October 9 - 16, 2020 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

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On Wednesday Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Loren Culp debated Governor Inslee, if you missed it you can see it here (the debate is a 'must watch' and begins at the 2 minute mark). Thanks to Loren who showed the voters the differences between he and Inslee and how Culp would govern the state if elected. OF NOTE: King 5 only had 5,241 views on their YouTube channel in the previous 30 days, and only 47k so far in 2020. However the Culp / Inslee Debate almost doubled the views in the first 24 hours (92,963) than King had all year. 

Our deep sincere prayers go out to former Mount Vernon City Council Member Erin Moberg who resigned this week. Most unfortunately Erin was recently diagnosed with brain cancer. Erin was born and raised in Skagit County and is a Mount Vernon High School graduate. Erin is 34 y.o., she and her husband have two small children.

For the first time in almost 4 years of being Chairman of the SCRP I was forced to file police reports (both with the MV PD and with the Skagit Sheriff). Last weekend in the middle of the night dozens of Trump and Culp yard signs were stolen off of private property around our county. Warning to the thieves you are being watched!

Ballots go out next week: Here are the SCRP recommended list of Candidates to vote for in the upcoming election.

PRESIDENT: Donald Trump


Congressional District 1: Jeffery Beeler

Congressional District 2: Tim Hazelo


Governor: Loren Culp

Lieutenant Governor: WRITE IN Joshua Freed

Sec of State: Kim Wyman

State Treasurer: Duane Davidson

Attorney General: Matt Larkin

State Auditor: Chris Leyba

Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction: Maia Espinoza

Commissioner of Public Lands: Sue Kuehl Pederson


LD 10 State Senator: Ron Muzzall

LD 10 State House: Bill Bruch

LD 10 State House: Greg Gilday

LD 39 State Senator: Keith Wagoner

LD 39 State House: Carolyn Eslick

LD 39 State House: Robert Sutherland

LD 40 State Senator: Charles:Carrell

LD 40 State House: Russ Dzialo


Skagit County Commissioner: Ron Wesen

Skagit County Commissioner: Peter Browning

PUD Commissioner: Andrew Miller


Washington State Supreme Court (Pos 3): Dave Larson

Skagit County Superior Court (Pos 3): Tom Seguine



#32 – SB 5323 – Plastic Bags  (Repeal)
#33 – SB 5628 – Tax on Heavy Equipment (Repeal)
#34 – SB 6493 – Increased B&O Tax on services (Repeal)
#35 – SB 6690 – Increased B&O Taxes on aerospace (Repeal)



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Congratulations to Maia Espinoza who had a baby girl on Wednesday. Maia is our choice for Superintendent of Public Instruction! Students in Washington need our help and we must act now to innovate public education. Together, we can ensure our kids have a brighter future. Maia will help empower families and teachers to reimagine an education system that puts students first. More see: MaiaForUs.com.

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REJECT R-90 and REPEAL ESSB 5395.  "CHECK REJECT" on next week's ballot to STOP the Comprehensive Sex Ed Law (5395) From Taking Effect!

ESSB 5395 is a terrible Democrat imposed law that ignores the needs of both our kids and parents. Vote REJECT Ref-90 to repeal it. Overturn the K-12 comprehensive sex education mandate. Huge numbers of students are failing math, science, and English. Olympia should prioritize improving literacy and helping students graduate, NOT creating a new mandate!   

Reject Referendum 90. Stop the early sexualization of our kids. Materials to meet the new state standards will include graphic sexual subject matter. These are decisions that should be left to parents and local communities.

Keep the Olympia activists out of our classrooms. Parents and elected local school boards should be the only people deciding what is taught in our classrooms.

Democrats, Planned Parenthood, the ACLU want to tear power away from parents and local communities and make decisions on sex education for our children.

It’s important for our children to understand both the science behind and the consequences of reproduction – but exposing them to this sexual curriculum starting in KINDERGARTEN is downright WRONG.

More info here and here.

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The CATO Institute's 15th biennial fiscal report card on the governors, which examines state budget actions since 2018, is in; and of no surprise governor Inslee gets an F and ranks as the worst governor in the nation on fiscal policy. This report examines the widely varying tax and spending choices that governors have made in recent years. It discusses ways that states can respond to today’s budget challenges, and cutting costs by prohibiting public‐​sector collective bargaining. The report also describes how states can prepare for future downturns by building large rainy day funds and creating stable and pro‐​growth tax bases. Full report here.

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Inslee Shutdown will triple unemployment taxes - Governor’s inaction bringing four years of higher taxes on small employers!

