The 2025 Skagit County Republican Party's annual Lincoln / Reagan Day Gala will be held Saturday, May 3, at the spectacular Corporate Air Center in Burlington, 15425 Airport Dr. This event is always a fun time and with Keynote Speaker Brian Heywood of Let's Go Washington, this year will be no exception!

Other Featured Speakers include WAGOP State Chairman / State Representative Jim Walsh
Last month the Skagit County Republican Party (SCRP) held their Organization meeting. In accordance with the SCRP and WSRP by-laws; the following were all unanimously elected as SCRP Officers by the Skagit County Republican Precinct Committee Officers (PCOs) to lead the county party for 2025/26.
Chairman: Bill Bruch (5th Term)
Vice Chair: Lorilee Gates (1st term)
State Committeeman: Mike Yeoman (1st Term)
State Committeewoman: Judy Billings (4th Term)
Secretary: Suzanne Rohner (1st Term)
Treasurer: Val Muellen (2nd Term)
In coordination with the Washington State Republican Party (WAGOP), all 39 County Republican Parties "Re-organize" every two years and vote for officers. The SCRP Chairman, Committeeman and Committeewoman are the "Voting Representatives" of the WAGOP State Committee.
Yesterday in Vancouver, LD 19 State Rep. Jim Walsh was again elected Chairman of the WAGOP and Clark County Councilmember Michelle Belkot was elected State Vice Chair. Also,myself and Nicole Vartanian (Island County Committeewomqn) were elected to represent Region 2 (Skagit) Whatcom, Island and San Juan Counties) on the WAGOP Executive Board, this is Nicole's first term and my third term / 5th year as your Region-2 State Representative. Chairman Walsh also appointed me to again lead the State Party Election Integrity Committee, this is my third term and 5th year as Chairman of the EIC!
Great news - OSPI tells us they WILL be updating guidance for schools after a judge ruled I-2081, the parental bill of rights, is constitutional! Now it's time to demand that Democrats cease efforts to gut key provisions of the law. Click on the links below to tell your elected leaders that you OPPOSE both of these bills: HB 1296 and SB 5181
Court win for parents' bill of rights initiative muted by bill to reverse protections

Washington State Democrats Legacy of Failure - Comparing 2013 to 2025:
Crime: WA 30th Most Unsafe in U.S. - Now 1st
Housing: WA 12th Most Unaffordable in U.S. - Now 4th
Rent: WA 22nd Most Unaffordable in U.S. - Now 2nd
Homelessness: WA 8th in U.S. - Now 2nd
Accountability: WA Missing $1.17 BILLION of taxpayer money and severe lack of transparency. This is just scratching the surface. WA deserves better. Next Time Vote Republican! Post
Nation’s Report Card reveals a math problem in WA - The latest NAEP results also show a decline in literacy at the state and national levels: 69% of Washington eighth graders were not proficient in reading compared to 58% in 2013. The average reading score for Washington’s fourth-graders dropped 9 points, over the past decade. The national averages dropped 7 points for eighth graders and 9 points for fourth graders. Article
WA State near dead last for overall driving in the U.S. New study compared all 50 states across 31 key factors, with the outlet unfortunately determining WA is the second-worst state to drive in! All states were compared on categories related to owning and driving a car, such as average gas price, auto maintenance costs, total extra vehicle costs per driver (license tab fees, etc.). Of note: Car theft is very high, WA is 49th and ranked last in the nation for overall rate of larceny! Article
WA House Dems end 132-year-old rule enacted in 1893 that guaranteed free and open debate on the House floor. By a 54-33 vote, Dems lowered the supermajority 2/3 threshold required to end debate and vote on bills down to a majority. Republican Leader Stokesbary: "Today is a sad day for the institution, a chilling day for the three million Washingtonians whose elected voices can now be silenced at any time." Video / WA State Dems End Free & Open Debate
Rantz: After accidental leak of Democrat tax plans, will voters fall for the scheme? How will Washington Democrats manipulate voters into accepting their tax plans? According to the leaked Democrat tax memos, lawmakers are essentially told to deceptively pitch their plans to voters. Article

