April 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

April 2022 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

Tomorrow, April 2 the Skagit County Republican Party will be hosting an important Regional Campaign Rally from 3 PM to 5 PM. Come and meet the GOP State and National Candidates at the "Soar to New Heights in 2022" Campaign Rally. This is a great opportunity to meet the candidates up close and personal. BRING YOUR FRIENDS -- EVENT IS FREE and will include live music and a catered buffet meal by La Conner Seafood & Prime Rib House. Event will be at the Brand New Airplane Hanger at Corporate Air Center in Burlington 15452 Airport Dr, Burlington (Map)


US Senate: Tiffany Smiley

Secretary of State: Keith Wagoner (LD 39 State Senator)

US Congress CD 1: Vincent Cavaleri

US Congress CD 2: Carrie Kennedy

US Congress CD 2: Cody Hart

US Congress CD 2: Leif Johnson

US Congress CD 8: Matt Larkin

State Representative LD 10: Greg Gilday

State Representative LD 10: Karen Lesetmoe

State Representative LD 38: Anita Azariah

State Representative LD 39: Robert Sutherland

State Representative LD 39: Carolyn Eslick

State Representative LD 39: Sam Low

State Senate LD 42: Ben Elenbaas

State Senator LD 42: Simon Sefzik

Skagit County Auditor: Eric Hull


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STATE DEMOCRATS CHOOSE NOT TO ENACT EMERGENCY POWERS REFORM: Even with no emergency, state Dems refused to give up Inslee's unconstitutional tyrannical "emergency powers" dictatorial decree death grip on Washingtonians. The Dems only bill (SB 5909) that was heard was weak legislation that would have accomplished very little to limit Inslee's powers, it was even criticized by Seattle Times editorial boards. When the bill came to the floor and Republicans offered amendments to make it stronger, Dems shut down debate after 20 minutes and killed the bill. Speaker Laurie Jinkins then lied, and blamed the death of the bill on a ‘Republican Filibuster,’ which is ridiculous given that the majority party pulled the bill off the floor, also there is no filibuster power in WA State. If Dem legislators believe that their controlled legislature is incapable of reassuming its constitutional duties, then why should voters support them in November?”

MASK AND VACCINATION MANDATES: While Inslee / Dem leadership has finally announced the end of the statewide indoor mask mandate March 12, they still refused to drop the vaccination mandate for state employees, even though a state advisory group has decided against recommending a Covid-19 vaccine requirement for students in K-12 schools. Thousands of state employees were forced from their jobs because of this mandate, creating a shortage of essential state workers. It is a travesty that Inslee  and State Dems are continuing to violate the Constitution and hold state employees hostage, all to keep their need for power and a false narrative... 

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MORE DEMOCRAT TAX INCREASES: Despite record WA state tax collections the last 3 legislative sessions, and an influx of federal stimulus funds from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, majority Dems in the Legislature still chose to increase taxes on individuals, families and businesses. The 2021-23 operating budget grows spending by $7 BILLION, an increase of 13.6% over the 2019-21 budget. State spending has increased by 74% since Gov. Jay Inslee took office in 2013. For a list of all new tax increases 2019 - 21 click here.

2022 would have been a great year to finally bring much needed tax relief to the residents of Washington. We are just coming out of a Democrat self inflicted pandemic that decimated small business and traumatized families; all the while Dem policies have caused inflation to skyrocket – gas, groceries, everything is costing more and it is crushing hardworking Washington families.
The Long-Term Care bill that was passed by Democrats in Olympia in 2019 – and overwhelmingly REJECTED 63% to 37% by the residents of Washington through Advisory Vote 20 was terrible legislation pushed through the legislature. Don't be fooled, this year, Dems strategically decided to postpone the legislation until AFTER the 2022 midterm elections. 

POLICING: This year Republicans led the charge to fix the terrible anti-police laws previously passed by Democrats. With some bi-partisan support, the GOP was able to pass some reform that will help our police officers once again enforce rules and keep our communities safe. These bills are a start, but they still do not address the terrible issues from other previous Democrat anti-police bills as ALL CRIME is significantly up across our state after Dems handcuffed law enforcement officers' ability to do their jobs.

Car Thefts Skyrocketing Across Washington -- The total number of car thefts across the state has nearly doubled compared to the first few months of 2021. In some places, like Bellingham, it has quadrupled -going up by 300% compared to last year. Law enforcement says Democrat-backed policing laws (HB 1310 & HB 1054) are responsible.

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SECOND AMENDMENT: Democrats pushed through radical legislation SB 5078 limiting the magazine capacity of firearms to 10 rounds. These so-called “high capacity” magazines are, in fact, standard equipment for commonly-owned firearms that many Americans constitutionally and effectively use for an entire range of lawful purposes, such as self-defense or competition.

Criminals don't care about new gun laws that restrict law-abiding gun owners. Yet, State Dems continue the attack against our 2nd Amendment rights. Other examples are HB 1705 that restricts the manufacture and sale of untraceable firearms and unfinished frames and receivers. HB 1630 that bans open-carry firearms and other weapons from local government meetings, election sites and off-campus school board meetings. HB 1901 which includes the ability to revoke an individual's firearm rights under certain conditions when there is a civil protection or restraining order in effect. ALL THESE DEM BILLS VIOLATE YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS!

State Dem new laws are blatantly unconstitutional and make our citizens less safe. Doing this at a time of rising crime and with ENORMOUS public push-back provides more examples of the Democrats' lack of representative leadership. 

TRANSPORTATION: Sen. Curtis King, ranking Republican on the Senate Transportation Committee, and Rep. Andrew Barkis, ranking Republican on the House Transportation Committee, issued this statement regarding the Legislature's agreement on the 2022 supplemental transportation budget (SB 5689) and the Move Ahead Washington transportation package (SB 5974 and 5975).   

“Unfortunately, the partisan transportation package from the majority will punish drivers throughout Washington with higher fees and taxes,” said King, R-Yakima. “It isn't right to make our citizens pay more to own a car. The higher taxes and fees passed today by the majority party, on top of measures they've passed in recent years, will make it much more costly to drive. Most people in our state are already struggling with inflation, and now gas prices are rising daily. The legislation passed will make things worse. I'm disappointed that for the first time in our history, a completely partisan transportation package has been passed with zero input from 20 Washington state legislative districts. Our citizens need relief and deserve better.”

“It's disingenuous for the majority party to imply this package isn't going to raise the cost of living on every Washingtonian. Besides the new taxes and fees that are included, a large portion of the intended revenue comes from the Climate Commitment Act passed in 2021. One integral component of the CCA is cap-and-trade, which goes into effect later this year. This will raise the price of gas at the pump even higher than we're experiencing right now. Washingtonians are still recovering from the pandemic, inflation is at a 40-year high, and gas prices are already at one of the highest rates we've seen. This is the wrong time to be pushing this package forward,” said Barkis, R-Olympia.

Radical Dems, also passed SB 5974 that will outlaw the sale, purchase, and registration of all gas vehicles that are model year 2030 or newer, regardless of if they are publicly or privately owned. The only vehicles eligible for sale and registration will be all-electric cars. The law also creates an “interagency electric vehicle coordinating council,” which will oversee vehicular regulations for this program going forward. Article

SB 5974 Reads “All publicly owned and privately owned passenger and light duty vehicles of model year 2030 or later that are sold, purchased, or registered in Washington state be electric vehicles.”


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EDUCATION: Lawmakers again failed to address the systematic underfunding of public charter schools, they should include money in the supplemental budget to offer short-term relief. Washington’s free public charter schools are intended to offer educational alternatives for students whose families can’t afford expensive private education. But unlike traditional public schools, charters can’t supplement state funding through local property tax levy requests. This unfairly shortchanges charter schools’ budgets by $1,550-$3,000 per student, depending on the district, according to the Charter Schools Association. Charter school advocates have been asking lawmakers to fix this inequity since 2019. If Washington lawmakers won't uphold their responsibility to support public charter schools, voters should choose new representatives who will. Article

DEMS IGNORE VOTER ADVISORY VOTES: Last year, House Republicans argued the capital gains income tax was unpopular, unnecessary, and unconstitutional. Last November, 61% of voters said the SB 5096 bill should be repealed in Advisory Vote No. 37. Earlier this year, state Dem lawmakers learned they had a $14 billion budget surplus, but it did not matter, all we get are more and higher taxes!

PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS: Dems also proposed a measure that would have required up to 249-feet riparian buffer zones along rivers, lakes, and streams, with fines up to $10,000 a day. This would have been devastating to farmers across the state. Fortunately, this and other insane bills are dead but may come back to life next session.
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Democrat “Move Ahead Washington” transportation proposal: This spends $16.8 B over 16 years primarily on transit, bicycle paths and ferries, while leaving a $7 B hole in our state's maintenance and preservation needs for highways and bridges. It increases license fees and uses money from the state's cap-and-trade scheme. Most of the money is directed to King and Pierce CO and sweeps $57 M annually from the Public Works Assistance Account, which takes money away from WA cities and counties to pay for water, sewer and important infrastructure projects. 

Their supplemental operating budget does not provide real tax relief, spends too much, and does nothing to strengthen the rainy-day fund. All House Republicans voted against it!

OF NOTE: Republicans introduced several bills that would have brought relief to our residents, including a bill introduced by LD 42 Sen. Sefzik that would have suspended the near $0.50 state gas tax. However, Democrats systematically killed every single one. Instead of tax relief, Dems want to increase fees for license plates, identification cards, and more, some fees increasing by 500%, despite Republican alternatives that would not increase costs. 


Good House Bills That Passed House and Senate (WINS)
HB 1623: Requires state regulators to meet with stakeholders to address
risks of rolling blackouts due to inadequate power supply.
HB 1982: Clarifying bill to make fixes to HB 1410, which lowered penalties
and interests on delinquent property taxes for homeowners.
HB 1641: Restores expired B&O/PUT exemption for custom farming and
hauling farm equipment.
HB 1655: Requires WSDOT to reconfigure its maintenance operations to
assure that state-owned and operated safety rest areas are open for use
except for seasonal closures or cleaning, maintenance, and repairs.
HB 1984: Requires paper-issued registration certificates for vehicles,
trailers, and vessels to be printed to allow for the manual removal of a
registrant's address.

Bad House Bills That Did NOT Pass House (DEFENSIVE WINS)
HB 1692: Eliminates drive-by shootings as a cause for elevating a murder
charge to aggravated murder.
HB 1727: Eliminates odd-year elections for county, city, most special
purpose districts, and all statewide ballot measures.
HB 1838: Creates extreme “riparian management zones,” effectively killing
much of the state's farmland.
HB 1850: Expands State AG’s power to prosecute “data privacy” cases.
Also establishes a new state bureaucratic agency with regulatory oversight
of “personal data rights.”
HB 1904: Requires a landlord to provide at least 6 months' notice prior to a
rent increase of more than 7.5%. A tenant may break their lease at any
time during this period after providing the landlord at least 45 days' notice.
HB 1951: Removes “don’t know” as an option on the real estate seller’s
disclosure statement, removes “actual knowledge” standard from existing
law and makes seller liable for any misinformation.

Bad Bills that Passed House or Senate but Died in Other Chamber or
on Concurrence (DEFENSIVE WINS)

HB 1099: Adds a climate change layer to the Growth Management Act (GMA)
HB 1117: Adds a “net ecological gain” standard to GMA.
HB 1169: Eliminates or reduces certain sentencing enhancements for
violent felons.
HB 1770: Updates State Energy Code, including requiring new buildings
must be net-zero ready, including a reduction of at least 80 percent in
annual net energy consumption by December 1, 2034.
HB 1837: Repeals prohibition on Labor & Industries adopting an
“ergonomic standard” unless required by OSHA.
HB 1868: Establishes hospital minimum staffing standards (e.g. ratios) and
changes other staffing requirements.
SB 5155: Prejudgment Interest. Changes when interest is accrued on
certain actions from the date on which the cause of action occurs, rather
than from the date judgment is entered.

Pretty Good Bipartisan House Bills That Passed House and Senate

HB 1719: Revises definition of “military equipment” used by law
enforcement to no longer include certain firearms or ammunition of .50
caliber or greater (fix to last year’s anti-police bills—part 1 of 4).
HB 1735: Expands authority for a peace officer to use physical force,
subject to the requirement to exercise reasonable care, in additional
specific circumstances (fix to last year’s anti-police bills—part 2 of 4).
HB 1785: Ensuring WA State patrol are paid comparable wages to top law
enforcement agencies in the state.
HB 2037: Defines “physical force” and modifies the standard for the use of
physical force by peace officers (fix to last year’s anti-police bills).
SB 5651: The 2022 Supplemental Capital Budget.

Good House Bills That Did NOT Pass the House (LOSSES)
HB 1029: Emergency powers reform.
HB 1633: Promoting school choice through scholarships.
HB 1656: Changing the definition of theft to include concealment.
HB 1772: More Emergency powers reform.
HB 1788: Allowing law enforcement to chase suspects (fix to last year’s
anti-police bills—part 4 of 4).
HB 1898: Reducing state property tax levies.
HB 2015: Expanding the Working Families Tax Credit.
HB 2125 & HB 2126: More ways to reduce state property taxes.
HB 2138: Cutting the state gasoline/diesel sales tax in half.
REAL Transportation Act: Group of bills Reprioritizing Existing
Appropriations for Longevity Act.

Bad Bills That Passed House and Senate (LOSSES)
HB 1280: Requires consideration of all-electric in public facility design &
disfavors natural gas.
HB 1630: Establishes restrictions on the possession of weapons in certain
public buildings.
HB 1705: Restricts the manufacture, assembly, sale, transfer, purchase,
possession, transport, and receipt of untraceable firearms or so-called
“ghost guns” and unfinished frames and receivers.
HB 1876: Requires a State AG-written “Public Investment Impact”
statement on each voter's ballot for every ballot measure that has a fiscal
impact on state revenue.
SB 5078: Bans firearm magazines holding more than 10 rounds.
SB 5528: Expands the taxing authority for newly created enhanced service
zones within Sound Transit.
SB 5722: Requiring development of requirements for building “clean”
SB 5974 & SB 5975: Partisan $16.8 billion tax-and-spend “Move Ahead
Washington” transportation “package” that is separate from the biennium. 

HAVE YOU CHECKED RENT PRICES AND NOTICED YOUR POWER BILL LATELY ? IF DEMS REMAIN IN CONTROL NEXT YEAR EXPECT MORE TERRIBLE DEMOCRAT LAWS: i.e.HB 1084 Would Ban Natural Gas/Propane in New Home Construction and “eliminate on-site fossil fuel combustion for space heating and water heating” in new construction in order to reduce "climate impacts." Dems are seeking to replace other gas appliances as well.

YES, DESPITE HISTORIC INFLATION LEVELS WA STATE DEM SOCIALIST BUREAUCRATS want a Natural Gas ban across our state on new housing, pricing lower-income earners out of our state. Energy prices are already skyrocketing. When you include a new war in Europe, coupled with the highest inflation rate in 40 years, this proposal would push poorer households towards older buildings, or out of the state altogether.

SOME GOOD NEWS! A Douglas County Superior Court judge struck down Washington’s new tax on capital gains. In a written order, Douglas County Superior Court Judge Brian Huber wrote that the tax, among other things, “It violates the uniformity requirement by imposing a 7% tax on an individual’s long-term capital gains exceeding $250,000,” Huber wrote, but imposes “zero tax on capital gains below that $250,000 threshold.” Huber also rejected the argument by Dems that the new law is an excise tax, rather than an income tax. Excise taxes have been considered constitutionally sound, whereas the state Supreme Court has rejected taxes on income as unconstitutional. The new law is “properly characterized as an income tax,” he wrote, and should also be considered a tax on property. Article

Of no surprise Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced his office would appeal. Dems have fought hard for new tax increases, including the long-term care insurance payroll tax, and are doubling down on all of them.

