March 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

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The 2023 Skagit County Republican Party's annual Lincoln / Reagan Day Gala will be held Saturday, June 10 at the spectacular Corporate Air Center in Burlington, 15452 Airport Drive (MAP). Our Keynote Speaker is Political Activist Glen Morgan of 'We The Governed' and special featured speaker is Semi Bird 'Republican Candidate for Governor.'

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VIP Meet & Greet: 4 PM - 5 PM

Dinner Program: 5 PM - 8 PM

Dancing: 8 PM - 9 PM

RSVP Tickets Avaiable Here. If you have items to donate for our Live or Silent Auctions, or any questions, please contact (360) 424-9792.

Glen Morgan was recently interviewed on Fox & Friends. Here is a link to watch: WASHINGTON STATE COMMUNITY OUTRAGE AT INSLEE AND HIS VIOLENT SEX PREDATOR RELEASE SCHEME 

Glen Morgan Interview of Homeless Whistleblower

The 2023 local election cycle is upon us, and we have a lot of work to do to combat the radicle left! There are more than 3,000 local offices in Washington State that are up for election this year - including important school boards, city councils, and commissioner races. The WSRP is committed to recruiting and training candidates for every single race and supporting them with our statewide network of grassroots teams - it takes a lot of people and resources to support every race.

In 2021, campaigns that had state party support had a 75%-win rate. The WSRP and the SCRP are committed to continue to expand the solid foundation built in 2021; by providing more training resources to more campaigns, expanding grassroots teams, and getting our message directly to voters who often overlook these vital local races.

2023 is another critical election cycle at the local levels. If you are interested in running for office or if you know someone interested in running for office, several important positions are available. For more info: / (360) 820-1700.

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State Dem Legislators Insist on Expanding Draconian Government Powers – Democrats have had years to reform our state’s flawed emergency powers law after years of Jay Inslee abusing those powers, Republicans have put forth reforms with HB 1535 & SB 5063, but Dems refuse to act. Worse yet, WA State Democrats continue to push terrible bills that increase taxes, further harm 'affordable housing' goals, and help codify election fraud into Washington's elections. Of no surprise Democrats are ignoring most bipartisan common-sense bills, and good Republican bills that would help families and businesses.

Instead, Radical Socialist Dems are fighting to implement totalitarian laws like:

HB 1333: Domestic Violent Extremism Commission. Establishing a comprehensive public health and community-based framework for responding to "Domestic Violent Extremism" under the State AG Office. More ridiculous nonsense being pushed by State Dems to further their misguided narrative. This proposed law does NOT include Whites or Christians and is Very Discriminatory! It is an assault against free speech and in truth is really about censorship!!

SB 5427: "Hate crimes and bias incidents" hotline, WA State AG office oversees people who have been targeted / affected by "hate crimes" or "bias incidents." This bill does not define what constitutes “hate crimes” or “bias incidents” and allows the AG to use this law as a political weapon against citizens and groups.

HB 1832: Vehicle Per Mile charge Road Usage Charge (RUC) Program beginning July 1, 2025, which places a 2.5 cent per mile fee on motor vehicle usage of public roadways. Jan 1, 2030, as target date for implementation of a comprehensive, mandatory RUC Program. Dems say fuel tax revenues are declining. THE FACTS SAY OTHERWISE: According to the Transportation Revenue Forecast Council, fuel tax taxes have been increasing and are on pace to increase for the next decade. 

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HB 1229 - Updating Processes Related to Voter Registration.  Another Election Fraud Bill! By automatically registering EVERYONE to vote at the DOL and other State Gov. offices, it will further corrupt the voter rolls with ineligible voters. These voters are shared with * ERIC (a 3rd party national centralized data base) and can be used (in other states) by nefarious actors adjusting the name and / or mailing address ever so slightly. These types of bills are appearing all over the US, Colorado, etc. and are coming from the national level, many are written by Voting Machine Vendors, Nat. Assoc of SOS / Auditors, Special Interest Lobby Groups, etc. HB 1229 also takes away dates of birth of the registered voter and replaces with only the year of birth on any PRR which makes proving fraudulent duplicate voters virtually impossible! By design this Election Fraud Bill also makes voter challenges and cleaning the voter rolls much more difficult! 

* Electronic Voter Registration Database (ERIC)

* ERIC Headquarters published address is 1201 Connecticut Ave NW Ste 600 in WA DC, where there are no employees, no servers, no real ERIC presence of any kind. The location is actually operated a company that offers virtual workspaces across the country and rents space by the day.

* ERIC is a private corporation, registered in Delaware. As such, ERIC has absolutely no accountability to member states who surrender their rights and autonomy when they offload their duties to third-party entities.

* ERIC was created with seed money from George Soros.

* ERIC requires member states to solicit eligible but unregistered voters.

* ERIC does not require member states to remove unqualified voters.
50% of states using ERIC have more registered voters than residents of voting age (Non-ERIC member states do a better job of maintaining their voter records).

* The ERIC agreement requires states to indemnify and hold harmless not only ERIC but all ERIC’s undisclosed and unregulated contractors, subcontractors, and agents.

* ERIC is NOT transparent and NOT subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

* ERIC data is exempt from Sunshine Laws (laws open to the public).

Threats to Election Integrity ERIC-CEIR-REVERE 

Secretary of State: ERIC address is vacant

Soros-funded ERIC Is A Vote-Fraud Scheme 

SB 5459: Making it against the law to provide the Elections Cast Vote Records (CVR's) to the public - Centralizing Public Elections Records Requests (PRR's) to the SOS, away from county auditors. Exempts voted ballots and voted ballot images from PRR's, Eliminates the requirement that the SOS develop statewide rules for maintenance and reporting of election data. These new laws foster election fraud and are covering up the fraud in our elections!

SB 5082: Abolishes Advisory Votes. Currently voters get an opportunity to weigh in on taxes that were passed by the Legislature without their direct approval. "Advisory Votes" are often the only time voters hear of a new tax. Since 2012, advisory votes on 38 tax increases have appeared on the ballot. Why would Democrats pass a bill that would abolish advisory votes? Perhaps it is because most every time the voters get an opportunity to go on the record, they overwhelmingly VOTE AGAINST RAISING TAXES BY HUGE MARGINS. In truth Dems just don't like what the voters have to say, and falsely claim (without ANY supporting data) that banning advisory votes would encourage more voter participation. Hmm...In truth this eliminates democracy. The answer is to listen to the voters instead of stealing their voice...What a Concept!

SB 5208: Last 4 digits of social security number for online voter registration. Another Election Fraud bill! Allows anyone to submit last 4 digits of SS number online to register to vote, no other voter id required, applicant Oath is only verification. No way to verify if the applicant is the actual registered voter.

HB-1048: "Enhancing" The Washington Voting Rights Act. Changes the WVRA to allow special rights to "protected classes" of groups, allow non-citizens to vote and arbitrarily penalize certain groups of people. This would further erode election integrity in the state of Washington!

SB 5599: A radical gender reassignment bill that undermines parental rights - Allows young children to get sex-change operations without parent notification. Despite over 6,000 people testifying AGAINST this bill and only about 100 testifying in favor of it, radical Democrats are still likely to make this a law.

SB 5209: Mandates that Washington residents be registered to vote and vote a ballot in every major election. This bill assists election fraud by flooding the system with EVEN MORE individuals who have no intent on voting so nefarious actors can illegally vote ballots for them. Voters' Signatures are easily found and purchased on the dark web, and very easy to forge via Mail-in voting. This Election Fraud Law goes completely against the principles outlined in our Constitution. We have the RIGHT to vote - which implies a CHOICE. 

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SB 5232: Restricts a citizen's right to purchase firearms. Must complete a government sanctioned safety training every 5 years and obtain and maintain a government issued permit to purchase firearms, separate from the CPL currently in place. This bill also imposes an arbitrary ten-day delay on firearms purchases. 

HB 1795 Massively increases the top estate tax rate to 40% while adding more tax brackets. WA is currently tied with Hawaii for the highest top death tax rate in the country at 20%.

 HB 1686: Salmon as a Fourth Branch of Government alongside the Legislature, the Judiciary, and the Executive. The bill will create another committee, the "joint salmon recovery and reform committee," composed of legislators whose districts address salmon recovery issues. The committee will look at salmon recovery "wholistically," and will be a venue for discussion and course corrections that support salmon recovery. The paid committee members will have an annual work plan to educate and promote dissemination of salmon recovery research to lawmakers, policy makers and their staffs.

SB 5130: Purports to be about raising taxes to remove state fish barriers. What is the Legislature going to do with all the money raised from the real estate excise tax? It will go toward helping the salmon, right? Wrong. Here is how it will be spent:

2 % to a public works assistance account
4.1 % to an education legacy trust account
1.6 % to a city-county assistance account
16.7 % to the motor vehicle fund
75.4 % to the general fund — where it can be spent on whatever the Legislature wants

THIS IS GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION! THERE IS NOTHING about funding the removal of salmon barriers; that’s only in the title of the bill. 

Legislature’s sneaky bill considers Salmon the 4th branch of government

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HB 1181: Updates the Growth Management Act to include "Climate Change" goals. THIS IS A CLIMATE CHANGE HOAX BILL! Dept. of Commerce to publish a set of actions for counties and cities to reduce gas emissions and miles traveled in vehicles. Counties and cities would then be mandated to identify actions they will take to reduce emissions and miles traveled. Requires DOT to publish an annual summary of per capita vehicle miles traveled, and other departments to address 'climate change' impacts, WA State estimated to spend $6.3 M in 2023-2025, $4.2 M in 2025-2027, and $3.5 M in 2027-2029 on this ridiculous Dem narrative legislation. Local governments are estimated to spend $19.5 M in 2023-2025, $11.6 M in 2025-2027, and $25.4 M in 2027-2029.

SB 5060: Adds needless red tape to being a landlord in WA State requiring all new types of fees and mandatory registrations of rental units - The state will monitor everything and ultimately decide who and if you can or can't rent your property.

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HJR 4205This bill amends the WA State Constitution to allow people to be treated differently. The WA Constitution requires all taxes to be applied uniformly on property. This amendment will remove that uniformity requirement so that only certain people will be eligible for a property tax exemption.

HB 1045: Would establish a Universal Basic Income, aka free money, pilot program.

SB 5599: WA State Health Department will have control over your children. "Protected Health Services" to interfere with your right as a parent, as well as help enforce "gender transitioning." A truly evil, radical bill that will allow the state to step in, take control of your child and transition their gender (Sex Change) without parental consent.

HB 1220Making Voting Mandatory: Another Election Fraud Bill! Would require anyone who is legally eligible to register to vote in WA state to do so & submit a ballot. Easy targets for voter fraud!