“Small employers will see their unemployment taxes explode, increasing by more than triple in some cases, just as they’re trying to put people back to work,” said National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) WA State Director Patrick Connor. “Gov. Inslee’s ongoing lockdown of the economy is already responsible for the permanent closure of hundreds, if not thousands, of small businesses; his refusal to direct CARES Act dollars to shore up the unemployment insurance trust fund will add significantly to our state’s rising small business death toll.” 

OF NOTE: Projections show 2022 UI taxes will be twice what they were at the peak of the Great Recession – not because of market forces, but due exclusively to government-mandated shutdowns of the economy.

Washington business organizations have been calling on Gov. Jay Inslee to shore up the trust fund by using a portion of federal CARES Act dollars the state received, to avoid or reduce this massive tax hike. Inslee has so far declined. More here.

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For seven months now, through constant Covid -19 Emergency Proclamations, Governor Inslee has abused the powers We the People gave him in the existing Emergency Powers Act. He has refused to revoke Proclamations once the emergency it was based on has passed. He has changed the goals of his Proclamations, ensuring they can continue indefinitely. He has favored his preferred businesses over those he dislikes through his definitions of essential business. He has refused to call the Legislature into session so that all representatives have a voice in the state’s emergency response. He has hired thousands of new state inspectors, and sent them to harass businesses, and fine them out of existence. He has forbidden church worship. He has forbidden protest against his Proclamations, yet he has allowed and encouraged other protest. In all this, he has acted arbitrarily, and brokered no advice or dissent. Inslee's mandates violate The Washington State Constitution Article 1, Section 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 11. We must Restore the Balance of Power to We the People!

Initiative 1114 limits emergency proclamations issued by the Governor to no longer than 14 days unless extended by a vote of the Legislature. The Legislature may not extend a proclamation through mere letters from leadership, but must vote. No individual extension may exceed 14 days. The Legislature may pass subsequent resolutions of extension, so that the whole of government must concur in the ongoing existence of an emergency proclamation. More info here. THE SCRP HAS PETITIONS IN THE MOUNT VERNON OFFICE AT 2021 E. College Way Suite #200 (we are open Mon - Fri 10 AM to 2 PM).

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The World Health Organization's new estimate is that worldwide about 760 million have been infected with Covid at some point during the outbreak and the number of confirmed "with Covid" deaths is about 1 million, with 7.8 Billion people worldwide, that means the infection fatality rate is only .012 %. 

The death rate for the seasonal flu is normally 0.10 % (about 10 times greater than Covid-19).

The WHO's estimate in February of a death rate of 3.4% began the panic fueling the catastrophic lockdowns and governor's emergency declarations.

Last month, the Centers for Disease Control issued new estimates that showed people under 50 years infected by COVID-19 have nearly a 100% survival rate. It broke down to a 99.997% survival rate for 0-19; 99.98% for ages 20-49; 99.5% for 50-69; and 94.6% for those over 70. Ages 70 + include many who were in nursing homes with preexisting conditions. Also according to Stanford's Biophysics Professor Michael Levitt who won the Nobel Prize in 2016, there is mounting evidence that more than 1 /3 of overall Covid related deaths would have occurred anyway (with or without Covid) by the the end of 2021.

Meanwhile, a new study by researchers at Wayne State University in Michigan found Covid-19's severity may be fading as the death rate falls.

In August, the New York Times found in an analysis of data that up to 90% of people testing positive carried barely any virus.Times reporter Apoorva Mandavilli summarized her story on Twitter: "NEW: All these months into the pandemic, we may have been testing the wrong way. Data from some state labs suggest up to 90% (!!) of people who get a positive result are no longer contagious and don't need to isolate."

Covid-19 testing as rolled out in most countries – including the UK’s Test & Trace initiative – fails spectacularly. Below is an informative article by Rob Verkerk (PhD, founder, executive and scientific director) entitled "Why Your Positive Test Result is Likely Wrong."


●Accuracy, sensitivity and specificity aren’t the same

●Bayes’ re-entry

●High false positive rate when disease is at low ebb


●Just tell us – we’re not stupid!

●Could false positives explain the apparent rise in infections?

We’re going to explain here why positive test results from RT-PCR tests are more than likely to be wrong – and why, if you’ve had a positive test result, you should make sure you’re re-tested. If compulsory self-isolation following a positive test result has a major negative impact on your work or other aspect of your life, you should think about demanding multiple re-tests.

Concerns about false positives become ever more real if you're trying to push towards millions of tests daily, as the UK government is with its Operation Moonshot. Leaked documents reveal that “new types of test [non-PCR] are likely to be less accurate [than PCR], introducing some [additional] level of risk," raising even greater concern, as revealed in a recent article published in one of he world's most respected medical journals, the BMJ. More here.

