STEW PETERS SHOW AZ AUDIT NUMBERS! “The Day America Has Been Waiting For”

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AZ Canvassing Efforts Prove Fraud

September 10, 2021 The Stew Peters Show

Liz Harris and Seth Keshel joined Stew Peters to release canvass findings and real numbers for the first time since the Arizona audit efforts began.

Harris told Stew, “This is the day America has been waiting for” as she presented numbers that would destroy the margin Biden claimed in the 2020 election, supposedly defeating President Trump in Arizona.

Keshel discussed the trends and gave insight about the pathway forward, who can help, and who can hurt the efforts to find the truth about the deep state steal! Video Here           

More Information -- Liz Harris Website:

RELATED: Public Interest Legal Foundation: 27,287 Georgia Mail Ballots Were ‘Undeliverable,’ Over Twice Biden’s Certified Margin of Victory

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