HB 1592: Rank Choice Voting aka "Rigged Choice Voting"- Secretary of State's office tabulates the votes via computer algorithms. More ways to Cheat! They tried, Thank God this bill died!
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HB 1389 / SB 5435: "Rent Control" - reduce rental properties and increase housing prices.

HB 1541  Establishing the Nothing About Us Without Us Act. Another "diversity/equity" bill; targeting committees that don't have enough members from "under-represented" populations. Will legislate how many people from under-represented populations should be included in a committee. Also requires the "Office of Equity" to file reports on the effectiveness of the membership requirements for these under-represented populations.

More on Bad Bills Here: Olympia Watch - Washington State Republican Party 

GOOD BILLS THAT DIED: HB 1816 Prohibiting the forwarding of election ballots. This could have helped to slow down some of the election fraud. Currently auditors are required to allow for the post office to forward ballots to voters. This could be used as an easy way to harvest ballots on a massive scale. The post office will not disclose the final delivery point for ballots which are forwarded. There already is an option for a separate mailing address that is on file. Forwarding addresses are completely unknown.

Other Good WA State Senate Bills that Died:

5024 (Dozier): K-12 education/parents’ rights, 5029 (Short): School district boards
5332 (King): Homeless camps near schools, 5357 (Gildon): Detached accessory dwelling units - 5476 (Warnik) Agricultural employers to select 12 weeks a year to employ workers 5505 (Hawkins): School year expansion, 5508 (Short): Greenhouses, 5511 (Braun): K-12 education funding, 5517 (Warnick): Water resource mitigation, 5656 (Torres): School security grants, 5664 (McCune): Salmon labeling, 5667 (Muzzall): Forest riparian easements, 5680 (Schoesler): Seismic safety/school, 5686 (Braun): Senior citizen local tax (companion House bill is still alive)


Some Good Senate Bills Still Alive:

5000 (Wagoner): Americans of Chinese Descent Month, 5010 (L. Wilson): Including fentanyl and synthetic opioids in the endangerment with a controlled substance statute, 5022 (Muzzall): Exempting fentanyl testing equipment from the definition of drug paraphernalia, 5025 (Dozier): Dept. of Corrections technology systems upgrade, 5032 (Padden): Extending the DUI lookback to 15 years, 5103 (Muzzall): Addressing difficult-to-discharge patients stuck in the hospital, 5248 (Braun): Tutoring and extended learning, 5473 (Gildon): Project Permit timelines (rolled into Mullet's SB 5290, 5477 (Torres): Creating a Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and People Task Force, 5502 (Gildon): Substance-use-disorder treatment during Graduated Re-entry, 5580 (Muzzall): Improving maternal health outcomes, 5581 (Muzzall): Reducing deductibles for maternal support services and postpartum care, 5582 (Holy): Nursing omnibus bill

OF NOTE: The House Community Safety, Justice, and Reentry Committee passed HB 1363, which would allow police more latitude on engaging in pursuits. It would exempt three more crimes from the current restrictions, adopted in 2021, but the bill still would NOT restore the ability of officers to pursue suspected car thieves ot vehicle theft (would expire in July 2025).

Become an Effective Political Activist in 2023! Online class will help you develop the skills you need to make a real difference advocating for (or against) a piece of legislation.

Do you know how to work with a team to stop bad legislation?
Do you understand the most effective action to take at each step in the lawmaking process?
Do you know how to promote good legislation?
Would you like to have a more positive relationship with your legislators?

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In Influencing Olympia Effectively...

We'll look at how to keep track of a bill from the start of the session to the end.

We'll begin to understand the lawmaking process, from pre-session to "Sine Die".

We'll examine the several easy ways to comment on a bill, and what action to take for the greatest impact at each step in the legislative journey.

We'll look at the best research tools to use to stay on top of the fast moving action.

We'll discover the power of testimony - both written and in person.

We'll increase our impact by building or joining teams of influencers... by topic, by county, by legislative district. Start Today:

During legislative session, public testimony against bad bills and policies is a great opportunity to go on the official record; whether they listen oftentimes is out of our control. But always good to point out facts like their laws are unconstitutional. I.e. How their proposed legislation hurts our communities, makes cheating in elections easier, etc.

The Government's Plan to Make YOU Into a Domestic Terrorist!

Rep. Peter Abbarno explains how to get involved in the legislative process VIDEO

IN WA STATE $340 MILLION WAS GIVEN TO ILLEGALS IN GRANT MONEY WHILE THE CRIME SPIKED 12.3%. Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna Exposes Democrat States Giving Covid-19 Funds To Undocumented Residents. House Oversight Committee Video

If Mexican Drug Cartels ran Seattle, would the city’s public policies be any different? Most observers who have watched the City of Seattle self-immolate with absurd public policies, exploding crime, drug addiction, virtue-signaling, and other destructive politically-imposed plans often wonder how is it possible for serious public officials to be so self-destructive. These bureaucrats certainly have far less concern for the damage they are inflicting on their community. Video

The WA State Department of Revenue has been taxing every meal served in retirement communities across Washington, in Mount Vernon that's 8.9%. Always money for sanctuary city illegals and refugees... But tax the old people on fixed incomes...Article / Video

Many WA State rural cities see double-digit property tax increases. King County expects to collect about $7.2 billion in property taxes this year, up from the $6.6 billion last year. Overall, county single-family residence taxpayers saw the median property tax bills increase 13%. Article

Seattle Antifa protesters accost Rebel News reporter Katie Daviscourt - "Antifa run Seattle and are the Political Militia of the Democrat Party." Last month Antifa militants across the country called for violence and anarchy to avenge to death of Tyre Nichols, and in Seattle they marched clad in black to disrupt the city. Rebel News reporter Katie Daviscourt was covering the demonstration at Cal Anderson Park, aka CHAZ/CHOP, or Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, where Antifa took over a six-block radius of Seattle in 2020. VIDEO

Seattle forced to pay $3.6 MILLION for 2020 CHAZ damages to business owners

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King County Sheriff’s Office show a total of $17.5 million worth of drugs seized in 2022. This shows just how Democrat policies have lead to the drug epidemic is in King County and the significant effort needed to keep drugs out of the wrong hands. People are saying that they don’t feel safe walking around their own neighborhoods.“It’s scary walking down the street, sometimes it’s very blatant that people are shooting whatever drug in the middle of the street." Article

The WA Dept.of Fish and Wildlife Commissioner broke the law and it does not seem that anyone is going to hold her accountable. Washingtonians for wildlife is suing the Governor for illegal appointments to the commission and she is one of them. Video

WA State AG Bob Ferguson is determined to try to create his own Ministry of Truth to silence and destroy all independent thought, free speech, freedom of expression, independent thought of any kind, and any real or imagined threats to the political orthodoxy which he follows. He is doing this by drafting and endorsing HB 1333 in this year’s Washington State legislative session. Glen Morgan Video

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Worse than we thought – Inslee’s Violent Sex Predator release program. Inslee, AG Ferguson and the Democrats in Olympia have broken their Oaths of Office - they OWN this horrific sex offender disaster! By their lack of transparency, their secrecy actions and their willingness to reward questionable individuals to actually be responsible for the housing and management of the sex offenders, Inslee, Ferguson and the State Democrats do not deserve to be in office!

Snohomish home-invasion suspect had been released weeks earlier

TRAGIC EFFECTS OF BRUTAL DEMOCRAT UNCONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT LOCK DOWNS - Study shows more than 10,000 WA State students, once enrolled in public schools, are now unaccounted for. All these kids left the system at some point during governments response to Covid and there is no documentation as to where they’ve gone since. Comparing rates of “missing” students across U.S. states, researchers found that Washington has the sixth highest number of “missing” students in the nation. The report also connects Washington’s plummeting decline in public enrollment to the growth of the homeschool and private school population. It appears that these 10,000 'Unaccounted" for students are part of the 44,000 + statewide student enrollment dropping overall from 1,101,758 in 2019-20 to 1,057,125 in 2021-22.6. Article

West Seattle High School Students told to Mask up Again...

Rewarding Extortion of Govt Staff for Campaign Cash – Democrat Assessor Steven Drew

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Democrats Forcing Teachers to Lie

Washington State Democrats are attempting to establish a “Domestic Violent Extremism Commission” that will target any individual who holds conservative political views. Video

Woke Revolutionaries Fabricate “Domestic Violent Extremism” Weaponizing WA State Against Dissent

General counsel of Silent Majority Foundation, Pete Serrano talks about RECENT UPDATES IN REGARDS TO the 2nd Amendment cases the foundation is spearheading PLUS info relating to a new study he’s leading at the Kennewick Library. Video Interview

The U.S. government has secretly been tracking those who didn’t get the COVID jab, or are only partially jabbed, through a previously unknown surveillance program designed by the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), a division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The program was implemented April 1, 2022, and adopted by most medical clinics and hospitals across the U.S. Article

Dozens of Democratic lawmakers are pushing to increase funding for an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) program led by a group that has advocated to abolish the agency. Democratic Reps. Pramila Jayapal of WA and 35 other Democratic members of Congress sent a letter to Office of Management and Budget (OMB) asking for “robust funding” of Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Case Management Pilot Program (CMPP), which aids illegal immigrants awaiting their court dates in the U.S. by providing legal resources, mental health support and connections to social services. The Church World Service (CWS), a group that has advocated to abolish ICE, is a CMPP board member, according to DHS. Article

Disastrous New Inflation Numbers Show Biden’s Catastrophic Economic Crisis Worsening - “The Biden Administration has overseen the worst economic decline since the Great Depression."

“Do Your Non-Uniformed Guys Have Any Identifiers” – SHOCKING Capitol Police Video Uncovered from Jan 6 Shows Undercover and Armed DOJ Onsite – IT WAS A SETUP!