Washington, Democrats are pushing a bill codifying gender extremism, pretending that children can have multiple genders or none at all. SB 5123 is a legislative assault on common sense and biology. It claims to “promote inclusivity in public schools.” Instead, it redefines gender identity in Washington law, opening the door to radical changes in how anti-discrimination laws are enforced at public schools. The bill dangerously elevates “gender identity” over biological reality, suggesting individuals can exist outside of the immutable categories of male and female, or even occupy both simultaneously, or neither at all!
New Dem Proposed HB 1531: Preserving the ability of public officials to address communicable diseases, says people can't run a Referendum against the bill to try and repeal it. Complete unchecked authority to decide the next public health emergency. Video
WAGOP Chair / LD 19 State Rep. Jim Walsh SLAMS Gov Bob Ferguson's executive order to create an immigration rapid response team in response to ERO Seattle (ICE) arresting a child rapist & a drug dealer. Video
Democrat Sponsored Rent Control is back – and this time it means it
With HB 1146 WA State Democrats Seek to Expand Jail Voting
Democrats renews push for a per-mile driving tax
WA bill would offer unemployment benefits to immigrants not authorized to work in U.S.
Democrats embrace sanctuary status as law gives illegal immigrants unemployment benefits
Washington’s Legislature, by the numbers - key stats to know for the 2025 session
Meet the new faces of the 2025 legislative session
In March 2024, the Washington state Legislature passed Initiative 2081, the parents’ bill of rights, which took effect on June 6. Under I-2081, parents have the right to examine textbooks, curriculum and any supplemental materials used in their children's classrooms. They also have the right to inspect their child's public school records and receive a copy within 10 business days of submitting a written request. According to Rep. Jim Walsh I-2081 did not go far enough in protecting parents' rights to be involved in healthc are decisions for their minor children. As such, he has filed HB 1176 to amend the state’s “mature minor doctrine.” “With initiatives, there’s a strict practice of single subject, and we weren’t able to accomplish everything we wanted with that, so this is kind of the next step in restoring family rights, and parental rights,” Walsh said.
As Trump's GOP takes control, what’s next for Washington state’s Democrat-led legislature?
The Cost Of Voting Democrat: Gavin Newsom and CA Dems are spending $5 billion this year to give free health care to all illegal immigrants. To balance the budget, they're proposing to cut $500 million to schools. The State is facing an almost $73 billion deficit. Post
ELECTION INTEGRITY: Russian president Vladimir Putin says the 2020 US presidential election was “stolen” from Donald Trump, and that had the Republican won, the Ukraine conflict might have been avoided. Video
The Republican Voter Registration Revolution
Most Americans support photo voter id - This issue isn’t controversial

In an age when one cannot walk through an airport, cash a check, or buy cold medicines without an ID, it is something of a marvel that requiring voter identification remains such a polarizing proposition. Our founders believed in a system built upon rational debate, rule of law, and, above all, trust in the electoral process. Today, it seems easier to purchase a plane ticket than to persuade the average citizen that our elections are secure. Post
The only reason to ban voter ID is to commit voting fraud: Keir Starmer’s Labour are dropping voter ID laws (meaning your parcel at the Post Office is more secure than your vote), giving millions of foreigners the right to vote and allowing children to vote too. Make no mistake, this is a blatant attempt to keep them in power. Chilling! Post
Rep. Roy reintroduces bill to protect the integrity and sanctity of American elections. Millions of illegal aliens remain in our country illegally and many have been given the opportunity to register to vote in federal elections. The SAVE Act would thwart Democrat efforts to cement one-party rule by upholding and strengthening current law that permits only U.S. citizens to vote in Federal elections. Article
The U.S. Census Bureau Stole At Least 16 Electoral Votes and 15 U.S. House Seats
The Case for Voting by Precinct - How Precinct-Voting Protects Ballot Secrecy While Ensuring Auditable Results and Speedy Recounts. Article
Pam Bondi refuses to say that Joe Biden won the 2020 Election and says she saw FIRSTHAND what they did in Pennsylvania. So our incoming Attorney General knows the 2020 Election was stolen. Think about that. The criminals must be nervous. Video

