Call To Action!



Please take a few minutes to OPPOSE this bill by January 28, 9:30 am!  You may also sign up to testify, either via zoom or in written form, by 9:30 am, January 28. Links below:

NAME/NUMBER OF BILL: SB 5843 Making it a gross misdemeanor for public officials/candidates to knowingly make false claims about the election process or results.

Click HERE to state your OPPOSITION.  This link will take you to a Committee Sign In page. This will not sign you up to testify.

On the pull down menu, enter your position as CON.

Put in your first name, last name and email address.

You are not required to write in anything under "Organization," unless you are testifying on behalf of a group.

Putting in your address is optional, but you must include your city, state, zip and phone number.

Click the box to prove you're not a robot, then "Submit Registration." And you're done.



If you can submit written testimony or testify via zoom, that carries more weight. You must sign up by 9:30 am January 28 to testify in writing or live with the committee when it meets at 10:30 am.

Sign in to submit written testimony HERE. Enter your position (CON), First and Last Name, email address, city, state, zip and phone number.  Then enter your written testimony, and click the box to show you are not a robot.  Then Submit your Registration.  You may use the paragraph below for your statement.

Even better, sign up to testify remotely by zoom HERE. Enter your position (CON), No to testifying as a panel, enter your First and Last Name, email address, city, state, zip and phone number.  Click that you are not a robot and Submit Registration.

Written statement:  This bill will prohibit elected officials or candidates from making false claims (without proof) that cast doubt on our election system or the outcomes of an election. If the claims are thought to incite or produce lawless actions, the person making those claims will be guilty of a gross misdemeanor, and if in office, the elected official would immediately forfeit that office. In this country, we have the right of free speech.  This is a clear violation of that right.

Bill Sponsors: Senators Frockt, Kuderer, Hunt, Keiser, Lovelett, Nguyen, Nobles, Salomon, and C. Wilson; by request of Office of the Governor



Please take a few minutes to SUPPORT this bill by January 28, 9:30 am!  You may also sign up to testify, either via zoom or in written form, by 9:30 am, January 28. Links below.

NAME/NUMBER OF BILL:  SB 5650 Providing voters with information about election law violations within the voter's pamphlet. Another bill submitted by one of our own, Senator Wagoner.

Click HERE to state your SUPPORT.  This link will take you to a Committee Sign In page. This will not sign you up to testify.

On the pull down menu, enter your position as PRO.

Put in your first name, last name and email address.

You are not required to write in anything under "Organization," unless you are testifying on behalf of a group.

Putting in your address is optional, but you must include your city, state, zip and phone number.

Click the box to prove you're not a robot, then "Submit Registration." And you're done.



Please take a few minutes to OPPOSE this bill by January 27, 2:30 pm!  You may also sign up to testify, either via zoom or in written form, by 2:30 pm, January 27. Links below.

NAME/NUMBER OF BILL:  HB 2026 Implementing a per mile charge on vehicles. 

Click HERE to state your OPPOSITION.  This link will take you to a Committee Sign In page. This will not sign you up to testify.

On the pull down menu, enter your position as CON .

Put in your first name, last name and email address.

You are not required to write in anything under "Organization," unless you are testifying on behalf of a group.

Putting in your address is optional, but you must include your city, state, zip and phone number.

Click the box to prove you're not a robot, then "Submit Registration." And you're done.



Please take a few minutes to OPPOSE this bill by January 27, 12:30 pm!  You may also sign up to testify, either via zoom or in written form, by 12:30 pm, January 27. Links below.

NAME/NUMBER OF BILL:  HB 1974  Moving elections of the educational service district (ESD) and state board of education to WSSDA (Washington state school directors' association). 

Click HERE to state your OPPOSITION.  This link will take you to a Committee Sign In page. This will not sign you up to testify.

On the pull down menu, enter your position as CON.

Put in your first name, last name and email address.

You are not required to write in anything under "Organization," unless you are testifying on behalf of a group.

Putting in your address is optional, but you must include your city, state, zip and phone number.

Click the box to prove you're not a robot, then "Submit Registration." And you're done.


Please take a few minutes to SUPPORT this bill by January 28, 9:30 am!  You may also sign up to testify, either via zoom or in written form, by 9:30 am, January 28. Links below.

NAME/NUMBER OF BILL:  BILL 5909 Oversight of governor's emergency powers.

Click HERE to state your SUPPORT.  This link will take you to a Committee Sign In page. This will not sign you up to testify.

On the pull down menu, enter your position as PRO.

Put in your first name, last name and email address.

You are not required to write in anything under "Organization," unless you are testifying on behalf of a group.

Putting in your address is optional, but you must include your city, state, zip and phone number.

Click the box to prove you're not a robot, then "Submit Registration." And you're done.


Please take a few minutes to OPPOSE  this bill by January 28, 9:30 am!  You may also sign up to testify, either via zoom or in written form, by 9:30 am, January 28. Links below.

NAME/NUMBER OF BILL:  SB 5659   Establishing climate and labor standards to reduce climate change on building materials used in state  projects.

Click HERE to state your OPPOSITION.  This link will take you to a Committee Sign In page. This will not sign you up to testify.

On the pull down menu, enter your position as CON.

Put in your first name, last name and email address.

You are not required to write in anything under "Organization," unless you are testifying on behalf of a group.

Putting in your address is optional, but you must include your city, state, zip and phone number.

Click the box to prove you're not a robot, then "Submit Registration." And you're done.


Please take a few minutes to OPPOSE this bill by January 28, 9:30 am!  You may also sign up to testify, either via zoom or in writing, by 9:30 am, January 28. Links below.

NAME/NUMBER OF BILL:  SB 5908 Creating the clean car authority as a new government agency.

Click HERE to state your OPPOSITION.  This link will take you to a Committee Sign In page. This will not sign you up to testify.

On the pull down menu, enter your position as CON.

Put in your first name, last name and email address.

You are not required to write in anything under "Organization," unless you are testifying on behalf of a group.

Putting in your address is optional, but you must include your city, state, zip and phone number.

Click the box to prove you're not a robot, then "Submit Registration." And you're done.


THE BEST BILL YET FOR ELIMINATING KING INSLEY'S EMERGENCY POWERS.....PLEASE VOTE PRO.......THANK YOU......Please take a few minutes to SUPPORT this bill by January 31, 12:30 pm!  You may also sign up to testify, either via zoom or in writing, by 12:30 pm, January 31. Links below.

NAME/NUMBER OF BILL:  HB 1772 Increasing involvement of the legislature in the governor's state of emergency proclamations.

Click HERE to state your SUPPORT.  This link will take you to a Committee Sign In page. This will not sign you up to testify.

On the pull down menu, enter your position as PRO.

Put in your first name, last name and email address.

You are not required to write in anything under "Organization," unless you are testifying on behalf of a group.

Putting in your address is optional, but you must include your city, state, zip and phone number.

Click the box to prove you're not a robot, then "Submit Registration." And you're done.

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