June 19 - 26, 2020 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

<em>Edit Promo Post</em> March 2023 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

Tomorrow Saturday, June 20th the whole family is invited to a LD 10 State Senator Ron Muzzall "Burgers in the Barn Meet and Greet" fundraiser event at his beautiful 3 Sister's Farms, located at: 938 W Scenic Heights Rd. Oak Harbor. And if you want a yard sign, this is a great time to pick yours up! For more info about Ron's campaign click here.

Chairman's Corner Newsletter


The Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council estimated that the state will have nearly a $8.5 Billion tax revenue dollar shortfall over the next 3 years. And the state Democrat leadership wants to increase your taxes to make up the difference with a newly proposed capital gains income tax and new tax on jobs. This is the worst thing the legislature should be doing at this time. Record high unemployment, nearly $1 billion missing from the Employment Security Department, businesses closing permanently, Comprehensive Sex-Ed  starting in Kindergarten, and the list of Democratic failures continues to grow....


The anarchists that took over 6 blocks in Seattle, aka CHAZ (Capital Hill Autonomous Zone), decided to rename themselves CHOP (Capital Hill Occupy Protest). Apparently the old name was too benign for their true motives as more reports of rampant crime and lawlessness emerge. Also beware Raz Simone, the so-called Warlord of the zone has been filmed handing out AR-15 assault rifles to several (including minors) occupying the territory. Of no surprise the Communist group attacks anyone that carries an American flag in their occupied area. And a militant Antlfa group known as the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club is now patrolling CHOP. 

Also the city of Seattle installed new concrete barriers around the perimeter of the 6-9 blocks of the "CHOP" area. However major problems only worsen because business can't reopen as cars don't have access due to the barriers. Also business owners can't guarantee safety of their employees. The adversely affected area includes 40 businesses, 18 apartment buildings and two churches. With the police precinct closed it is an extremely dangerous situation as 911 calls are going unanswered and lawless thugs rule the streets. 


Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Here is an added / updated list of demands the CHOP anarchists set forth this week:

1. The abolition of the Seattle Police Department and the city’s courts. (“We demand that the Seattle Council and the Mayor defund and abolish the Seattle Police Department. This means funding, including existing pensions for Seattle Police,be reallocated to Socialized Health and Medicine for the City of Seattle, also known as free health care.")

2. Free college for the people of Washington state.

3. New trials for every violent black convicted inmate “by a jury of their peers in their community.”

4. The “unrestricted right” for prisoners to vote while incarcerated.

5. The abolition of imprisonment, which would be replaced by “accountability programs.”

6. Racially segregated hospitals in Seattle, with black health care workers for black patients.

7. Educations reforms in Washington state which focus on black and Native American history.

8. Reparations for “victims of police brutality.”

9. The abolition of evictions in the city, and an end to “gentrification.”

10. Mandated anti-bias training for jobs in the education, medical profession and media sectors throughout the state. 


Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Last week the city council of Minneapolis voted to completely disband the police department. This policy will plunge Minneapolis into a third world scenario of lawlessness and total chaos. (Fact: Minneapolis, with an enormous number of immigrants from Somalia, is now the No. 1 radical Islamic terrorism recruitment city in America).

By de-funding and/or abolishing police, radical left-wing Democrats are deliberately pushing their own cities toward collapse and chaos so they can usher in Marxism and can keep blaming Trump for all the problems they caused themselves. Also this week Rep. Ilhan Omar doubled down on her calls to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department calling it “rotten to the root.”

At least 14 Minneapolis police officers have quit, citing a lack of support from department and city leaders. Current and former officers told The Minneapolis Star Tribune that officers were upset with Mayor Jacob Frey’s decision to abandon the 3rd Precinct station during the riots. A crowd set the building on fire after officers left. It is no secret that Rep. Omar and community organizers want to bring  Sharia Law to Minnesota. They may succeed. 

Chairman's Corner Newsletter


To learn more about the organization and preplanning of mass protests, burning of buildings and the overall escalation of destruction of Minneapolis click here.