Who will offer tax relief? Republicans will, that's who! Who will block tax relief? Democrats will, every time. VIDEO: Sen. Keith Wagoner highlights some hot topics of the 2022 legislative session

The many failures of the just-ended Washington legislative session

Democrats are facing "A Red Wave Armageddon.” Democrats are scared and Republicans have the momentum – the Red Wave is coming! Article

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Democrat policies and high taxes have lead to massive US Inflation Rises 7.9 % in February, Hitting a New 40-year High From meat to gas prices rise across the board. The U.S. annual inflation rate surged to 7.9 % in February, matching the market estimate, new data show. Last month, the core inflation rate, which strips the volatile food and energy sectors, climbed 6.4 %, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). This also met economists’ expectations. Both inflation measurements were up 0.4 percentage points from January. On a month-over-month basis, the consumer price index (CPI) rose 0.8 % , while the core CPI eased to 0.5 %. Like the January report, the latest 40-year-high inflation numbers: Article

National inflation jumps to 40-year high at 7.9% in February, Seattle area at 8.1%

Biden Drains Oil Reserves from the Strategic Reserve - This time releasing a much more significant amount. Phil Flynn, a senior account executive at The Price Futures Group and author of The Energy Report, refers to Biden’s move as a “desperate measure” in his daily blog on energy markets, noting that it comes on the same day OPEC+ will ignore Biden’s call to up production.

“So what a coincidence that Biden announced the biggest release from the SPR ever on the day that OPEC is going to shun the Biden administration by sticking to their 400,000 barrel a day script,” Flynn wrote. “Yet OPEC will laugh it off. They know that this move will only increase the demand for their product. They also know that it will further encourage less U.S. oil production as it will discourage oil investment in shale.” Article

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According to Skagit County Auditor 2020 and 2021 registered voter records: 1,507 registered "inactive" or canceled voters were all apparently sent ballots for the 2021 general election, despite 465 being listed as deceased, 965 who moved out of state before or during 2020, 75 who were registered to vote out of state before or during 2020, and 2 that had been declared incompetent.

WA State just finished a pilot program in 9 counties implementing "Risk Limiting Audits" (RLA). According to the WA SOS, a RLA is a post-election audit that ensures election results match what the voters selected. Problem being, in the RLA software program called Arlo, there is an algorithm connected to all the ballot images from the election, the software program tells the elections officials which ballots to pull to "audit" the election. 

In Nov 2019, the US Department of Homeland Security announced it would partner with Voting Works to Pilot the use of its Arlo vote verification software in the six battleground states during the November 2020 election. Arlo is touted to make sure the outcome of an election is statistically likely and is being promoted through Voting Works (a 501 non-profit). Voting Works was created by the left-leaning Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT), a major donor is George Soros through his Foundation to Promote Open Society.

These types of "audits" are not genuine audits and do nothing to verify if the ballots themselves are counterfeit. WHAT IS WORSE is the plan in some WA counties is to replace the current “Random Batch Audits” (which are almost as bad, but still has some human element) with the new “Risk Limiting Audits.” Depending on how close the election is (only about 1/10 of 1% of election results are checked) ballot images from the election are used to determine which ballots the election officials are to select to verify the election.

Thurston County election observers in a recent RLA reported that in a Nov 2021 election of 60,000 + votes counted, only 63 ballots were checked via the RLA  Arlo program. If elections can have predetermined outcomes via computer algorithms like many have shown and believe (Jovan Pulitzer, Dr. Frank, Draza Smith, David Clements and others) then the RLA could easily be “rigged audits” and potentially part of a cover up for an election, as the human element is now taken out of the equation.

OF NOTE: The current "Random Batch Audits" are also not true "audit" and only look at a very small percentage of ballots / ballot images; in most WA State Counties it is 6 batches of 50 per batch (300 ballots total).

WASHINGTON: Over 30,000 Notarized Lawful Affidavits Delivered to Washington State Officials – Governor Inslee’s Office and other Officials Refuse Service

NEVADA: The Nye County Commissioners voted 5 - 0 to get rid of their CORRUPT ELECTION MACHINES! Jim Marchant helped lead the effort and is running for Secretary of State in Nevada. Learn about the county commission strategy that eliminated their rigged Dominion electronic voting machines in Nye County. VIDEO

MAINE: J. Christian Adams group wins an important court case! He discusses the foundations win in its case in Maine which was hiding their voter rolls from the public. The Court Ruled Maine’s restrictions on use and dissemination of its voter rolls violated the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA). VIDEO

NORTH CAROLINA: Judicial Watch won a federal lawsuit against North Carolina causing the state to remove over 430,000 ineligible names from its voter rolls! This is a win for the voters in both North Carolina and across the nation, because clean voter rolls help ensure cleaner elections. In a settlement, JW told the court; “The total number of inactive registrations reported by North Carolina dropped from about 1.2 million in 2019, to about 765,000 in 2021 (a 36% drop). Article

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LOUISIANA: LA withdraws from Soros-Funded ERIC System. Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin has announced that Louisiana will suspend its participation in the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), effective immediately. The announcement comes amid concerns about funding sources and partisan actors being part of the ERIC network. Article

PENNSYLVANIA: The state of Pennsylvania admitted that their DMV had at least 10,000 Illegal Aliens that were automatically registered to vote. The problem of welfare offices and DMV offices allowing foreign citizens registering to vote with "Motor Voter" needs to be reformed, it is what allows illegal foreign citizens to get on the voter rolls. VIDEO 

Questions Linger About Pennsylvania’s 2020 Election Results: The certified 2020 election results in Pennsylvania show Joe Biden won with 80,555 more votes than Donald Trump. But when then-Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar certified the vote on Nov. 24, 2020, the state had 784,752 more ballots than voters; nearly ten times more than Biden’s margin of victory. Article

WISCONSIN: "ORGANIZED CRIME PERPETRATED ON AMERICAS" True the Vote Wisconsin Assembly Hearing: 7% of Ballots Cast at Ballot Drop Boxes in Wisconsin in 2020 – Over 137,000 ballots statewide and 4.8 Million ballots nationwide – Were Trafficked (VIDEO)

107 Ballot Trafficking Suspects in Wisconsin Visited the Ballot Drop Boxes over 2,000 Times in the Two Weeks before the 2020 Election

10 trillion unique cell phone 'pings' were used to reconstruct the movements of ballot box intermediaries in 2020 election

A George Soros-linked and Mark Zuckerberg-funded operative controlled the 2020 election in Green Bay using a secret Wi-Fi connection at a Wisconsin hotel. Wisconsin Special Counsel Mike Gableman’s recently-released investigative report on the Wisconsin Elections System and discovered that the name Michael Spitzer Rubenstein, a “grant mentor” associated with the George Soros-backed Center for Tech and Civic Life kept appearing.

“One guy hidden at the Grand Hyatt Hotel controlled Green Bay’s election from his room, and why was a lawyer from Brooklyn in control of an election in Wisconsin?”

The elections report found that Rubenstein, a former Democrat operative and employee the Zuckerberg-funded National Vote at Home Institute, had practiced “the most aggressive and egregious usurpation of election administration” after coordinating with staff at Hyatt Regency and KI Convention Center to set up a hidden Wi-Fi network that was not password-protected. Article

Did You Know Green Bay's Election Was Run by Michael Spitzer Rubenstein from a Hotel Room? The Wisconsin Special Report says: Democrats Cheated in the 2020 Election!

