Biden Signs Executive Order Banning The Term 'China Virus'

<em>Edit Promo Post</em> March 2025 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

 Jan 27, 2021 The Federalist by Marmee Rooke

Joe Biden is every bit the executive order tyrant we thought he would be. Compared to the most recent U.S. president, Biden set the record for most executive orders, with 40, signed at this same point in his presidency. Adding to that list is an executive order relating to coronavirus.

No, Biden’s executive order did not provide financial relief from the draconian lockdowns or plans to reopen schools. Instead, BizPac reports that “under the guise of combatting racism and ‘xenophobia,’ Biden on Tuesday banned federal workers from referring to COVID-19 as the ‘China virus’ and other rhetoric that he believes is insensitive to Asian-Americans.”

Because, of course, the idiot in chief did.

The order states, “During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, inflammatory and xenophobic rhetoric has put Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) persons, families, communities, and businesses at risk. The Federal Government must recognize that it has played a role in furthering these xenophobic sentiments through the actions of political leaders, including references to the COVID-19 pandemic by the geographic location of its origin.”

The standard for naming infectious diseases often includes the origin in some way, whether it is after the first person to discover it, catch it, or its country of origin. It is statements like these that insinuate that referencing “the Covid-19 pandemic by the geographic location of its origin” is somehow “furthering xenophobic sentiments” plays into China’s hands.

President Xi is looking at this order smiling at its idiocy and the cover it gives the Chinese Communist Party.

The order states that calling coronavirus the “China virus” has “stoked unfounded fears and perpetuated stigma about Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and have contributed to increasing rates of bullying, harassment, and hate crimes against AAPI persons.” Biden states that his “Administration condemns acts of racism, xenophobia, and intolerance against AAPI communities,”

That is why he is directing his Health and Human Services Department to “consider issuing guidance describing best practices for advancing cultural competency, language access, and sensitivity towards Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the context of the Federal Government’s Covid-19 response. The order continues, “In developing any such guidance, the Secretary should consider the best practices set forth by public health organizations and experts for mitigating racially discriminatory language in describing Covid-19 pandemic.”

The order states, “Executive departments and agencies shall take all appropriate steps to ensure that official actions, documents, and statements, including those that pertain to the Covid-19 pandemic, do not exhibit or contribute to racism, xenophobia, and intolerance against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.” Biden directed his attorney general to explore where these actions could be tried as hate crimes.

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Could you imagine having the power of the Presidential Executive Order during a pandemic and writing an order to help people’s feelings not get hurt? Get over yourself already. The country is on the brink of a financial collapse, half the country HATES the other half of the country, and Biden thinks it is prudent to protect people from words.

The China virus isn’t a racial slur against Asian Americans or Pacific Islanders; it is, in its most basic definition, the best term to describe the origins of the virus responsible for murdering millions.

1-27-2021 Audio Summary Interview with Peter Navarro

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