King County Elections Under Fire...

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September 20, 2023, Election Integrity Update by Bill Bruch

This is a follow-up to my Sept 14, 2023, article, Problems with King County Elections Mount...

Summary: King County Elections have many serious issues facing them and many questions they need to answer:

#1. The main tabulation server failed during the recent 2023 Primary Election. According to KC Elections officials, this was due to a “database overload” - which forced a new “back-up” server to be installed.

This requires an “emergency” Logic & Accuracy (L & A) test to be done: Per WAC 434-335-330 (4) If, for any reason, changes are made to the ballot counting programming after the official logic and accuracy test, an emergency logic and accuracy test must be conducted pursuant to WAC 434-335-310.

King County Elections never notified the Secretary of State, or Republican or Democrat election observers, and there were NO election observers present for the emergency L & A test, and no proof of the test being done (paperwork submitted to the SOS, etc.) violating state statutes!

Where is proof of the emergency L & A test per RCW 29.A.12.130 and WACs: 434-335-330, 434-335-310, 434-335-290?

Suspiciously, Public Records Request (PRR) records say the two main security cameras covering the tabulation area were not functioning to show proof of the test.

#2. How can an election be certified if there was never any required-by-law emergency L & A test done with the new server? According to SOS Deputy Director of Elections Stuart Holmes, King County Elections Supervisor, Julie Wise said this test was done…

Tuesday, Sept. 12 King County GOP responded with a press release:

Then earlier today, Sept 20, at a King County Citizen’s Election Oversight Committee meeting, KCGOP Chair, WA State Election Certification Board member and Citizen’s Election Oversight Committee Vice-Chair, Mathew Patrick Thomas, asked Julie Wise about the tabulation server that was replaced in the middle of the Aug 2023 primary, and specifically where is the written report (proof) of the emergency L & A test? Julie Wise refused to answer this question.



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