Special Counsel Finds Zuckerberg’s Election Millions Violated Bribery Laws in Wisconsin; Leaves it to Assembly to Decertify

137,500 Ballots Unlawfully Trafficked in Wisconsin - 10 trillion unique cell phone 'pings' were used to reconstruct the movements of ballot box intermediaries in 2020 election

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TEXAS: Elections Official Resigns After Thousands of Uncounted Ballots Found: The Harris County Republican Party in Texas recently filed a lawsuit against the commissioner after the 10,000 uncounted ballots were discovered. HCRP called it the “worst elections fiasco in Texas history” after the ballots were found, uncounted. There were also other issues with the primary election, including staffing problems, equipment issues, wrong ballots for voters and longer-than-usual lines. Article

In Texas, New Law Is Stopping the Steal


Damning forensic analysis report on the Mesa County election system delivers proof of numerous intentionally designed vulnerabilities that violate state and federal laws. The second in a series of Mesa County election systems forensics reports was obtained through a CO open records request. The report exposes a troubling array of serious election violations stemming from the electronic voting systems used in Mesa County. Given the electronic voting systems used in CO mimic systems used across the country in hundreds, if not thousands of counties, it’s anticipated that the report will serve as the predicate for numerous investigations across the U.S., some are already in progress and some are criminal. Article

CO SOS GRISWOLD GUILTY OF ELECTION CRIMES – EVIDENCE INDICATES GRISWOLD COVER UP CRIMINAL VIOLATIONS. The third forensic report analyzing Mesa County electronic voting systems exposes proof of changing vote counts, multiple unauthorized databases discovered and used in two separate elections, and more. Public calls for immediate federal and state law enforcement to investigate evidence of crimes. Article


VIDEO: Logs Erased and Votes Manipulated in Mesa County, CO

IDAHO: Bill prohibiting ‘ballot harvesting’ passes Idaho House: Bill will make ballot harvesting a crime for someone to convey another person’s mail-in ballot unless they are a household member. Delivering 10 or more ballots to the post office on behalf of other people would be a felony under the bill; delivering fewer would be a misdemeanor. The bill “tries to make it clear that we don’t like cheaters." Article

ARIZONA: Jovan Hutton Pulitzer Rumble Video DEATH PROOF FILES -- Explains how thousands of dead voters voted in the 2020 elections

Following Bombshell Report, AZ Attorney General Directs Maricopa County to Turn Over Mail-In Ballot Signature Files

The Attorney General of Arizona referred a potentially criminal case against SOS Katie Hobbs to the Cochise County Attorney. AG Mark Brnovich delegated his powers to McIntyre “to investigate and take any appropriate enforcement actions (civil or criminal)” against Hobbs for shutting down the state’s online candidate petition portal

Arizona Enacts Law Requiring Proof of Citizenship to Vote in Presidential Elections

INDIANA: Gov. Eric Holcomb has signed legislation that requires all counties using voting machines to leave a paper trail before the 2024 presidential election. The new state law, HEA 1116, requires Indiana counties that use electronic voting machines to install “voter-verifiable paper audit trails”—a backup system that allows people to check their votes on a paper printout before confirming their votes, before the 2024 election.

It also “provides that, after July 1, 2022, a county must meet certain requirements when using any direct record electronic voting system that does not include a voter-verifiable paper audit trail for an election,” according to the legislation. Article

MICHIGAN: A Michigan county elections official and former township clerk was charged with ballot tampering related to the August 2020 primary election. Kathy Funk, who was running in 2020 as a Democrat for reelection as Flint Township clerk, also was charged with misconduct in office, MI AG Dana Nessel said. The charges, which are both felonies, each carry a maximum sentence of five years in prison upon conviction. Article

The long-awaited Michigan Auditor General Report on the Michigan Bureau of Elections was released on March 4, 2022. The report was requested by Michigan Representative Julie Alexander. Article

EXCLUSIVE: 26,000 Dead People Still Registered to Vote in Michigan, Lawsuit 

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TENNESSEE: Dominion Voting Systems Kicked out of Tennessee County; Critical Election Problems Remain in Williamson County that Election Officials Refuse to Address. Article

GEORGIA: VoterGa.org Present Investigation of 2020 Georgia Election – Reveal Massive Fraud and Tampering with Ballots and Voting Machines in Fulton County – 17,724 Votes with No Ballot Images - FULTON COUNTY BALLOT IMAGE INVESTIGATION:

17,724 Presidential votes have no ballot images that led to a net gain of 9,024 votes for Biden.

374,128 ballot images that were “Certified” are missing from everyone who voted in person.

These votes can’t be certified and shouldn’t have been counted as Federal and State law require saving for 22 & 24 mo.

132,284 mail-in ballot images are missing their authentication files.

Over 4,000 ballot images have duplicate time stamps. Often 3-8 ballots per/sec.

VoterGA believes these ballots were inserted.

104,994 ballot image files have impossible duplicate time stamps.

All tabulator closing tapes for 315,000 “in-person early voting” are unsigned.

Only 2 slips were signed. It’s impossible this number of workers would not sign off.

VoterGA believes these unsigned tapes were fabricated and why no signatures.

ALL ballot batches were sent to adjudication for human reinterpretation. 

10 ballots adjudicated in one minute, by one user. It’s impossible.

16,034 ballot images file modified dates are 3-8 days after image scan date

Ballot image files were backdated prior to adjudication.

288 batches have backfilled images, also not in chronological order.

Closing tapes for 148 early voting tabulators show only 12 different ID’s (serial numbers).

One tabulator machine was never closed. Could add votes days and weeks after the election.

12,024 ballots from Election Day have 85 closing tapes unsigned or missing.

$11,000 Fulton County wanted for a copy of “zero tapes” for the 300 tabulators. Article

GA Ballot Harvesting Investigation Advances After Subpoena Approved By Election Board

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ILLINOIS: The US District Court for the Central District of Illinois ruled that Illinois’ failure to provide the Public Legal Interest Foundation (PILF) with the state’s voter roll violated the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA). Under the NVRA, the state is required to make its voter roll available for public inspection.

The Court agreed with the Foundation’s argument that voter rolls are within the NVRA’s scope and the public has a right to monitor the condition of voter rolls and hold election officials accountable for their accuracy.

“Election officials must allow citizens to see what they are doing,” said PILF President J. Christian Adams. “Federal law allows everyone to see what is going on in election offices. PILF has found dead and duplicate registrants and voters registered in multiple states. Voter rolls are public, and the court said so. This is the second ruling this month that the Foundation has won to gain access to voter rolls. Accurate voter rolls are essential to free and fair elections.” Article

TENNESSEE: Dominion Voting Systems Kicked out of Tennessee County; Critical Election Problems Remain in Williamson County that Election Officials Refuse to Address. Article

GEORGIA: America's Corrupt Election System Revealed In Secret Georgia Report -- Halderman Declaration Reveals ‘Extreme Risk’ That Hackers Could ‘Alter Election Outcomes’ in at Least 16 States! In a crucial court case currently playing out in Georgia, the entire corrupt facade of America’s election system has been revealed — and the picture that it paints is damning.

Election integrity groups commissioned a report by a computer science professor at the University of Michigan, J. Alex Halderman, who is an election security expert. Halderman produced a 25K-word report that’s so explosive neither the federal judge in charge of the case nor the U.S. federal government wants it released to the public. 

Halderman asserts that Georgia’s electronic voting machines “suffer from specific, highly exploitable vulnerabilities that allow attackers to change votes despite the state’s purported defenses.” Who owns and operates those electronic voting machines in Georgia? Dominion Voting Systems.

Halderman was given 12 weeks of access to an unused Dominion ICX voting machine — the same machines used in Georgia and 16 other states. His conclusions completely destroy the false narrative about the 2020 election being “the most secure election in history.” In fact, Halderman says that “Georgia voters face an extreme risk that [voting machine]-based attacks could manipulate their individual votes and alter election outcomes.” Since Halderman is a well known election security expert who has testified before Congress, the usual attempts to discredit him as either a conspiracy theorist or an amateur have not been successful.

