Report: 40% of air traffic flying out of McAllen International Airport is migrants being ‘redistributed’

Report: 40% of air traffic flying out of McAllen International Airport is migrants being ‘redistributed’

March 29, 2021 Law Enforcement Today by Scott Davis

McAllen, TX – As the southern border crisis grows, the Biden administration is struggling with how to handle the hundreds of thousands of migrants answering his promise of leniency in immigration enforcement.

This promise has caused the government to start flying illegal aliens to other parts of the United States at taxpayer expense.

Jenn Pellegrino, a reporter for One America News Network, tweeted yesterday that 40% of the air traffic flying out of McAllen International Airport are migrants being moved from the border:

“Approx 40% of the airport traffic this morning at Texas’ McAllen International appear to be migrants headed within the US.

“They are carrying boarding passes & paperwork that indicates they do not speak English.”

Migrants arriving at the border are being flown from South Texas to places like El Paso by Customs Border Protection (CBP). Federal officials say the migrants need to be moved to ease overcrowding at processing centers.

El Paso County officials said Saturday that they have received about 270 migrants per day on two flights from the Rio Grande Valley.

Many of these migrants were then expelled across the border to Juarez, Mexico under the Trump-era Title 42, which allows deportations under health and safety because of the pandemic.

Landon R. Hutchens, spokesman for the CBP, said overcrowding in South Texas is making the flights necessary.

He said that the agency “was also anticipating” that migrants would be sent to shelters, but that “sometimes these decisions are impacted by other things.”

Hutchens clarified that the Biden administration has stopped expelling immigrant children who cross the border alone, the expulsion of immigrant families and single adults continues under Title 42.

The spike in immigrants arriving at the border has prompted the Biden administration to consider a plan to fly illegal aliens into northern cities near the Canadian border for processing.

According to an email obtained by The Washington Post, border officials requested air support from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement because 1,000 members of families and unaccompanied minors crossed the Rio Grande on the morning of March 19, and border agents have another 1,000 migrants they have been unable to process from the previous night.

The Biden administration has not yet determined which northern and coastal states will receive flights from the southern border.

The Gateway Pundit published a message sent to them from a passenger flying out of McAllen International Airport on Friday. The passenger claimed that migrants were being permitted to fly without identification:

“We were sent this today from a reader in Texas…. Yesterday I flew on a commercial aircraft from DWF on a major carrier. A carrier who has removed small children from planes for not wearing a mask. I can’t believe what I witnessed.

“They are allowing migrants with NO ID to bypass TSA and fly. How is this safe? Could they be infected with COVID-19. Reports are many are.”

It is difficult to get a clear picture of what is occurring at the border, as the Biden administration has created a media blackout of the immigration facilities. Numerous media outlets have complained about restrictions against media access put in place by the administration.

Last week, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki tried to defend the lack of media access by saying the press can cover the border situation off of “B-roll” footage provided by a single pool camera the government is allowing into one facility.


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