BLM donation money is actually going to ACT Blue, which supports Democrats campaigns. To date over 670 million dollars has been raised for 10 DNC campaigns. Also, to no ones surprise BLM donations are also going to the funding of Covid-19 lobbying as there is now more money to be made from the disease than there is in the cure (more info click here).


All Covid Hospitalizations reported cases are NOT NECESSARILY NEW people arriving in the hospital with Covid, but in fact people already in the hospital for other reasons, who are now being diagnosed with Covid.  This info is not surprising as the incredible global Covid-19 Plan-demic is coming to light. Before you or anyone you know takes another Covid test, and to learn more about the very corrupt and well organized Covid plan please watch this important video here.


WA State Dept of Health on Wednesday removed seven deaths from the state’s official Covid-19 mortality count, including three homicides. Those deaths included three homicides, two suicides and two overdoses. The DOH admitted it has been counting coronavirus deaths all people who died and tested positive for the disease. 


Exposed: Antifa Group Says It Acquired Money From George Soros, met with 2020 Dem Candidate. Project Veritas is at it again, doing the work the mainstream media simply refuses to do. Those who provide funding are terrorists themselves. Who is providing the funding? There are many suspects. Suspect No. 1 is globalist billionaire George Soros and his Open Society Foundations. After all, if we had a fair and honest media no person would ever want to vote Democrat again (Video).


Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Black people oppose defending the police by an overwhelming margin of 21 percentage points, according to a new N.Y. Post poll that revealed broad support for reforming local law enforcement over proposals to gut resources.


This is how insane political correctness as got; the principal of a well-known Chicago high school is under pressure to resign because she’s urged students to “not participate in violence or looting.” Full story here.


On Tuesday California Democrats lawmakers ordered the removal of a marble sculpture depicting explorer Christopher Columbus and Queen Isabella, from the Capitol Rotunda. The statue has been in the Capitol for more than a century. Top lawmakers called the statue a "Racist Symbol" a voted for its removal a day after a statue showing white settler John Sutter was taken down in front of the Sacramento hospital that bears his name. 

Chairman's Corner Newsletter


France will not be tearing down statues or rewriting its history in response to pressure from activists, President Emmanuel Macron said "The republic will erase no trace or names of its history, it will forget none of its works, it will tear down none of its statues. We must instead lucidly look together at our history, and in particular our relationship with Africa," Macron said in a televised address. 


Freedom is the cure! The number of rights, liberties, and freedoms lost during this Wuhan virus pandemic is unacceptable. Around the globe, countries have shown that shutdowns are not necessary. Americans are responsible for our own healthcare. We do not consent to these tyrannical orders of shutting down places of worship and not being able to peaceably assemble. We know that that Freedom is the cure! The John Birch Society provides a national program designed to counter the Deep State/Big Government agenda and to restore our rights (more info here).


Google (which owns YouTube) is targeting and censoring Conservative media outlets, the latest case is where they are attempting to cut-off advertising revenue to "The Federalist," in essence attacking them because they don't agree which their ideas. Of Note: Senator Ted Cruz is working to remove Google's "Special Immunity" status because they are acting like a publisher which is prohibited under law.

Chairman's Corner Newsletter


While unveiling the Republican police reform bill on Wednesday, Senator Tim Scott said that the U.S. is “not a racist country” and criticized Democrats for what he saw as their relentless focus on race, advocating a discrete approach to policy solutions designed to address police brutality (Video).


Spurred on by the many Republican controlled states that have opened up, the pandemic recovery is going better than expected with retail sales increasing the most they’ve ever increased in one month: The 17.7% headline gain including food sales easily topped the previous record from October 2001 and beat the 8% estimate from economists surveyed by Dow Jones.

Retail sales alone powered 16.8% higher from a month ago, more than double the estimate of 8% from Dow Jones. Clothing and accessories stores reported the biggest percentage gain at 188% while sporting goods, hobby, musical instruments and book stores rose 88.2%.