In August 2021, Halderman made a sworn declaration to the court regarding the vulnerabilities of the Dominion machine that he inspected. The following are excerpts from that declaration:

“In my report — a 25K-word document that is the product of 12 weeks of intensive testing of the Dominion equipment provided by Fulton County, I find that Georgia's BMDs (ballot marking devices) contain multiple severe security flaws. Attackers could exploit these flaws to install malicious software, either with temporary physical access (such as that of voters in the polling place) or remotely from election management systems. I explain in detail how such malware, once installed, could alter voters' votes while subverting all the procedural protections practiced by the State, including acceptance testing, hash validation, logic and accuracy testing, external firmware validation, and risk-limiting audits. My report concludes, inter alia, that Georgia's BMDs are not sufficiently secured against technical compromise to withstand vote-altering attacks by bad actors who are likely to target future elections in the state; that the BMDs’ vulnerabilities compromise the auditability of Georgia's paper ballots; that the BMDs can be compromised to the same extent as or more easily than the DREs (direct-recording electronic voting machines) they replaced; and that using these vulnerable BMDs for all in-person voters, as Georgia does, greatly magnifies the level of security risk compared to using hand-marked paper ballots"Article

MINNESOTA: In this crucial swing state, one Democratic candidate came forward to allege that the state’s DFL machine was buying votes in Minneapolis’ Somali-American community. Somali-American Saciido Shaie, a Democrat candidate, posted video accusing the state’s DFL of paying Somali Americans as much as $200 for their vote. Article

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KANSAS: Maria Zack's Earth Shattering Testimony - Kansas Senate Hearing Maria Zack releases never before heard information on the 2020 election. What happened in 2020? Who benefits from election INSECURITY? Italy, China, Satellites and more. VIDEO

HAWAII: Seth Keshel was recently in Hawaii and gave another great presentation. In the first half of the presentation he sets the scene with a national overview of election statistical improbabilities. In the second half he covers the specific election results. VIDEO proving Hawaii may actually be a red state. The numbers are conservative with an estimate over 167,000 fake votes across the state. SEE: Audit the Vote HI

NEW MEXICO: The Otero County audit is finding the SOS Maggie Toulouse Oliver's communications director, Alex Curtas, was sending sensitive information “reports” on Election Day to Democrat Santa Fe County Clerk Katharine Clark, who was seeking re-election. The resulting anomalies in that particular race are outrageous. VIDEO: NW Election Corruption Exposed: “Why are Maggie Toulouse Oliver and Alex Curtas so worried about the Otero County audit?” Article

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“Bill Barr Broke the Law… The Fix Is In… Bill Barr Did Not Do His Job” – EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Retired Lieutenant Colonel and trained CIA intelligence officer Tony Shafferony Shaffer on Barr’s Actions After the 2020 Election

TRUTH FINALLY COMING OUT - Former Virginia Police Officer Pleads Guilty to Jan. 6 Conspiracy Charge. A former Virginia police officer who took a selfie-style photo of his middle-finger salute along with a coworker inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 pleaded guilty to a felony conspiracy charge March 18.

Jacob Fracker, formerly with the Rocky Mount PD, took a plea deal under which several other charges will be dismissed at sentencing. Fracker admitted to conspiring with co-defendant Thomas Robertson to obstruct the counting of Electoral College votes at the Capitol on Jan. 6.

In a Facebook post, Fracker wrote: “Lol to anyone who’s possibly concerned about the picture of me going around. Sorry I hate freedom." In his plea, Fracker admitted that by the time he and Robertson entered the Capitol, "they had agreed to attempt to impede, stop, or delay the proceedings going on before Congress and that they aided, assisted, encouraged, and facilitated each other in the conduct,” the U.S. Department of Justice said in a statement. Article

Our illegitimate commander in chief weakness is clear to those that want to do us harm, and with Trump out and Biden in, what you're witnessing now was all inevitable. The current administration's pathetic surrender in Afghanistan (Leaving Over 85 BILLION Dollars of US Military Equipment to the Taliban) shows the world US weakness and also sent a message to Putin, leading to 250 days of hell for countless victims of the Taliban and thousands of abandoned Americans. Now it has gotten much worse as Putin's Barbaric War on a Sovereign Ukraine has led to over 15 million civilians being displaced (now homeless including over half of the children) and a true assault on humanity, forcing Ukrainians to flee their homeland leaving everything behind. Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians are now being targeted and killed with rocket attacks and cluster bombs, and more carnage is on its way. NONE OF THIS UNNECESSARY DEATH, HORROR AND DESTRUCTION WOULD BE HAPPENING UNDER A TRUMP ADMINISTRATION.

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In fact the Biden (Democrat) inept weak policies are financing Russia's war efforts thanks to the Dems Green New Deal Climate Change Foreign Policy Agenda which has led to $100 per barrel of oil and has done everything to help Putin's Russia make enormous profits. In effect, these Democrat policies are subsidizing the slaughter of innocent life. THE COLLATERAL CONSEQUENCES SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES as Putin continues to wage a hell-on-earth war on the people of Ukraine by striking and wiping out dense urban areas, killing and displacing innocent civilians, all the while Europe experiences their worst humanitarian and refugee crisis since World War Two.

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A global disaster relief organization, ShelterBox USA, is quickly responding to the humanitarian crisis deploying aid in Ukraine as a result of Russia’s invasion. Video / Article

AMMO Inc Offers One Million Rounds of Ammunition to Ukraine
U.S.A. –-(AmmoLand.com)- “I need ammunition, not a ride”, powerful words spoken by Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky in response to an offer of evacuation from US leaders. AMMO Inc. is taking President Zelensky at face value, offering up over one million rounds of ammunition in the fight against Russian invaders. Known for producing several popular brands of ammunition, and as the operator of Gunbroker, AMMO Inc. is no stranger to crises. Article

Last month, WA State House Republicans sponsored House Resolution 4660 to recognize Ukrainian Americans. Also the State GOP introduced House Bill 2135 to require all state agencies to divest public funds from Russia (news release). 

​POLITICAL CORRECTNESS ??? DON'T SAY WAR OR CALL IT AN INVASION: The United Nations advised its communications staffers against using the terms “war” or “invasion” to describe Russia’s attack on Ukraine, according to a report out that has some questioning whether the international body is cowed by the Kremlin. Article

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MORE SCIENTIFIC CONFIRMATION: A newly published scientific study in the peer-reviewed journal Physics of Fluids demonstrates that the cloth masks that hundreds of millions of people, including small children, have been forced by their governments to wear are essentially worthless. The journal article was produced by British physicists with affiliations at U.K., German, and French universities and laboratories. Article

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said that 3 rapid Covid-19 tests should not be used because of the potential for producing false results. The FDA told people to stop using the Celltrion DiaTrust COVID-19 Ag Rapid Test, the SD Biosensor Inc. Standard q Covid-19 Ag Home Test, and the Flowflex SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Test (Self-Testing). “The FDA is concerned about the risk of false results when using” those tests, according to the agency. The tests have “not been authorized, cleared or approved by the FDA for distribution or use in the US.

Pfizer Drops Deadly Side Effects Document Bomb On Vaccine Consumers: In a 55,000-page set of documents recently released, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) is for the first time allowing the public to access data Pfizer submitted to FDA from its clinical trials in support of a Covid-19 vaccine license. This follows U.S. District Judge Mark T. Pittman’s decision on January 6 to deny the request from the FDA to suppress the data for the next 75 years which the agency claimed was necessary, in part, because of its “limited resources.”

