New Hampshire Election Audit Update!

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May 12, 2021 The Professor's Record by David K. Clements 

Election Audit Update - New Hampshire Politician Says "You are irrelevant"

VIDEO: Voter Integrity Group Leader Marylynn Todd provides us with an update and call for action. You can support her efforts here.

You can find David Clements at

VIDEO: Rumble — Professor Clements is joined by Marylyn Todd, organizer of the New Hampshire Voter Integrity Group. She provides the latest of what New Hampshire Patriots need to know.

VIDEO: Dr. David Clements - Not a single electoral fraud case was given an evidentiary hearing


May 11, 2021 It’s Official: Windham, New Hampshire 2020 Election Forensic Audit Begins TODAY: The dominos continue to line up Today, the forensic audit of the 2020 election in Windham, New Hampshire begins.

This makes New Hampshire the second state where an official forensic audit will be taking place.The first, of course, is Arizona. The audit in Maricopa County is ongoing and is scheduled to finish on time. Now, a second audit is beginning in Windham, and more battleground states are taking note.Currently, the auditors in Windham are awaiting the arrival of the ballot counting devices.

This audit comes as a grassroots movement builds to get to the bottom of the 2020 presidential election. Vote counts were off by as much as 8 percent in Windham. A few days ago, a town hall open to the public was held regarding the audit. Hundreds of people showed up to support the audit and to urge that only legitimate, unbiased auditors participate. See this incredible footage here.

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Was Ryan Macias, Who Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs Inserted Into the Maricopa Audit, a Trojan Horse?


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