Jan 6 Undercover DC Police Officer Pushed Protesters Toward Capitol, Climbed Over Barricade: Court Filing. “This video clearly evidences undercover law enforcement officers urging the crowds to advance up the stairs and scaffolding towards the Capitol on January 6. The government may claim that incidents like this did not happen, but the facts show they did." Article 

Whistleblower Details Further FBI Corruption in J6 Investigations

VIDEO INTERVIEW: A Pelosi staffer ADMITS they planned for Jan. 6th in advance 
Dozens of FBI Whistleblowers Come Forward Over Weaponization Against Conservatives. The House Government Weaponization Committee hearings highlighted the FBI and other agencies’ abuse of power against Americans, specifically conservatives. Jim Jordan sounded the alarm, revealing that dozens of FBI whistleblowers have come forward about the FBI’s corruption. “In my time in Congress, I have never seen anything like this. Dozens and dozens of whistleblowers, FBI agents coming to us, talking to us about what’s going in the political nature at the Justice Department. It appears that the Biden Administration pressured social media companies to censor Americans. Think about that, the government wanted to silence your speech online. That’s scary. And we want answers.” Article / Video 

Hunter Biden "Whistleblower" Associate Arrested, Provided FBI With ‘Damning’ Information Against Biden Family. According to lawyer, the arrest was politically motivated and his client could “bury Hunter Biden, that’s why they’re trying to bury him first.” Article

Kevin McCarthy turned over 41,000 hours of previously unseen footage from the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 to Tucker Carlson. For 2 years, Nancy Pelosi and January 6 Committee members kept the footage away from public view, failing to explain why. Former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, who McCarthy recently stripped of his Intelligence Committee assignment after repeatedly lying to the American people about sensitive information and abusing his position, had a melt down! Article

House Republicans Demand Answers from Biden Officials on Botched Afghan Withdrawal

Jim Jordan GOES AFTER FBI and Attorney General: Concerns Raised About Unacceptable Behaviors

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert Grills FBI and Twitter - FBI WHISTLEBLOWER "Twitters Contact With the FBI was Constant and Pervasive as if it were a Subsidiary." Video

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Lauren Boebert Traps Twitter Executive, Gets Him to Lie Under Oath

A former FBI special agent delivered an emotional testimony before the House Subcommittee on Weaponization, telling lawmakers that she resigned from the bureau after it had become "politically weaponized." Video

FBI Whistleblower exposes feds scheme to declare Christians 'actual criminals' - Faith 'is dangerous apparently in this country' - FBI Caught Manufacturing Crimes against Catholics

Emerald Robinson "The FBI doesn’t want to release Jan 6th video because they don’t want you to see their people dressed up as Trump supporters at the Capitol!" Video

Biden officials face GOP grilling. “The CDC does not need more authority,” House Energy and Commerce Chairwoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.) told Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “It needs robust oversight.” Article

Ron DeSantis Showed States They Can Regain Control of Education From Woke Elites

Few political leaders today are as adept at sending fragile leftists (who begrudgingly call America home) spiraling into inane screeching as Fl Gov. Ron DeSantis. He might be the most successful culture warrior Republicans have had in recent memory. From taking on Disney to protecting students and promoting individual freedom, his ideological and political opponents have not shown themselves equipped to defeat or even respond well. Article

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The Iowa legislature passed the Students First Act, which creates a universal Education Savings Account (ESA) program. The Students First Act will allow Iowa families to use their student’s portion of state education funding at the school of their choice. The Students First Act is the chief policy goal for Governor Reynolds, who has been working to advance parental choice in Iowa since she assumed office in 2017. Iowa has now joined other states such as West Virginia and Arizona that have enacted universal ESA policies. Article

The U.S. Department of State has funded a deep-pocketed "disinformation" tracking group that is secretly blacklisting and trying to defund conservative media, likely costing the news organizations vital advertising dollars. The Global Disinformation Index, a British organization with two affiliated U.S. nonprofit groups, is feeding blacklists to ad companies with the intent of defunding and shutting down websites peddling alleged "disinformation." This same "disinformation" group has received $330,000 from two State Department-backed entities linked to the highest levels of government, raising concerns of 1st Amendment lawyers and Congress. Article

DEEP STATE FBI CORRUPTION EXPOSED: The FBI’s reputation problems have accelerated with the arrest on corruption charges of Charles McGonigal, the former chief of counterintelligence for the FBI’s New York field office, one of the most powerful spy-hunters in the country. Article


Captain Seth Keshel: "I’ve made a final determination; Washington State had the most fraudulent election of 2020 - Per Elector. With 590,000 excess votes spread over 12 electors, that comes out to 49,000 + fraudulent votes per elector. My numbers show DJT within 6 points there." 

Top 5 Cleanest States by Excess Votes per Elector:

North Dakota – 2,573

Wyoming – 4,722

Louisiana – 5,200

Mississippi – 5,492

Arkansas – 6,188

Most Excess Votes by State – Top 5:

California – 1,959,634

Texas – 840,067

New York – 635,844

Washington – 590,112

Michigan – 576,083

Top 5 Dirtiest States by Excess Votes per Elector:

Washington – 49,176

Hawai’i – 37,033

Oregon – 37,029

Michigan – 36,005

New Jersey – 35,944  ARTICLE: CAPTAIN K's CORNER

Election integrity activists showed enough evidence to the San Joaquin County, CA Sheriff that the department arrested a city council member for Election Fraud, Extensive Ballot Trafficking and Harvesting Scheme. Press Conference Video

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2020 FOOTAGE FOUND! Louisiana SOS Brags About NASS Censorship – Thanks Federal “Partners” Helping to Censor Free Speech

Here's your proof of a rigged and stolen 2020 election - Evil plan 'being carried out to perfection.' This is the purposeful destruction of America and the great American middle class – in only two short years since an illegitimate, corrupt, brain-dead president was placed into power. The humiliating state of our nation is all the proof you need of a stolen election. The evil all around us is the proof. In only two short years, a stolen election has unleashed the gates of hell. This was all a plan ... And it's being carried out to perfection. Article

Election Integrity National Library

A Blueprint For Ending The Voting Machines Has Arrived - Republican lawmakers can stop electronic voting machines with a single 6-page resolution. Resolution SCR 1037 passed out of AZ State Senate Committee (as an amendment) that should effectively prohibit computerized voting machines in federal elections. It bans any component (or element) used in the electronic voting machines from being used as the primary method for counting votes in a federal election unless it can meet Department of Defense standards — and none of them can do so currently. The resolution also requires that the ballots, the source code, and other log files must be publicly posted. The resolution is very significant because it relies on the Arizona’s legislature’s constitutional authority to set election law. Article

Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna Exposes the Governments' Elections Corruption During The Twitter Hearings. Government officials perjure themselves - FBI, Facebook, Google, Twitter and other companies and organizations illegally used a Cloud software system to coordinate election outcomes. Video

Special shout out to the "University of Washington Center for Informed Public"..."Co-conspirators" with Twitter Censorship Cabal...

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ELECTION INTERFERENCE: Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene RIPS Former Twitter Executives - VIDEO

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Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) is a political weapon and emerging threat to our democracy. It is a complex, multi-step process that confuses voters, escalates negativity, increases costs, and results in voter suppression. RCV is already in 28 states. In 2023, NBC reports that legislatures in 14 states are considering expanding or implementing RCV. And Congress has introduced a bill twice before to make RCV mandatory in all 50 states for U.S. House and Senate races. If we don’t act now, the entire U.S. election system is about to change.

HUGE...Microsoft Implicated in Election Fraud - Microsoft's program called “Defending Democracy,”(created in the spring of 2018) owns ElectionGuard, and is partnered with the Russian troll hoaxers, and most if not all, election machine companies.

Your Government Wants to Keep You from Seeing Voter Rolls - The narrative about "free, safe, secure elections" changed 180 degrees since Nov 2022. Almost nobody is crazy enough to say America has free, fair elections. After Kari Lake and Adam Laxalt, the most wimpish George Bush RINO hesitates to say "elections are fair."

Since our team processed billions of election roll "snapshots" taken since 2020, we run the largest election database in the world.  We concluded that U.S. elections are rigged, and they are rigged with the active help of election officials or their acquiescence. Sovereign fraud — institutional election fraud by your government, is real! We have the data to prove it! Article  / Omega4America – A FractalWeb.App Microsite

Explosive Testimony at the Senate elections and house oversight hearings in Arizona alleges that judges, cops and government officials have been bribed by the Sinaloa Cartel and elections have been rigged since 2004 - Potential 35,000 Fraudulent Transactions - At least 20 states affected. Video

ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED! Are You Keeping Up With The Facts? AZ SENATE ELECTIONS AND HOUSE OVERSIGHT - Deep Dive W/ Supporting Forensic Analysis

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REPORT: RICO Enterprise In Arizona Shows Katie Hobbs Linked To Drug Cartel Money To Steal Elections!

Explosive Testimony at Senate Elections and House Municipal Oversight & Elections Joint Meeting Accuses Hobbs, Fontes, Runbeck, and Judges of Racketeering. Laundered cash used to bribe Arizona public officials and their staff. Over 10,000 fraudulent documents were recorded with the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office; Breger alleged and estimated that over 35,000 warranty and trust deeds evidencing fraud exist in the database. Accompanying those were over 15,000 falsified notarizations.

Key participants in the racketeering are Adona Ray Chavez and daughter Brittany Ray Chavez, who facilitate the bribes of public officials. She said they are connected to the corrupt real estate agents and have worked for the Sinaloa Cartel for over 25 years. The pair allegedly execute deeds under falsified names, including as the buyer, seller, or notary, and forge the signatures of judges.

At least five appointments made under Adrian Fontes while he was the Maricopa County Recorder between 2017 and 2021 who were “phantoms, non-existent individuals,” holding positions related to election services. During the same period, she said there were at least 15 individuals whose records were falsified “and kept hidden from the public during the 2020 election cycle.” 

Breger said the firm received evidence that the Maricopa County computer system had been designed with various back doorways to allow outsiders to infiltrate it and change data. She believes election fraud goes back to 2004. “Since at least 2004, ballot counts have been tampered with.”

Chavez moves money for candidates, in part through nonprofits. In Oct 2020, she said they discovered over 100,000 ballots and $13 million in two unmarked rental cars being unloaded at a home in Mesa and then driven to Runbeck. Breger said they found suspicious deeds for Runbeck and its President and CEO Jeff Ellington. They also found suspicious deeds for Fontes, 3 of the 5 Maricopa County Supervisors have suspicious deeds recorded, along with partners at the large Democratic law firm Perkins Coie.

Thayer has survived six attempts to kill him, she said, including a tire strategically slashed so it would “cause catastrophic failure at a high speed.” She said a similar attempt was made on the life of Kari Lake’s daughter.

The Maricopa County database (and the City of Mesa and Town of Gilbert databases) has been compromised since it was designed in 2014. The new system was designed to allow outside access to upload falsified documents and to modify or remove legitimate documents. The infiltration includes filing false charges against those who are deemed threats to the racketeering enterprises and removing charges against participants. The database was also designed to allow changes to be made to ballot counts. Maricopa County is likely facing a civil rights class action lawsuit by those wrongly charged and/or convicted. Read more related to Thayer’s investigation HEREFull Article

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Attorney John Thaler Interview: Politicians In U.S. Corrupted By Racketeering / Drug Cartel Money Laundering Scheme - Election Theft!


AUDIO: In Arizona Money Talks And The Law Walks - An open letter to the Arizona State Legislature

This situation and important findings are a portal into Election Integrity solutions! Now much makes sense as to why the cheaters are so well funded and brazen in their actions. I.e. READ PAGE 13 of REPORT - Considering it is highly probable they rigged the AZ SOS election two + years prior, they are more evil and devious than anyone could have imagined. We now know exactly how these elected officials got in their positions of power and we need law enforcement / prosecutors (who aren’t compromised) to step up and put criminals in jail. Hobbs, etc…The big challenge and conundrum is to find the people that are not compromised to help get us out of this...

