Tomorrow from Noon to 2:30 PM the SCRP will be having our annual Summer Salmon Barbeque Picnic. Hamburgers, hotdogs, french bread, salad, homemade cookies and drinks also provided! Special Guest Speaker will be WA State Citizens' Alliance for Property Rights (CAPR) Executive Director Glen Morgan. Glen is also the founder of "We the Governed," known for documenting Big Government’s abuses of citizens – particularly on property rights issues. Glen specializes in exploring policy issues in local government and exposing government corruption and incompetence which impacts everyone.

Glen was the Grassroots Director and the Property Rights Director at the Freedom Foundation 2011-2015. He is a frequent writer and speaker on property rights, the environmental movement, big government, and the importance of citizen activism. Glen is also an investigative citizen journalist who frequently meets with whistleblowers from various state agencies, local governments, and political parties who want to expose fraud and corruption at all government levels.
Also speaking will be 2020 candidates including Governor candidate Joshua Freed, Lieutenant Governor candidate Marty McClendon, Attorney General candidate, Matt Larkin, LD 10 State Senator Ron Muzzall and others! Event is in Burlington: 14554 Josh Wilson Road.(MAP). DIRECTIONS: From I-5 take Exit #231, go West on Josh Wilson Road about 5 miles (on the left). Cost is $25, $10 for students and ages 18 and under. To RSVP please call (360) 466-3474 or to pay online click here.

This Sunday, July 19th there will be a Elect Bill Bruch for LD 10 State House Meet & Greet Luncheon hosted by Rita Bartell Drum. The event will be from 1 PM - 3 PM on Whidbey Island, South Oak Harbor, Penn Cove Road (Map). To RSVP call 631-707-5980 or email For more information on the campaign please see:

On Thursday, July 23rd from 6 PM to 8 PM LD 10 State House Candidate Greg Gilday will be having his campaign kickoff. Come out to support Greg who is running for Norma Smith's open seat. Event will be at the 3 Sisters Family Farm in Oak Harbor. For more information please see
GREAT NEWS: This week Initiative 1114 officially was launched by the 65,000 members of Restore Washington! Since February through constant Covid Emergency Proclamations, Governor Inslee has abused the powers We the People gave him in the existing Emergency Powers Act. He has refused to revoke Proclamations once the emergency it was based on has passed. He has changed the goals of his Proclamations, ensuring they can continue indefinitely. He has favored his preferred businesses over those he dislikes through his definitions of essential business. He has refused to call the Legislature into session so that all representatives have a voice in the state’s emergency response. He has hired thousands of new state inspectors, and sent them to harass businesses, and fine them out of existence. He has forbidden church worship. He has forbidden protest against his Proclamations, yet he has allowed and encouraged other protest. In all this, he has acted arbitrarily, and brooked no advice or dissent. Government by executive Proclamation is contrary to American values.
We must Restore the Balance of Power to We the People. We therefore introduce I-1114.

I-1114 limits emergency proclamations issued by the Governor to no longer than 14 days unless extended by a vote of the Legislature. The Legislature may not extend a proclamation through mere letters from leadership, but must vote. No individual extension may exceed fourteen days. The Legislature may pass subsequent resolutions of extension, so that the whole of government must concur in the ongoing existence of an emergency proclamation. More info click here. Questions Email: OF NOTE: THE SCRP WILL SOON HAVE PETITIONS IN THE MOUNT VERNON OFFICE AT 2021 E. College Way Suite #200 (we are open Mon - Fri 10 AM to 2 PM).
Last weekend the World Health Organization officially announced that worldwide testing is showing that people with Covid who are asymptomatic are NOT infectious nor contagious, and do not need to be isolated nor quarantined, nor social distance....And only under very rare circumstances can possibly even transmit the virus from one person to another. OF NOTE: OF THE 17 SKAGIT COUNTY DEATHS 'RELATED TO COVID,' 10 HAVE BEEN IN A LONG TERM CARE FACILITY. AND SADLY STATEWIDE SINCE FEBRUARY MORE PEOPLE NOT IN A LONG TERM CARE FACILITY HAVE DIED FROM SUICIDES & DRUG OVERDOSES THAN COVID.
To Date, 589 Washingtonians not in LTC have died 'WITH COVID.' Obviously the real number of true Covid deaths is much lower as the hospitals receive $13,000 from the Federal Government for each patient that has a Covid patient listed on the death certificate. Even with the CDC and Dept. of Health books being cooked, the most recent statistic say that if your are not in a LTC facility only 7.7 deaths per 100,000 of all other Washingtonians are passing away 'WITH COVID' listed on the death certificate. Based on how death certificates are being filled out, you can be certain the actual deaths from Covid are substantially lower than what we are being told. More info here, here and here.

No one credibly doubts that the longtime proven drug hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is safe, and safer than many medications currently available 'over the counter.' And no one credibly doubts the dozens of Doctor-reported studies and hundreds of patient testimonials showing that early use of HCQ, pre-exposure and immediately after exposure to Covid, has helped many overcome this influenza virus. Isn't it interesting that the powers that be are continuing to refuse to promote HCQ...

