A huge congratulations go's out to our Republican Washington state lawmakers for not caving into the Democrats or media and holding true to their constituents in their efforts to help get the states budget passed without many proposed Democrat tax increases. 10th Legislative District Senator Barbara Bailey , reps Norma Smith, Dave Hayes and 39th Legislative District Senator Kirk Pearson, reps Dan Kristiansen and John Koster all deserve high praise for their legislative efforts as on the final day of the state's fiscal year, and 175 days after coming to Olympia in January, legislators adopted a $43.7 billion biennial operating budget which funds a K-12 "McCleary fix".
Most unfortunately and true to form Governor Jay Inslee vetoed a tax cut for manufacturing businesses. Inslee's veto broke a "good faith" bipartisan budget agreement. The tax break for WA state manufactures was to lower B & O tax by 40 % for 10,000 manufacturing firms across the state. Even the Seattle Chamber of Commerce urged Inslee to keep the tax cut in place, saying it would give relief to a sector of the economy that provides family wage jobs. Our ultra liberal Governor actually said that he vetoed it because "it was a bad provision, grossly unfair to tax payers."
On a lighter note, please do not miss the annual SCRP Summer Salmon Barbeque. This years event will begin at noon on Saturday, July 22nd at the Burlington Park Skagit County Playfields. Our special guest speaker is Glen Morgan, Glen is past Director of the Freedom Foundation Property Rights Division and the current Executive Director of the Washington State CAPR (Citizens Alliance for Property Rights). Expect fun and surprises as State Reps and others will also be speaking. Please see the SCRP website for more information.
Also another special event set for this month is the Anacortes 4th of July Parade. You are invited to join with the "American Pride & Support the Troops" group which will be marching in front of about ten vintage military vehicles including armored troop carriers, tanks and jeeps (see the SCRP website for more information).
This years Lincoln / Reagan Day Dinner at the Bertelsen Winery Event Centre was a huge success. The feedback about the event has been extremely positive as all the speakers were well received and truly everyone had a very good time, some have even said it was our best L/R day ever! A big thank you goes out to the SCRP volunteers, Bertelsens, Max Dale's Steak and Chop House, Elaine Willman, Marty McClendon, our State Legislators and of course to all of you who attended. Elaine William deserves special recognition as her talk was very deserving of the standing ovation that she received.
The L/R fundraising was also a success as we raised over $7,500 via the auctions and donations. Effective fundraising helps to build a strong overall organization, and your participation was deeply appreciated as it will assist the Skagit County Republican Party in helping to elect Republicans to public office in the coming elections.
Some of you may not be aware that it is the policy of the Washington State Republican Party for each level of the party within the state to raise it's own funds as needed, we do not receive any GOP state or national financial assistance, our Skagit County Republican Party valued members and donors are the way this is accomplished for our county party. So it is with a wholehearted debt of gratitude that I thank each and every one of you for your continued support!
The June Conservative Values Forum sponsored by the Woman's Skagit Republicans was another big success; the Freedom Foundations Chief Executive Officer Tom McCabe spoke about how the Democratic party uses voter fraud to win elections. Tom was an amazing special guest speaker and all in attendance learned a great deal as Tom's presentation provided insight, facts and humor. Tom proved what many of us are finding painfully obvious as the evidence is indisputable and overwhelming, the Democrats will do anything to win elections and cheating is simply just part of the Democratic playbook and way off life. Thank you Tom ! Also a big thank you to Senator Barbara Bailey who took time out of her busy Olympia schedule to attend the event, her impromptu talk on the current situation in our state capitol was much appreciated.
The 2017 election season is just around the corner, county wide please remember to support your good GOP candidates in the local elections. The SCRP is endorsing SCRP member Joe Degloria for the Burlington City Council and also Republican Candidate James Staving for Burlington City Council. We are also endorsing Gary Molenaar, Dale Regan and Ken Quam for the Mount Vernon City Council and Bill Stokes for the La Conner City Council. At the regional level we are endorsing Nate Neiring for the Snohomish County Council, Nate was Barbara Bailey's 2017 campaign manager and he did a terrific job for Barbara.
At the state level we have one of the most important Senate elections in memory as this November the voters in the 45th Legislative district will be having a special election, remember this is the seat that Dino Rossi was appointed to last year when Andy Hill suddenly passed away, our Republican candidate is Jinyoung Lee Englund.
I had the pleasure to see Jinyoung in person at the WSRP State Central Committee meeting in May. Jinyoung is a very strong candidate for us, she is a Korean American, daughter of immigrants and married to a US Marine Corps officer. She is a tech entrepreneur, resides in Woodinville and among other things has pledged to protect Washingtonians from a possible new state income tax that is being proposed by the Democrats.
Jinyoung's opponent, Manka Dhingra is a liberal far-left Democrat. This will be challenging race in the 45th swing district and there is a very supportive and well orchestrated campaign for Jinyoung. Should you want to participate in Jinyoung's campaign please call (425) 420-5345 or see her website: jinyoungenglund. There are also very important Washington State Senate elections in the 31st and 7th LD races; we need to win all these elections, if we lose any we lose the Senate which would be catastrophic for the people of this state.
We must continue to keep up the good fight as our liberal competition is relentless. As an example, according to witnesses in Whatcom County the Democrat machine actually went to the extent to fly-in some of the protestors for a recent Doug Ericksen town hall meeting in an attempt to create chaos. A total of about 350 protestors (most organized) showed up and literally tried to break the doors down at Meridian High school. The corrupt Democrats are well funded via billionaire George Soros and activist Tom Steyer, and it is important to keep our grass roots support growing as we have a moral order and principle on our side.
Respect & Blessings,
Bill Bruch, SCRP Chairman
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