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Jovan Pulitzer Exposes and Explains Massive Organized Election Crimes - Deep Dive W/ Supporting Forensic Analysis - AND HOW TO FIND THEM! VIDEO

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Leftist Group Caught Running Massive Election Bribery Scheme in Wisconsin Supreme Court Race. Well funded Liberal groups caught paying voters $250 to sway their friends to vote for the leftist Supreme Court candidate Janet Protasiewics. This amounts to election bribery, a felony in Wisconsin punishable by up to three years in prison. Article

VIDEO: Kris Jurski FL EI Group found 691,000 undeliverable addresses - 222,000 voters that moved from state, 18,000 of those illegally voted - Alternatives to ERIC -  Patriot auditors have proven how phantom voters are created!

VIDEO: Trump Announces MASSIVE Ballot Harvesting Plan!!!

Critical U.S. Election Systems Have Been Left Exposed Online Despite Official Denials. The top voting machine company in the country insists that its election systems are never connected to the internet. But researchers found 35 of the systems have been connected to the internet for months and possibly years, including in some swing states. Article

FOX News Filing Shows DOMINION Voting Systems Executives Including Eric Coomer Knew Its Voting Systems Had Major Security Issues, Was Hacked, and Was “Riddled with Bugs”

BRAZIL: Since Brazil's hotly contested and highly disputed presidential election, Jair Bolsonaro has been living in self-imposed exile in Florida. Charlie Kirk and Bolsonaro discuss the crucial importance of the right to bear arms, the new government's efforts to frame Bolsonaro for a coup, and the tyrannical state of Brazil's rogue judiciary. AUDIO INTERVIEW


After dozens of Public Record Requests of Scanned Batch Reports, thorough research and analysis by data analysts is showing that many Washington State counties had likely ballot manipulation and voter fraud in both the 2020 and 2022 elections.

In the graphs below, the 2020 and 2022 General Elections Ballot Batch Reports in 11 Washington State Counties clearly show large differences between the ways voters voted in the two elections.

The lines in the graphs represent the actual individual ballots scanned in batches at the respective county elections offices over time. Each line is a record of a different batch of ballots. The longer the line, the higher the margin of victory for the candidate for that batch of ballots scanned in each of the individual counties.

Blue lines are the batches D's won and Red lines are the batches R’s won. These span a 3–4 week period, but are not exactly proportionate to time, because some days there were many more batches scanned than others. In 2020 only the Presidential race and WA State Governor race was used. In 2022 only the US Senate race was used.

The scanned batches are in a sequence of order over time, scanned from left to right (earlier in the election on the left, later in the election on the right).

In the 2020 general election there were massive Democrat Pre-loads of ballots weeks out before election day; but in the 2022 general election the Democrat ballots are much more spread out and evenly distributed as ballots were scanned. It is impossible to believe that in each of the 11 counties that voters all decided to vote so differently in each of the election cycles. It’s all way too coordinated to be random coincidences.

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The 11 counties, Benton, Clallam, Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, Pierce, Snohomish, Spokane and Whatcom, all were (and still are) using Clear Ballot Voting Systems.

Notice in 2020 the majority of the blue lines are at the beginning of the election, and during 2022 they are in groups of blue lines throughout the election. Something changed in all these counties, instead of pre-loading the Democrat ballots, it appears they may have divided them up, and spread them out over the counting process.

In 2020 why was there such a significant amount of early votes which strongly favored the Democrat candidates? Was it because they were cheating in targeted precincts via drop boxes early in the race, like the Movie 2,000 Mules depicted?

After the Joe Kent Congressional District 3 success in the 2022 primary race where he finished in the top 2 to qualify for the general election, it was widely known that many Republican voters were going to hold their ballot and vote in person on election day for the general. It would be logical to assume that the Democrat cheaters were well aware of this strategy, so they made their adjustments to stifle any plans of Republican candidates surges in votes.

This also may be the simple answer as to why none of the 2022 General Election Republican Candidates in the US Senate, State Executive or State Legislature races saw any noticeable bumps or increases in vote totals over their Democrat opponents after election day. These Scanned Batch Reports and the research and findings by the data analysts may very well confirm this fact. 

It is also interesting to note that in the 4 largest populated counties of the 11 researched, Pierce (920,000 +), Snohomish (830,000 +), Spokane (540,000 +) and Whatcom (240,000 +), there are the largest discrepancies between the 2020 and 2022 elections. Article

Cheaters Change Tactics in 2022 Primary

King County Elections misused $300,000 for political campaigning.

The King County Elections’ Voter Education Outreach grant program, or VEF, is meant to improve voter turnout among certain demographics. However, a 2021 Public Disclosure Commission complaint alleged that King County Elections misused an estimated $300,000 to “express advocacy for or against various ballot measures between 2018 and 2020.” The investigation revealed an apparent lack of transparency, accountability, and clarity around the use of public funds by organizations actively advocating for and against ballot measures and also use partisan propriety resources as part of their voter outreach. Article

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Homeless Whistleblower Exposes WA State Voting Irregularities: How the most vulnerable "registered voters" in our communities are being exploited and used.

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ARIZONA: REPORT: RICO Enterprise In Arizona Shows Katie Hobbs Linked To Drug Cartel Money To Steal Elections!!!

Arizona Senate Elections Committee Passes Resolution To Ban Foreign Voting Machines and Require Source Code, Ballot Images, Chain of Custody Documents, and Log Files To Be Made Public

Election Integrity & The Crazy Corruption of Arizona! 

The Boxes in this VIDEO represent 1/4 Million Ballot Rejections on Election Day. If anyone ever asks you what happened in Arizona, send them video. The Media refuses to talk about this. Every American should watch this video

Lake Campaign Produces Map Illustrating How Voting Machines Malfunctioned Primarily in GOP Areas

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"There's no question in my mind that had there not been tabulator issues at 132 vote centers, This election would have ended up with Kari Lake winning."

Maricopa County Assistant Election Director Disappeared After Deposition Request Regarding Fraudulent Signature Verification – Special Action Filing Included (VIDEO)

Writing code to flip votes 'very easy to do' but 'hard to stop,' programmer warns Arizona State Senate. "Don't use machines, because you can never, ever trust them to give you a fair election," Clinton Eugene Curtis said. Article

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Corrupt Arizona Appellate Court Ruled For Katie Hobbs - Systemic Failure 400,000 + ballots kicked out of tabulators. The Appeals Court ignored the fact that Maricopa violated that law. Maricopa did NOT test all of the voting equipment prior to Election Day to make sure ALL ballots could be accurately read. Maricopa lied to the COURT and claimed they did test the voting machines as required by Arizona law. The Court of Appeals ignored Maricopa’s lie. 

The Appeals Court ignored the chaos on Election Day that Maricopa’s deliberate violation of law caused over 7,000 ballot rejections every 30 minutes from 6:00 am to 8 pm at more than 2/3 of the 223 voting centers. Ballots were rejected almost a quarter million times on Election Day!

The court ignored the fact that Maricopa lied when it claimed these voting machine failures were a “hiccup” and resolved by early afternoon. In fact it was NOT resolved!

The court ignored the voting machine failures occurred at vote centers where Republicans were most likely to vote. This interfered with the citizens ability to cast their ballot.

The court ignored the sworn testimony showing this chaos caused tens of thousands of Republican voters to not be able to cast their vote on Election Day.

The court ignored the fact that Maricopa Officials lied about the cause of the voting machine failures. They ignored the fact that Lake’s expert, Clay Parikh inspected ballots from six selected vote centers and found manipulated ballots at every one of the vote centers that directly caused tabulators to reject ballots in massive quantities.

The court ignored the fact that Arizona Law requires strict chain of custody procedures for ballots put in drop boxes. AZ law mandates that all drop box ballots be counted when the sealed bins the ballots are placed in are opened at MCTEC. That way you can track how many ballots there are—a simple requirement that helps make sure ballots aren’t being illegally inserted or thrown away. 

The court ignored the fact Maricopa deliberately violated Arizona law. In fact, Maricopa admitted they didn't count the ballots at MCTEC on election day claiming there are too many to count...

Instead, Maricopa opened the sealed bins and put over 250K ballots in trays without counting them. Poof, now there is no way to know how many ballots were in the drop boxes. Maricopa then trucked the ballots up to Runbeck to scan the signatures on ballot envelopes scanned saying they “estimated” there were 275K+ ballots. Next, Runbeck’s logs show they scanned 298,142 ballot envelopes. 35K ballots were created out of thin air and sent back to MCTEC to read the ballots. 

The court also ignored the sworn testimony of Maricopa signature verification workers showing that tens of thousands of signatures were not even close to a match. THIS WAS MASSIVE ELECTION FRAUD AND IS VERY EASILY SEEN BY ANYONE WHO TAKES THE TIME TO RESEARCH THE FACTS!

Kari Lake’s Lawsuit Now Heads to AZ Supreme Court 

WATCH: Illegitimate AZ Governor Katie Hobbs Gets BOOED At PGA Tourney With HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF ACTUAL PEOPLE In Attendance

MICHIGAN:  First Black Female, Kristina Karamo, Election Integrity Advocate Wins MI GOP Chair Race – Fake News Media Panics. No more sitting back & allowing our elections to be stolen, no more backroom deals w/ crooked RINOs & Dems! Article

PENNSYLVANIA120,000 More Votes Than Voters

ALABAMA: Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen made an unannounced visit to the published address of the headquarters of the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) but found no ERIC headquarters at the location. As his first official act in office, Allen withdrew the state from the voting registration system, keeping a promise he made on the campaign trail. “I was in D.C. for a meeting of the National Association of Secretaries of States and, since I was in town, I went to see the ERIC Headquarters,” Allen said. “What I found was that there was no ERIC headquarters at that address. There were no employees. There were no servers. There was no ERIC presence of any kind. Instead, I found a virtual office that is rentable by the day. What it was missing was people, servers and any sign of the ERIC team.”

ERIC’s published address is 1201 Connecticut Ave NW Ste 600 in Washington, DC., but Allen found that the location is actually operated by Expansive, a company that offers virtual workspaces across the country and rents space by the day. Article

WISCONSIN: Leftist Group Caught Running Massive Election Bribery Scheme in Wisconsin Supreme Court Race – An Alleged Felony Punishable by Up to 3 Years in Prison

Thanks to the release of Twitter Files - Confirmation: Pete Bernegger, 2020 Star Witness Who Testified Before WI Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections…
“Twitter Files Part 4: Trump campaign and the Reps. did not push to see, observe or examine the applications for absentee ballots. Cost Trump the election because the counts didn't match up. 

