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During the 2023 legislative session Washington State Democrats continue to push terrible bills that removes parental rights from their own children and help codify election fraud into Washington's elections! It is vital that we fight back against this Socialist / Marxist takeover of our state!


SB 5599 is an evil, radical bill that tramples parental rights and harms innocent children of WA state. This bill allows the state to house and keep children without notifying worried parents. If your child happens to be confused by the gender politics being injected into our schools and is questioning what they are - the state could begin their transition, without notifying the parents or getting consent.

THIS BILL WILL allows kids to run away from home or be advised (via school counselors) to run away at any age to state-run facilities for medical transition. Parents will lose all rights over their own children!

Not only does this bill allow young kids to irreversibly change their bodies and be medicalized but opens up the door for children to be TRAFFICKED and will make WA a nanny state taking children away from parents. Sen. Muzzall's Speech Here   /  Sen. Braun's Speech Here


SB 5112 will eliminate transparency and restrict the information available to the public. Currently, voters are automatically registered to vote when they obtain a driver’s license or ID card in the state, unless they opt out at the time of service. But SB 5112 WILL NOT allow someone to opt out at the time of service. If they do not wish to register, or have their registration information updated, they must opt out by mail, requiring a response by mail, to opt out of registration. 

By automatically registering EVERYONE to vote at the DOL and other State Gov. offices, it will further corrupt the voter rolls with ineligible voters. These voters are shared with *ERIC (a 3rd party national centralized data base) and can be used (in other states) by nefarious actors adjusting the name and / or mailing address ever so slightly. These types of bills are appearing all over the US, Colorado, etc. and are coming from the national level, many are written by Voting Machine Vendors, Nat. Assoc of SOS / Auditors, Special Interest Lobby Groups, etc. SB 5112 also takes away dates of birth of the registered voter and replaces with only the year of birth on any Public Record Request (PRR) which makes proving fraudulent duplicate voters virtually impossible! By design this Election Fraud Bill also makes voter challenges and cleaning the voter rolls much more difficult! 

* Electronic Voter Registration Database (ERIC)

* ERIC Headquarters published address is 1201 Connecticut Ave NW Ste 600 in WA DC, where there are no employees, no servers, no real ERIC presence of any kind. The location is actually operated a company that offers virtual workspaces across the country and rents space by the day.

* ERIC is a private corporation, registered in Delaware. As such, ERIC has absolutely no accountability to member states who surrender their rights and autonomy when they offload their duties to third-party entities.

* ERIC was created with seed money from George Soros.

* ERIC requires member states to solicit eligible but unregistered voters.

* ERIC does not require member states to remove unqualified voters.
50% of states using ERIC have more registered voters than residents of voting age (Non-ERIC member states do a better job of maintaining their voter records).

* The ERIC agreement requires states to indemnify and hold harmless not only ERIC but all ERIC’s undisclosed and unregulated contractors, subcontractors and agents.

* ERIC is NOT transparent and NOT subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

* ERIC data is exempt from Sunshine Laws (laws open to the public).

Threats to Election Integrity ERIC-CEIR-REVERE 

Secretary of State: ERIC address is vacant

Soros-funded ERIC Is a Vote-Fraud Scheme


ERIC Caught Sharing Voter Data With CEIR

Iowa makes 7. Seven states bail from sinking ship ERIC!

SB 5459: All PPR's for voter registration data base to the Secretary of state rather than County Auditors. PRR's exempting Cast Vote Records (CVR), ANY security audits, security risk assessments, or security test results, relating to physical security or cybersecurity of election operations or infrastructure; portions of records, manuals, or documentation containing technical details and information regarding election infrastructure, which include the systems, software, and networks that support the election process; voter signatures on ballot return envelopes, ballot declarations, and signature correction forms, including the original documents, copies, and electronic images. THIS LAW COVERS UP ELECTION FRAUD CRIMES! And allows the SOS to rewrite RCW and WAC's!

Attempting To Hide Evidence of Vote Manipulation by Scrambling the CVR Data

HB1048: "Washington Voting Rights Act" which would allow special rights to special groups, allow non-citizens to vote, and arbitrarily penalize certain groups of people. This would further erode election integrity in the state of Washington!

SB 5208: ANOTHER ELECTION FRAUD BILL: Would allow anyone to only use the last 4 digits of their social to register to vote. Often our personal data is easily found or hacked online, and this info could be easily used to register people unknowingly.

ARTICLE: Your Social Security Number Costs $4 On the Dark Web - The sale of American SS numbers through dark channels is a booming business that rakes in millions for criminals.

SB 5082: Abolishes Advisory Votes. Currently voters get an opportunity to weigh in on taxes that were passed by the Legislature without their direct approval. "Advisory Votes" are often the only time voters hear of a new tax. Since 2012, advisory votes on 38 tax increases have appeared on the ballot. Why would Democrats pass a bill that would abolish advisory votes? Perhaps it is because most every time the voters get an opportunity to go on the record, they overwhelmingly VOTE AGAINST RAISING TAXES BY HUGE MARGINS. In truth Dems just don't like what the voters have to say, and falsely claim (without ANY supporting data) that banning advisory votes would encourage more voter participation. Hmm...In truth this eliminates Democracy. The answer is to listen to the voters instead of stealing their voice...What a Concept!

The Leg.wa.gov website allows citizens to track these and other bills, contact legislators, watch floor debates, and submit remote testimony!

More Info: SkagitRepublicans.com/ElectionIntegrity April 2023 Chairman’s Corner Newsletter

Bill Bruch

Bill Bruch is the WA State GOP Election Integrity Chairman, WSRP Executive Board Member, 4-Term Skagit County GOP Chairman, Citizen Journalist, Blogger, Business Owner and Property Manager, 2020 WA State House Representative Candidate, Former Council Member, and WA State 2016 RNC National Convention Delegate.


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