegas - What he did when he got to Vegas was worse...
Even Chinese Scientists Admit COVID Came From Wuhan Lab. Chinese researchers claimed in 2020 that COVID came from the Wuhan Lab just before their paper disappeared. Article
CALIFORNIA MASS EXODUS: Nearly half of California residents are considering leaving the state, a poll finds. Many cite the cost of living as the main reason why. Article
Dem Gavin Newsom has threatened a school district in his state for not adopting a curriculum that celebrates gay-rights icon and child sexual predator Harvey Milk. Article
Parents, three school districts, teachers, and administrators are suing the Pennsylvania Department of Education over its new "woke" guidelines. The parties filing the lawsuit argue that the new guidelines unconstitutionally force educators to teach socio-political beliefs unrelated to the state-approved academic standards including "institutional racism." Article
Biden campaign struggling to gain small donors. Joe Biden's campaign is touting high fundraising totals, but few of the donations came from small donors, showing that the president may be struggling more to appeal to the individual donor base. Article
Trump Continues to Draw Massive Campaign Rally Crowds Comes Despite Indictments
PICKENS, S.C.—This tiny city of about 3,000 people burgeoned to more than ten times that size as throngs welcomed former President Donald Trump to a pre-July 4 celebration—possibly a once-in-a-lifetime event for residents. A SC newspaper said Police Chief Randall Beach estimated the crowd at 50,000 supporters. Article

A Louisiana judge ordered the Biden administration to limit its contact with social media platforms, determining the gov. likely violated the First Amendment by working to censor disfavored political viewpoints online. The Judge issued a preliminary injunction barring federal officials and agencies from contacting social media firms to seek the removal of protected speech while issuing a blanket ban on FBI and DOJ employees. Article
Abe Hamadeh: "The corporate press no longer defends a free press or free speech. They are agents of the government." Video
MTG BATTLEGROUND VIDEO: The media and the DC establishment is lying to you - It's time to get a look at the facts and assess the reality of the war in Ukraine. We need to push back on the DC war machine and put America First.

Steve Milloy: Just in from NASA satellites: No global warming in 8 years, 10 months... despite 500 billion tons of emissions. Democrat climate hoax is clearly false." Post / Article
Hillary Clinton blames 'MAGA Republicans' for making it hot outside.
2022 Nobel physics prize winner rips climate idiocy: No ‘climate crisis' - IPCC ‘one of the worst sources of dangerous misinformation.’ Stop the spread of misinformation, man made pseudoscience and someone else's perception of truth. Real truth only found by carefully observing nature. Video
"Government researchers have been tracking heat waves for more than 100 years. According to data from the U.S. Climate Change Science Program, via the EPA, the annual heat wave index for the contiguous 48 states was substantially higher in the 1930s than at any point in recent years. In some years in the 1930s, it was four times greater or even more." Article
Biden Creates New ‘Permanent’ Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy, Laying Foundation for New Round of Medical Martial Law. Article

Dr. Naomi Wolf: Legal Team Lays Out Pfizer Fraud Case To DOJ In New Bombshell - Pfizer has Committed Fraud against the United States and the American People. Video
Another Elite Athlete Suffers Cardiac Arrest - STUDY: 12 - 24 YO's who got the Covid Vaccine are two times more likely to have Heart Failure - Heart attack deaths jump. Video
Bronny James, older son of LeBron James, suffers cardiac arrest at USC basketball practice
Grammy-winning star Tori Kelly, 30, ‘rushed to hospital with blood clots around vital organs’
MUST WATCH: Robert Kennedy Jr SMOKES Democrats who are censoring him

In-N-Out Burger praised for new policy that forbids employees from wearing masks. "We believe this policy will also help to promote clear and effective communication both with our Customers and our Associates." Article
Christians Arrested For Maskless Outdoor Church Service to Get $300,000 From Liberal Moscow Idaho. Churchgoers sued the city after they were arrested in Sept 2020. Article
4.5 Million Illegals have entered since Biden took office: If This Isn't an Invasion, What Is? with Todd Bensman. Audio Podcast
The Southern Border is a Disaster - Gov. Abbott (R-TX), deprived of any real support or enforcement of the border from the Biden Administration, has begun preparations to block illegal immigrants from swimming the Rio Grande through the deployment of a buoy and netting system or floating barrier by the TX Department of Public Safety. Massive bright orange buoys are being hauled to the city of Eagle Pass, situated on the shores of the Rio Grande. Article
Operation Lone Star Boosts Border Response With New Marine Barriers

