Dinesh D' Souza's Political Documentary

<em>Edit Promo Post</em> May 2024 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

Indian American conservative author and filmmaker Dinesh D' Souza's newest film based on President Donald Trump is now avaiable on DVD.  D'Souza's latest political documentary, "Death of a Nation," that likens President Trump to Abraham Lincoln, that opened in theaters August 3rd is a must see.

"Lincoln was elected to unite a country and stop slavery.  Democrats smeared him;went to war against him; assassinated him.  Now their target is Trump," D'Souza says.

"They say he's killing America...they say he's a racist...and a fascist.  Who are the real racists, fascists?" D'Souza goes on to ask.  "A Nation dies when its people are not free," D'Souza adds.

"Death of a Nation" cuts through the "progressive" big lies to expose hidden history and explosive truths through stunning historical recreations and a searching examination of fascism and white supremacy.

D'Souza has three other political documentaries to his credit: "2016: Obama's America", "America: Imagine a World Without Her:; and "Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democrat Party." 


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