June 5-12, 2020 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

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This week both the Skagit County Republican Party Office in Mount Vernon and the Legislative District 10 office in Oak Harbor re-opened after being closed since mid March.

The SCRP office is located at 2021 East College Way in Mount Vernon (Suite #200 on the North side of the building). Office hours are Monday - Friday 10 am to 2 pm. Office phone is (360) 820-1700.

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The Legislative District 10 office is located in Oak Harbor at 520 East Whidbey Ave, Suite #207, at the corner of Highway 20 and Whidbey Ave East (Kitty-corner to the Jack in the Box). Office hours are Monday - Friday from 10 am to 5 pm. Office phone is (360) 675-0610.


<em>Edit Promo Post</em> February 2025 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Last week as the nation mourned the tragic death of George Floyd it quickly turned into a coordinated attacks by far-left in at least 40 major American cities to riot, loot and destroy thousands of businesses and hundreds of buildings, burning many (including churches) to the ground and incurring hundreds of millions of dollars in property damage. To make matters worse "protester" anarchists and Antlia thugs began targeting and assaulting hundreds of innocent victims, brutally beating some senseless. This includes the murder of least 15 people and several law enforcement officers.

In Buffalo three police officers were run over by a protestor in an SUV. In Richmond Virginia a group of rioters set fire to an occupied building, and then blocked a fire crew from getting inside the building to rescue a child inside. In St. Louis 4 police officers were shot and one 77 YO retired officer killed. The horrific testimonials over the last 10 days of protests seem to be endless. 

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We should not be surprised that radical leftist mobs are using this opportunity to further their own political and ideological agenda; that being to tear down the rule-of-law in America by overthrowing the American system of justice and instituting anarchy and Marxism.

Many of the serious problems happened in Democrat controlled states as elected leaders and law enforcement allowed much of the mayhem to transpire. Stand down orders are commonplace in Portland OR for the benefit of Antifa, but when lawlessness is allowed on such a massive scale is shows us how far much of our nation has slid towards radical socialism.

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In Seattle thousands have been protesting as well with riots breaking out. On June 1st SPD announced on Twitter that the incident commander had declared the protest a riot, reporting the “crowd had thrown rocks, bottles and fireworks at officers,” and was “attempting to breach barricades one block from the East Precinct.”

Very Interesting how protesters by the thousands violating social distancing mandates, quarantines and curfews are ok, but still in several states (including ours) gatherings in churches to worship are still severely limited and even prohibited because of a seasonal virus.

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According to new findings it turns out WA state has been matching up the names of those who died this year with a database containing names of people who tested positive for Covid-19. A review of the data by the Olympia-based Freedom Foundation found that five of the state’s fraudulently reported “coronavirus deaths” actually died from gunshot wounds and had nothing to do with Covid.

The Freedom Foundation findings came after Colorado’s public health department was forced to admit that nearly a quarter of those listed as dying FROM Covid had nothing to do with actual Covid deaths, so their state numbers were adjusted downward. Also in late April, Pennsylvania removed hundreds of deaths from its count.

Assuming that all states are tallying numbers the way these states had been, the national count is almost certainly off by a very wide margin – possibly in the tens of thousands. OF NOTE: The Whatcom Health Department released new data on May 31st lowering the death figure FROM Covid by 20% (from 36 to 30).

To see a list of permanently closed businesses forced by Inslee and State Dem policies click here.


The House Republican's lawsuit against governor Inslee is scheduled to be heard in Federal court on June 19th. The suit says the “Stay Home” orders infringe upon the First Amendment rights to peaceable assembly and the Fifth Amendment right to not be deprived of liberty and property without due process of law, along with rights under the Washington State Constitution. To contribute to the lawsuit and for more information see Open Up Washington.


A new E-book entitled Unreported Truths about Covid 19 and Lockdowns by Alex Berentson was originally banned by Amazon for "Not complying with Amazon's guidelines."  Alex's book is filled with facts and data that is threatening the Democrat narrative, such as: The median age of death with Covid-19 is 81, etc. After much public pressure Amazon changed course and allowed the book. Many repuatable doctors have repeatedly said the Covid virus is very similar to a severe seasonal flu.

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After revelations of a massive unemployment fraud scheme that temporarily shut down Washington’s unemployment system, state Employment Security Department (ESD) officials have acknowledged that criminals may have stolen between $650 million and one billion of our tax payer dollars (aprox $330 million has been recovered). OF NOTE: WA state's ESD headed up by Inslee appointed Suzi Levine, is a former Obama and Democrat fundraising bundler.


The national unemployment rate dropped over the past month as the economy added 2.5 million jobs, defying predictions of additional layoffs in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Unemployment now sits at 13.3 percent, falling from 14.7 percent in April. Many economists had expected the unemployment rate to reach 20 percent or higher.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics said that the unemployment rate fell because states have begun to reopen businesses that were shuttered to enforce social distancing measures. Businesses that saw job gains included restaurants, construction, healthcare and retail, while airline and hotel jobs continued to fall.  The job numbers report the largest monthly increase in employment since 1939. It “suggests that the US economy is more resilient than expected,” Seema Shah, chief strategist at Principal Global Investors


After years of publicly supporting Antifa, Keith Ellison (Former Chair of the DNC) and current Minnesota Attorney General over the weekend removed his written support of Antifa off his website.


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On Sunday President Trump announced that he is designating Antifa as a "Domestic Terror Organization." This is long overdue. It is the first duty of the President to defend America and its people. And on Monday President Trump called for the National Guard to the states to help stop the riots and instill law-and-order. To no surprise many Democrat governors refused, including Inslee. 


Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, who allowed rioting and burning in the city last weekend that went on until the National Guard was activated has now evicted those troops from local hotels. Bowser is also requesting President Trump withdraw federal law enforcement agents and National Guard troops that were brought into the city restore law and order.  


The recently appointed Facebook oversight board that will decide which posts get blocked from the world’s most popular social networking website is stacked with radical leftists, including a close friend of left-wing billionaire George Soros who served on the board of directors of his Open Society Foundations (OSF). Judicial Watch found the group of 20 is overwhelmingly leftist and more than half of the members have direct ties to Soros, the philanthropist who dedicates huge sums to spreading a radical left agenda. The panel that will make content rulings for Facebook was recently given a $5 billion fine for blatant privacy violations.


This Saturday, June 6th from 11 AM to 1 PM the Loren Culp for Governor Campaign is having a "Meet and Greet" event in Arlington. Event will be held at 19109 63rd Ave. NE Suite 1A Arlington WA 98223 (near the Arlington Airport). For more info contact: Lee James Thieman.


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LD 10 State Senator Ron Muzzall will have a "Burgers in the Barn" Campaign "Meet and Greet" on June 20, 2020 from Noon to 2:00pm at his 3 Sister's Farms, 938 W Scenic Heights Rd. Oak HarborFor more info and To RSVP Link here.


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A Big Thank You to all the SCRP Volunteers that have been helping out with the Referendum -90 Petition signing events and a Huge Thank You to Elizabeth Waldren and Bob and Linda Johnson who have done Yeoman's work. ALL PETITIONS NEED TO ME MAILED IN BY TOMORROW. For more info about the Horrible Democrat Comprehensive K-12 Sex-Ed Curriculum and petitions see: parentsforsafeschools.com.


Our next SCRP Central Committee Meeting will be on Thursday, June 18th at 7 PM via Zoom. A link will be emailed out on Wednesday June 17th.



Respect and Blessings,

Bill Bruch, SCRP Chairman


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