A 38-page report features an Appendix, “LIST OF ADVERSE EVENTS OF SPECIAL INTEREST,” that lists 1,291 different adverse events following vaccination include: acute kidney injury, acute flaccid myelitis, anti-sperm antibody positive, brain stem embolism, brain stem thrombosis, cardiac arrest, cardiac failure, cardiac ventricular thrombosis, cardiogenic shock, central nervous system vasculitis, death neonatal, deep vein thrombosis, encephalitis brain stem, encephalitis hemorrhagic, frontal lobe epilepsy, foaming at mouth, epileptic psychosis, facial paralysis, fetal distress syndrome, gastrointestinal amyloidosis, generalized tonic-clonic seizure, Hashimoto’s encephalopathy, hepatic vascular thrombosis, herpes zoster reactivation, immune-mediated hepatitis, interstitial lung disease, jugular vein embolism, juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, liver injury, low birth weight, multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, myocarditis, neonatal seizure, pancreatitis, pneumonia, stillbirth, tachycardia, temporal lobe epilepsy, testicular autoimmunity, thrombotic cerebral infarction, Type 1 diabetes mellitus, venous thrombosis neonatal, and vertebral artery thrombosis among 1,246 other medical conditions following vaccination. Article

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has removed tens of thousands of deaths linked to Covid-19, including nearly a quarter of deaths it had listed in those under 18 years old. The health agency quietly made the change on its data tracker website on March 15.

“Data on deaths were adjusted after resolving a coding logic error. This resulted in decreased death counts across all demographic categories,” the CDC says on the site.

The statistics are often cited by doctors and others when pushing for Covid-19 vaccination, including figures who believe virtually all children should be vaccinated. Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the CDC’s director, cited the tracker’s death total in November 2021 while pushing for an expert panel to advise her agency to recommend vaccination for all children 5- to 11-years-old.

Before the change, the CDC listed 1,755 children as dying from Covid-19 along with approximately 851,000 others, according to Kelley Krohnert, a Georgia resident who has been tracking the updates.The update saw the CDC cut 416 deaths among children and over 71,000 elsewhere, arriving at a total of just under 780,000.

“The update is an improvement, but it’s at least the third correction to this data, and still does not solve the issue. It just highlights that people have been using a flawed source of data when discussing kids and Covid."

The NCHS tally, which is compiled from death certificates, now lists 921 deaths involving Covid-19 among children. The update on the tracker was described as “great news” by Dr. Alasdair Munro, a clinical research fellow for pediatric infectious diseases at University Hospital Southampton, given that nearly a quarter of the pediatric Covid-19 deaths had vanished.

But Munro, writing on social media, called it “worrying that this data was being used widely in the US to guide or advocate for policy.”

“It’s outrageous to quietly footnote such a consequential error,” Jessica Adams, a former regulatory review officer at the Food and Drug Administration, said on Twitter. Article

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It Turns Out All Those ‘Made in China’ Home Covid Tests Biden Ordered Contain a Toxic Chemical

Mainstream Media Colluding With FDA, CDC To Cover Up Skyrocketing Deaths From China Virus Vaccines

CDC Data Reveals Vaccines Are Killing Far More Children Than China Virus Itself

Dr. Naomi Wolf joined Steve Bannon to discuss the latest bombshell discovery from her investigation into the Pfizer Covid-19 jab documents. Dr. Wolf’s investigators, doctors, and attorneys identified several U.S. documents that confirm Pfizer added varying amounts of active ingredient to their experimental Covid-19 injections. The range of active ingredient went from 3μg to 10μg, to 30μg, to 100μg depending on the batch they injected you with, according to the data. Watch Dr. Wolf’s interview via Rumble Here. Also see: HowBadIsMybatch.com.

British Govt. Reveals Vast Majority Of COVID-19 Deaths Occur Among Fully, Triple Vaccinated

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Judicial Watch Sues HHS for Communications about Vaccine Side Effects: The Centers for Disease Control is being scrutinized for being less than forthcoming about what it knows about the Covid-19 vaccines. Judicial Watch is pushing back on this lack of transparency with lawsuit after lawsuit to enforce Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) accountability. Article


COVID-19 Vaccines May Be Enhancing Disease: Dr. Robert Malone

Lawsuit Asks for Millions in Damages From Boston Over Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate: Boston should pay $6 million each to 16 people who were negatively affected by the city’s Covid-19 vaccine mandate for private businesses, according to a new lawsuit. The people, all residents of Massachusetts, say the mandate was unconstitutional and violated their constitutional rights, including their rights to equal treatment and protection. Article

Vaxxed and Boosted Obama Tests Positive for Covid-19

Covid-19 Infection Rate in Ages 5–11 the Same for Vaccinated and Unvaccinated: CDC Data

FDA Tells Doctors in 8 States to Stop Using Covid-19 Treatment

The Biden Administration Is Ignoring The Science On Airplane Masking

FORMER W.H.O. CONSULTANT EXPOSES TAKEDOWN OF IVERMECTIN Former W.H.O. consultant & research scientist, Tess Lawrie MD, PhD, who was a critical part of the Ivermectin trials over a year ago with overwhelmingly positive conclusions, recently did a one-on-one interview with Del Bigtree. Tess Lawrie reveals how a key review was attacked from within, keeping the safe, life-saving drug out of the hands of millions of dying Covid patients for more than a year. 

This is criminal activity on a global scare that is being revealed in this video. Millions of lives could have been saved. You have to ask what an innocent explanation of these results would be. The truth is important. These people should be prosecuted and receive the full penalty. Article / Video

Gov. DeSantis hosts a roundtable with physicians nationwide on ending Covid theater once and for all.

Airlines call to lift mask mandate, Covid test requirement: Airline CEOs send letter to Biden calling to end mandatory mask & Covid test mandates - CEOs of Alaska, American, Atlas, Delta, FedEx Express, Hawaiian, JetBlue, Southwest, United and UPS Airlines, say the mandates don't make sense.

Biden’s handlers, in yet another of their endless series of decisions that have catastrophic consequences for ordinary Americans, has turned over the leadership of the Iran nuke deal negotiations in Vienna to a Russian diplomat, Mikhail Ulyanov. Article

Senate Foreign Relations Chair Bob Menendez (D-NJ) was not pleased after Biden Administration officials met with a delegation from Venezuela. U.S. officials reportedly discussed sanctions relief in search of an alternative to Russian oil. Menendez later criticized the move in statement, as did U.S. Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY).

“Nicolás Maduro is a cancer to our hemisphere and we should not breathe new life into his reign of torture and murder,” Menendez said in a statement. “As such, I would strongly oppose any action that fills the pockets of regime oligarchs with oil profits while Maduro continues to deprive Venezuelans of basic human rights, freedoms, and even food.Article

New Video Exposes Disney's Real Agenda After Protesting Parental Rights: Disney corporate president Karey Burke says, "as the mother [of] one transgender child and one pansexual child," she supports having "many, many, many LGBTQIA (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, and asexual) characters in our stories" and wants a minimum of 50 % of characters to be LGBTQIA and racial minorities. Disney production coordinator Allen March says his team is committed to "exploring queer stories" and make sure they are creating enough "gender nonconforming characters, canonical trans and bisexual characters." Article

As illegal immigration continues to slam American cities near the Mexican border, one Arizona town in particular is feeling the heat with a ghastly 2,404.9% increase in migrants during the first two months of fiscal year 2022

Border surge spells trouble: The Wall Street Journal reported that March is set to see the highest number of arrests by the Border Patrol of unauthorized immigrants at the southern border in at least 22 years, and has made 7,000 arrests each day in March. Article

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The state Department of Fish and Wildlife recently told Skagit County commissioners their elk plan is managing elk well, that there was little damage to farms and they were continuing to work with farmers and tribes - THIS IS FALSE

FACTS: The state elk management plan isn't working, and elk must be moved off farms. The Skagit County Assessor's 2019 elk damages survey showed $1.4 million in damages per year.

Every Fish and Wildlife effort to control elk damages to crops and farms for the past 10 years has failed, prohibiting the farmers' right to farm.

Fish and Wildlife reported the herd count was 1,194. Yet the agency's own 2018 aerial and ground survey (most reliable counting method) showed 2,100 elk, 100 elk over their herd population objective of 1,700-2,000, not counting 3 calving seasons since. Elk population and intrusion damages grow each year.

