Aug, 1 2021 Gateway Pundit by Jim Hoft
Pennsylvania Senator Doug Mastriano told One America News this week that he will ask the Pennsylvania Senate’s Intergovernmental Operations Committee he chairs to issue subpoenas to compel counties to cooperate with his effort to investigate the 2020 election.
On Friday Pennsylvania counties Tioga and Philadephia declined to participate in the Senate’s forensic election audit.
A Pennsylvania senator is preparing to ask a panel he chairs for the authority to issue subpoenas to compel counties to cooperate with his effort to investigate the 2020 election.
“We’re eagerly awaiting my committee coming together when I can get a quorum, get everyone’s calendars matched up—it is summertime. As soon as I get a quorum, we will have a meeting, we will vote on subpoenas, and let the fun begin,” Pennsylvania Sen. Doug Mastriano, a Republican who chairs the state Senate’s Intergovernmental Operations Committee, said on One America News this week.
Mastriano initiated a forensic probe of the 2020 and 2021 elections in early July by sending requests for materials like ballots and asking for access to machines, to Tioga, York, and Philadelphia counties.
But officials in all three counties are refusing to comply voluntarily, setting up the need for subpoenas.
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