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Citizens’ Group Accuses Milwaukee Election Chief of Violating State Laws in 2022 Primary

NEW YORK: A former county elections commissioner in New York has pleaded guilty to applying for absentee ballots in the names of other registered voters. Jason Schofield pled guilty to unlawfully using the names and dates of birth of voters to fraudulently apply for absentee ballots for elections. The announcement was made by US Attorney Carla B. Freedman and Janeen DiGuiseppi, Special Agent in Charge of the Albany Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Schofield was an Elections Commissioner at the Rensselaer County Board of Elections (“RCBOE”) until late last month, when he resigned in anticipation of today’s guilty plea,” JD Supra reported. In pleading guilty to a 12-count indictment, Schofield admitted that in 2021, he unlawfully possessed and used the names and dates of birth of voters. Sentencing is scheduled for May 12, 2023, before United States District Judge Mae A. D’Agostino. On each count, Schofield faces up to 5 years in prison, a fine of up to $250,000.

CALIFORNIA: “California's Shasta County terminated its contract with Dominion Voting Systems." This is a great victory that is causing a ripple effect across California!

Bakersfield, CA also will be voting on the exodus of the Dominion systems as well! I'm confident we are going to see a lot more of this!  The Lindell Legal Offense Fund has tremendous experts who travel all over this country to educate and assist counties in their local elections. From canvassing, to getting the cast vote records. Our experts and our attorneys are passionate about this country! They DO NOT REST! And they will not stop until our elections are secure. Article

Kern County, CA residents confront Board Supervisor Jeff Flores, and want to follow Shasta County's lead to abolish Dominion Voting Systems because the machines facilitate fraud - NBC Poll show 80% of County residents are in favor of eliminating Dominion.

New report shows over 226,000 mail ballots were rejected by election officials in California in 2022. Automatic vote by mail is the least secure way to run an election! Watch our podcast episode on the dangers of vote by mail. Article

California Councilman Arrested On Multiple Election Fraud - Extensive Ballot Trafficking and Harvesting Scheme

California Arrests Made for Massive Voter Fraud - Multiple Tactic Ring!

Lawsuit Forces Los Angeles County to Remove 1.2 Million Ineligible Voters from Rolls

OREGON: Oregon elections director who worked for Democratic Party will not recuse herself from investigation into party’s crypto donor. The Democratic Party of Oregon accepted its largest ever donation on record in the state’s campaign finance database: $500,000, which the party claimed was from a Las Vegas cryptocurrency company Prime Trust. But Prime Trust was not the actual donor.Under Oregon statute, it is a Class C felony to make a campaign contribution under a “false name.Article

SOUTH DAKOTA: State House Passes Bill to Ban Absentee Ballot Drop Boxes in Elections. Also, South Dakota residents wishing to vote by mail must make a written request for an absentee ballot, signed by the applicant, and it must contain their voter registration address, as well as an oath verifying the information.

OKLAHOMA: Passed HB 1804 a new law in the state to: “incarcerate all illegal immigrants, and ship them back to where they came from unless they want to get a green card and become an American citizen." 

IOWA: DNC Approves Biden’s Request to Remove Iowa as First Voting State – Replace it with South Carolina… Iowa is Too White

FLORIDA: ‘Totes Legit’ tipster found 282 possible voter fraud cases in Florida; some prosecuted Fl. officials handled double voting cases uncovered by a prolific tipster

Gov. DeSantis removed the Corrupt Registrar of Voters in Palm Beach County, then cleaned up the election laws. Despite banning ballot trafficking and universal mass mail-in voting, DeSantis wisely recognizes that if "legal cheating" exists in your state, USE IT. Article

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GEORGIA: Fulton County is Gradually Losing its Grip on Election Corruption. The Cities of Milton, Johns Creek and Roswell are taking control of their elections and are making the break from Fulton County. Georgia sources report Alpharetta and Mountain Park are also branching away from the county and its burdensome cost to administer its (Fulton’s) brand of third-world elections in their respective politically moderate cities. This separation is the first step toward providing the transparency that is needed to bring about confidence in elections once again. Article

GA Senate Ethics Committee Passes Bill Removing Drop Boxes From Georgia Elections

VIRGINIA: Virginia Dems’ Ballot Harvesting Manual Instructs Going After Dead People, ‘Bad’ Addresses. The Virginia Democratic Party is instructing activists to include deceased citizens and “bad” addresses when generating voter contact lists. A pivotal tool Virginia Dems use to target voters for their ballot harvesting and get-out-the-vote efforts. VoteBuilder, an online database of all registered voters in Virginia operated by the Virginia Democratic Party and the DNC. The database contains the names and other important information about registered voters information.

ARKANSAS: The Lindell Legal Offense Fund is supporting Arkansas in putting an end to electronic voting machines! Under state law, each county can choose paper ballots if they want. Cleburne County is the first county to replace voting machines with secure paper ballots.

ILLINOIS: Chicago inmates: Guards pressing them to vote in tight mayor election without checking eligibility. "If you wanted to manipulate a ballot, who would know?" inmate says. Article

NEW BOOK: Final Battle - The next Election Could Be Our Last - David Horowitz Exposes the Left's Shocking Plan to Destroy Democracy and Turn America Into a Socialist Regime.

* One of America's most famous authors and conservative thought leaders says:

* America's next presidential election could be her last

* There now exists an existential threat to American democracy greater than any our nation has ever faced

* Democracy as we know it is being obliterated at the hands of Democrats who pose a deadly threat to our freedom

* Their real goal is a one-party state — and they are willing to break every Constitutional provision, law, precedent, and procedure to see that it happens. MORE HERE

How foundations are exercising their influence over elections - Follows 'Zuckerbucks' scandal where cash was distributed 'on a partisan basis.' Echoing the private financing of public elections that critics saw as heavily favoring Democrats in 2020, some of America’s richest foundations are pouring money into a similar effort, in the face of more organized conservative resistance.  A nonprofit called the Audacious Project, whose supporters include the Gates and MacArthur foundations and the Bridgespan Group, a consultant whose clients include Planned Parenthood, has committed $80 million to the Far-left Center for Tech and Civic Life, to provide grant funding to run local elections.   

As part of its review, CTCL is sending operatives to local elections offices, examining practices and equipment, and acquiring the sorts of data coveted by political campaigns. Despite public claims of transparency, the center has refused to provide basic information about its operations. Article

Another Study Refutes Left’s False Claims Against Voter ID and Secure Elections

PILF Launches New Database: How Bad Is Your State At Managing Voter Rolls?  The Public Interest Legal Foundation, a public interest law firm focused on cleaning state voter lists, has launched a new interactive tool for concerned citizens to monitor their states’ voter rolls. The database lists current voter roll errors in all 50 states’ voter lists including duplicate registrants, deceased voters or those who have moved out of state, and voters registered at commercial addresses. Article

A Fox News host said the network is not allowing him to cover the $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit filed against Fox News by Dominion voting systems. Speaking on MediaBuzz, Howard Kurtz said that the company has forbidden him from covering the case. He added that he is not on board with that decision. Article

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Fox News is pulling out all the stops to help rig the 2024 election just like they did in 2020

The Democratic National Committee overwhelmingly approved a dramatic shakeup of the party’s presidential nominating calendar, reordering what states will vote first in primaries and upending a century of political tradition. The new schedule elevates South Carolina to the first-place position in the primary calendar Feb. 3, replacing the Iowa caucuses, which held the coveted perch for a half-century. Article

"Confidential Letters" - FTX Demands Politicians Return Millions In SBF Donations - WA STATE DEMOCRATS IMPLICATED. Just when you thought the FTX travesty couldn't get any more bizarre, the now bankrupt company is trying to claw back political donations and other spending that took place at the direction of former CEO Sam Bankman-Fried. Article

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2020 ELECTIONS HAVING CATASTROPHIC CONSEQUENCES - China Engaged in Unconventional Warfare. After the deaths of millions of people across the globe, combined with life-altering and economic disruptions in every country, the CCP, which started when the pathogen, engineered by scientists, "escaped" from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. For Years China has been flooding the US with Fentanyl, murdering and Poising hundreds of thousands of Americans. Chinese jets have been buzzing Taiwan. In recent weeks, China conducted its largest-ever military drill surrounding the island country. 

And now, a massive Chinese spy balloon traversed our country for many days. After being discovered, China said it's just a "weather ballon " that veered off course. Hmm... Conducting surveillance: over Malmstrom Air Force Base, where a number of ICBMs are housed. Article

Only after cries from millions of angry Americans, Trump and other Republicans demanding that the balloon be shot down, did it happen. It’s one more example of the weakness of the Biden administration on the global stage and has been a tremendous embarrassment for the US. Their lack of response, the show of weakness is provoking our adversaries and making America weaker. Team Biden became aware of the balloon Jan. 28 OR BEFORE as it flew over Sovereign US Air Space, Bloomberg reported, when it was spotted over Alaska it should have been shot down over the Aleutian Islands before flying over Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles Silos in Montana and several other US States. Article

VIDEO: US down the Chinese spy balloon, Only after it had traversed the entire continent

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GET THE FACTS AND TIMELINE: BIDEN ADMIN KNEW ABOUT SPY BALLOON AND SUPPRESSED INFO TO THE AMERICAN PUBLIC. A few days later another Chinese spy balloon was spotted flying over Latin America.

Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder made a statement “We are seeing reports of a balloon transiting Latin America. We now assess it is another Chinese surveillance balloon. Article

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China Spy Balloon, But Here's Why We Can't Shoot It Down

The Biden Administration's Pivot for the Chinese Spy Balloon Infiltration Is Absurd

Another Chinese "WEATHER Balloon Off Course"Traveling Over Latin America


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Hobby Club’s Missing Balloon Shot Down By USAF - Recovered Video Confirmed Biden shot down Illinois kids’ science project with a $400k sidewinder missile only after a first $400k missile fired and missed! Biden finally admitted in his speech while not acknowledging this situation directly, that the balloons they shot down were likely a hobby clubs project. Article

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The Washington Examiner called Joe Biden's 2023 State of the Union address to the American public – those who watched it, "An abominable failure of a State of the Union."

"The best thing that can be said about Joe Biden's State of the Union address is that a record-low number of people wasted their time watching it. It was a laundry list of nanny statism, promising that not even the tiniest detail of people's lives will be free from federal interference…" Article

The Daily Mail focused on Biden's many blatant lies, with the headline, "Biden repeats misleading claims he has created more jobs than any other president, has made the biggest deficit reduction in history and is responsible for lowering inflation during 'deluded' State of the Union address."

Biden's claims about lowering the deficit by $1.7 trillion are misleading because of the massive government spending during COVID. As those benefit programs end, spending is falling, but those changes have nothing to do with Biden. In Fact over $20 Trillion is being added to an already $32 Trillion of National Debt. 

