Just Water Alliance - Fighting For Water Rights In Skagit County

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Skagit citizens, farmers and property owners fighting for water rights.

The Just Water Allinance is a grassroots organization of Skagit citizens, farmers and landowners working for cooperative, sustainable water resource policy in the Skagit River watershed. Twenty years of back-room agreements intentionally excluding farmers and rural landowners have left our community without a long-range water resource plan. The Skagit watershed is a precious public trust that a select few are trying to control.
We demand representation for rural landowners and farmers on the Skagit River Flow Management Committee (SRFMC), the self-appointed body that controls water resource policy in the Skagit River watershed without public input or scrutiny.

Visit http://www.justwateralliance.org/ to learn more and watch an informative video of the situation land owners in the Fisher-Carpenter Basin face. 

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