July 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

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Thanks to everyone who attended our annual SCRP Lincoln / Reagan Day Dinner. The event was a sellout, exceeding expectations with about 260 attending and all having a great time! GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Semi Bird and Glen Morgan were fantastic speakers, and Bob Eberle was presented a well-deserved Lifetime Achievement Legacy Award by the SCRP! The event was live streamed on Facebook, YouTube and Rumble. Next years event is already scheduled for Saturday, June 1st, once again at the spectacular Corporate Air Center in Burlington.

VIDEO: Former State Representative and Skagit GOP Chairman Bob Eberle Presented SCRP Lifetime Achievement Legacy Award

VIDEO: SCRP Chairman Bill Bruch gives update on WSRP project for Ballot Collecting at the Skagit County Republican Party Lincoln Reagan Day Gala June 10, 2023

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After more than 5 years of serving as Chairman of the Washington State Republican Party (WSRP), and more than 12 years serving on staff Caleb Heimlich decided to step down as State Chair. Caleb's successor will be elected on August 12th in Olympia by the WSRP State Committee (county party leadership) from all 39 counties. 

Under Caleb's leadership 13,000+ grassroots activists were trained and mobilized to support candidates. $26 million was raised to support Republican efforts, including securing the largest investment from the RNC in decades.

The WSRP Political team, under the leadership of Matthew Frolich will continue to build on the trainings, plus expand candidate trainings that have set-up hundreds of local candidates with the data, knowledge, and voter-contact tools they need to be successful in defeating radical socialists running for school boards and city councils.

Caleb was a big supporter of Election Integrity and fully supported important door-to-door canvassing efforts that helped to clean and maintain the accuracy of the voter rolls in over 30 counties.

The WSRP is now engaging with dozens of local organizations and businesses to help us implement our aggressive Ballot Collection program in communities throughout the state.

Caleb built a strong WSRP foundation for years to come, of which we are truly grateful!

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LD 19 State Representative Jim Walsh announced that he is running to succeed Caleb as Chair of the WA State Republican Party. Walsh is the clear front-runner for the job and lays out his plan and public policy for conservative victory in Washington state. Video Interview

Interview with Rep. Jim Walsh - Running for WA State Republican Party Chair

Jim Walsh Answers:
1) Who votes for a State Party Chair? Is it a general election? Can everyone vote?
2) What exactly does a State Party Chair do?
3) Does this mean you have to resign from the legislature?
4) Why do you want to do this? Why do parties even exist?
5) Does this mean you're not running for Governor? For Congress? Next year? Ever?
Answers in the video.

Jim Walsh: "Resist tyranny - Do it happily. Our beautiful state deserves to be defended by free people. Remember: Peaceful non-compliance with bad government action is a powerful tool." Video


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The Democrat controlled legislature passed SB 5599, which allows the state to harbor runaway children and provide medicalized gender treatments without parents’ knowledge or consent.

5599 legalizes the kidnapping of children, takes children away from their parents, allows for the harboring of minors, prohibits parents from protecting their children. It gives permission to a shelter to NOT notify the parents or guardians of a minor child who has run away seeking sex change treatments or an abortion.

The bill report states that a shelter can be classified as ‘any person, unlicensed youth shelter, or runaway and homeless youth program. 5599 divides families by the state becoming the guardians (new parents) of children. The bill removes parental custody rights with NO due process, nor the protection offered through a child custody hearing.

The law makes state licensed youth shelters act as accomplices in castrating children without their parent's knowledge, and mandates tax-payer dollars to pay for the expensive radical surgeries and procedures.

If a child ends up at a youth shelter in WA state and expresses the desire to change their gender, claiming that their parents are against it, then the youth shelter is legally obligated to NOT notify the parents of the child’s location, facilitating their new world of trans-genderism. And it’s not limited to WA state residences. The bill allows any young confused runaway child from another state to make their way to WA to get castrated by the government without their parents ever being notified.


Not only does this allow young kids to irreversibly change their bodies and be medicalized, but it also facilitates child TRAFFICKING and makes Washington a nanny state.

This law is absolutely unacceptable in ALL aspects and is BLATANT CHILD ABUSE!

SOLUTION: A referendum is to overturn a bad law, in this case 5599. Signing Referendum 101 by July 15 will allow the citizens to REJECT 5599 and vote NO or REJECT it at the ballot box on November 7, 2023.

Referendum 101 "Reject 5599" Petitions are available at the SCRP Office: 
2114 Riverside Dr, Suite 206, Mount Vernon
. We are open Mon - Fri: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Call us at (360) 424-9792 - MORE INFO: Reject5599.com


Article / Video: Washington to Castrate Minors Without Parental Consent as UN Pushes Legalized Pedophilia

Unconscionable. After Gov. Inslee faced outrage for releasing violent sexual offenders from McNeil Island into communities across WA, he VETOED community notice for sexually violent predator relocation. Legislative Democrats are still silent...Video

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Gas prices are up over 87 cents a gallon since Legislative Democrats' carbon taxes were enacted this year (SB 5126 in 2021). Legislative Republicans wanted to reduce gas prices (SB 5756) instead of adding more pain at the pump. Article

In the wake of legalization, research into cannabis and its severe effects has exploded. We now know more about the drug than ever before, with new bad news studies published on a near constant basis, as Marijuana is linked to mental health risks. Article

Judge blocks Seattle from making vandalism arrests, citing censorship concerns. “This means that until further order of the Court, SPD cannot take action on damage to property under this law,” a news release from the Seattle Police Department reads. “This is not a matter within SPD or City discretion; we are bound by the court order as it is written.” Article

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Financial Hardship Surges as Cost-of-Living Crisis Squeezes Workers

WA gas prices now highest in U.S. - Blame Democrat new climate legislation

WA most expensive state to buy gas for first time in history

State Democrats promised it would not be that expensive; they lied! Gas in Washington is now $2 higher than the national average, higher than even the gas in communist California. But crazy, indoctrinated Marxists say, "It's still too cheap, and it needs to be even more expensive." And we are talking about tripling the price you are complaining about. Make oil black gold again. Are you feeling me? We need to tax/price the pump right out of profitability. The future will have a chance if gas today costs an arm and a leg." Article

Washington now has the highest gas prices in the nation and thieves are working harder to steal it

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Mike Davis: "This is not your parents or grandparents Democratic party, these are Marxists!"

2/3 of Americans believe public education is “on the wrong track." The radical Left has endless organizations that push their ideology on the American people. This led to parents going face-to-face with school boards and teachers' unions. The outrage in recent years stems from efforts to deprive parents of the right to consent for their children. Leftists are fighting to push their radical ideology on children, and they want the parents to sit back and watch it happen.