A Crisis of Confidence: We Must Overhaul Elections for the People
National 2024 Presidential Election Review
Supreme Court Rejects Dispute Over Pennsylvania Mail-In Ballots
Elon Musk knows all about the computers, those “vote counting computers”
Democrats, Pro-Voting Groups Sue to Block Trump’s Order Ending Birthright Citizenship
They'll Come to Wish They Had Just Let Trump Win in 2020
DR. Douglas Frank: US 2024 General Election Animated Graph - All 50 States

Treasury Sanctions Entities in Iran and Russia that Attempted to Interfere in the U.S. 2024 Election

Elderly Democrats Say Thousands of Donations to ActBlue Were Made Fraudulently in Their Names
How USAID Prosecutors & Soros Prosecutors affect Election Integrity
Lawsuit filed by the states of Louisiana, Kansas, Ohio and West Virginia against the U.S. Department of Commerce, Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo (D), the U.S. Census Bureau and its director, Robert Santos, challenging the inclusion of noncitizens in the 2020 census. Article
The ECHO 65 Method - For Hand-Marked, Hand-Counted Paper Ballots in U.S. Elections
Anatomy of a Blue State.
Eight major demerits:
· Automatic Voter Registration
· Ballot Harvesting – whether permitted by law, or widely practiced
· Excessive Mail-in Voting – whether universal, notable, or no-excuse
· Prolonged Counting – normally due to excessive mail-in voting
· Ranked Choice Voting
· Same Day Voter Registration
· Unique Corruption – arbitrary and understood through extensive research
· No Voter ID
A final consideration was also made as to whether I thought focused manipulation was present in the 2024 results in a given state.
This is how the Harris states shook out with regard to the assessed demerits above (please note, Washington, D.C. will be referred to as a state for the purposes of this analysis):

The four dirtiest states Harris won and their respective demerits in parenthesis:
· California (8)
· Hawaii (8)
· Colorado (7)
· Washington (7)

Harris states overwhelmingly have:
· Automatic Voter Registration
· Ballot Harvesting
· Universal Mail-In Voting
· No Voter ID
The foundation of election manipulation is found in voter registration, which is why blue states have rushed to entrench Automatic Voter Registration, expand mail-in balloting, permit ballot harvesting, and preside over illogical policies, such as prohibiting voter ID enforcement that most counties in their states would overwhelmingly support. Article
WASHINGTON STATE: WAGOP Lawsuit Disputing 2024 LD 18 State Senate General Election "Postponed" - It was announced today that the WAGOP lawsuit filed in Clark County Superior Court disputing the current 2024 Legislative District 18 State Senator race, set to be heard on January 30, 2025, has been “postponed.” Apparently, Clark County and the Secretary of State did not like the evidence that was recently submitted, and their attorneys convinced the judge to postpone. On Monday, Jan 27, the WAGOP appears to have submitted 312 sworn written affidavits by residents of LD 18 that say about 300 voters that cast a ballot from their respective addresses did NOT reside at their address. Article
HB 1584 would return WA elections to in-person voting. Post
Fort Vancouver High School student sent pictures of an assignment his history teacher is giving them. She wants the students to write our representatives and tell them to reject House Bill 1584. This is not ok! Post
Bill would end voting by mail as Washington's norm
Why do Democrats want to make Voter Challenges virtually impossible in Washington State?
Pilot Programs Raise Concerns for Election Security in Washington State
Another interesting pilot program the Washington Secretary of State wants to conduct is signature verification by machine, instead of humans. This is worrisome because Automatic Signature Verification systems can be set at different levels. Article
OmniBallot On Demand Ballot Printing

