WA State Democrats just voted to extend the governors proclamations indefinitely

<em>Edit Promo Post</em> May 2024 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

Jan 14, 2021 SCRP State Legislative Update by Bill Bruch

After voting to ban the majority of Senators from the senate floor and voting to ban individual Senators from making motions and banning people from the state capital, things got even more Draconian.

WA State Democrat Senators passed SCR 8402 and voted to expand Jay Inslee's emergency powers which would expand Jay Inslee's emergency powers by bundling Inslee's 26 emergency orders and extend them 'until the termination of the state of emergency…or until rescinded by gubernatorial or legislative action.'

In other words, no more legislative oversight. Basically abdicating the right of the legislature to weigh-in until the governor decides the emergency is over.... which could be NEVER.

It would seem Democrat lawmakers are as willing to relegate themselves to the sidelines betraying constituents who have waited months for their concerns to be taken to the capitol. It makes you wonder what the next 100 days of this virtual pseudo legislative session will bring...

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