Conservative groups are popping up all across the country to fight for parental rights. Moms for Liberty was founded by Tiffany Justice and Tina Descovich in 2021. The group is “empowering parents” to fight against the radical changes that have been happening in schools. Article

Five signs Biden's campaign has Democrats in full panic mode - Democrats are in full panic mode because the Biden pitch is a real sinker

Biden’s 2024 Campaign Struggles to Raise Money, Causing Democrats to Panic

Biden Administration's crippling regulations ALREADY costing every family $10,000 a year extra - May reach $60,000 per household in a 2nd term. As of the end of 2022, the Biden administration imposed new regulatory costs on American households and businesses at a pace surpassing that of the Obama administration during a comparable period. Article

VIDEO: More Biden and Fetterman nonsensical ramblings - Both show complete mental collapse at event. CNN commentator wonders which one is more retarded...

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Rock bottom: Kamala hits worst VP favorability rating in poll history - Even lower than Vice Presidents Joe Biden, Dick Cheney and Al Gore. Article

Presidential Preference Poll Results: The WA State GOP conducted a two-week poll asking who they would support for President in the upcoming 2024 election. Over 2,000 GOP loyalists responded. Here are the Top 5 finishers: Trump 28.6%, DeSantis23.5%, Scott 12.4%, Haley, 10%, Ramasway 8.3%

A CBS national poll shows Trump has widened his lead in the GOP primary following the DOJ's indictment of him. Surveying 1,798 potential voters, Trump has 61 % support in the Republican primary, leading DeSantis 23%, by 38 points. Article

The latest NBC News national poll finds Trump has expanded his lead on all GOP challengers - 51% of Republican primary voters nationwide now pick Trump over DeSantis (22%). Trump has increased his lead by 7% since the Bragg Indictments from previous NBC poll. Article

A new Fox Nationwide News poll shows DeSantis trails Trump by 50 points among voters under the age of 45 (64%-14%). All ages: Trump over DeSantis 56%-22%. Article

Charlie Kirk Video: 2024 Electoral Map Heavily Favors Republicans to Win the Presidency

WORTH THE WATCH: Last Saturday President Trump gave an amazing speech and also received the "Man of Decade" award from the Oakland County Michigan GOP.  Video

"We will LIBERATE America from these VILLAINS once and for all." Video / Article

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Vivek Ramaswamy is a son of Indian immigrants, a youthful millennial, a successful biotech business founder, the best-selling author of “Woke, Inc.: Inside Corporate America’s Social Justice Scam,” and one of the most fresh and energetic Republicans to get on the national stage, and also is incredibly passionate about our country’s founding ideals.

Vivek says: "There’s nothing more wonderful than to study the great ideas that founded our country, do my best to live by and honor them, and then go out and engage in the public arena to promote and protect them. What America stands for is on every coin we mint: Liberty; In God We Trust; and E Pluribus Unum. Built on these pillars, ours is the only country whose name is used to describe a kind of dream that waves of immigrants want desperately to make real – the American Dream." Article

Vivek Ramaswamy Speech at CPAC 2023: What it means to be an American - "I'm all in on America first"

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The House voted to censure Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) for allegations he abused the trust of his constituents by pushing the theory former President Donald Trump colluded with Russia in the 2016 election. Article

Adam Schiff Gets Torched With Facts By Rep. Anna Paulina Luna [VIDEO]

In the days leading up to J6 trusted sources say that Mike Pence wasn’t going to contest the rigged electoral college results. He cut a deal with the Koch fundraising network to be their lead horse in 2024 if he backstabbed Trump and the MAGA movement in 2020. To those that say he didn’t have the power to contest fraudulent ballots and allow state legislatures to conduct further review, then why did they change the Electoral College Act in 2022 to explicitly state the VP could no longer facilitate that exact process? POST


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The people who told you that the 2020 election was “the most secure election in history” — which includes the federal government, the GOP, the Democrat Party, and what’s left of America’s corporate media — are having a very tough year pushing their Big Lie.

For one thing, the cheating in Arizona’s 2022 midterms was too obvious and too brazen to be covered up. For example: almost 10 million people have seen this video on Twitter from Kari’s Lake campaign account — it’s getting difficult to gaslight a majority of the American people about their rigged election system. Article

'Critical vulnerabilities' exposed in Dominion voting machines – so media change tune

Institutional election fraud has limitations. Those limitations are quantifiable — we know about how many built-in phantom votes and addresses exist in each swing state. We can pretty much quantify, via the Undeliverable Ballot Database, every location, in any county in America — where a ballot will be sent in 2024 — and not have an intended, legitimate recipient.

Election rolls hide the county registrar's interference — like changing addresses (Arizona) or adding a fake street (Florida) because nobody has real-time visibility vis-à-vis those rolls. 

Republicans, or other insurgents like RFK Jr., can be made to lose by less than 1% pretty much any time. The system is stymied, however, once a candidate wins by 5% or more.  Above 5%, stuff becomes visible. The Kari Lake election trial showed signatures that did not come close to matching unless the signatory was on hallucinating drugs.  Printers gone wild with fake instructions not to work on the correct ballot size.  

If the insurgent wins big, election fraud infrastructure breaks down. One must shut down the election apparatus around 11:00 P.M. because the trend lines show not enough ballots to overcome the growing margins. There needs to be a white truck delivering more ballots while teams erect cardboard along the windows so nobody can see what is happening. Sound familiar? Article

Rigging elections and all of the recent shocking facts about the Biden Crime Family go hand in hand. Refusing to address the volumes of evidence of the Biden Family taking bribes from foreign countries, was a form of election interference. This interference was perpetuated by the media, politicians, Big Tech, and Democrats. Article

New polling has found that a majority of Americans expect there will be cheating and voter fraud in the 2024 election. Why? Maybe it has something to do with Democrats and the media saying that Russia interfered with the 2016 election, then claiming that that the 2020 election was the most secure in history, even though many people had questions about the outcome. The Washington Examiner reports: Voters see ‘cheating’ everywhere, 54% expect it in 2024 election.

Claims of cheating in elections that once drew eye-rolling from most are now accepted by a majority of voters who believe it happened in recent elections and will occur again. What’s more, sizable percentages of partisans believe state and federal officials have ignored reports of cheating and widespread election fraud, a situation that gained currency after the 2020 national election delivered a "victory" to Biden.

Rasmussen Reports 56% believe officials have been ignoring reports of cheating that has had an effect on results. That includes 44% of Democrats and 74% of Republicans. The survey also said 52% of likely voters believe cheating affected the 2022 midterm elections that delivered a much smaller victory to Republicans than polls predicted. Even 41% of Democrats agreed…Article

Proof by the numbers: Joseph Fried - An Auditor’s View of Election Integrity Auditor, CPA, MBA – Shocked by statistical anomalies he saw in the 2020 elections

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Evidence shockingly suggests that the FBI is shielding two firms closely tied to the Chinese government, which have financed and developed an American election software company for the past 15 years, all while transferring confidential election data back to China. Post

Everybody Knows Our Elections Are Fake Now - Those who cannot remember the past elections of 2016 and 2020 are doomed to repeat them in 2024. Did these people fall asleep during the 2022 midterms when the electronic voting machines in Maricopa County stopped working only in the GOP precincts?