Fresh market and organic crops cannot be harvested or sold because of elk contamination. Seed growers need upriver farms to guarantee no cross-pollination for seed growing. Fields of seed crops along with pasture and hay fields are eaten to the dirt causing permanent damage. Blueberry farms are under constant attack from bands of elk. Damage permits are useless. Elk stay in restricted wooded areas during daylight then intrude at night, becoming a major hazard for nighttime motorists.

Imported elk from Mount St. Helen's, home of a hoof rot outbreak, have taken up permanent residence on Skagit farmland. Elk are spreading the highly contagious hoof rot and contaminating farmland. Described by WSU as a devastating disease, livestock are now contracting this disease from elk. It's also a painful death for the Elk themselves and a serious public health issue. Keeping farmland in use for food production is key to keeping farmers in business and keeping Skagit's rural lands for the future!

ACTIONS: CONTACT THE WDFW AND LET THEM KNOW THE ELK ARE NEEDLESSLY DESTROYING PRIME FARM LAND AND WE NEED A FIX NOW! -- SIGN PETITION AT THE SCRP OFFICE -- CONTACT THE SKAGIT COMMISSIONERS/ Join a Commissioner meeting by dialing 1-253-215-8782, Meeting ID: 871 8000 1980 Passcode: 14357 - Email Public Comments to commissioners@co.skagit.wa.us or call the Commissioners’ office at (360) 416-1300.

Comments made March 22, 2022 to Skagit County Commissioners on the Elk Hoof Rot crisis and its devastation to the county livestock industry @ 48.35 (last 13 minutes of video).

Other Public Comments: Video link here- Comments start at 1:42 of video (10 minutes)

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Chinese Hackers Penetrated at Least 6 US State Governments, Cybersecurity Firm Says: A hacker group backed by the Chinese regime has exploited vulnerabilities in the online systems of at least six U.S. state governments in order to compromise and gain access to those networks, cybersecurity firm Mandiant said. Mandiant’s lengthy report presents the findings of an investigation that began in the spring of 2021, in response to a breach by a hacker group known as “APT41” of an unnamed state government’s system, and continued through last month. Article

Florida passes law banning gender identity indoctrination in schools. The anti-groomer law banning gender identity indoctrination in Florida's pre-K through third-grade classrooms was approved and signed into law by Ron DeSantis. HB1557, known as the Parental Rights in Education Bill passed by a 22 - 17 vote. Article

DeSantis Gets Last Laugh on Anti-Groomer Bill Opposed by Dems, Hollywood

Florida Heads Multi-State Lawsuit Against Biden Admin Over Federal Mask-Mandate

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NY Times Pulitzer Winner's Lies About January 6 Attacks Exposed: New York Times reporter Matthew Rosenberg was caught criticizing the political left's reaction to January 6 mocking his own colleagues. In footage released by Project Veritas, Rosenberg is seen speaking about what he calls "the left's over the top overreaction" to the Capitol Hill melee. Rosenberg tells an undercover Project Veritas journalist ‘Whoa, these people are out of control! " VIDEO

Biden's SCOTUS nominee (based solely on her gender and color of her skin) Ketanji Brown Jackson praises the father of CRT: Are we really going to confirm, to the highest court in the land, a woman who praises Derrick Bell, the father of CRT and espouses his book where he says America is irredeemably racist and built on racism? This is the same Derrick Bell that calls the U.S. Constitution "Roach Powder" and said, "I live to harass White Folks." Let us not forget that CRT is radicalized Marxism, an ideology saying that we should all live in a Communist Society, and the best way to get there is to divide our country by race.

SCOTUS nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson says she doesn't believe Critical Race Theory is used in schools during Senate grilling (despite serving on board of school that promotes it using books including one titled Antiracist Baby) and when Sen. Marsha Blackburn asked her if she can give a definition for the word 'Woman,' Ketanji Brown answered, "I can't." Article

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson did not provide a good explanation about why she repeatedly gave light sentences to sex offenders. Ketanji Brown Jackson tried to claim Critical Race Theory isn’t involved in her work as a judge – Senator Ted Cruz proves it is. Video

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Biden’s Supreme Court nominee is willing to abandon the Constitution 

Charlie Kirk exposes the terrifying record of Biden's nominee and her sickening defense of soft sentences for Child Pornographers makes perfectly clear why she should never be anywhere near federal power, much less a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court.

The media isn’t shocked or bothered by Kentaji Brown Jackson’s disturbing and radical views because they are exactly the same views that they, themselves, hold. Everyday Americans are completely horrified. Lauren Boebert

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The U.S. Embassy in Ukraine said it was “considering all available options to ensure accountability for any atrocity crimes in Ukraine” after reporting that Russian soldiers killed 10 people who were waiting to get bread in the northern city of Chernihiv.

Another atrocity of Russian occupiers in Chernigiv today. They fired on civilians standing in the line to buy bread. At least 10 were killed. Article

Putin recently went on television to excoriate Russians who don’t back him, saying Russians “will always be able to distinguish true patriots from scum and traitors and will simply spit them out like a gnat that accidentally flew into their mouths. I am convinced that such a natural and necessary self-purification of society will only strengthen our country.” Article

VIDEO: China expert warns Biden's gaffes could set US back decades

Biden Slammed For Using Cheat Sheet While Answering Questions On Putin

After Biden's recent catastrophic and most embarrassing visit to Poland, full of gaffes, blunders, slurred speech and regretful comments with cue cards and cheat sheats, making America look like amateurs on the world stage. Regime change in Russia, Chemical Weapons against Moscow, U.S. Troops to Ukraine. What is Next???

Biden pitches largest tax hike in history as part of $5.8T budget request - proposes $2.5 trillion in tax increases as part of budget request.

Congress gave themselves a 21 % pay raise while giving the American people a 7.9 % pay cut through inflation -- Yes a $134.4 million, or 21 % boost over the previous fiscal year marks the largest increase in the MRA appropriation since it was authorized in 1996, according to a bill summary by the House Appropriations Committee. What has Congress done to deserve a 21% raise? When we get stuck dealing with the consequences of their incompetence. Article

Mitt Romney - king of the RINOs! Romney seized on Russia’s war in Ukraine to try and smear his political opponents. But Tulsi Gabbard destroyed Mitt Romney asking him to apologize or resign.

Mitt Romney took to social media to accuse Gabbard of treason – a crime punishable by death – for simply stating what the U.S. government admits to be true. And stating the fact that there are biolabs in Ukraine, and Russian forces seizing the contents of those labs could lead to a catastrophe.

Gabbard smacked down Romney’s smear campaign in an interview with Tucker Carlson. The former Hawaii Congresswoman pointed out that Romney and the corporate-controlled media lied about what she said. Gabbard merely restated the position laid out by State Department Official Victoria Nuland that there are biolabs in Ukraine that contain strains of pathogens that could fall into Russia’s hands and create danger for the rest of the world.

“I have said that there are biolabs in Ukraine that have received U.S. support that contain dangerous pathogens that if those labs are breached, then we in the world are facing a potential future of pandemics, and that this is a dangerous crisis that needs to be addressed immediately. These pathogens need to be destroyed,” Said Gabbard. Article

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[VIDEO] Tulsi Gabbard Exposes The Details Of Biden’s “F You America” Agenda

Vaccines, Masks, Staying At Home Did Not Make A Major Difference In COVID Case Rates, NYT Says

Rasmussen Reports: Just 25% of U.S. voters now say the country is heading in the right direction, the lowest level of voter confidence since early January 2009.

Joe Biden offered to remove oil trading sanctions imposed on Venezuela in exchange for assurances the nation would send supply to the U.S. Article

It is evident that Hunter Biden has compromised the United States in corrupt international business dealings in Ukraine and communist China. It turns out that the FBI is turning a blind eye to the national scandal, as well. Rep. Matt Gaetz grilled the FBI’s assistant head of the cyber division Bryan Vorndran in front of the House Judiciary Committee over the massive developing scandal taking place on his agency’s watch. VIDEO

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Truth Social on Big Tech platforms - Trump Media & Technology Group CEO Devin Nunes

Volodymyr Zelensky’s former press secretary said it would be a ‘tragedy’ if Vice President Kamala Harris were to one day be president after she awkwardly laughed through questions at a press conference in Poland when asked about the Ukrainian refugee crisis.