After initially calling it a street fair and likening it to “the summer of love,” Mayor Jenny Durkan finally sent 100 plus police to clear the CHOP zone after two killings; only one day after President Trump said he would send in the National Guard, and a few days after Seattle City Council member Kshama Sawant lead a group of anarchists to Durkins house and vandalized it.
Then last Friday a court ruled that Durkan’s Maypr recall effort can proceed allowing petitioners to start getting enough signatures to get the recall measure on the ballot. The petitioners’ recall effort needs 50,000 signatures to succeed and accuses Durkan of “endanger(ing) the peace and safety of the community” by allowing the police to “leak false information about fabricated crimes and threats to the media” and putting a citywide curfew in place without giving advance notice to the public.
The petitioners also accused the mayor of restricting property rights in the neighborhoods of Capitol Hill, where many CHOP protests occurred. A spokesperson for the mayor’s office on Saturday rejected these claims, saying the mayor “consistently has acted to protect the City’s public health and safety and to respect the constitutional rights to peaceful protesters.”
If that was not enough, then the Seattle city council decided to back a plan that will defund the Seattle police force by 50 percent (about 200 million dollars) despite concerns from the mayor’s office and Seattle’s police chief that council members are moving too quickly and without enough widespread community engagement (Durkin is saying the defunding number should be 78 million dollars).

A coalition called Decriminalize Seattle is behind the plan to redirect about 200 million dollars from the city budget to community organizations, such as "Reimagining life without policing."
“The status quo is no longer acceptable,” Seattle Council President Lorena Gonzalez said, adding that while she previously believed in police reform, she now believes in rebuilding. So, if you’re in any danger in Seattle, get ready to “call a social worker.” Needless to say this is incredibly reckless and endangers the lives of Seattle's citizens.
Last week Seattle City Councilwoman Kshama Sawant defended the latest Seattle City tax by saying to Jeff Bezos, "We are not going to stop there, we are preparing the ground for a different kind of society, we are coming for you and your rotten system, we are coming to dismantle this deeply oppressive, racist, sexist, violent, utterly bankrupt system of capitalism, this police state. We cannot and will not stop until we overthrow it, and replace it with a socialist world."

Since New York city eliminated their plain cloth police division violent crime continues to surge as the new policy drives people out of their apartments and into streets that are suddenly seeing less-aggressive police enforcement. Forty-three people were shot over the course of a week that began with eleven shootings on July Fourth alone. That’s a 300 percent increase from the previous year. The week ended with a day of violence unseen in a generation: 64 people were shot across the city in 48 incidents during a 24-hour period on Sunday, and ten of them died.
In the last several months groups of Antifa militant protesters and rioters have now caused over 20 million dollars worth of damage in the city of Portland. Most recently, last weekend Antifa members gathered around the Portland Federal Courthouse one rioter using a hammer to break open a door of the building before using the weapon to attack a police officer by hitting him in the head and shoulder.

California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom plans on releasing 8,000 inmates, some currently serving time for serious felonies, from the California prison system in the next few weeks. Democrats like Newsom have always wanted to release prisoners, but Covid now gives them the excuse to do so. Perfect timing for prisoners, who will likely wear face masks to commit their next crimes.
The California Department of Health clarified that ALL indoor religious services in the state have been suspended with no definite end date. BUT BLM Protests, Antifa Riots, etc continue to be acceptable. WA Governor Inslee, CA Governor Newsom, OR Gov Kate Brown, NY Gov Cuomo all continue to be in lockstep regarding these Covid policies issue. Any policy that promotes protests & prohibits church services is blatantly corrupt and unconstitutional! "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."
Civil Rights attorney Leo Terrell, a prominent Democrat turned Republican has come under fire from his colleagues for refusing to support Joe Biden and Black Lives Matter. Despite that, this week Terrell said he isn't in favor of the modern-day Democratic Party and what they stand for.

"The Democratic Party in 2020 is as follows: it's been hijacked by Black Lives Matter and that's why I've shifted away from the Democratic Party. Two major reasons: One, Joe Biden made the assumption that if black you have to vote Democrat. I find that insulting and offensive to every African American because we don't vote as one group," he told the Daily Caller. "Secondly, defunding the police is absolutely ridiculous. Democrats believe in law and order. Those are two major reasons I left the Democratic Party," said Terrell.
Just to be clear: All lives matter, black, brown, white, etc. However the Black Lives Matter Movement (the group, founders and its leaders), admit in their own words that they are Anti-White, Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Free Speech, Anti-Family, Anti-Police, Anti-Religion, Anti-School Choice, Neo Marxist Revolutionaries, who are willing to resort to violence to impose their political agenda. BE ADVISED: BLM donations go to Act Blue, directly fundraising for Democrat candidates. More info here and BLM video here.
Yesterday Georgia Republican Gov. Brian Kemp sued to stop Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms from mandating Covid masks be worn in that city. The legal actions comes after Dem mayors in the state pledged to challenge an executive order by Kemp barring local mask mandates.
It was discovered that the WHO lied about learning about the Covid virus directly from China. Turns out they learned about it from a US website instead. When they testified to the the House Oversight Committee last month, they provided false information to Congress. "Now it's time to put WHO Director Tedros under oath, until you appear under oath, America and the world will not know the origins of this crisis." tweeted Reps @SteveScalise, @RepJamesComer, @Jim_Jordan, @RepBlaine, @RepWalorski and @RepMarkGreen, who demand answers on false China info WHO gave to Congress.
The ballots for the August 4th Primary Election arrived yesterday and today. Please make sure to vote, and tell your friends to vote!

Respect and Blessings,
Bill Bruch, SCRP Chairman
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