Were these people napping during the 2020 election when counting was halted in six swing states simultaneously? Did these people neglect to read the Durham report — which confirmed that the FBI took a dumb lie from the Hillary Clinton campaign that Donald Trump was a Russian asset and ran with it for 4 years to deliberately paralyze the Trump Administration?

You know — that “whole of government” campaign that was conducted using America’s corporate media as an accomplice to stop Trump’s second term and install Biden? That little thing we called reality that has turned our nation into a banana republic...Article

The real reason Democrats secretly embrace rigged elections - Exposing the primary war strategy the Left is using to turn America upside down. The Democratic Party has long smiled on election fraud and abuse. Dems indefensible opposition to Voter ID laws, their expansion of Election Day into “Election Month,” their flat-out unconstitutional alteration of state election laws, their promotion of universal vote-by-mail with the simultaneous abandonment of traditional safeguards, their perverse opposition to cleaning voter rolls and a multitude of other strategies all testify to their love affair with election fraud. Article

Feds’ ‘Treasonous’ Interference Is A ‘Direct Attack’ On U.S. Elections - Several leading Republican election officials are sounding the alarm about the federal gov's persistent interference in U.S. elections. Jay Ashcroft and Mac Warner, the Secretaries of State of Missouri and West Virginia, are increasingly worried about the mounting evidence documenting federal agencies’ interference in prior elections to the benefit of the DNC.

Ashcroft pointed to the long-awaited Durham report that confirmed the FBI possessed no real evidence that Trump colluded with Russian government officials when it launched its investigation into his campaign leading up to the 2016 election. The political investigation was “based on raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence” — would continue throughout the 2016 election and well into Trump’s presidency. This type of behavior from government agencies “is what you expect out of a banana republic,” Ashcroft said. “It is a direct attack on a foundational aspect of our country, that being fair, free elections, the largest purveyor of misinformation and disinformation with regard to elections [over the course of] the last several years has been the federal government.” Article

Macro view of the Four - How to spot the difference between algorithms by using scatterplots

How This Legal Group Plans To Halt Democrats’ Jihad Against Election Integrity Laws Ahead Of 2024

Garland Favorito Explains Massive Cover Up Of Election Integrity Report By Government

The Biden Administration is intervening to prevent the release of documents revealing the extent to which deep state actors and their third-party allies interfered in the 2020 presidential election by pushing social media censorship. The government seems particularly eager to stop the release of documents pertaining to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and the closely linked Election Integrity Partnership (EIP), both of which are under intense scrutiny for their 2020 interference efforts. Article

VIDEO: James O' Keefe FEC Update: Lawsuit alleging Chinese ties to ActBlue scheme pending in Washington D.C.

We continue to have a big problem. The Federal Election Commission website (fec.gov) past years’ archived, downloaded, campaign finance donor data, keeps changing with donor data being purged on a regular basis. If you are researching data in the fec.gov website using the exact same parameter fields to check ONLY PAST YEARS’ (2017-2022) campaign donor information, you should not see ARCHIVED DATA constantly changing. A campaign reporting website like this is ripe for manipulation and fraud, it allows for potential election interference, election tampering, electioneering, and the concealment of money laundering keeping oligarchs in power. Article  /  PODCAST

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WASHINGTON: Bill Bruch Substack: Washington State Sham and Scam Election "Audits" That Are Not Audits 

Washington State Election Fake "Recounts" That Are Not Recounts  - Podcast

Captain Seth Keshel: "I’ve made a final determination; Washington State had the most fraudulent election of 2020 - Per Elector. With 590,000 excess votes spread over 12 electors, that comes out to 49,000 + fraudulent votes per elector. My numbers show DJT within 6 points there."Article

Foreign national avoids prosecution in Clark County, WA after illegally voting 28 times

After the 2022 election recounts several ballot counting errors were discovered in Clark County. 14 counting errors were discovered within the 2,404 ballots in the machine recount for the Joe Kent for Congress campaign.

June 9th Rob Anderson went before the Clark County Superior Court and argued for discovery for the full records and documents that could show improper conduct regarding the February 7th dismissal of the election complaint filed with the SOS. VIDEO UPDATE.

NEW YORK: Researcher finds New York State voter rolls tied to algorithm. The algorithm is highly organized and shows intelligence and design. Article

Algorithm discovered in N.Y. State Voter Rolls


New Yorkers Demand Answers After Uncovering Hidden Anomalies in Voter Database

You don't have to exist as a corporeal human being to vote in New York

New York State Legislature Fails to Address Catastrophic Breach of State NYSVoter Rolls

NY Citizens Director Marly Hornik Exposes The Fraud and Tapering with the NY Elections -

The NY Voter Rolls are Massively Corrupted - 338,000 More Votes Than Voters! - Video

ARIZONA: Maricopa County wants to hold elections in secret - Refusing to divulge the names of individuals paid with taxpayer dollars to verify signatures in the 2022 election, including the 100+ secret employees who verified signatures concealed from public

Get your facts straight Maricopa County. The problem with telling so many lies is they will eventually come out. Maricopa County elections & elected officials have told too many lies. The election needs to be invalidated; it is clear election day voters were intentionally impeded. Article

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Maricopa County Couldn’t Get Their Story Straight About Signature Reviewer in 2022 Election Who “Verified” 33,000 Signatures in Average of 2.4 Seconds Each. Article / Video

Cyber Security Expert Clay Parikh Discusses Secret Machine Testing, Says “There Will Be MORE Videos Released Exposing Election Fraud in Maricopa County."

Stephen Richer, Who Sued Kari Lake for Defamation over Election Fraud Allegations, Brought up Similar Concerns Previously. The Maricopa County Recorder’s lawsuit is being paid for by the Protect Democracy Project, “a left-of-center litigation organization created to oppose the policies of President Donald Trump.” Article

Since when is it legal for Maricopa County to take bribes from left wing Billionaires to steal our elections? What exactly is the @AZHouseGOP and @AZSenateGOP going to do about it? This is how you expose Industrial Scale Election Fraud #DisenfranchiseTheCheaters. POST

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WISCONSIN: Election Integrity for Wisconsin: In a Stunning Move, Wisconsin Republicans Vote to Start the Removal Process of Administrator of Elections

100 Percent Voter Turnout: Massive Nursing Home Election Fraud | Facts Matter

WEC mails postcards to 116,000 inactive voters. Rep. Brandtjen, one of the most outspoken critics of elections in Wisconsin says the latest from the state’s Election Commission isn’t doing much to instill confidence among voters. Article

Peter Bernegger Tweet: Yep, same thing happened in Wisconsin. A few variations, but the theme is the same, this is how elections work. 1. County mails hundreds of thousands of ballots, 20% to bad addresses. 2. Harvesters collect them and drop at a leftist group. 3. The ballots are voted and signed. 4. Mules drop them into drop boxes. 5. County ignore signature verification. Post