Seth Keshel: Pacific Northwest 2024 Presidential Election Review. This portion of the 2024 Election Compendium focuses on two states in a region I am referring to as the “Pacific Northwest” – Oregon and Washington. The Pacific Northwest is a hotbed of national corruption and bad ideas regarding election administration. Both states have substantial working-class populations, which work primarily in the fishing and timber industries, but are also heavily populated by urban white liberals, who until recently had begun to show an establishment-populist split that threatened to create strongholds further to the political left of nearly anything else in America.
Both states rate among the worst for election law in America and remind me of Colorado with the way elections are run. Oregon pioneered mass mail-in balloting in America starting in the 1990s and ran its first presidential election with the practice in 2000. Both are universal mail-in balloting states, with rampant ballot harvesting destroying the integrity of all races on the ballot, especially those down ballot that can be decided by tens of votes, or even fewer. To no one’s surprise, neither state has backed the GOP presidential nominee this millennium (Reagan was the last Republican presidential nominee to carry them in 1984), and in fact, neither have had a Republican governor since the 1980s. For these reasons, even though beneath all the cheating I can spot a large working-class shift rightward, I had no doubt Harris would carry these states handily. While the nation moved six points to the right, Oregon and Washington barely inched right from where they sat in 2020.
In Washington, where voters are not registered by party, 23 of 39 counties (59.0%) shifted more Republican in percentage margin, meaning Trump won them by more than he did in 2020, or lost them by less. FULL SUBSTACK ARTICLE HERE
Democrats pour into Washington state as Republicans leave, analysis shows
ALASKA: 2024 Election Compendium.
ARIZONA: The Official Result of Arizona Senate Audit of the 2020 Election CONFIRMS Why Democrats oppose voter ID. 25% of all 2020 MAIL-IN-BALLOTS equaling 420,987, out of 1.9 million, HAD NO SIGNATURE MATCH WHATSOEVER. Post
Maricopa Voter Roll Purging will Stop Heaps of Fraudulent Ballots
Arizona Republicans move to replace vote center with precinct-based polling places
Arizona - 2024 Election Compendium