‘It would be a tragedy if this woman won the presidency,’ Iuliia Mendel, who served Zelensky’s administration from June 2019 until July 2021, wrote on Twitter. Mendel’s comments were in response with a video showing Harris laughing when asked about the refugee crisis resulting from people displaced from Ukraine fleeing to neighboring countries through giggles. Article

Pelosi’s $1.5 trillion spending bill includes hundreds of millions of dollars for border security in at least EIGHT countries. Not a single dollar to fund the border wall that we so desperately need in America. $2.6 billion of your tax dollars are being spent for global gender equity programs. Hard to think why people hate the government.

Amazing Video Shows The Peoples' Convoy Stretched Out Over 60 Miles Drone footage of the convoy shows that there are just about 60 miles worth of trucks making their way to the Beltway. Originally the People’s Convoy was going to make its way to the Capitol in DC but that plan has changed and the truckers will make their way on the DC Beltway instead. Article

People’s Convoy Organizers Pledge to Continue Efforts to End Ridiculous National Covid Emergency.

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Trump Lawyer: Ex-President No Longer on Defense, Suing Fraudsters - Video

Trump Sues EVERYONE, Clinton, Fusion GPS, Bruce & Nellie Ohr, Christopher Steele, James Comey, DNC, Durham, Bill Barr, Perkins Coie, and More! Former Federal Prosecutor Kash Patel, one of the brightest legal minds in the country, gives his expert opinion on Trump's new lawsuit in which he sues literally everyone associated with the Russia hoax and explains why this is probably Trump's best and most comprehensive lawsuit yet. Audio

When Trump was asked about a Biden Iran Nuke deal, he answered “Well, it’s the end of Israel if that happens. Israel is – I don’t think Israel could actually let it happen, it is the worst deal, and also, you’re gonna see nukes all over the Middle East; everyone else is gonna get them too.”

“It will be the end, because if they have ’em, Saudi Arabia’s gonna get ’em, and everyone else is gonna get ’em, and how can you tell ’em not to do it?”

When Trump was asked Why is Biden doing it?” Trump said, “Because he’s stupid. And because they’re stupid. And they shouldn’t be in power anyway, they’re destroying our country, and they may be ultimately responsible for destroying the world.”

Trump also said that Putin wouldn’t have invaded Ukraine if he were still president, saying: “The cards are played, the cards are set and he has a very bad hand. He’s given himself a very weak hand, this would never, ever have happened if I were still in there. I can tell you that with 100% certainty.”

Clinton Campaign, DNC Agree to Pay Fines for Payments of Steele Dossier: Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) likely violated federal law by not accurately describing payments made to a law firm that funneled the money to ex-British spy Christopher Steele, federal officials ruled. The Federal Election Commission (FEC) determined that there was probable cause to believe that the Clinton campaign and its treasurer, Elizabeth Jones, and the DNC and its treasurer, Virginia McGregor, misreported the purpose of certain spending and violated federal law, according to documents made public on March 30. ARTICLE

“The Corruption is Only Beginning to be Revealed” - The FEC, in a massively important decision regarding the perfidy that took place during the 2016 election, finally decided to fine Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the DNC. Essentially, what happened is that the Clinton Campaign and DNC said that they were spending money on legal services whereas they were, in reality, paying for the creation of the Steele dossier. Article

Katie Pavlich:  “Before the narrative gets too carried away:  Gas prices aren’t up because the White House is banning Russian oil.  They’re up because Joe Biden campaigned on an energy ‘transition’ away from oil and launched a war on domestic-U.S. production.” 

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Breitbart Poll: Trump's favorability rating tops every national political figure, including those the corporate media spend billions of dollars to protect.

NBC POLL: Biden’s job approval ratings keep falling in his 2nd year in the White House, with just 40% of Americans approving his job performance and only 33% approving of economic performance. That is the lowest rating Biden has seen in his presidency. Biden’s 3 % drop in job approval since January comes as a large majority of Americans continue to say the U.S. is headed in the wrong direction. A total of 71% of respondents said they believe the country is “off on the wrong track."

NEW NY POST POLL: Trump would beat Biden by 6 points, Harris by 11 in 2024 race. Trump would unseat Biden, 47% to 41%; and 49% would vote for Trump compared to 38% for the V.P.

MUST SEE 29 SEC. VIDEO: Bob Hope on Democrats/Zombies 1940

Excellent 3 1/2 min Interview Tiffany Smiley for U.S. Senate on Tucker Carlson 3.25.22

Virginia Tech swimmer blasts the NCAA over its rule allowing transgender women to compete against biological women after she came up short in a championship qualifying race that was dominated by University of Pennsylvania transgender swimmer Lia Thomas. Reka Gyorgy leveled the criticism after missing the cut to compete in the NCAA Championships. “It doesn’t promote our sport in a good way, it is disrespectful against the biologically female swimmers who are competing in the NCAA.” Gyorgy said, "the last spot to get into the final was taken from me because of the NCAA’s decision to let someone who is not a biological female compete.”

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Democrat policies have now led to biological males taking over female sports....A group of feminists demonstrated outside the women's NCAA swimming championships to protest transgender swimmer Lia Thomas from the University of Penn competing against biological women. Many of the feminists noted that they had been supporters of the Democratic Party. However, they feel betrayed since they believe the Democrats have abandoned women and girls. Article

Thanks to the protesters and do not give up...Also a Big Congratulations to Emma Weyant, the woman who won the NCAA 500 meter freestyle event!

Lauren Boebert declares runner-up to transgender swimmer Lia Thomas 'rightful winner'

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Oklahoma House bars male students from girls' sports. Last week a bill that would prevent trans girls from competing on female sports teams passed on the House floor. HB 4245 Save Women’s Sports Act passed with a 79-18 vote. 

New parent-driven PAC will oppose drug legalization in Congress and states: The PAC, "Protect Our Kids," is made up of parents adamantly opposed to recent policies at state and federal levels to decriminalize drugs, such as marijuana and psychedelics. Article

How many people know that Donald Trump is a near scratch golfer with a 2.8 handicap -- Trump Celebrates Hole-in-One. Trump confirmed that he scored a hole-in-one during a golf match last Saturday. "It is 100% true, it took place at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida on the 7th hole, which was playing 181-yards. I hit a 5-iron into a rather strong wind, with approximately 5 feet of cut, whereupon it bounced twice and then went clank, into the hole."

“These great tour players noticed it before I did because their eyes are slightly better, but on that one hole only, their swings weren’t. Anyway, there’s a lot of chatter about it, quite exciting. Playing with that group of wonderful, talented players was a lot of fun.” Trump said. Article / Video

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There will be a Cavaleri for Congress Rally and Townhall Friday, April 8 from 6 PM to 9 PM. Event will be at the Maltby Community Center 8711 206th St SE Snohomish (MAP). Guest Speakers include SOS Candidate Senator Keith Wagoner and WA State Rep. Jim Walsh.

The Skagit Women's group meets this Tuesday, April 6 from 10 AM to Noon. Special guest will be Skagit County Commissioner Ron Wesen. For more information contact Judy Billings @ judybillings90@gmail.com.

Our SCRP Central Committee meeting will be at the SCRP office tomorrow, April 2 from noon to 1 PM. For more information call (360) 820-1700 or email: chair@skagitgop.org.

Thanks to Dylan and the good folks at IRIDA TV for the opportunity to be interviewed, speak and take questions about election integrity on their podcast. VIDEO INTERVIEW HERE

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Quote of the Month: "Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men undergo the fatigue of supporting it" Thomas Paine


Respect and Blessings

Bill Bruch, SCRP Chairman

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