See the two circled in red in picture below - They work for the CIA. See previous tweet on the connection to Wisconsin counties (and maybe your county in your state). Think: if you know the vote count around 9pm-10pmCST at night, then you know how many ballots to feed in for the "win". All you need is for someone to stop the vote counting in some swing states. Or for a waterpipe to burst. Or for machines to fail for a bit, while white vans pull up with more ballots. We have an affidavit of an eyewitness who saw Claire Woodall-Vogg in the city of Milwaukee bring in more ballots around 11pm on Nov.3rd, 2020. This was shortly after she sent Republican observers home...POST

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NORTH CAROLINA: NC Senate Passes 2 Major Election Reforms. SB749 will split the state governing board along party lines, with appointments coming from elected leaders. Under SB747, changes in policy would need to be BIPARTISAN. Article

The North Carolina State Board of Elections (NCSBE) flagged more than 1,400 registered voters as foreign nationals prior to the 2014 midterm elections, records obtained by the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) reveal. Article

VIRGINIA: Two Distinct Types of Ranked Choice Voting. Multi-winner RCV system, such as the primary in Alaska, from a single winner RCV system. Both are flawed, confusing, and they both potentially disenfranchise the plurality. Article

GEORGIA: Spalding County Commissioners Vote 5 - 0 to Return to Paper Ballots - Commissioners push to defund electronic voting systems. Spalding County Board of Elections now has consent to take whatever action they deem reasonably prudent to carry out open, fair and transparent elections, to include using paper ballots instead of the flawed machines. Article

VIDEO: Garland Favorito Walks Through Election Machine Report Hidden By Government Showing How Votes Can Be Flipped

Halderman Report Released in Georgia – Confirms VOTES CAN BE ALTERED Through Defective Dominion Voting Machines – Raffensperger Hid This From Public

Georgia Patriots Discuss Massive Ballot, Vote, and Voter Roll Manipulation across the State. Since 2021, Georgia Patriots have analyzed Georgia Secretary of State files. This video discusses massive manipulation of ballots, votes, and voter rolls.

The infamous Bilderberg Group just had a meeting in Portugal where Stacey Abrams AND the head of CISA AND the head of ODNI were invited together -- but you think you're going to vote in a free and fair election in 2024? VIDEO

GEORGIA GOP & PENCE all knew there was fraud going into 2020 and they have NO intention of fixing it for 2024. VIDEO

FLORIDA: North Miami Beach Democrat Mayor Arrested for Illegal Voting, Faces Up to 15 Years in Prison. North Miami Beach Democrat Mayor Anthony DeFillipo was arrested on and charged with three felony counts of illegal voting. DeFillipo cast ballots in a North Miami Beach district despite no longer residing in the area. Each count carries a five-year prison sentence, $5,000 in fines, and five years probation. Article


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PENNSYLVANIA: A former Congressman pled guilty (and was sentenced to 30 months in prison) for stuffing ballot boxes for Democratic Party candidates. Michael J. Myers was caught up in a scheme of bribing local judges in order for them to alter the actual election results for certain Democratic candidates. Article

Postal Service Releases Final Report - Contract Driver Jesse Morgan Vindicated - Report CONFIRMS He Hauled hundreds of thousands of Ballots in Trailer from NY to PA. Jesse’s testimony revealed that United States Post Office employees were in on the conspiracy to steal the votes. "In total I saw 24 gaylords, or large cardboard containers of ballots, loaded into my trailer. These gaylords contained plastic trays, I call them totes or trays of ballots stacked on top of each other. All the envelopes were the same size. I saw the envelopes had return addresses… They were complete ballots.” Article

TEXAS: Texas Reinstates Election Fraud as a Felony Crime with a Maximum 20-Year Prison Sentence. Gov. Greg Abbott signed a significant bill on Tuesday that intensifies the state’s stance against election fraud. The new law has reinstated election fraud as a serious criminal offense – a felony that carries a potential sentence of up to 20 years in prison. Abbott has been clear about his support for the new law, writing, “I signed a law that makes election fraud a felony in Texas. Voting illegally can lead to a 20-year sentence. Don’t mess with Texas elections.” Article

Gov. Abbott Signs Bill Allowing Texas To Withdraw From Leftist-Controlled Voter Roll ‘Maintenance’ Group ERIC

MICHIGAN: Michigan passed a ballot proposal to upend elections - Will move towards more absentee ballots, more private funding of elections, and less accountability. Article

New Report Alleges Ann Arbor Violated Michigan Election Laws During 2022 Midterms

A Michigan town has discovered almost 300 absentee ballots from the 2020 election sitting in a storage unit

TENNESSEE: Tennessee Election Integrity Group Hopes to Block Funding for ES&S Voting Machines

OHIO: How This Legal Group Plans To Halt Democrats’ Jihad Against Election Integrity Laws Ahead Of 2024

IDAHO: Idaho GOP Votes 137 to 79 In Favor Of Voting Rights Rule Change — Un-Elected, Private Groups No Longer Have Control Of The Idaho Republican Party. This is a massive victory for true conservative values. Private clubs have often fought against them, working to open the Idaho GOP to more moderates and outright leftists. Many of the Idaho Republican Women openly endorsed and campaigned for DemocratsArticle

The United States Postal Service is warning people to stop sending checks in the mail because of theft. But your ballot is TOTALLY safe...

The Keshel Method, Explained. I’m not an election denier, as ordained by our friends in the mainstream media.  I am simply one fraud affirmerout of many tens of millions in the United States today, and hundreds of millions around the world suffering under the most destructive presidential administration since the inception of that office. Article

The Shadowy 32% Are Undermining American Elections with Fraud Denial

RNC to launch campaign pushing Republicans to vote early in 2024 - The RNC 'Bank Your Vote' campaign will encourage Republicans to lock their votes in 'as early as possible'

Political hit-job Indictment Shows More Democrat DOJ Election Interference 

ELECTION DRAMA...Brazil Court Slaps Jair Bolsonaro With 8-Year Election Ban - Bolsonaro denied any wrongdoing and has already said he plans to appeal to the supreme court. “I’m not guilty. I didn’t commit any crime in meeting with ambassadors,” the former president insisted. “Now they accuse me and want to strip me of my political rights on an accusation of abuse of political power. People can’t get to understand.” Article

They're trying to silence Bolsonaro just like they're doing with Donald Trump and the MAGA movement - The establishment is scared. Video

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A little over two years ago, our nation started to resemble a science fiction movie. We had riots erupt spontaneously, simultaneously, and continuously across the country. A well-organized conspiracy appeared possible, as pre-positioned pallets of riot materials were found at riot locations, and evidence emerged of paid rioters being flown around the country for the purpose of instigating mayhem. One might say, “insurrection.”