Biden repeatedly claimed credit for bringing inflation down. It was 6.5% in December, down from 9.1% in June. But it was 1.4% under Trump when he took office, meaning any drop in inflation under his policies still is costing American families thousands of dollars more each year because of inflation his policies triggered.

Biden repeatedly called for bipartisanship, but his messaging was undermined by his September speech in Philadelphia in which he openly blasted Republicans for trying to destroy America.

As is usual during Biden's speeches, he was delusional, whispered at times, shouted, and got words mixed up.

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Joe Biden and Clyde Shavers have something in common - Both Serial Liars!

More Biden Dementia Moments

Bumbling Biden Babbles Bizarrely About His Classified Document Scandal, Admits It Goes Back 50 Years [VIDEO]

Joe Biden’s blunders bring Sky News Australia host to tears. Sky News Australia host Rita Panahi has been brought to tears as she struggled to contain her laughter in assessing some of US President Joe Biden’s most notable and cringeworthy gaffes. Video

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WATCH: Biden Starts Debating With the Audience at His SOTU Speech

Matt Walsh Noticed Biden's Bizarre Behavior at SOTU: 'Classic Symptom of Alzheimer's'

‘End The Destruction Of Our Country’: Trump Responds To Joe Biden’s State Of The Union.  "Biden’s SOTU Speech was, at 27 M viewers the Lowest Rated such Speech in History. I was close to 50 M people watching. So how did Biden get 81 M in the 2020 Presidential “Election?” I’ll tell you how—It was RIGGED! The good news is we are going to reverse every single crisis, calamity and disaster that Biden created. I am running for president to end the destruction of our country and to complete the unfinished business of Making America Great Again."

President Trump: On day one we will revoke Joe Biden’s new executive order establishing Marxist Diversity Equity and Inclusion czars in every agency of the federal government.”

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LAURA INGRAM: "BIDEN SOTU FULL OF LIES & UNINTELLIGIBLE SHOUTING" - Poll: Just 37% of Dems Want 2nd Term. Biden Booed And Called “Liar” By Republicans At SOTU

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Slams Biden In GOP Rebuttal To State Of The Union Address. “In the radical left’s America, Washington taxes you and lights your hard-earned money on fire, but you get crushed with high gas prices, empty grocery shelves, and our children are taught to hate one another on account of their race, but not to love one another or our great country." Article

VIDEO: "FREEDOM VS GOVERMENT CONTROL" - Sarah Huckabee Sanders Gives Best SOTU Response in Modern History

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John Fetterman's wife Gisele and their children flee to Canada to avoid 'media circus' while the Democratic Senator is treated for depression at Walter Reed. Article

Dem Sen. Fetterman’s Staff Releases Update Amid Mental Health Treatment

Fetterman health issues grow as Dems attempt to avoid potential Special Election

The Russian military has conducted a massive attack on the largest naval base in Kiev, Ukraine - WEF member and President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has responded by saying, "I will make Vladimir Putin pay for this day of infamy with US money." VIDEO

Russia and Iran are moving ahead with plans to build a new factory in Russia that could make at least 6,000 Iranian-designed drones for the war in Ukraine.  Article

The Terrorist Attacks On America's Food Supply Are Real - Over 130 food production & processing plants have been damaged in two years. Dr. Andrew Huff, a foremost expert on the security of our agriculture system, discusses why at least 130 of America’s food production and processing plants had been damaged or destroyed in the last two years. Interview

Social media censorship by the US government is a serious threat to a free republic - In the same way the Biden administration rigged the conversation surrounding the dangerous and deadly experimental COVID-19 injections, it also went to great lengths to collude with social media platforms, in this case, Twitter, to silence—and attempt to destroy—any and all experts who shared knowledge of their danger. And now, following Elon Musk’s release of the Twitter files, which expose the unconstitutional plan in great detail, the architects behind the COVID narrative are using their allies in the Pfizer-controlled mainstream media. Article

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Who's in Charge of Your World View? - The Twitter Files affords a dizzying glimpse into how everything works

It was all one big setup! Videos released on Twitter show multiple examples of undercover federal agents at the Capitol on Jan 6

TWITTERS EXPOSED Electoral Shenanigans - If Twitter did not like the narrative then "Visibility Filtering" was applied to Conservative politicians. Twitter, without informing MTG labeled her Twitter account “not safe for work." Article

Jim Jordan says Elon Musk bought a crime scene for billions of dollars. "The biggest win was
@elonmusk buying Twitter.
" Video

Elon Musk Warns World Leaders of a "Civilizational Collapse" - Opposes the idea of a "World Government" at the "World Government Summit."

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New Biden guidelines put target on gun stores - Under proposed policy, ATF can 'revoke licenses without warning." The ATF has launched a new "zero tolerance" policy that will make it easier to revoke gun stores' federal firearms licenses, according to Second Amendment advocates reacting to a leaked copy of the guidelines. Article

Dem Playbook Exposed - VIDEO: Adam Schiff Suggests Border Concern Is Racist, It Doesn’t Go Well For Him 

Putin Signs Bill to Suspend Last Nuclear Arms Treaty With US

China successfully tests 'phantom space strike' weapon which can overwhelm an enemy’s missile defense systems ahead of a nuclear attack. Tactic could exhaust an enemy's weapon supplies, making it easier to destroy it. Article

North Korea threatens U.S. with 'overwhelming nuclear force' - Rogue regime rattling missiles because of nearby military drills. "The military and political situation in the Korean peninsula and the region has reached an extremely dangerous phase due to the reckless military confrontations and hostile acts of the U.S. and its vassal forces," that nation's Ministry of Foreign Affairs proclaimed in its statement. Article

Kim Jong Un’s sister threatens to turn Pacific into ‘firing range’

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China ramps up surveillance, security threat with new satellite support from Antarctica Zhongshan research base 

What's the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth? Senator unloads on Dems for pushing false 'Russia' narratives - Politicians, media, Deep Staters colluded to protect Biden. Article

Putin Withdraws Recognition Of Moldova’s Sovereignty, Territorial Integrity, And Neutrality

Feds funded 'disinformation' scheme that attacks conservative reporting

The new Declaration of North America (DNA) agreement is a poorly conceived Globalist “America Last” compact with Mexico and Canada that is riddled with Woke, Collectivist Bias. The agreement furthers a trajectory that has serious negative implications. Its stated focus is diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as the framework for impactful and serious policy-making in education, national security, climate change, health, and industry. Biden and his globalist pals are just gracing us with their plans after the fact. This agreement drives important policies and programs related to the environment, “competitiveness,” the border, health, and “regional security.” Americans should pay attention because, in this case, ignorance is not bliss. Article

Nicaragua’s Flip to China: What Does It Mean for the Region?

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US companies riddled with members of Chinese Communist Party: Devine

Leftist Ideology is irredeemably hostile to human flourishing, despite the quasi-religious utopian promises it makes to its credulous and naive adherents. To the rational student of history the catastrophic failure of Leftist ideology is self-evident, in our nation we have had decades of continuous proselytization of students in our universities, which are churning out confused, fanatically devoted Leftists year after year. Antifa, BLM, and other Leftist, Marxist paramilitary organizations could push Americans over the edge into accepting a complete change in our way of life and to relinquish our Constitutional Republic. Article

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A government watchdog group reports the Biden administration left $7.2 billion worth of U.S. military equipment under Taliban control when it abruptly left Afghanistan in 2021. Article

BIDEN ADMIN POLICIES: JAN 6 DEFENDANT LEAKS FOOTAGE FROM INSIDE DC GULAG -  PRISONERS FORCED TO DRINK DIRTY BROWN WATER - 2 + Years / Solitary Confinement / No Bond / No Visitations. Connect the Dots...Ray Epps Paid by NOG's /  Cartels??? VIDEO

How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline - United States executed a covert sea operation that was kept secret—until nowPulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh has alleged US Navy divers laid bombs that destroyed the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea last September.

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Sy Hersh Details Nord Stream 2 Sabotage

Report: Biden ordered U.S. Navy to bomb Nord Stream pipelines


Video: Biden Snaps, Refuses To Answer Questions, Laughs, Insults The Press, Turns His Back & Walks Away 

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The Sneaky Way School Counselors Are Manipulating Kids. The American School Counselor Association and other governing organizations have been captured by Neo-Marxist ideology radicals aka "Agents of Social Change," including anti-racism, DEI, and even anti-parental rights advocates. How to Fight Back! Video

Video: Basic Facts About Male & Female Differences Offends Cat Lady

Project Veritos exposed and blew up the technocracy with their MOST WATCHED VIDEO OF ALL TIME; 50 Million Views and counting... Pfizer Executive Admits "Great for big pharma employees but "THIS IS BAD FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE" - COVID-19 Vaccine Adversely Affects Women's Fertility - More Pure Evil Exposed! Video Here

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Pfizer executive Jordon Trishton Walker recorded saying that his company was exploring intentionally creating mutations of the COVID virus to preemptively develop new vaccines, would be a "cash cow" for his company . Article 

Medical expert warns mutating COVID-19 virus would be criminal - Allowing that into the public 'would be an act of domestic terrorism.'

Pfizer Director Physically Assaults James O'Keefe & Veritas Staff: Destroys iPad Showing Undercover Recordings About “Mutating” Covid Virus; NYPD RESPONDS! Video

James O'Keefe removed from Project Veritas following epic video that received over 50 million views exposing Pfizer. James O'Keefe founded Project Veritas in 2011 and was its CEO. His brand of provocative journalism changed the face of investigative reporting. Immediately following O'Keefe reading his announcement A Cease and Desist letter went out to the Project Veritas Board of Directors by law firm Troutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders, saying the "firm represents a large group of significant donors to Project Veritas." These donors, it goes on to say "have grave concerns about the Board of Directors' action to remove Founder and CEO James O'Keefe from his leadership position, change the structure of the Project Veritas entities and their Boards (raising risks for the entities' charitable status), and operate Project Veritas for purposes other than those for which the organization was established."  Article / Video

Project Veritas responded by releasing a video begging founder James O’Keefe to come back. “We, the staff at Project Veritas, are at a crossroads,” the video began. “High-level disputes between our leader and founder, James O’Keefe, and the volunteer Board of Directors who are responsible for oversight of the nonprofit have resulted in James no longer being here.”

“James is not only the founder of Project Veritas, but the creative visionary of our mission. This devastated us and the audience we exist for,” the video said. “James hasn’t resigned, nor was he fired. These events confuse, and they hurt us — leaving all of us in a state of limbo.”