CPAC's Push of Sound of Freedom - Child Trafficking Thriller Scores No. 1
The Washington Examiner praised Sound of Freedom's box office success as a huge victory. Grossing $20 M in first 6 days. Article
Mike Pence TORCHED by Audience at Campaign Event—Voter Called Him Out in Humiliating Exchange. Things got heated between Mike Pence and a voter who confronted Pence over his dereliction of duty in not returning the disputed slates of electors back to the swing states.
She also notes that Joe Biden would not be in the White House right now, if Pence had not been a coward but had instead answered the call of history on January 6, 2021. Pence’s cowardice has forever altered the course of American history.
The 1876 presidential election between Rutherford B. Hayes and Samuel Tilden was contested. There was widespread suspected voter fraud in multiple states. All of those states sent dueling slates of Republican and Democrat electors to Congress for the certification of the election. Nobody knew what to do, because the Constitution doesn’t mention what to do in the case of widespread voter fraud. Congress was deadlocked for weeks trying to decide who was supposed to be the new president. Eventually Hayes was declared the winner by one electoral vote.
In response to that contested election, Congress passed the Electoral Count Act in 1887. This act specifically gave the vice president the authority to send contested elector slates back to the states, so that the individual states can sort everything out. That can be done by holding recounts, audits or even do-over elections, especially if the voters had no confidence in the outcome of a race.
Mike Pence did not have authority under the Constitution to send votes back to the states. He absolutely did have the authority to do it under the Electoral Count Act. Pence claimed he did not have authority. If that was true, then why did the Democrat-controlled Congress suddenly amend the Electoral Count Act last year? They specifically amended it to strip away the vice president’s power to send dueling slates of electors back. Article / Video
Tucker Carlson hosted a GOP Presidential Candidate Forum at the Family Leadership Summit in Des Moines, Iowa July 14 and many 2024 GOP candidates failed! The former Fox News host outright brutalized them. Mike Pence was the one who got spit-roasted, especially on the war in Ukraine, where the former vice president’s position about a lack of military equipment on the ground got vivisected in front of the audience. Article
Ron DeSantis Interview: Tucker: Are you concerned about Central Bank Digital Currencies? DeSantis: "They want to get rid of cash. They want no cryptocurrency. They want this to be the sole form of legal tender. It will allow them to prohibit undesirable purchases like fuel and ammunition. So, the minute you give them the power to do this, they will impose a social credit system on this country. CBDC is a massive threat to American liberty. On January 20, 2025, it goes to the ash heap of history in this country." Video
Vivek Ramaswamy: "It’s no mystery that our military had a 25% enrollment deficit this year: young people refuse to serve a country that their schools taught them to hate. We need to teach young people to be proud of our history rather than to be ashamed of it. Solution: more civic education. Tying civic duty to the ultimate privilege of citizenship—voting—& conferring it to young people accordingly, we have a better chance of actually restoring civic duty in America." Video
Vivek: Math isn't racist. bout what might be? Not teaching black kids how to do math.
Vivek: "The corrupt FDA says you don’t have the right to even *try* medicines that haven’t been through 10+ years of testing, yet the government *mandated* Covid vaccines that sailed through FDA approval in less than 1 year - You can’t believe both things at once. Countless FDA regulations and actions are hypocritical, harmful & unconstitutional. If elected President, I will rescind them, accordingly, using the Supreme Court’s holding in West Virginia vs. EPA as my legal basis for doing so." Post
The following candidates have met the RNC’s polling and fundraising thresholds to be invited to the first GOP primary debate: Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy, Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, Chris Christie. Of No Surprise- Mike Pence campaign did not qualify.
IOWA / SOUTH CAROLINA POLLS: Trump 30 or more points ahead - Iowa: Trump: 46 DeSantis: 16 Scott: 11 Vivek: 6 South Carolina: Trump: 48 Haley: 14 DeSantis: 13 Scott: 10
Survey from Kaplan Strategies shows Gov. Ron DeSantis and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy are tied at 12%. Both men are well behind Donald Trump’s 48%. Article
If the election for the Republican presidential nominee were held today, President Trump would win in a landslide with 54 % of the vote. That’s the finding in a new poll conducted by The New York Times and Sienna College. DeSantis trails by 37 points. Trump holds decisive advantages in almost every demographic group and region – and even in every ideological wing of the party.
The nation is in a political, economic and moral freefall - The Deep State has declared war on not just Trump, but every freedom-loving American in the country. And the voters believe that Trump is the only person who has the fortitude to fight back. Article / Video
OMG / James O' Keefe Legal Victory! Oregon State recording laws have been overturned! OMG was able to change a state law that disallowed investigative journalists to covertly record their subjects while doing our reporting. Ninth circuit judge saying, “We conclude that Oregon’s law is a content-based restriction that violates the First Amendment right to free speech." POST
Having captured all the major institutions in our society, the left is waging its final assault—on America’s children - In her new book, Liz Wheeler exposes the Marxists behind the attack on America’s kids and challenges conservatives to fight to win. Everything is on the line. Expect escalation. The left is waging a deliberate, relentless attack on our children.
For nearly a century, the left has reengineered society and placed a target on our children’s backs. Marxists infiltrated, indoctrinated, subverted, and plotted to overthrow our cultural institutions. Then they hijacked and weaponized our government institutions. If we fail to know the enemy, we will lose.
Liz exposes the Marxism behind the assault on our children—from teachers' unions to school counselors, from Planned Parenthood and “comprehensive sexuality education” to proponents of Critical Race Theory and Queer Theory, from the war against homeschooling to the propagandizing of the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics, from ESG guidelines to the woke corporations pushing politics and gender ideology on Americans and their kids.
This is the decisive moment. We shall either save our children and our country or we shall lose everything that is precious to us. Defeat is not an option. Order Book Here