CALIFORNIA: Democrats are moving to block voter id laws in the new year despite polling showing as much as 80 % of Americans support the laws. What are they afraid of? Article
Newsom sparks outrage for soliciting donations to LA wildfire victims via his super PAC
Orange County Democrat Indicted on Multiple Election Fraud Charges – Faces Up to Six Years in Prison
Johnson opens door to linking voter ID to California disaster aid after Trump demand
Footage has been obtained of an election worker in Orange County, counting the same large stack of ballots three times on the evening of November 8th. Republicans lost a House seat in Orange County a month after the election, by the way. "The real shocker of this entire episode caught on video is that this all occurred after Orange County received received a bomb threat and before the workers were removed from the ballot counting facility." Video
Huntington Beach Defies Gov. Newsom, Unanimously Votes To Become ‘Non-Sanctuary City’
California 2024 Presidential Election Review
FLORIDA: One of the most surprising outcomes on Election Day 2024 was President Trump’s landslide 56 % to 43% victory in Fl. That 13-point margin was an enormous shift from Trump’s three-point victory there in 2020, and it was the largest victory for any candidate since 1988. Article
Half a Million Mail Votes with No ID in Florida's 2024 General Election - Did the Counties and the State of Florida Ignore the Law? Article
GEORGIA: New video of Ruby Freeman, her daughter and others stealing the 2020 election
Lawsuit filed by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) against Houston County, Georgia, and the members of the county board of commissioners challenging the at-large method for electing commissioners. Article
HAWAII: 2024 Election Compendium
LOUISIANA: Louisiana Takes Step Toward Paper Ballot Voting System
MAINE: As many as 40% of the noncitizens present in Maine may have voted in the 2024 elections OR had voted cast in their names. Post
MICHIGAN: US Senator From Michigan Who Paid Dirty Voter Fraud Registration Group That’s Still Under Investigation By FBI, Announces Retirement. Article
State House Election Integrity Committee Chair Pledges to Look into Systemic Voter Fraud
NEVADA: 6 of 17 counties in Nevada showed a shift in registration toward the Republican Party from 2020 to 2024, moving the state from D+4.7% to D+0.5%. Article
NEBRASKA: Our elections have been outsourced by rogue government actors to private, secret, corporate interests (enemies within) that refuse to provide any public-facing transparency or verifiability. Elections belong to We the People. Article
NEW MEXICO: New Mexico 2024 Presidential Election Review - Seth Keshel: Opportunities for Election Manipulation.
· Voter ID – No identification is required to vote in New Mexico
· Same Day Registration – New Mexico permits same day voter registration
· Ballot Harvesting – State law for returning ballots is restrictive, authorizing only caregivers or immediate family members to return them; however, precinct data from the largest counties, combined with an increase in mail-in balloting, suggests these guidelines are routinely violated
· Automatic Voter Registration – New Mexico operates Automatic Voter Registration
NORTH CAROLINA: The Republican National Committee and North Carolina GOP filed a lawsuit alleging that 60,000 voters who cast a ballot in November were not properly registered to vote. Article
Jefferson Griffin, the GOP candidate for the Supreme Court of North Carolina, filed new legal actions against the state election board’s decision to reject his challenges to more than 60,000 ballots in his race. The case challenged three categories of ballots — those cast by voters with allegedly incomplete voter registrations, overseas voters who have never resided in North Carolina and overseas voters who did not provide photo ID with their absentee ballots. Article
OREGON: 2024 Election Compendium
Oregon Democrats have proposed HB 2543 which would take a total of $15,000,000 of taxpayers funds to pay for legal services for illegal immigrants. Article
SOUTH DAKOTA: Brookings County SD gives Rick Weible 5 min to voice his concerns on election software being used - It only took him 4 min to drive a truck through their illusions of what they thought was a secure system. Video
WISCONSIN: City Clerk Under Investigation After Nearly 200 Ballots Were Left Uncounted
VIRGINIA: DOJ Drops Biden-Era Lawsuit Over Virginia Non-Citizen Voter Purge
DOJ Ends Suit Against Virginia for Removing Noncitizens from Voter Rolls
UPPER ROCKIES: 2024 Election Compendium
LOWER ROCKIES: 2024 Election Compendium
Eliminate the computer voting machines of ES&S, Dominion - all of them. “I read her a Trump Republican ballot, as soon as she entered it into the Dominion system the ballot DEFAULTED on the screen to a Biden Democratic ballot." Video
Kash Patel: "This is why we must eliminate voting machines and only use paper ballots. If you trust Dominion voting systems, I have a bridge to sell you." Post

Dominion Disaster: DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS across every state across America on CONSPIRACY DAY, November 3, 2020. “ I observed with my Democratic partner and read her a Trump Republican ballot, as soon as she entered it into the system the ballot DEFAULTED on the screen to a Biden Democratic ballot.” 2.7 MILLION TRUMP VOTES DELETED NATIONWIDE IN THIS FASHION. Video

Illinois Democrats to Allow Illegals to Change Their Names to Evade ICE (VIDEO)
Biden-Harris DOJ Sues Pennsylvania City Because Council ‘Not Hispanic Enough’
Elon Musk is advocating for the complete removal of all Electronic Voting Machines! in All 50 States
GOP Lawmakers Target Noncitizen Voting in New Bills
Movie Trailer: The Eastman Dilemma - Lawfare or Justice
LETS THANK GOD IT IS OVER! The Biden Administration was a total nightmare, where bombings and acts of terrorism capped off the final weeks of a 4 year disaster where Dems left America crime-ridden and poor. Article
Biden's Farewell Speech: How fitting - Biden finishing his gaffe filled residency by quoting the teleprompter: "End of quote"
In his final act as president, Joe Biden issued broad preemptive pardons to his family, Anthony Fauci, Mark Milley, and the Jan. 6 committee. Article
Joe Biden’s Legacy of Deceit. The attempts to deny inflation were bad enough. But the falsehood that history will remember is the conspiracy to cover up his infirmity. Article
The Terrorist Who Attacked New Orleans Was Recently Radicalized. Shamsud Din Jabbar, 42, who killed 15 people on New Year’s Day. He had an ISIS flag hanging on his vehicle, and reports show that he was recently radicalized. Article
Trump Tower Cybertruck Terrorist Served at SAME Military Base as New Orleans Jihadi

Which prominent Muslim leader in the United States is NOT a jihadi - aka #TERRORIST ?