“So, we have a choice to make. We want James back, but we have a duty to our generous supporters, to all of you, and to our journalistic integrity to break record stories which impact our culture, and most importantly, the future of our country. The board may have their obligations, but we are Project Veritas. James assembled this team of over sixty individuals who have bonded together in a common mission to expose waste, fraud, and abuse.” Article

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We Told You the Truth About the Wuhan Lab Leak From the Beginning 

Why is the Previously Dismissed Claim that COVID Originated in China Bio Weapons lab Now Being Accepted as Fact? Article

The Greatest Cover-Up in Human History

Report 54: Infants and Children Under 12 Given the Pfizer mRNA COVID “Vaccine” Seven Months BEFORE Pediatric Approval. 71% of Adverse Event Cases Classified as Serious

Autopsy analysis of 2 teen boys who died days after 2d Pfizer Covid-19 shot

Tragedy Strikes As 12 Year Old Dies Suddenly After Collapsing During Football Practice 

The First Mandatory Vaccination Campaign That Crippled America’s Pilots - The forgotten history of the military's disastrous anthrax vaccination campaign. Article

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AMERICA – WE HAVE A PROBLEM - We are witnessing a cover-up of vast proportions and implications

The Biden administration is preparing to sign up the United States to a “legally binding” accord with the World Health Organization (WHO) that would give this Geneva-based UN subsidiary the authority to dictate America’s policies during a pandemic. Article

17 US Senators introduced the “No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act” which states that the pandemic accord must be deemed a 'Treaty,' thus requiring the consent of a supermajority of the Senate, which is 2/3, or 67 Senators.

“The WHO, along with our federal health agencies, failed miserably in their response to COVID-19,” Sen. Johnson stated."This failure should not be rewarded with a new international treaty that would increase the WHO’s power at the expense of American sovereignty.” Francis Boyle, professor of international law at Illinois University,  said Congress should immediately withhold its yearly contributions to the WHO and take the United States out of the organization. Currently, the United States is the largest contributor to the WHO’s $6.72 billion budget. Article

The U.S. government, including Fauci and federal health officials "knew COVID vaccines were doomed from the start."

New paper: An estimated 13 million people worldwide killed by the COVID vaccines
That's twice as many as were killed by the virus. In the US, the estimates are 670K Americans killed. Perhaps it's time to declare that the vaccines are a worldwide emergency?

Purely for Ideological Reasons the Biden Administration makes Human Guinea Pigs of Pilots - Pilot who had a Heart Attack 6 minutes after landing loaded jet, Bob Snow, Sounds the Alarm on Vaccine Injuries. Video Interview

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The FAA has very quietly admitted that the EKGs of pilots are no longer normal. We should Be Very Concerned! After the vaccine rolled out, the FAA secretly widened the EKG parameter range for pilots so they wouldn't be grounded. It looks like the vax gave at least 50M Americans heart damage. Article / THIS ONLY UNDERMINES AVIATION SAFETY Tucker Carlson Video.

STUDY: 50% of All Vaccinated Young Athletes Have Myocarditis - Get your vaccinated child checked out by a doctor BEFORE allowing them to exercise!

Here’s How the U.S. Government Is Tracking the Unvaccinated. The US government has secretly been tracking those who didn’t get the COVID jab, or are only partially jabbed, through a previously unknown surveillance program implemented on April 1, 2022, and adopted by most medical clinics and hospitals across the U.S. Article

CDC Tracked Millions of Phones to See If Americans Followed COVID Lockdown Orders

Did Australia Hide Deadly Batches of Pfizer's COVID Vaccine?

Military Arrests Vaccine Scientist on Charges of Accessory to MASS Murder

"Murdering the World is Hard" - The Owners of Planet Monster are Absolutely Fixated with "Vaccines," and it is NOT because they love you. Say you owned all the nodes of power in most of the World’s governments especially “the West." You have been able to keep the world divided with lots of wars. But the masses keep reproducing and you do have to walk the tightrope of creating a global revolution and thus keep the masses at each other’s throats lest they arise and figure out that it is YOU behind the curtain. You own and control the Media and you own and control Big Tech. You can make a few calls and get “misinformation” banned from the acceptable Big Box Social Media sites, but you need a fiction of “democracy” to survive... Article

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Unvaccinated New York City teachers were “flagged” with “problem codes” and their fingerprints sent to the FBI, according to an affidavit filed in federal court. “These are hardworking teachers and educators with excellent employment records who dedicated their lives to teaching in the New York City public schools. It is unacceptable that the DOE would place problem codes on their employment files and flag their fingerprints with the FBI simply because they were not able or willing to get vaccinated." Article

New Zealand government data shows that the COVID vaccines make you MORE likely to die from COVID (not less). Crystal clear government data shows the more you vax, the more likely you are to die from COVID. Article

WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING? - CDC Adds COVID-19 Vaccine to Routine Immunization Schedule for Children and Adolescents. It is common knowledge that COVID-19 poses no threat to young children, that mRNA vaccinations against the virus are Not effective or Safe and that people have even died after receiving a COVID vaccine. But the CDC and its advisory council continue to push for childhood vaccinations despite all these facts. Article / Video

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Two new class action lawsuits filed against The United States in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims. Defending the Republic, along with Co-counsel Dale Saran and Andrew Meyer, announced two new class action lawsuits filed against the United States in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims for its wrongful conduct in using the Department of Defense’s (DOD) COVID-19 vaccine mandate to punish military service members who lawfully declined the experimental vaccines. Article

Inslee runs away from question about reinstating WA employees fired due to Jabs for Jobs vaccine mandate

NFL Players Association Urged to Screen for Heart Issues Over Vaccine Side Effects

This Study Could Be 'Scientific Nail in the Coffin' for Masks - Masks make 'no difference,' according to study by world-renowned medical database. One of the largest and most comprehensive studies on the effectiveness of masks found they do almost nothing to reduce the spread of respiratory viruses. The study reviewed 78 randomized control trials—experiments that have long been considered "the gold standard" for medicine—which assessed the effectiveness of face masks against flu, Covid-19, and similar illnesses. Article

Idaho Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Outlaw mRNA COVID Shots. Two Republican Idaho lawmakers introduced a bill that would criminalize the administration of the mRNA COVID shots. HB 154, according to the bill text, “A person may not provide or administer a vaccine developed using messenger ribonucleic acid technology for use in an individual or any other mammal in this state.” Those who administer the mRNA shots would be charged with a misdemeanor under the law.

Major media get sued for suppressing truth on COVID and biggest stories - 'They have no right to combine together to restrict what their rivals can publish.' The complaint accuses the Washington Post, Associated Press, BBC  and Reuters of infringing on antitrust laws by attacking others' reporting on issues such as COVID-19 and more. Article

A group of Catholic students and their parents are now considering taking legal action against the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum after a security guard kicked the group of students out of the museum for wearing pro-life beanies inside. Article

The Democrat plan is to move us from a Free Society to a Socialist / Communist / Marxist Society. The technocracy that Democrats want depends on "experts" infiltrating and corrupting our institutions, and those "expert technocrats" have gone wild. Video

Border Patrol calls for agents to volunteer to work on NORTHERN border with Canada amid 800% spike in migrants crossing the 'weak point' (despite force still having to stop entries from Mexico).

* US Northern Border Patrol requested volunteers for redeployment 
* Swanton Sector has seen an 846% increase in illegal crossings since October
* Surge comes despite temperatures plummeting to -4F in the area last month  Article

“China Elected Trudeau!” Canadians Take to Streets to Demand Trudeau’s Ouster after Spy Agency Reveals Chinese Interference in Election. Justin Trudeau finds himself up against increasingly vocal demands that he be ousted. Opposition to his authoritarian regime is growing amid concerns about his abuse of the Emergencies Act and revelations that Canada’s spy agency warned about CCP interference in Canadian elections, but Trudeau did nothing to stop it. Secret and top-secret Canadian Security Intelligence Service documents reveal. Article / Video

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Russia Deploys Nuclear Armed Ships; China Nears Red Line on Arming Russia

Canada considers allowing assisted suicide for children without parental consent

Unearthed Emails Show Biden Admin. Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine Discussing ‘Potential Revenue’ From Child Sex Change Procedures

VIDEO: Trump announces his plan to end gender madness - If this is any indication of what a Trump 2024 campaign is going look like, then he can certainly win

NEW BOOK REVEALS FACT FROM FICTION: Global Warming Hoax? - What Every American Must Know About DECADES of Questionable Scientific Data Used to Restrict How We Live Our Daily Lives!

* Why there is NO climate crisis arising from human activities now, nor on the horizon over the  upcoming years (p. 103)
* How the ice mass in Antarctica has actually been increasing since 1979 and NOT decreasing like we’ve been led to believe (p.64)
* The carbon dioxide disconnect and why there is ZERO evidence linking carbon dioxide to climate change (p. 66)
* The TRUTH about the recent California wildfires and how they are the result of bad forest management — NOT global warming (p. 191)
* Al Gore’s massive OVERSTATEMENT on sea level rising 20+ feet by the year 2100, when the newest data shows it would actually be closer to just six inches higher than it is now (p.135)
* How the BIGGER problem of “global cooling” has been overlooked and why it could cause far greater hazards to humans than global warming (p. 174)
* And much, much more...Those who know the TRUTH won’t be manipulated now, nor will they be manipulated or tolerate being lied to any time in the future. MORE HERE

Liz Wheeler exposes the UN and WEF Climate Change Hoax and their Plot to Censor Speech
VIDEO: George Soros’ Brain Completely Malfunctions, Mumbles Incoherently During Cimate Change Speech 

Tucker: 'Cult of climate' is filling void left by lack of religious faith- Points out how environmental activists no longer care about data

On February 3, a 150-car train carrying toxic chemicals derailed in East Palestine, Ohio - "To keep the volatile chemicals it was transporting from randomly combusting," a perimeter was established, and then a "controlled burn" and subsequent explosion sent a billowing black mushroom cloud thousands of feet into the air. In the weeks since, locals have reported an alarming number of dead animals, fish, rainbow-colored water, and mystery illnesses. After weeks of silence, FEMA announced that East Palestine is "NOT eligible for assistance." Article

Trains are Derailing in Ohio and Pete Buttigieg Doesn’t CareButtigieg claims construction companies are employing too many white people, ignores 'catastrophic' train derailment

'We basically nuked the town': Hundreds of residents in Ohio village demand urgent testing of their homes after train wreck released toxic chemicals into the air - and officials tell them it's safe to return

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Expert warns it could take 'decades' for Ohio town to recover after toxic "Controlled Burn."

