Greetings, thank you for electing me, it is a true honor and privilege to serve as your new SCRP Chairman!
For those who may not know me, I am a lifelong Christian, a longtime Republican and a true Constitutional Conservative. In the 1990’s was a member of the Young Republicans and I have stayed active in politics ever since.
I have resided in Skagit County for the past 16 + years and am a current resident of La Conner for over 12 years where I am a Town Council Member and a Property Manager in charge of 5 commercial buildings, a small marina and over 30 lease / rental agreements.
Growing up I had a passion for sports and enjoyed football, baseball, golf and sailing. I became an avid sailboat racer and in 1989 won the Bronze Medal at the Washington State Centennial games in the Lazer class. Also was a member of the United States Sailing Team and trained for the 1992 Barcelona Olympics in the Finn Class.
I graduated Newport High School in Bellevue WA (4.0 GPA senior year) and attended both Western Washington University in Bellingham and the University of Washington in Seattle, where my primary academic focus was Business but also studied Political Science.
I have successfully worked as a business professional in the Real Estate and Estate Planning fields, both as an agent and manager. In between had time to live in Colorado at 6,500 foot elevation where I helped a friend build a 4,000 foot geodesic home in the Rocky Mountains.
I am an elected Precinct Committee Officer (PCO) and this past election cycle I was a volunteer for the SCRP including working on Ted Cruz for President, Bill Bryant for Governor and Barbara Bailey for State Senate campaigns. I became the Skagit County Ted Cruz Campaign Chairman and the Ted Cruz 2nd Congressional District Vice Chairman. Also was an elected GOP Skagit County, Washington State and National Convention Delegate.
At the last Washington State Republican Party annual dinner our outgoing Chairman George Edmundson asked me if I would like to be the new Chairman of the SCRP. I was open but encouraged George to stay on as he did a phenomenal job the past two years with the county party. Eventually in November George and the Nominating Committee decided on Bill Bruch (last name pronounced Bruk) and for the past few months I have been working in preparation for this new endeavor.
As as a Council Member I am on the Association of Washington Cities (AWC) "Small City Advisory Committee" and hold the AWC Advanced Certificate of Municipal Leadership designation. Additionally I am on the La Conner Parks Commission, Park and Port Committee, Utilities Committee and the Flood Advisory Committee. Also I was a Past Chairman of the La Conner Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. As an elected official Council Member I take my oath of office very seriously and as Chairman of the County party I feel the same. I am a firm believer in the Rule of Law and feel a duty to help keep the Republican Party as Principled, Ethical and Conservative as possible.
So far I have been very encouraged with the potential of the incoming Trump / Pence administration. Many of the cabinet picks have been outstanding and to have an all GOP President, Senate and House at the National level is a huge opportunity. We as good Republicans really need to seize the moment as this window of time is truly rare in our party.
The challenges we face are real as the Democrats and the liberal media are more corrupt than ever and unfortunately the Washington State Government leadership is the worst of the worst, with the likes of Patty Murray, Maria Cantwell, Jay Inslee, Cyrus Habib and others.
On the local level the ongoing tribal issues are beyond egregious as the Swinomish tribe and their attorneys have taken away thousands of county land owners water and private property rights. Now the Swinomish are attempting to take over thousands of acres of private property on March’s Point (annexation without purchase via the BIA). With the tribe we are no longer living in a Republic as collusion with tribal attorneys and the WA State Dept. of Revenue has lead to new legislation that created “taxation without representation” in Shelter Bay and massive property tax increases in La Conner; unfortunately it appears Anacortes may be next. It's time for this lawlessness to stop!
The Democratic track record of dishonest conduct, continuous tax increases and excessive government regulation is no longer tolerable. It is time for much more integrity and accountability at all levels of government.
Traditional Republican Principles; liberty, free markets, free enterprise, low taxes, minimal government regulation, personal property rights, etc. is the better path. We know these maxims further the public interest, and you can make the difference for our citizens by helping to elect solid Republicans to office.
If you know anyone that would be a good Republican Party Member, Volunteer, PCO or should you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me anytime at (360) 820-1700. Also you may call or visit our office headquarters in Mount Vernon (360) 424-9792. In 2017 we soon hope to be open five days a week, Monday through Friday from 10 AM - 2 PM (or by appointment) and in 2018 we also plan to have more extended hours. I pledge to you that myself, this organization and our office headquarters will be as open, transparent and welcoming as possible.
Respect & Blessings,
Bill Bruch, SCRP Chairman
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