Verkerk's work helps to explain last months NY times report which examined Covid -19 testing data from New York, Nevada and Massachusets. The report found that up to 90% of people testing "Positive" actually carry barely any Covid virus. PCR tests work with genetic material in a swab sample, and then amplify it over and over again until a machine can detect the dna in a virus. If the machine detects virus in the dna then it registers as "Positive"  If you amplify the genetic material of the swab sample enough times, it will detect the virus in the dna; even if the viral load in someones body is "clinically insignificant."

The NY Times findings make sense because many people who test positive for Covid have little or no sickness symptoms. Also many PCR tests in the U.S. are using anywhere between 35 to 40 amplification cycles to identify the genetic material of the virus. And many experts agree that anything higher than 30 amplification cycles will result in inactive, dead or "clinically insignificant" (meaning traces) amounts of the virus being detected, causing the tests to show as "Positive".

Therefor it is common sense that Public Covid-19 Health Policy that is based on case numbers (positive tests) the majority of which should be negative, should NOT be used as the primary metric to determine whether or not a county or state should open up the economies. The two most important factors should be Hospitalizations FROM (not with) Covid, and Deaths FROM (not With) Covid - Both have which have been in steady decline for several months.

Overall in Skagit County there have been 99 Covid related Hospitalizations and 22 Covid related deaths (17 of the 22 were in Nursing Homes and no deaths since August 12th).

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MORE INFO ON WHY SCHOOLS SHOULD BE OPEN: According to new data from Brown University, reopening K-12 schools is much less risky than expected. Using September data from more than 550 schools, the Brown University team found a small .078 % rate of confirmed "positive" Covid cases among students and 0.15% rate of "positive" cases among teachers. More here.

According to new data complied by Dr. Andrew Bostom about Covid -19 infections on college campuses at 37 U.S. Universities there have been 48,300 positive Covid tests among students. But these infections have resulted in just 2 hospitalizations and ZERO deaths. For perspective compare that to the1,800 annual deaths from alcohol poising that happen on college campuses nationwide. More here.

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers and his state's Department of Health Services’ death count is coming under fire. Milwaukee County’s chief medical examiner told WISN 12 News the state’s Covid death total includes more than 100 people who had Covid-19 but died primarily of other causes.

“They’re simply lumping everything into one basket, so if they have Covid anywhere on a death certificate, they’re calling that a Covid related death."

Those inflated numbers are being used by DHS and local health officers — and enterprising politicians — to push their power to restrict individual liberty and scare the hell out of the public. No wonder so many Wisconsinites are skeptical of the people in power who are supposed to be acting in the public’s interest.

“It is imperative that state government ensures that all levels of government responsible for collecting this very important data are all singing from the same choir book on what a Covid death is,” said state Sen. Dave Craig (R-Town of Vernon). Failing to do so, the lawmaker said, could do “major further harm in how state government reacts to virus information.” More here.

After spending the weekend in the hospital President Donald Trump’s White House physician said in a memo Wednesday that the president has been free of symptoms for a full day and that his blood tests show the presence of antibodies for SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19).

“The President’s labs demonstrated detectable levels of SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies from labs drawn Monday, October 5th; initial IgG levels drawn late Thursday night were undetectable,” Dr. Sean P. Conley wrote. The presence of antibodies means Trump’s immune system has been fighting the virus and will help with herd immunity.

Trump Co-hosted the Rush Limbaugh radio show today for three hours and had time to discuss dozens of topics, show is archived here.

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said she is “feeling great” after she tested positive for Covid-19, praising President Donald Trump’s response after he was diagnosed and taken to the hospital. “I’m very blessed to have a mild case or really just an asymptomatic case,” she said on Fox News. “You know my heart goes out to all those who have been really affected by this and all those who have lost their lives.”

HYPOCRISY / REMEMBER: If WA State Democrats care about people getting viruses why in the 2020 legislative session did HB 1551 pass the State House on party lines (57 D to 40 R) and became law? The new law REDUCES the criminal punishment of people who knowingly infect another with the HIV virus from a felony crime of assault in the first degree to a misdemeanor or to a gross misdemeanor.  The law also repealed prohibitions on an individual who has a sexually transmitted disease if the partner is unaware of the disease. And lowers the age of a minor from 16 years to 14 years of age to give consent to treatment of HIV infection WITHOUT a parent or guardian’s consent. Also the law consolidates and expands rulemaking authority to the State Board of Health relating to control of STD's. This is a terrible law that puts the public at risk!


The office of California Gov. Gavin Newsom has told residents in the Golden State that if they go out to eat, they should be wearing a mask “in between bites” to protect themselves from Covid-19. “Going out to eat with members of your household this weekend?” an Oct. 3 tweet from the governor’s office says. “Don't forget to keep your mask on in between bites.”