Medical professionals suddenly behaved as if they had taken an anti-Hippocratic oath, swearing to harm as much as possible, to not obtain informed consent, and to coerce patients into becoming victims by injecting them with substances now known to be injurious or fatal. Article

The federal bureaucracy is a smoldering smorgasbord of corruption, incompetence, and pride flag-waving wokeness, and the big questions for the next Republican president are where to start fixing it and how. There are a few things that need to happen day one to begin imposing our iron discipline upon the out-of-control derp state – pardons for every persecuted victim of the two-tiered “justice” system, orders to comply with all GOP investigatory subpoenas immediately, and firing Chris Wray. But defeating the unofficial fourth branch of government requires focus and intensity. Article

The FBI was, in fact, biased in its attack on President Donald Trump during the 2016 election, when the bureau worked with the DOJ and Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton's campaign to falsify the "Russiagate" collusion claims against him. That's according to Special Counsel John Durham, whose recent report concluded the investigation was based on zero evidence, and the FBI didn't even follow its own procedures in its pursuit of Trump. Article

John Durham: There Was No Evidence Of Trump-Russia Collusion To Open Investigation

Things Get Heated Between Matt Gaetz & John Durham - "You’re Protecting Them"

The Parliamentary Motive Behind the J6 Fedsurrection - WOW! The reason Pelosi made Jan 6 happen! Why she turned down Trump's offer of Nat'l Guard to prevent the debacle. Why she had FBI provocateurs in the crowd to incite rioting. Just WOW! Article

There is no stronger evidence of the corruption of the Deep State, specifically The U.S. DOJ, than the sweetheart deal they made with criminal Hunter Biden. The DOJ has been compromised. Now we have even more proof! This deal is all the words: outrageous, unfair, shocking, dangerous, hypocritical, cover-up, frustrating. Article

The modern state, among other things, is an engine of propaganda, manufacturing crises and claiming to be the only instrument that can effectively deal with them. Article

A Primer for the Propagandized - Fear Is the Mind-Killer. Those who gradually and gleefully sacrifice their freedoms, their autonomy, their individuality, their livelihoods, and their relationships on the altar of the “common good” have forgotten this is the pattern followed by every totalitarian regime in history. 

Everyone wonders how ordinary Germans could have been manipulated to participate or stand dumbstruck while their government was transformed into a genocidal juggernaut. This is how. Read Sebastian Haffner’s Defying Hitler memoir to see how this can happen here. Article

Dem Rep. Stacey Plaskett Calls For Trump To Be Shot Before Immediately Correcting Herself

U.S. Government Phycological Warfare Operations Exposed

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The DOJ and others of authority have declared war on the US Constitution, the American people and the future of our Republic. Never has a more brazen and lawless act been publicly working against the American people. They are trying to completely remove the leading Presidential Candidate for the Republican Party, who legally won but had the 2020 election stolen. Article

Trump responds to indictment. "This is indeed a DARK DAY for the United States of America. We are a Country in serious and rapid Decline, but together we will Make America Great Again! THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION IS TOTALLY CORRUPT. THIS IS ELECTION INTERFERENCE & A CONTINUATION OF THE GREATEST WITCH HUNT OF ALL TIME." Article

WA DC HERO’S WELCOME! Crowds Cheer When Trump Says Indictments are ‘Badge of Courage -"Our enemies are waging war on faith and freedom on science and religion, on history and tradition, on law and democracy, on God Almighty himself. That’s not a war they’re gonna win.” Article / Video

LEGAL PRECEDENT: Under the Presidential Records Act a President is the sole arbiter in determining whether a record is government property of the President's personal property (26 min into video here).

ANOTHER BOGUS INDICTMENT - NO PROOF OF WRONGDOING: The DOJ is so afraid of Trump they have to fabricate charges against him. Video

Trump Indictment, Two-Tier System of Justice, and What This Means for America. From Russiagate to impeachment No. 1 to impeachment No. 2 to the weaponization of the Jan. 6 committee to the cover-up of the Hunter Biden laptop scandal. What does all this mean for America? Kash Patel Video Interview

Proof It Was a Setup? Trump Was 1st POTUS in 40 Years Who Feds Didn’t Help Archive Classified Docs, Attorneys Say. Article

The Justice Department’s use of the Espionage Act of 1917 as the basis of the indictment of Donald Trump would be laughable if it wasn’t such a blatant attempt to further the Russian collusion hoax. The official rationale for the Espionage Act was to crack down on wartime activities considered dangerous or disloyal that would assist America’s enemies, but Wilson used it to stifle any criticism of the war, crush anti-war activists and prosecute draft-dodgers. Article

Kari Lake: People are furious at the Biden DOJ - Trump's gonna root them out and clean them up, they know at all costs to bring him down. Video Interview

DA Alvin Bragg Sued After Refusing to Release Trump Case Records. The Heritage Foundation think tank filed two Freedom of Information Law lawsuits against the Manhattan prosecutor, alleging that he and his office coordinated with Rep. Daniel Goldman (D-N.Y.), the White House, and the Department of Justice (DOJ) about the prosecution targeting Trump. Article

Details Emerge on US Government Spying on Americans

DEMOCRAT DOJ BANANA REPUBLIC: Judge SUPPRESSES Evidence in Jan. 6th Trial. Oath Keepers’ Stewart Rhodes Sentenced to 18 Years in Prison - Former law enforcement helping capital police against Antifa Rioters. Using a Civil War Statute or political incitements - Ridiculous Domestic Terrorism and Kangaroo Courts. Government writing playbook taking away our Constitutionally protected rights and criminalizing free speech. Julie Kelly Interview

IT WAS ALL A LIE: Here are Six Videos that Show Capitol Police Moving Barricades, Opening Sets of Locked Doors, Waving in Trump Supporters on January 6th

It Was All A Set-Up - WATCH fateful moment senate door unlocks allowing hundreds in the Capitol on January 6th

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Jessica Watkins and other Oath Keeper members were set-up and entrapped by a federal agent organizing activity under the username “1% Watchdog.” Article

DOJ Used Paid Informants and Edited, Chopped and Spliced Video to Indict J6er - DOJ is a vicious security arm of the Democrat Party. A US veteran was found guilty in November on crimes she never committed. The corrupt DC Judge would not allow Jessica or her fellow defendants to cross-examine the fraudulent fed informants who lied about her during trial. Now she sits in prison for crimes she never committed. Article

Jan 6 Committee Presented Footage with Democrat Led Doctored Audio During Primetime Hearings. John Solomon released unedited January 6 footage that proves the Jan 6 Select Committee presented footage with doctored audio. Solomon — who was one of three journalists granted access to the footage by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, shared the unedited footage. It turns out the uncut footage was completely silent with none of the sounds added in by the committee’s production team.

The latest released footage details some of the work done by former ABC News producer James Goldston, who was hired by the committee to spice up the footage for primetime hearings. Goldston was tapped as a “secret adviser” to help convert documents, audio recordings, and video surrounding the day’s events into compelling television. Article / Video

FBI Testimony Claims Cell Data of January 6th Pipe Bomber Corrupted - Interesting that we never found the January 6th pipe bomber, even though there is video footage of the person who placed / found them. Also, important seconds were missing from video footage and suspicious ties that the woman who found the pipe bombs has to the FBI. Video

John Solomon Interview: Pelosi committee doctored Jan 6 footage by adding audio - Jan 6th was scripted and fake like a Hollywood movie, Pelosi's daughter filming a movie...

