February 28, 2024
Yesterday the Skagit County Republican Party Central Committee voted unanimously to formally Censure Legislative District 39 State Representatives Carolyn Eslick and Sam Low for their sponsorship and voting for SHB 2368.
Legislative District 39 is approximately 25 % in Skagit County and 75% in Snohomish County.
Here is the Resolution:
Resolution to Censure State Representatives Carolyn Eslick and Sam Low
Whereas SHB 2368 is a new proposed law by the Washington State legislature that authorizes the Department of Social and Health Services to coordinate statewide efforts to “assist” Immigrants and Refugees with appropriated tax-payor cash and services.
Whereas Legislative District 39 State House Representatives Carolyn Eslick and Sam Low Co-sponsored SHB 2368 along with several State Democrats.
Whereas State Representatives Carolyn Eslick and Sam Low and the State House Democrats voted in favor of SHB 2368.
Whereas at a townhall held in Concrete on February 17, 2024, Representatives Eslick and Low were asked to explain their actions, and they took the opportunity to continue their support of SHB 2368.
Whereas SHB 2368 puts the infrastructure in place to enable, encourage, and condone illegal immigration, criminal trafficking, and human smuggling into Washington State.
Whereas SHB 2368 will increase pressure on housing, healthcare, and schools and increase the potential for more violence, crime, and deadly drug distribution (including Fentanyl) contributing to the degradation of Washington State.
Whereas SHB 2368 creates more financial burden on the taxpayers and adds to the unending tax-payor funded government bureaucracy in Washington State.
Whereas SHB 2368 conflicts with Republican and Conservative principles, and the Skagit County Republican Party platform.
Now, Therefore Be It Resolved; on February 27, 2024, the Skagit County Republican Party Central Committee hereby formally Censures Legislative District 39 State Representatives Carolyn Eslick and Sam Low.
Additionally, at the same meeting, the Skagit County Republican Party Central Committee voted unanimously in favor of a Resolution opposing SHB 2368:
SCRP Resolution: Oppose SHB 2368 Facilitating the Immigrant Industrial Complex
Whereas SHB 2368 is a new proposed law by the Washington State legislature that authorizes the Department of Social and Health Services to coordinate statewide efforts to “assist” Immigrants and Refugees with appropriated tax-payor cash and services.
Whereas a $25 million appropriation for SHB 2368 would provide tax-payor cash assistance, long-term housing, employment, and training programs for illegal immigrants.
Whereas it is neither appropriate nor compassionate to offer cash and services incentivizing foreigners to illegally enter and remain in our country, undermining the Rule of Law.
Whereas SHB 2368 enables, encourages, and has the effect of condoning illegal immigration, criminal trafficking, and human smuggling.
Whereas SHB 2368 will inevitably increase pressure on housing, healthcare, and schools and increase the potential for more violence, crime, and deadly drug distribution (including Fentanyl) contributing to the degradation of Washington State.
Whereas SHB 2368 is another needless Democrat ‘jobs program’ adding more financial burden on the taxpayers and adding to the unending tax-payor funded government bureaucracy.
Whereas SHB 2368 codifies government state assistance to illegal immigrants, making Washington a perpetual Sanctuary “Nanny” State.
Whereas SHB 2368 facilitates the Democrat-controlled DSHS and Democrat-controlled Non-Government Organizations to permanently move Immigrants and Refugees to strategic elections locations.
Whereas the Skagit County Republican Party welcomes and supports rational legal immigration, which SHB 2368 undermines and damages.
Now, Therefore Be It Resolved, the Skagit County Republican Party wholeheartedly opposes the passage of SHB 2368, which is a total failure of public policy.
$32.7M slated for asylum-seekers flowing into Washington state
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