King County Elections Redacted...

<em>Edit Promo Post</em> October 2024 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

This is a follow-up to my Sept. 20 article King County Elections Under Fire...

Summary: During the Aug 1, 2023, primary election the main tabulation server failed. Per KC Elections Officials, this was due to a “database overload” - which forced the primary tabulation server to "slow down" and a new “back-up” secondary tabulation server to be installed.

KC Elections Director Julie Wise confirmed this in a Sept. 25, 2023, letter to KCGOP Chair Mathew Patrick Thomas, admitting that King County Elections never did an Emergency Logic & Accuracy (L & A) test, but did say a “Mid-Election” Logic and Accuracy test was conducted July 31, 2023, when the second server was in use.

Public Records Request (PRR) logs appear to show that this Mid-Election L & A test was done before normal business hours (about 7:30 am), with no notice to the SOS or political parties, no elections observers, no proper signed documentation / certification of the test, evidence of sealed ‘test deck’ of paper ballots, witnesses, etc.

Also, suspiciously, PRR records say the two main security cameras covering the tabulation area were not functioning to show video proof of the test. Hmm…

In the letter Director Wise said that an emergency L & A test was not required as no changes were made to the ballot counting programming.

The KC Elections argument is absolutely ridiculous, and they know it.

FACT: KC Elections replaced the entire tabulation server and ALL programming that goes along with it. That is a 100% change to the ballot counting programming!

A full, properly conducted emergency L & A test (which they neglected to do) may have shown the replacement server was working correctly, or not.

We are being told by many data analysts and cyber security specialists that the tabulation server is one of the most critical components of the entire operating system, as it is the mechanism that tabulates the results of the election.

With all the mistrust of elections happening in society, it is mind-boggling that KC Elections would not properly test this equipment per state statue, which is clear:

WAC 434-335-330 (4) If, for any reason, changes are made to the ballot counting programming after the official logic and accuracy test, an emergency logic and accuracy test must be conducted pursuant to WAC 434-335-310.


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