On Sunday, July 19th there will be a Elect Bill Bruch for LD 10 State House Meet & Greet Luncheon hosted by Rita Bartell Drum. The event will be from 1 PM - 3 PM on Whidbey Island, South Oak Harbor, Penn Cove Road (Map). To RSVP call 631-707-5980 or email ritadrum777@gmail.com. For more information on the campaign please see: BillBruchForHouse.com.

On Thursday, July 23rd from 6 PM to 8 PM LD 10 State House Candidate Greg Gilday will be having his campaign kickoff. Come out to support Greg who is running for Norma Smith's open seat. Event will be at the 3 Sisters Family Farm in Oak Harbor. For more information please see greggilday.com.
National fundraising information released this week says Americans significantly decreased contributions to Democrats running for state legislature seats in the 2nd quarter of 2020. The drop-off in Democrat Legislative Campaign Committee fundraising—which has Democrats $20 million shy of their stated cycle-long goal of $50 million total—comes as Republicans nearly doubled the total raised by Democrats in the 2nd quarter.
The poor performance by Democrats at the state levels could have broader national implications. State-level political trends oftentimes forecast national trends—”From the State House to the White House,” the saying goes. Of note: The state legislatures elected this year will handle redistricting next year heading into the 2022 cycle, influencing the direction of and perhaps control of the U.S. House of Representatives for the next decade.
Labcorp and FDA reports say Covid-19 tests are inaccurate and can give "false positives" and "false negatives." Peggy with The Healthy American, breaks down the latest CDC data showing Covid related deaths are below the thresholds of a true "pandemic." Video here.
A business advocacy group says COVID-19 governance decisions are hurting small businesses. Patrick O’ Connor is Washington State director for the National Federation of Independent Business. He says the pause of the Governor’s Safe Start plan is placing additional burdens on small businesses after they have already made significant investment in personal protective equipment, sanitation and distancing measures, and worker training, saying “only to be told after they’ve made that additional investment ‘sorry, we’re going to put you on pause and we’ll get back to you and let you know if we decide whether you move forward to the next phase of reopening.'”
“So it’s getting more and more difficult,” he said, “for small businesses to hold on, pay their workers, when they don’t have dollars coming through the door.”
As small businesses are being destroyed by our government response to Covid while big corporations like Costco, Wallmart and Amazon thrive, we continue to see the Covid death toll follow downward trends. Skagit Counties Covid numbers are also mirroring the national and state trends. In Skagit over the past 6 weeks there has been only 1 Covid related death and a TOTAL of 8 Covid related hospitalizations. Predictably these influenza diagnosed cases are up as the people were forced to postpone doctor visits for several months. OF NOTE: The one reported death was again in a nursing home. A Covid case does NOT necessarily mean sickness and often times Covid diagnosis are asymptomatic.

The Science is Conclusive: Masks and Respirators do NOT work to Prevent Transmission of Viruses such as Covid-19. There have been extensive randomized controlled trial (RCT) studies, and meta-analysis reviews of RCT studies, which all show that masks and respirators do not work to prevent respiratory influenza-like illnesses, or respiratory illnesses believed to be transmitted by droplets and aerosol particles. More info and review of the Medical Literature here.

New Report on Hydroxychloroquine Adds to List of Media Malpractice Regarding Covid-19: It is interesting how we hear very little from the media regarding any possible remedy for patients who contract the coronavirus? The press has completely ignored the subject whenever doctor's and their patients are praising Hydroxychloroquine, after dismissing the possible benefits that had been touted by President Trump. And another report has come out in the past week that shows there is a possible life-saving aspect to administering the drug in the early stages of contracting the virus; just another item on the ledger of blatant media malpractice. Report here.

The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) has announced a program that would allow participating cities and counties to partially or fully close state highway lanes to traffic. It would also remove on-street parking, under the guise of COVID-19 and social distancing. The highway lanes or parking spaces would be “reallocated” for used by restaurants, bicyclists and pedestrians.
WSDOT insists the closures would be "temporary," and would yield positive outcomes in physical, mental and emotional health – as well as promoting “equitable, safe mobility” and economic recovery during the COVID-19 "pandemic."
WSDOT will work with requesting cities and counties on lane restrictions if the roads are in places where adequate social distancing is not possible, where speed limits are 35mph or lower, and the highway has a maximum of five traffic lanes (though places with more than five lanes can still be considered). You can view a map of these “Main Street” Highways, which provide local and regional mobility, here.
This is more insanity, absolutely awful policy and will just create additional traffic gridlock.
Last week the National Football League announced it will have teams play the Black National Anthem at all week 1 games. Reports say the song will be played before “The Star-Spangled Banner.” And the National Basketball League is considering painting BLACK LIVES MATTER on ALL the teams basketball courts.
Herschel Walker responded by saying "I was reading the greatest book ever written, the Bible, and I read “But if you don’t forgive others, your Father will not forgive your offenses.” - Matthew 6:15. "Why are we penalizing people for what their ancestors did? Forgiveness doesn’t mean you get something in return."
Ted Cruz commented in a tweet “How many national anthems do we have? “Is there an Hispanic national anthem? “An Asian-American national anthem? “This is asinine. And There should be no segregation based on race. We are ONE America. E Pluribus Unum,” he wrote.
Lt. Colonel Allen West responded by saying, "It is very appalling that you have these corporations, business and sport franchises like the the National Football League that are cowering and acquiescing and surrendering to a Marxist Mob which is what Black Lives Matter is."

