Internationally known Physicist Dr. Douglas Frank PhD, who has discovered computer algorithms used during the 2020 elections, WILL BE COMING TO SKAGIT COUNTY SATURDAY, MAY 29, 11:30 AM to 1 PM. BBQ Lunch Immediately following. Also after the event there will be volunteer door-belling. Please arrive early for parking!
LOCATION: Heritage Ranch & Horse Arena, 18244 Sam Bell Road Bow (MAP). COST $10 Tickets / Register Here Via
Dr. Frank will be explaining and taking questions about how the voter rolls are being manipulated allowing phantom voters into election totals. It appears it was not just the swing states, but was nationwide. SEE WASHINGTON STATE ANALYSIS VIDEO HERE (includes Arizona), and Video Election Analysis of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Colorado.
NEW VIDEO: Dr. Frank: Divine Appointments, Algorithms, and Saving the Country One Step at a Time
Dr. Frank holds a PhD in Surface Analytical Chemistry from the University of Cincinnati. He's an internationally recognized scientist who was nominated for a Nobel Prize and has over 60 scientific publications. In 1990 Dr. Frank discovered and invented a technique for creating 3 dimensional images of molecules resting on surfaces. This led to a cover article in Science Magazine, which is the most read science magazine in the world.
Dr. Frank has spent countless hours since the 2020 election following the data of the election returns county by county across the U.S. and his mathematical investigation has revealed that there was absolutely massive cyber and voter fraud in the 2020 election.
In Mike Lindell's television specials, Dr. Frank states that deviations and mathematical impossibilities could not have been done by humans, but were pre-programmed artificial intelligence and computers that were running before, during, and after the 2020 U.S. election.

Dr. Frank’s scientific investigation documented and proved that numerous states throughout America had more people voting than lived in many of the counties.
In numerous documented cases, voters showed up to vote at their precinct only to be told they had already voted, when in fact, they had not voted. What is now being revealed by the scientific investigation of Dr. Frank is that these Americans had their vote cast for them through a highly sophisticated computer program - Read more about the 2020 nationwide vote fraud HERE.
Updated 11 Min Video "A Citizen Primer" Video Here
Updated 2 Min Video "The Voter Registration Database"
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