Again in 2023, more Spokane County Sham and Scam Election "Audits" that are not audits...


December 4, 2023 Election Integrity Update by Bill Bruch

After the 2022 August Primary Election, I reported about the Sham Risk Limiting Audits (RLA) being done in Washington State, and most specifically in Spokane County.

According to the WA Secretary of State (SoS), a RLA is a post-election audit that ensures election results match what the voters selected.

In the 2022 General Election, the Spokane Auditor chose only to do a RLA and no other type of audit. To no one’s surprise, again in 2023, their Auditor chose to only do a RLA to verify that the election races in Spokane County were legitimate.

Just as in the 2022, the numbers were completely ridiculous! In 2023 the Spokane County Ballot Measure No. 1 election was chosen to “audit.”

Through the ARLO Software Algorithm Program, a "random" sample size of 27 ballots was determined to be "audited" out of a total 155,159 ballots counted county-wide, a 0.000174 % sample size.

This is supposed to be an "audit" to make us feel confident that every one of the 152 races in the 2023 general election in Spokane County was fair and honest...

These are not genuine "audits" and are so bad that they are not just Sham audits but truly Scam audits. A RLA checks a tiny sample of selected paper ballots against the results counted by electronic ballot scanning machines to verify the results of an election.

Arlo is open-source software designed to perform a RLA after an election. Arlo features an algorithm connected to the ballots from the election, and the software program can tell the elections officials which ballots to pull to "audit" the election.

OF NOTE: In Nov. 2019 the U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced it would partner with VotingWorks to pilot the use of Arlo in the 6 key battleground states during the Nov. 2020 election. VotingWorks is a leftist non-profit provider of voting machines and open-source election (selection) verification software.

VotingWorks was created by the left-of-center Center for Democracy and Technology, whose major donors include large leftist foundations, including George Soro’s Foundation to Promote Open Society.

Gee…what could go wrong, when in 2018, the DIRECTOR at VotingWorks, Ben Adida tweeted “F—k Donald Trump and all his enablers,” and, in the same year, called the Republican Party “rotten to its core.”

Also, as in 2022, Spokane election observers were not allowed to have a copy of the detailed RLA report to see the composition of the RLA process. The election observers were not allowed to review the mathematical formulas supporting the RLA, and not given answers to most of their more technical questions when they asked for clarification, nor were they allowed to be shown calculations on how the race and candidates were determined.

QUESTION: How can you “audit” 27 ballots from one election and then say, based on that one RLA for that one election, that the other 151 elections were all good???

PROBLEM: Just as in 2022, all Cast Vote Record (CVR) data and images from the RLA were made available via password and were EMAILED to the ARLO RLA Team in Colorado to evaluate the process, showing the Election System is connected to the internet.




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