250,000 British White Women have been raped by Muslims in the UK over the last 25 years
NGOs FUNNELED BILLIONS OF TAX DOLLARS INTO ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION UNDER BIDEN! Nonprofits were funding the crisis! These groups took billions in taxpayer money, often without oversight, to transport and house illegal immigrants. Data shows migrants processed by NGOs ended up in nearly every congressional district. Sanctuary cities were hit hardest, with taxpayers footing the bill. Under Biden, NGOs became the middlemen of illegal immigration. Trump’s ICE is now digging into the mess he left behind. Post
Deportation Flights With Military-Style Aircraft Have Started. The Trump administration is following through on what the returning president has said would be the largest mass deportation operation in U.S. history. Article
Active-duty forces to bolster security at U.S. southern border
JBLM officers to join other US active duty troops in supporting southern border security
Nancy Pelosi’s official proceedings of Jan 6. Capital Police surveillance camera #0903, on January 6 at 5:18 a.m.; Reveals: the Camera is following the FBI’s all-white “ghost bus' heading to the Capital, delivering FBI’s informants and confidential human sources dressed as Trump supporters. Video
Mike Davis sends a Dark Warning to the Biden Agents who 'hunted' J6 Political Prisoners: "To all the prosecutors, agents, witnesses, judges: You have been hunters for four years: Prepare to be hunted legally, politically and financially. Justice is coming. You can go to Hell." Post
Mike Benz: I spent literally hundreds of hours on the Jan 6 pipe bomber. I believe the FBI, in addition to nuking the frame rate on the DNC security camera, blurred the eyes so no one could ID based on biometrics. Video
Julie Kelly BLOWS The Doors off the FBI's January 6th Pipebomb Op: This is insane...
The FBI’s Silent Admission: The Jan 6th Pipe Bomber was a Federal Asset
The most dangerous domestic threat which President Trump will face when he comes into office is the Deep State bureaucracy which has long controlled much of the federal government. Article
President Trump has announced his plan to create a new agency called the External Revenue Service. This is an inversion of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and its focus will be on collecting money from outside the United States—including through the use of tariffs. Video
Trump team plans smoother second White House term

The Senate unanimously approved the nomination of Rubio as secretary of state. Article
Tulsi Gabbard vs. The Senate: A Broken System on Display
Kash Patel's Opening Statement Is Good Enough Reason for His Confirmation as FBI Director

No longer need to be educated in order to educate your kids, apparently. A new state law says that educators may now become certified teachers without needing to pass a “basic skills” test administered by New Jersey’s Commissioner of Education. Article
The Trump Doctrine: Will 47 Kick The Chinese Out Of The Panama Canal?
ITS OFFICIAL - TWITTER is the top source for news on Earth!

Apple to pay $95m to settle claims Siri listened to users’ private conversations
In a victory for free speech on social media, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced a series of major changes concerning the monitoring of content on its platforms. The changes will affect Facebook and Instagram, two of the world's largest social media platforms. Zuckerberg announced three key takeaways: Ending a third-party fact-checking program, put in after the 2016 election, that aimed at censoring conservative voices. Article
Don’t let Facebook off the hook for its pro-censorship past so easily

Justin Trudeau Announces Resignation As Canadian Prime Minister
VIDEO: Baltimore Preacher Silenced at School Board Meeting
It Has Now Been Confirmed That The Majority Of The LA Fire Department’s Supplies Were Sent To Ukraine Over The Past Two Years & Democrat Leaders Have Overseen The Destruction Of Los Angeles By Firestorm. Video
Deadly Fires Devastate Southern California
Watch The New LA Fire Chief & DEI Hire Confess That Her Main Mission Is Not Responding To Disasters But Hiring Women / LGBTQIA+. Video