The January 6 Committee Hearing Doctored Video & Added Audio To Make It Appear More Violent. I want everyone to grasp the depth of corruption this takes in order to do something like this. Article/Video

January 6th defendant Daniel Goodwyn was sentenced to 60 days in federal prison last month - He did not commit any violence. He did not commit any vandalism. He did not assault any police officers. All he did was walk into the Capitol. So why was he imprisoned? Because the weaponized U.S. Gov. is doing everything they can to stifle dissent. Article

Jan. 6 Defendants and Prisoners Raise Thousands in Donations the Government Wants to Confiscate. The U.S, Government is now trying to confiscate money collected by Jan. 6 defendants and prisoners through crowdfunding platforms. Article

Mike Davis Video Interview: Republicans Finally Getting Serious About Oversite - Demanding Subpoenas Of The Treasury 

House Oversight Chair to Treasury Sec. Yellen: Provide All Suspicious Activity Reports Regarding Bidens. The House Oversight Committee and its Chairman, James Comer (R-KY), have been relentless in pursuing information into bribery allegations against Joe Biden and the questionable overseas business deals of his son Hunter. However, the administration has been resistant to transparency and generally slow-walks Comer’s requests or simply ignores them.

Wednesday the Committee blasted off a letter to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen demanding that her department provide “all suspicious activity reports (SARs) related to Burisma executives & entities to help further our investigation into the Biden bribery scheme.” They added, “The FBI sat on these allegations for years. We’re not.” Article

Tulsi Gabbard: "Every banana republic or dictatorship has a two-tiered justice system: the ‘in crowd’ like Hunter Biden get a slap on the wrist, while dictators use federal law enforcement and govt institutions as their own personal goon squad to go after political opponents. This is the sad state of affairs in America today." Video

Trump Skyrockets in Polls After Indictment; New York Pushes Reparations. Former President Donald Trump may have sealed his spot as the nominee for the Republican Party, thanks to the indictment over allegations he took classified documents while president. Polling data shows Trump has jumped far ahead of his competition. Video

RNC Vows to Stand By Trump Despite Push Back Amid Indictment

Have the Deep State & Democrats overplayed their hand?

WATCH: John Kerry Admits Iraq War Was a ‘Lie’.

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Bannon: Biden-McCarthy Deal Set Trajectory for $50 Trillion in National Debt - 80 Trillion in spending over the next two years. Video

Pentagon announces 'accounting error' provides extra $6.2 billion for Ukraine

Globalist RINO Kemp Promoting Georgia as Welcoming Home For CCP Companies - Videos, websites and personnel all aimed at getting China companies to place locations within Georgia. Georgians are finding it hard to understand Kemp's trip to Davos, his reluctance to discuss his meetings while there, and now the promotion of organizations tied to, or indeed controlled by, a communist regime. It seems nothing could be further from the ideals of Georgia's residents. Article

The Decline and Fall of the FBI with Thomas J. Baker: How long is the FBI going to be a threat to Democracy and acting like a Democrat Political Super PAC? Audio Interview

FBI 'afraid' informant could be killed over Biden family information if unmasked: Congresswoman Luna - The informant has accused President Biden of having been involved in an international bribery scheme

VIDEO: Durham Report Reveals The Corporate Press Playbook | They Do This For Every Major Topic

Biden paid $5M by a high-level Burisma executive as part of a bribery scheme. Sen. Grassley reveals Ukrainian oil exec who bribed Joe Biden w/$5 M kept 2 secret recordings of calls w/him about the deal & 15 recordings w/Hunter. Why the DOJ indicted Trump in the same week this was declassified. IT’S A COVERUP. Article

VIDEO: Chanel Rion and One America News Exposes the Biden Bribery Scandal with Testimony from Ukrainian Officials

Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s first Twitter show went viral, generating more than 85 million “views” in less than 24 hours. In a 10-minute-long monologue“The Media Lies, and Nobody knows what’s happening. A small group of people control accesses to all relevant information. And the rest of us don’t know. We’re allowed to yap all we want about racism, but go ahead and talk about something that really matters and see what happens. If you keep it up, they’ll make you be quiet. Trust us. That’s how they maintain control,” Carlson stated. Video

The Monologue That Got Tucker Carlson Fired - April 24th, Fox News stopped Tucker from exposing Ray Epps, Jen Psaki & AOC in this never-released opening speech.

Excerpt: Members of Congress aren’t allowed to talk like this. The Constitution of the United States prohibits it. American citizens have an inalienable right to critique and criticize their political leaders. Our politicians are not gods. They’re instruments of the public’s will. They serve the rest of us, not the other way around. For that obvious reason, politicians can never censor our speech or try to control what we think. That unchanging fact is the basis of our founding documents, of our political system and our personal freedoms. Article

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China Controlled Fox News notified Tucker Carlson’s lawyers that the former anchor violated his contract with the network by launching his new show on Twitter, according to an inside source. The accusation sets up potential legal action between Carlson and the network amidst the public battle between the two.

“Fox defends its very existence on freedom of speech grounds. Now they want to take Tucker Carlson’s right to speak freely away from him because he took to social media to share his thoughts on current events," Carlson’s lawyer said. Article

Taliban And China Consider Stronger Banking Cooperation: While Beijing does not have formal diplomatic relations with the Taliban government, China is one of the only countries to have maintained a diplomatic presence in Kabul after the Taliban regained control of the country after Washington's calamitous withdrawal in August 2021. Article

"KILL AMERICANS" - China's New Education Campaign in School

XVanFleet: Indoctrination in Communist China & Communist America. "In China kids are taught to be ready to sacrifice themselves for the CCP. The kids wear dynamite packs to emulate a Communist martyr who was a suicide bomber. In America kids are taught to be angry activists/revolutionaries to fight for the radical causes of the Democratic Party." POST

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Jesse Kelly explains the communist infiltration of our country on the heels of the release of his new book, "The Anti-Communist Manifesto."  Video

The Chinese spy balloon that flew over sensitive U.S. military bases is back in the spotlight. A new investigation revealed it used American equipment to help its intel-gathering. Video

Sebastian Gorka AMERICA First Video: Pence Unfit to Serve, is lying about January 6th

What the FBI Deputy Director Said About the Biden Bribe Allegations Should Worry Everyone - The FBI did itself no favors at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. Deputy Director Paul Abbate faced a grilling from multiple senators about the bureau running amok, citing how investigations are now soaked in bias and their surveillance operations heading way off the reservation regarding its legal parameters. The FBI has been exposed for suppressing exculpatory evidence to obtain illegal FISA spy warrants on associates of Donald Trump during the 2016 election. They knew the Steele Dossier was bogus but kept that tidbit hidden to continue their unlawful wiretapping operation. Article

The Corrupt DOJ and Biden Crime Family Can't Get Away With This

Biden’s Crime Family may have accepted in excess of $40 million from foreign nationals in exchange for favorable policy decisions, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer suggested Wednesday. Article

STOLEN ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES: The Elder Abuse of Joe Biden Is a National Crisis. For the entirety of his 2020 presidential campaign and the 28 months of his presidency, Joe Biden has been a sick man. During the campaign, he was so feeble that his political handlers kept him locked in the basement. His public events were infrequent and his rare media interviews were usually marked with embarrassing gaffes. His problems have only gotten worse during his presidency. His feebleness was on display when he tripped on stage and tumbled face first at the Air Force Academy’s commencement ceremony. Article 

Joe Biden Loses His Mind on Air, Claims to Have Been a Senator for 370 Years

VIDEO: Two men that cannot complete a sentence - Whose idea was it to have John Fetterman introduce Joe Biden?