U.K. Court case ends when state decides it can't regulate 'thoughts directed toward God' -
'Silent prayer' falls beyond the government's authority. "Nobody should be criminalized for what they believe – especially not when they express that belief silently, in the privacy of their own minds." Article
The Temecula School Board in California has become the latest battleground for the culture war - Parent laid down the facts: 10 things Black students DON’T need in school. Video
Social Justice Above All Else - California's new math framework prioritizes "equitable outcomes" over correct answers. New math guidelines that encourage 'teaching toward social justice' approved by The California Board of Education. Article
Disney slams 'fake' photos from woke 'Snow White' remake: Changes tune when they're proven real - Meet the cast of Disney’s new woke Snow White film. Snow White is Columbian now and the 7 dwarves look more like the 6 normal sized hipster pedos and 1 dwarf from Portland. Snow White no longer has "skin white as snow". Absolutely ridiculous. Article

Bud Light’s parent company Anheuser-Busch announced it is firing 350 employees. Bud Light has made national headlines after losing the designation as the No. 1 beer in America. The beer has come under fire after their disastrous Dylan Mulvaney partnership sparked backlash.
Last month Bud Light sales were down 28% year on year, according to Nielsen IQ data cited by Bump Williams consulting. Article
Author of "Lost in Trans Nation" Miriam Grossman breaks down the societal and cultural factors that lead to someone identifying as transgender and lays out a guide for trusting parental instincts. As medical and educational institutions capture our children, what legal recourses do parents have for schools indoctrinating kids with gender ideology? Video

A startling poll shows that only 18% of young people are extremely proud to be American - In last 10 Years a Cultural Shift from 85 % - WHY? Indoctrination & Revisionist History. Video
Last month over 6,000 people attended an amazing Turning Point USA event in Palm Beach Florida. Charlie Kirk Leadership Summit Audio. Gov. Ron DeSantis chose not to attend. President Trump Keynote Speech Here.

A group of Secret Service from WA DC arrived to "Take Over" security issues for the FL TPUSA event in Palm Beach. Charlie Kirk said he couldn't confirm they "sabotaged security," but there were people who were passing out from the 90-degree heat while they waited at Secret Service checkpoints. "It was a nightmare," Kirk said, the Secret Service slowed down screening of the thousands of people who arrived for the events to 180 people per hour. Ordinarily, that rate should have been about 1,300 per hour, and Kirk explained on Sunday, after the Secret Service departed, his own team was able to get 3,800 people through security in an hour.
During the Secret Service's tenure some 50 people passed out from heat problems, and five ambulances were called. Traditionally, he confirmed, the Secret Service has been "wonderful." For example, after promising seven detectors for people to pass through, only three were brought and set up. He cited the officers' "smugness," and said he tried to hurry up the agency, without success.

Trump endorsed by Every Michigan GOP member of Congress
In New York City's Harlem neighborhood, charter schools are flourishing - But Democrats want to put a cap on the charter schools because the teachers' unions want to warehouse the kids in public schools where a majority of the kids can't read or do math at grade-level proficiency. Katie Hobbs wants to defund a school choice program that is already serving tens of thousands of kids, most of whom are Hispanic, with proven results of better performance and higher test scores. Why would she kill a program that is working? The teachers' unions want the money and the kids under their control. Article
Charlie Kirk Audio Podcast: What Was Bill Barr Doing? with Julie Kelly and Michael Seifert
The Patriot Economy: More Info About The Public Square
SOUND OF FREEDOM MOVIE - Child Sex Slave Trafficking + Corrupt, Fraudulent & Unconstitutional Elections Take Action Tool kit - Banning the Voting Machines + Taking Back Our Unconstitutional Elections = Will END Child Sex Slave Trafficking. The Movie Tells The Horrors of the $150 Billion Child Sex Slave Trafficking Industry Which the U.S. Is The #1 Customer. A true story that exposes the darkness of child trafficking.

The #WalkAway Campaign is a true grassroots movement, founded by former liberal, Brandon Straka, dedicated to providing a place to share testimonials and personal journeys to freedom. The #WalkAway movement of Patriots from all walks of life – men, women, black, brown, white, straight, LGBTQ, religious, and non-believers share something very important in common. WE ARE ALL AMERICANS, and we will not surrender our country. Video Testimony
Last weekend a massive crowd of over 5,000 people--many young adults and kids--showed up for the Turning Point USA / Sean Feucht Rally and Concert at the State Capitol for meaningful change in Washington State.

A Big Thank You to Brian Heywood & Let's Go Washington who hosted the Summer FreedomFest in Redmond. Over 1,200 people had a great time and enjoyed perfect weather!

Respect & Blessings,
Bill Bruch, SCRP Chairman
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