Gavin Newsom slashed fire prevention budget by $100 million before deadly wildfires: report
Incompetent LA Mayor Bass took 15 trips to Cuba in her youth, trained as radical
California Burning: More Proof Liberalism Is A Mental Disease

FAA embroiled in lawsuit alleging it turned away 1,000 applicants based on race — that contributed to staffing woes. Article
We Know How Things Were at the Reagan Control Tower Before the Crash. It's Not Good!
U.S. House passes bill banning trans athletes from competing in women’s school sports
Trump's $500 million post-election windfall. President-elect Trump is being inundated with so much money from corporations and wealthy donors that his team expects to raise about $500 million by summer — even though he can't run again, Trump is ready to help political allies, punish opponents and help Republicans keep full control of Congress in 2026. Article
Mike Benz: Soros prosecutors are more like USAID prosecutors (by the logic of who most funds the prosecutor control group's fiscal sponsor). Video
The Left’s Next Gambit – Using Article V Convention of States to End Constitution and Trump
President Donald Trump kept his campaign promises in the first hours of his second term, signing dozens of executive orders to undo the damage of the previous four years of the Biden presidency. Article
Trump’s Official Email as President Releases ‘America First’ Agenda: A Comprehensive List of Priorities for the Nation. Article
Trump 47, Week One — The Democrats Don't Know What Hit Them!
Trump revokes security clearance for the 51 intel agents who lied about Hunter Biden's laptop. Post
Trump scraps Biden drilling, electric vehicle and climate policies in bid to lower prices. President Trump signed a series of orders on energy policy would tackle inflation after consumer costs soared 22% during Biden’s four years in office. Article
Trump Pardons 1,500 Jan. 6 Defendants
Trump Tariffs against Canada, Mexico, China go into effect Feb 1
Trump Withdraws U.S. from World Health Organization

Trump inauguration speech: US policy will reflect 'only two genders'

DOJ Green Lights Prosecution of State and Local Officials Who Impede Immigration Enforcement
Trump DOJ Directs All 93 US Attorneys Offices to Prosecute State or Local Officials Who Obstruct Immigration Raids. Article
Illegal Crossing Down 95 Percent from Biden High, Trump Says Still Not Good Enough
Trump Signs ‘Laken Riley Act’ Into Law: ‘America Will Never Forget Laken Hope Riley’
Maine law firm tells schools to 'destroy' student records that reveal immigration status
President Trump puts Davos on notice over his agenda - Explains U.S. will become a manufacturing 'superpower' by using oil and gas. Article / Video
Trump signs Executive Order banning trans surgery for minors in the United States

3 More Hostages Released In Cease-Fire Deal, Including U.S.-Israeli Dual Citizen
Donald Trump: It is so good to have the Venezuela Hostages back home and, very important to note, that Venezuela has agreed to receive, back into their Country, all Venezuela illegal aliens who were encamped in the U.S. Post
The LA Times released an article confirming that President Trump's orders are entirely responsible for the massive new water flow into Californian cities. - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers abruptly increased the amount of water flowing from two California dams, after President Trump signed an order calling for increased water deliveries. - Local water managers said they convinced Army Corps officials to release less water than originally planned. In other words, Democrat leaders in California deliberately screwed the people over. The next time you Liberal Californians turn on your showers or drink water, please take a moment to thank God for giving you Trump to undo the damage the Democrats have done to your state. Post
The Skagit Republican Woman's Group meets Tue, Feb 4 at the Freedonia Grange - For more info contact Connie Miller, email:
Our next SCRP Central Committee meeting is set for 10 AM Saturday, February 8 at the Freedonia Grange. For more info email: or call (360) 820-1700.
Respect & Blessings,
Bill Bruch, SCRP Chairman
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