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Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., introduced articles of impeachment against Joe Biden on claims that he mishandled his "constitutional duty to secure our southern border." Article

VIDEO INTERVIEW: THE NEW MEDIA ERA IS HERE Donald Trump Jr. Live w/ Journalist James O'Keefe, ActBlue FEC Corruption, Plus Biden Corruption in Full Focus 

The feds already have all the evidence they need to charge Biden with bribery to change our policy in Ukraine. Article

How the GOP and Religious Voters Go Hand in Hand, While the Democratic Party Is the Party of Godlessness - History Shows that Eventually Faith Always Wins Out

Kids Ordered to Stop Singing National Anthem Inside U.S. Capitol

Millennials Are Starting to Shift to the Right

Joe Biden admits and brags about selling out our country because he's losing his mind or because he simply thinks he's above the law? Both are true. This crook has no business being in the White House. Video

Biden's Afghanistan catastrophe is widely considered the most disastrous American military blunder in recent history - Biden lies, says "I was right." Article

New LEAK Exposes Merrick Garland's Role in Protecting Biden Crime Family - A.G. Merrick Garland got exposed. There appears to be even more Biden crime family money out there. Video

Kevin McCarthy says he'll start impeachment of AG Merrick Garland by July 6 over bombshell IRS whistleblower testimony that he interfered in criminal investigation into Hunter Biden. Hunter Biden sent a WhatsApp to Communist Party official Henry Zhao on July 30, 2017, threatening him to follow his 'orders' and saying his dad was with him. Article

Republicans on the Select Committee on the CCP as well as Representative Elise Stefanik (R., N.Y.), chair of the House Republican Conference, are urging Secretary of State Antony Blinken not to renew an agreement between the U.S. and China that provides for scientific and technological cooperation. Article

Zuckerberg makes deadly admission about Facebook's evil 'fact-checkers' - The ugly truth is finally emerging about the deadly darkness caused by Facebook and its Phony 'Fact-Checkers' out of the mouth of Mark Zuckerberg himself. Article

Elon Musk reveals former Twitter employee who colluded with DHS to censor James O'Keefe now works for Google. Department of Homeland Security official Brian Scully admitted to working alongside Twitter to censor the journalist during a deposition. Article / Video

Conservatives Are Winning the Boycott Against Woke Companies - Go woke, go broke - That phrase couldn't ring any more accurate than it does now. Conservatives on the forefront of the battle in boycotting companies that push the Left's pride propaganda are winning as woke companies see a massive downfall in sales. Article

A newly amended bill in California would treat parents’ refusal to “affirm” their children’s gender identity as a violation of health, safety, and welfare. Under California's AB957, a parent could lose custody for not "affirming" whatever their child believes about their gender. Here, the bill author defends this bill. Article

What Democrat State is the worst in the Country? New York may now top them all - NYC Vending Machines Offer Free Crack Pipes and Narcan for Drug Users. These vending machines, placed in some of the city’s most drug-ridden neighborhoods, provide drug-related supplies instead of conventional snacks like candy bars and potato chips. The N.Y. Health and Mental Hygiene Commissioner stated that 2023 is projected to be the worst year ever for overdoses, with a New Yorker succumbing to drugs every 3 hours. Article

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HERE WE GO AGAIN: N.Y. Governor Kathy Hochul: One million N95 masks will be made available at state facilities - 400,000 will be distributed to New Yorkers at @MTA stations, @PABusTerminal, @NYStateParks & @Javitscenter. 600,000 will be available from @NYSDHSES stockpiles for local governments to pick up. Twitter Post

CDC confirms heart disease risk soars 13,200 percent among vaccinated - Risk of myocarditis 133 times greater than background population

Megan Fox’s (who practices Satanic rituals) elementary school-aged sons dressed like girls, and reports are circulating that she taught and forced them to dress like girls even when they didn’t want to. Liz Wheeler breaks down the evil ideology that is at play here. Video

White House US Flag Code Pride Month Display Violates Section of the U.S. Flag Code that Mandates the American Flag be in the Center of Any Display Featuring Multiple National Flags or Pennants. Article

Biden flanked the transgender Progress Pride Flag with two American flags, also placing it higher and in the middle of the American flags violating the U.S. flag code. Not only is this anti-American, but it’s becoming very clear the other radical leftist are doing this deliberately. Video

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PRIDE SEATTLE? Leftist adults encourage children to throw “bricks” at Republicans - Trump, DeSantis, Cruz and others. Video

A video of NYC Drag marchers chanting “We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children” garnered 5 million views on Twitter and considerable criticism 

Sales Decline of Bud Light Down 28.5%. As Anheuser Busch continues supporting alphabet “pride” and transgender grooming rallies around the nation, the sales of their products continue declining. However, that did not stop the marketing and advertising sector from awarding “creative marketer of the year” to Anheuser Busch. Article

Gallup Poll: Over Two-Thirds of Americans Oppose Transgender Participation in Sports "A larger majority of Americans now (69%) than in 2021 (62%) say transgender athletes should only be allowed to compete on sports teams that conform with their birth gender. . … The survey also asked about Americans’ more general views on being transgender. A majority, 55%, consider 'changing one’s gender' to be more 'morally wrong.'  Article

Massive crowds protesting L.A. Dodgers honoring drag 'nuns': ‘World is over woke agenda’

John Kennedy Sums up the Senate Pride Hearing Perfectly

A newly amended bill in California would treat parents’ refusal to “affirm” their children’s gender identity as a violation of health, safety, and welfare. Article

MAGA gained serious power within the Georgia GOP leadership at State convention

President Trump spoke at the GA GOP State Convention and called the federal indictment against him regarding the classified documents “ridiculous” and “baseless.” It was his first public appearance since the 37 charges were unsealed. Everything the Democratic Party throws at Trump only makes him stronger. Trump drew a massive crowd of supporters that began lining up several hours before he took the stage. Article

Georgia State GOP gets new Election Integrity leadership

Trump popularity in Georgia on the rise - One year ago Rally recap: Donald Trump Speech: Talks Ukraine, Biden and trans athletes in Commerce, GA.