Chairman's Corner Newsletter

President Trump’s campaign rally this weekend has received the largest number of ticket requests for any of his events, his campaign reports for Tulsa surpassing requests for over a million tickets.


Republicans on the House Foreign Affairs Committee are saying in a new report on the origins of the pandemic, that China violated the International Health Regulations (IHR) of the World Health Organization in the early days of the coronavirus outbreak.

The interim 50-page report also raises new questions about the complicit role the WHO played in allowing the Chinese Communist Party to delay crucial information about the novel virus. It recommends that WHO director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus be fired for defense of the CCP’s response and embrace of their revisionist history,” and calls for an international investigation into the CCP’s failure to slow the spread of the disease.

Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Reports says China could have prevented 95 percent of coronavirus infections if it had immediately implemented travel restrictions, containment measures, and social distancing after Wuhan laboratories sequenced the novel virus and discovered its resemblance to SARS by December 27. Instead, health officials ordered the labs to hand over or destroy the samples.


If your a BLM protester, looter or rioter you get a free-pass. 1,000+ pandemic contact tracers in New York City hit a roadblock this week as they assess the risk of disease spread from Covid positive patients. Mayor Bill de Blasio has forbidden the tracers from asking sick patients if they attended one of the many George Floyd related protests. "No person will be asked proactively if they attended a protest,” 

Many New York tweeters pointed out the hypocrisy of state and local leadership in continuing to enforce a draconian, economy crushing lockdown against small businesses while barely flinching at scores of protesters not wearing masks.  If it’s ok to protest in large groups without masks, it’s ok to go back to work to feed your families. Reasonable people are tired of double standards!

Chairman's Corner Newsletter


President Trump pointedly warned “anarchists” and other “agitators” not to disrupt his campaign rally in Tulsa, Okla., this weekend, after an apparent threat that outside groups may be planning to cause "unrest" at the scene prompted an emergency order from the mayor. “Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis,” Trump tweeted today . “It will be a much different scene.”


Today is Emancipation Day celebrating the end of slavery. This is a testament to America's greatness. America didn't create slavery, but it did abolish it, at great cost, in defense of the eternal truth that all men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. The end of slavery in America is a day every American can celebrate. It is the day we witnessed that this nation could overcome its greatest flaws and begin the journey to live up to its noblest ideals. Always remember the Republican Party is the party of Abe Lincoln and the Anti-Slavery party!


Thanks so much to Candidate for Governor Loren Culp, John Piazza who hosted, and the hundreds of people who attended today's incredible Loren Culp Meet & Greet event in Burlington!

Chairman's Corner Newsletter



Tomorrow Saturday, June 20, 2020 at 4:00 PM there will be a Open Up Business rally on the steps of the Snohomish County Courthouse in downtown Everett. This is a good format to here from people who are concerned about the restrictions being placed on our rights, liberties and our ability to provide for our families.


Tonight, June 19th at 7:00 PM" The Evergreen Republican Women's Club is having a 
Virtual Gubernatorial Forum.
Moderator: Jason Rantz, Radio Host KTTH 770AM. Republican Candidate Participants: Loren Culp, Tim Eyman, Joshua Freed, Phil Fortunato and Anton Sakharov. It will be on TVW.org, here is the link. https://www.tvw.org/watch/.


A Big Thank You to everyone that attended last nights SCRP Cental Committee meeting via Zoom. The SCRP endorsed the following candidates for the 2020 elections:


Sec of State: Kim Wyman

State Treasurer: Duane Davidson

State Auditor: Chris Leyba



LD 10 State Senator: Ron Muzzall

LD 10 State House: Bill Bruch

LD 10 State House: Greg Gilday

LD 39 State Senator: Keith Wagoner

LD 39 State House: Carolyn Eslick

LD 39 State House: Robert Sutherland

LD 40 State House: Russ Dzialo



Skagit County Commissioner: Ron Wesen



Congressional District 1: Jeffery Beeler

Congressional District 2: Tim Hazelo


Please remember to stay updated at www.skagitrepublicans.com.



Respect and Blessings,

Bill Bruch, SCRP Chairman

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