East Palestine Residents Could See Long-Term Health Concerns From Toxic Chemicals: Researchers

Report: Animals in Ohio parks dying 'at alarming rates' after train wreck

Three train derailments in one week. East Palestine, Ohio. South Carolina. Now, Texas. This comes amid reports of pipeline leaks, food and chicken facilities on fire and more. The "controlled release" process in Ohio involved the burning of the rail cars' chemicals, which will release poisonous fumes into the air that can be deadly if inhaled. Anyone who remained in the affected area was facing a grave danger of death. “We basically nuked a town with chemicals so we could get a railroad open,” said one hazardous materials specialist. Article

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You're on your own, East Palestine: Residents are told they're 'ineligible' for FEMA help because their homes weren't destroyed by toxic train derailment. Many ask WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE "CONTROLLED BURN" AND SUBSEQUENT EXPLOSION? Trump heads to East Palestine before ANY White House official to donate water and supplies amid fury over Biden administration's lack of response.

East Palestine: Greatest ecological disaster in U.S. history?

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J.D. Vance Challenges Biden's EPA Administrator to Drink the Water

East Palestine toxicology test relies on controversial consulting firm accused of serving corporate interest rather than public health - The company hired by Norfolk Southern has already persuaded residents to sign agreements that reportedly waive their legal rights in the aftermath of Ohio's train crash. Article


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Lawyer: “Residents exposed to vinyl chloride may already be undergoing DNA mutations that could linger for years or even decades before manifesting as terrible and deadly cancers.” Article

FEMA - East Palestine, Ohio 'Not Eligible For Assistance' until Trump arrives Hmm...

Biden Ignores Ecological Disaster in East Palestine, Instead Flies Overseas to Visit Ukraine While Staged Fake Air Raid Siren Blares

Biden’s Bumbling Of Ohio Train Wreck Reaffirms His Fake Environmental Concerns 

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President Trump spoke to those in East Palestine after a short stop at Little Beaver Creek telling locals: “You are not forgotten.” Trump spoke to a small group of local leaders, first responders and the media at the local fire station and donated thousands of bottles of cleaning supplies and pallets of bottled water. Article / Video

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Nearly 3 weeks after a Norfolk Southern train carrying toxic chemicals derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, Biden Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg finally visited the town. It didn't go well. Buttigieg, attempted to shift blame with a false narrative about deregulation under President Trump. After numerous questions as to why it took him so long to visit the town, Buttigieg was escorted away from media while his press secretary said she’ll answer questions for him - but only if she isn’t recorded on camera…Article / Video

Pete Buttigieg Team Refuse to Answer Questions - Demands Reporters Put Away Cameras

Mass Casualty Event as Explosions Occur at Manufacturing Plant in Bedford, Ohio

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Nothing To See Here, Just Another Explosion, This Time In Medley, Florida [VIDEO]

AttorneyThomas Renz: "With the attacks on the food supply & infrastructure, the unprecedented number of critical HAZMAT incidents destroying the environment, the #WEF #DiedSuddenly #vaccine, the economic collapse (complete with upcoming #CBDCs) what would be different if America was at war? WorldWar3?"

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South Africa's energy grid has collapsed or is collapsing because they wrote Critical Race Theory into their Constitution in the 1990s - Video

The Lies Government will tell to Force Green Energy

Wind Turbines Collapsing…like faith in the Biden administration?

Wind power makers suffer huge losses, want to abandon major project Dems dream of “clean” (except for millions of dead birds) energy from wind farms is dying in the face of the poor economics (even with tax subsidies) and unreliable technology. The big players in constructing wind turbines are facing massive losses and write-downs and canceling big offshore wind projects. Brace yourself for demands for even more subsides to the failing industry. Article

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Pennsylvania county to mail residents free condoms to combat rocketing STD rates - Residents can get up to 10 condoms discreetly delivered to their door for free. Article

Every single Democrat in the Virginia House of Delegates voted against a "common sense" bill that would require schools to notify parents if their child is "self-identifying as a gender different from the student's biological sex."

EPIC RANT: Ted Cruz Unleashes On Biden Nominees Who Can't Even Answer Basic Constitutional Questions. VIDEO

‘Greater Idaho’ Movement to Absorb Oregon Counties Gaining Traction In the western United States, a movement to make most of the state of Oregon secede and join neighboring Idaho is gaining support from politicians in both states. "Greater Idaho" is a proposal to have roughly 13 counties from the state of Oregon secede and instead become part of Idaho. The counties in question, all located in the east of Oregon state, account for 63 percent of the state’s geographical size but only about 9 percent of the population. Article

Secession Movement Making Progress In Convincing Eastern Oregon Counties To Secede From Their Woke State and Become Part Of Idaho

More Red States Join Push To Bar Men From Competing In Women’s Sports

The North Dakota House of Reps passed a personhood bill declaring humans superior to environmental elements, artificial intelligence, inanimate objects, corporations, and governmental entities. HB 1361, passed by a vote of 87–7. The bill was sponsored by Republican state Rep. Cole Christensen.

“The people on the committee were like, ‘Is this really necessary?’ And I said, ‘Unfortunately, it is." He cited news from the World Economic Forum and elsewhere indicating that granting nonhumans the status of persons is increasingly being promoted or implemented. I.e. The Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature promotes a “Rights of Nature” ideology, which holds that nature should no longer be treated as property under the law and that ecosystems should have rights...

The Process of the Formation of the State of "New California" Is Well Under Way - Current state of California is in great turmoil and has become governed by a tyranny. The idea follows the US Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence and is following precedent. The state of West Virginia was formed during the Civil War when citizens of the new state didn’t agree with the unconstitutional actions of the state of Virginia. More here and here.

Lawmaker files resolution to declare Oklahoma a sovereign state. State Sen. Nathan Dahm filed Senate JR 2, which would amend the state constitution to clarify Oklahoma as a sovereign state. The measure also says federal laws that violate the U.S. Constitution are null, void and of no effect in Oklahoma. The proposed resolution will be put to a vote of the people in the next election.

"For far too long, the federal government has trampled on state sovereignty. This proposal is an attempt to restore balance between the state and the feds," Dahm, R-Broken Arrow, said in a news release. "This new language reiterates that the states are not subservient to the federal government. The states created the federal government, gave it the power that it does have, and reserved the remainder to themselves." 

If passed Oklahoma would join Texas, Montana, and Utah as the other states (so far) to do so. Others likely to follow: Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, Carolina's, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, West Virginia, Mississippi and Florida. Article

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The Biden Administration’s failed open border policies have produced an extraordinary humanitarian crisis for our country - Since the start of the Biden Administration:

* More than 4.5 million illegal aliens have been apprehended at the southern border (and most were released into American communities).
* Approximately 1.5 million known “gotaways” made it into American communities without coming into contact with Border agents.
* More than 100,000 Americans have died from fentanyl overdoses due to the open border. 

The Biden Administration continues to neglect the crisis at the border, and it wants the American people to ignore the problem. But the reality of its plan is that every town is a border town because the border crisis reaches every state. Article

Liberal Policies Backfire As Huge Sections Of Austin, TX Go Unpoliced, Descend Into Chaos 

Texas Border Sheriff Wants Smugglers to Get 5 Years per Illegal Immigrant. The number of human smugglers arrested by deputies in Kinney County, Texas, has more than quadrupled in the past 2 years and the sheriff wants the penalties to increase.

County Sheriff Brad Coe said his deputies arrested 741 smugglers transporting illegal immigrants from the border in 2022, up from 169 in 2020. Related are the high-speed vehicle pursuits, which have doubled, causing multiple deaths. In 2022, deputies were involved in 139 vehicle pursuits, up from 61 in 2020. Coe said deputies are arresting people who are flying down from Ohio or Washington, renting a car at the airport, and then picking up illegal immigrants at the U.S.–Mexico border to transport them to San Antonio. Smugglers from Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Florida are also prevalent in the area. WHO IS FUNDING THIS???Article


Gov. Ron DeSantis issued a set of proposals to crack down on illegal immigration across the state of Florida, blasting Biden for “reckless … open border policies.” Solutions include increasing criminal penalties for human smugglers, enforcing a statewide ban on employers hiring illegal aliens, and prohibiting counties from issuing driver’s licenses to illegal aliens. Article

Democrats Expose Their End Game on Illegal Immigration

Biden's social agenda gives Americans choice 'between normal and crazy'

The deep state is no conspiracy theory, Progressive monoculture has enveloped many of our private and public institutions. Aldous Huxley saw it coming. Article

NY Times Editorial Board Member Questions Free Speech on Internet: "I don’t think we can allow it to go on" (VIDEO)

The incoherent, meaningless ramblings of senile fool. How much longer does America have to be embarrassed?

Biden Falls Again While Walking Up Stairs Once Again on Air Force One

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Mayor & Entire Council Switch From Democrat to Republican. The East Hanover, New Jersey mayor and the entire township (population of 11,105) council of four members Woke Up and all switched from Democrat to Republican. Article

South Dakota bans sex changes for children - Outlaws both surgical and nonsurgical procedures for minors

The University of North Carolina is leading the charge against woke culture in universities by having voted to ban diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) statements, as well as compelled speech. Article

Most Powerful Transgender Agenda Influencer Exposed – FDA, NIH, NASA, Transhumanism, Eugenics & More [VIDEO]

President Trump Delivered Peace: Releases new video blasting warmonger Washington; pledging to finish the job of cleaning house in D.C.; and juxtaposing the "candidates of war" vs. his tenure as "President of Peace."

Calling all candidates, likely candidates, campaign managers, activists and volunteers - Join us for a fun and informative weekend of trainings to learn the ins and outs of running campaigns, talking with voters, and spreading the Republican message! The WSRP 2nd annual Republican Action Conference is right around the corner - and you're invited! 

There is A great program lined up this year with panels ranging from running effective campaigns to utilizing data to effectively spreading the Republican message. There will be a lunch and banquet with great speakers and Republican elected officials on Saturday - join us early on Friday night at our Welcome Reception for more fun and socializing with fellow Republicans!

When: May 5th and 6th
Where: Red Lion Hotel, Kennewick Columbia Center
1101 N Columbia Center Blvd B
Kennewick, WA 99336
What: Trainings, social events, networking, and great speakers! REGISTER HERE

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The Skagit Republican Women's Group next meeting is at 10 AM Tuesday, March 7 at the Freedonia Grange (MAP). For more info contact (360) 202-7575

The next SCRP Central Committee meeting is Saturday, March 11 at 10 AM at the Freedonia Grange (MAP). For more info contact  (360) 820-1700.

Thank You to the Whitman County GOP that had me out last month for their annual Lincoln / Reagan Day Dinner to speak on Election Integrity. It was so great to connect with so many like minded Republican Patriots!

Thanks so much to Bill Cooper and everyone that attended our SCRP PCO / PC Training - Another informational training!

A Big Thank You to Roy Swihart, Randy Hayden, Nancy Churchill, Semi Bird and all that attended the RECLAIMING OUR SCHOOLS event held at Cowboy Church. The event was very informational and everyone had a great time!

Quote of the Month "Good Legislation Should Bring Clarity Not Confusion." Bill Haslam


Respect and Blessings

Bill Bruch, SCRP Chairman

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