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SECRET DC UNIPARTY TO STOP DONALD TRUMP: Top Democrats and former Republicans met at a Washington, D.C. think tank in early June 2023 to discuss election interference strategies to block former President Donald J. Trump’s return to the White House. Article

20 Republicans Vote with Democrats – Refuse to Censure Serial Liar Adam Schiff – Here is the List of RINOs Who Voted with Democrats

Trump Rally Today in South Carolina - Tens of Thousands reported to be in attendance! - Christina Bobb Video of Massive Crowd    -  LIVE COVERAGE OF PRESIDENT TRUMP'S MAGA RALLY FROM PICKENS, SC

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Proof that the pandemic was planned with a purpose. All over the world, millions of medical professionals, lawyers, academics, scientists, journalists, politicians, human rights experts and other professionals say the Covid-19 pandemic was not a natural event, but an organized crime against humanity. Among these world leading experts are Nobel Prize winning scientists, former generals from the US military, award winning news reporters, world renowned archbishops, experts from the CDC, a former vice-president from Pfizer, and even presidents from large nations. Article

There was no pandemic - The lesson of "the pandemic" is to not trust the government. There are no "lessons to be learned from the pandemic" because there was no pandemic. We must let go of the limitations of this false “pandemic” construct that is labeled Covid-19. We need not take the bait that there was a pandemic that had to be dealt with. There was certainly a global hysteria, but it was a psychological hysteria The vast majority of the global population was not significantly threatened by this supposedly devastating disease. Article

CDC Chief KNEW COVID vaccine didn't work while pushing shots

A former regional manager for Starbucks was awarded $25.6 million after a federal jury in New Jersey unanimously found that she had been fired because of her race. Shannon Phillips, who is white, received $25 million in punitive damages and $600,000 in compensatory damages. Article

Robert Kennedy Jr.:"So they had to destroy ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and discredit it. And they had to tell everybody it’s not effective. Because if they had acknowledged that it’s effective in anybody, the whole $200 billion vaccine enterprise would have collapsed.”

The Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) “collaborated” with the Chinese military on coronavirus experiments in the years leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a report from the Director of National Intelligence. The WIV provided financial support and its staff conducted experiments from 2017 to 2019 to improve China’s understanding of viruses “for [the] defensive and biosecurity needs of the military,” according to the report. Article

THE NEW WORLD DISORDER - U.N. wants to demonetize everyone who speaks real truth
and Suppress Speech that does not fit 'Approved Narratives'

One year after the Supreme Court overturned the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling, so that each state can now determine its own laws regarding abortion, a majority of voters approve the decision. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of the court overturning Roe v. Wade, including 37% who Strongly Approve. 44% disapprove, 36% Strongly Disapprove of the decision. Article

The Trump-era Title 42 border policy ended May 11 as U.S. Border Patrol prepared for a flood of illegal migrants and the National Guard was called in to assist. Not only has the southern border seen a record number of illegal crossings in recent months, but in May, Border Patrol reported encounters with 29 terrorism suspects. It was a single-month record! Article

Jack Posobiec: "Why are over 85,000 children missing after crossing our southern border? Trafficker Getting Caught Crossing Border With Baby, To Sell Its Organs." Video

OMG Media's James O'Keefe released a MASSIVE story exposing BlackRock Inc. Their undercover journalist met with Serge Varlay, a recruiter at BlackRock and recorded him on hidden camera saying the following words: "It’s not who is the president, it’s who is controlling the wallet of the president. You can buy your candidates. First, there is the senators....these guys are f***ing cheap. Got 10 grand? You can buy a senator. I’ll give you 500k right now.....It doesn’t matter who wins they’re in my pocket.” “Ukraine war is good for business” and that “it’s exciting when s*** goes wrong,” and the “news....is propaganda." VIDEO

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SCOTUS found it unconstitutional to consider race in university admissions, eliminating the principal tool the nation’s most selective schools have used to diversify their campuses. The 6-3 decision will force a reworking of admissions criteria throughout American higher education, where for decades the pursuit of diversity has been an article of faith… “Eliminating racial discrimination means eliminating all of it. The student must be treated based on his or her experiences as an individual—not on the basis of race. Many universities have for too long done just the opposite. The 14th Amendment ensures that individuals receive equal protection of the laws from state agencies including public universities.” Chief Justice Roberts wrote for the court, joined by Justices Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett.  Article

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The Supreme Court dealt another blow to the Biden administration when it ruled 6-3 that the attempt to "forgive" student loan debt through the HEROES Act was impermissible and could not move forward — while also unanimously deciding to toss another challenge to Biden's student debt bailout. Article

HUGE VICTORY FOR FREE SPEECH: SCOTUS ruled in favor of the Colorado evangelical Christian web designer who had not wanted to be forced by the state to design websites for same-sex marriages. Article

SCOTUS deliverers a huge victory for Christian business owners! The Supreme Court held that a Colorado graphic designer who wants to make wedding websites does not have to create them for same-sex marriages. It is a landmark decision that pit the interests of LGBTQ non-discrimination against First Amendment freedom. Article

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Brandi Kruse was the Keynote Speaker at the Kitsap County GOP Lincoln / Reagan Day Dinner Saying: "I will admit something for the first time tonight: I am genuinely embarrassed by some of my early coverage of the pandemic. I lost sight of our most unalienable right – liberty – and I used my platform to encourage others to lose sight of it as well." Audio

Thank you to the Skamania County Republican Party for having me out to speak about Election Integrity at their Freedom Ring Lincoln / Reagan Day Dinner. It was an amazing event with over 100 good Conservative Patriots attending!

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Thanks to the City of Sedro-Woolley for Proclaiming the month of July to be American Proud Month - Celebrating our Constitutional Republic, the Founding of our Country, American Freedoms, and those who are Protecting it Every Day!

The Skagit County Republican Women normally meets the first Tuesday of the month from 10 am to noon at the Freedonia Grange 1225 McFarland Rd. Because of the July 4th holiday the group will be meeting Tuesday, July 11. For more information contact Connie Miller (360) 202-7575 or email scrwpres@outlook.com

The Skagit County Republican Party Central Committee meets in-person the second Saturday of every month from 10 AM to 11:30 AM at the Freedonia Grange, and on Zoom at 6 PM the fourth Wednesday of each month. Next meeting is Saturday, July 8th!

For all SCRP Events, see the Events page on the skagitrepublicans.com website.

Ballot Collection Drop Boxes are now available at the Mount Vernon SCRP Office, 2114 Riverside Drive Suite #206.

For more information, please contact SCRP Chairman Bill Bruch @ (360) 820-1700 or email: Chair@skagitgop.org.

Happy 4th of July Independence Day from the SCRP! Tuesday there will be parades held in Anacortes and Sedro-Woolley. Bring the whole family and support good local 2023 candidates!!

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Respect & Blessings!

Bill Bruch, SCRP Chairman


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