The insane mandates are more proof that Democrat Governors want to completely destroy small businesses. It is time to end the emergency, there is plenty of evidence out there now. More recommended reading: Covid is no longer an emergency. 

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On Saturday Antifa Militants and BLM Anti-police protestors turned to violence in Seattle as they damaged property and clashed with law enforcement. Sixteen were arrested. The group marched through part of downtown after gathering at Cal Anderson Park as they chanted “black lives matter” and “no walls, no prisons, total abolition.”

Some members of the crowd committed acts of vandalism and property damage, the Seattle Police Department said the protest turned into a riot including shattering windows and throwing explosives inside as well. At one point, the crowd launched a smoke bomb at officers. It struck a car in front of them and obscured their sight as they moved towards the rioters. Police said an explosive was thrown at officers.

Great new 5 minute video out by Prager U "Red States vs Blue States;" explains the differences between Republican and Democrat states, why Red States are prospering and Blue states are in melt down, and why Americans are moving to Red states, video here.

Our Elect Bill Bruch for LD 10 State House campaign is making a final push for fundraising efforts. If you would like to donate to our campaign it would be much appreciated here. This is a rare opportunity to help defeat a State Legislative Incumbent, and flip a Democrat seat to Republican to provide more balance to our State Legislature. Please see: BillBruchforHouse.com and also check out our new TV ad here.

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The WA SOS is offering a VOTE SQUAD job program to help out with the November General Election: The Vote Squad is a diverse and devoted team of Washingtonians working together statewide to serve their communities and help their neighbors make their voices heard. Working directly with county elections offices, Vote Squad members help elections run smoothly and ensure voters have accurate information.

The SOS is looking for a few *hundred* good people like you! Vote Squad teammates come from all walks of life yet they share a love for the power of the vote and the opportunity to shape Washington's and America's future. More info here.

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There will be a Trump / Culp car parade rally tomorrow Saturday, October 10th at 12:30 PM in Mount Vernon. Decorate your cars with patriotic decor and campaign signs. Participants will Meet in Mount Vernon at the Bus / Train Terminal - 105 E.Kincaid Street (Map).

On October 15th from 7:30 PM to 9 PM there will be a LD 10, 39, 40 and 42 Candidate Forum. The event will be in Burlington and Live Streamed on You Tube and also broadcast live by KGMI 790 AM and KAPS 660 AM  / 102.1 FM; Skagit 21 and TVW. Moderator will be Mike Kent. Masks and Social Distancing will be required.

The event is sponsored by the Fourth Corner and Common Threads Northwest. CTN is a non-profit public interest group based Whatcom County. CTN is a positive and rational force in helping our community achieve economic vitality, environmental quality, individual rights, an informed citizenry; and prudent use of public resources. CTN are business owners, farmers, employees, and families who want to be involved in local issues. Just ordinary citizens who are working together for a better community and Holding Public Officials Accountable. OF NOTE: ALL Democrat candidates in the LD's have chosen not to attend.

Tonight and Tomorrow night the Loren Culp for Governor Campaign will have a King County Victory Protest Rally at 25053 Frager Rd S, in Kent (Map) from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM. Also tomorrow Saturday, October 10, 2020 from 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM Loren Culp will be in Downtown Bellevue at the Park and  Sunday, October 11, 2020 at 4:30 PM – 7:30 PM at 222 112th Ave NE, in Bellevue.

Next weekend the Loren Culp campaign will have a Peaceful Protest Rally On Saturday from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM and Sunday, October 18, from 4:30 PM – 7:30 PM in Everett at 6101 Associated Blvd (Map).

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On Sunday, October 18th from 1 PM to 4 PM there will be a Freedom to Worship Protest at the Deer Lagoon Grange, 5142 Bayview Rd, Langley, WA (Map). Lieutenant Governor Joshua Freed will be speaking.

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The Tim Hazelo for Congress campaign is having a Meet & Greet Fundraiser event Tuesday Oct 13th in Burlington at 1053 Peterson Rd. (Map) (with parking at the church next door at 935 Peterson Rd Burlington WA): RSVP email TimHazeloforCongress@gmail.com or 360-720-0602.  

On Monday, October 19th there will be a Meet and Greet Fundraiser for Lieutenant Governor Candidate Joshua Freed  from 5:30 to 6:30 pm in Mount Vernon; located at 23809 Nookachamp Hills (Map) to RSVP: mrstizzard7@gmail.com or 425-780-0173


Respect and Blessings,

Bill Bruch, SCRP Chairman

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