WA Secretary of State Outsources $272,838 Taxpayer Funded AI Surveillance Contract to South Puget Sound Community College

<em>Edit Promo Post</em> April 2025 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

This is a follow-up article regarding the Washington State Republican Party (WSRP) Nov. 29 ethics complaint filed with the Washington State Ethics Board against Secretary of State Steve Hobbs.

Full Complaint, Exhibits, and Footnotes Here - WSRP Press Release Here.

The company, named "Logically" targets people using online social media posts and "Fact Checks" what they deem "Misinformation & Disinformation"- then publishes and sends out regular “Threat Alerts” and bi-weekly "Narrative and Threat Reports" to the SoS.

Finally, after months of waiting, on Dec. 4, 2023, via Public Records Request (PRR), the WA State Office of the Secretary of State (OSOS) decided to disclose a full contract with Logically; it turns out to be a $272,838.00 “Interagency” contract with a Community College that gets a 15% fee to ‘administer’ the Logically contract thru the 2024 election. 

Here is the 12-page contract surprise



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