OF NOTE: The “donate” button on the Black Lives Matter website links to Act Blue, which is affiliated with the Democrat Party as a fundraising arm.
Clay County, Florida, Sheriff Darryl Daniels is warning protesters that he will “deputize” all “lawful gun owners” should protestors become too violent. The video shows Daniels standing with his deputies while telling protesters that they should not think that the Sheriff and deputies will surrender to them, saying that he and the deputies will protect their Constitutional rights.

The City of Seattle held a racially segregated employee training session aimed at White staffers, instructing them on "undoing your own whiteness" in order to be held accountable by people of color, according to documents obtained by a public records request. The City of Seattle diversity trainers encourage white employees to "practice self-talk that affirms [their] complicity in racism" and work on "undoing your own whiteness."
The session took place on June 12, as anarchists took part in the "Capitol Hill Organized Protest" in the Capitol Hill district. Journalist Christopher F. Rufo of 'City Journal' retrieved the documents showing the Marxist re-education training that attacked white people based on race and how they were born.
One handout distributed in the session reportedly declared how whites are responsible for “racism." Another said White staffers must give up "comfort," “control of the land,” and their “guaranteed physical safety” in order to be an “accomplice” for racial justice.
The reopening of our schools has become a hot-button issue and President Trump is on the side of concerned parents across the political spectrum.
Trump tweeted “Corrupt Joe Biden and the Democrats don’t want to open schools in the Fall for political reasons, not for health reasons! They think it will help them in November. Wrong, the people get it! In Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and many other countries, SCHOOLS ARE OPEN WITH NO PROBLEMS. The Dems think it would be bad for them politically if U.S. schools open before the November Election, but is important for the children & families. May cut off funding if not open!”
Speaking after the legendary U.S. Navy Blue Angels roared overhead, President Trump ushered in the July 4th weekend at Mount Rushmore in South Dakota with a full-throated condemnation of "far-left fascism" and a defense of "Judeo-Christian principles."
"This monument will never be desecrated," Trump declared to cheers and applause. "These heroes will never be defaced. Their legacy will never, ever be destroyed. Their achievements will never be forgotten. And Mount Rushmore will stand forever as an eternal tribute to our forefathers and to our freedom."
The president asserted that recent attacks on the nation's monuments, alongside "cancel culture" and the rise of the Marxist ideology of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, were symptoms of a "left-wing cultural revolution" that was threatening to "overthrow the American Revolution." BLM explicitly advocates the destruction of the "nuclear family structure," which Trump said was in fact the "bedrock of American life."

Researchers at the Henry Ford Health System in Southeast Michigan have found that early administration of the drug hydroxychloroquine makes hospitalized patients substantially less likely to die. Private hospitals have been using it successfully unlike publicly funded ones. Some haven't lost any patients because they did use hydroxychloroquine.
Joe Biden is now inferring that police are the enemy of the people. During an interview Wednesday Biden said the police are over militarized, have "become the enemy" and said funding should "absolutely" be reallocated elsewhere. In other words, he's advocating for the defunding of law enforcement as crime across the country continues to skyrocket. This is a 180-degree reversal as just a few weeks ago Biden said he did not support defunding the police. In fact, he proposed an increase in funding for policing programs.
We should not be surprised at his flip flop, top Democrats including Biden advisor and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes has called for "The complete defunding of police departments across the country," she said "significant cuts aren't enough."
In a Webinar on Tuesday FBI Director Christopher Wray provided more detail on the China threat than the FBI has ever presented in an open forum. Wray described China’s ruling Communist Party as being involved in a “whole-of-state effort” to overturn America’s global dominance and become the world’s top superpower “by any means necessary.” Wray said China’s anti-America program includes a number of subversive activities, from theft to propaganda to surveillance.

“The stakes could not be higher and the potential economic harm to American businesses and the economy as a whole almost defies calculation. It’s the people of the United States who are the victims of what amounts to Chinese theft on a scale so massive that it represents one of the largest transfers of wealth in human history." said Wray. To view the event click here.
Nearly four-out-of-10 registered voters believe Joe Biden has dementia and another 14% are not sure, according to a new poll. Most voters, including just over half of Democrats, feel it is important for the likely Democratic presidential nominee to publicly address the issue (link to poll).
Next Saturday, July 18th from Noon to 2;30 PM the Skagit County Republican Party will be having our annual Summer Salmon Barbeque Picnic. Hamburgers, hotdogs, french bread, salad, homemade cookies and drinks also provided! Special Guest Speaker will be WA State Citizens' Alliance for Property Rights (CAPR) Executive Director Glen Morgan. Also 2020 candidates including Governor candidate Joshua Freed and Lieutenant Governor candidate Marty McClendon will be speaking (plenty of time for Q & A). Because of an overwhelming response we needed to find a larger venue. A special event email with new venue address will be emailed out on Tuesday. Cost will be $25, $10 for students and ages 18 and under (please pay at the door). To RSVP call (360) 466-3474.

The SCRP office is open from 10 am to 2 pm Mon - Fri (and by appointment). Also the SCRP Central Committee meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7 PM. Meetings are held at the Valley Business Center, first floor NW conference room, located at 2021 East College Way in Mount Vernon. For more information please call (360) 820-1700.
Respect & Blessings,
Bill Bruch, SCRP Chairman
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