HUGE: Citizens Group in Arizona Drops a MOAB – Sues State for 2018, 2019, and 2020 Elections That Were Not In Compliance with Arizona Law

<em>Edit Promo Post</em> May 2024 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

May 9, 2021 Gateway Pundit by Joe Hoft

How does Arizona get out of this?  If this happened in Arizona what other states does this apply to?

This all leads back to our investigation of the outfits that certified the Arizona elections and were called back after the election by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS) to perform audits earlier after the 2020 election a few months ago.

We reported that the MCBOS would not allow the Arizona Senate to perform an audit of the county’s 2020 Election results.  The MCBOS sued to Senate to prevent the audit.  Then when the Senate updated laws to clarify their right to audit and the courts found that the Senate has every right to audit the county’s results, the MCBOS said ok you can do an audit but we want to select the auditors.  They then said the only firms they would allow to perform their audit were those certified by the EAS.

The problem for the MCBOS was the choice of auditors that the Senate wanted to employ to perform the audit was not theirs.  It was the Senates.  Also, the firms the MCBOS said were certified were not certified.  They hadn’t been for years.

We reported this and within 4 hours the EAS certified these two firms.  We’ve asked the EAS to provide us documentation and what they used to certify these two firms suddenly within hours of our article noting the firms were not certified.

WE CAUGHT THEM: Arizona’s Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Lied – EAC Updated Website after Gateway Pundit Report Discovered Their Auditors Were Uncertified

Let’s face it, if you are willing to steal a US Presidential Election, then you will do anything.  Today’s actions by the EAC will shock you. This morning we reported that the two ‘auditors’ selected in Arizona by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors to perform an ‘audit’ of its 2020 election results had some … Continue reading

Now a group after reviewing Arizona law, claims that the 2018, 2019, and 2020 elections related to this law were out of compliance with state law.  Their rationale is because the firms that reviewed their voting machine equipment were not certified by the EAS as Arizona law mandates.

Here is the press release from the group suing Arizona for not being in compliance with their laws concerning elections.

Quo Warranto Filed in the Arizona Supreme Court

by We the people of Arizona potentially unseating all state elected officials

 As average citizens of Arizona, from all walks of life, we have discovered that our past elections in 2018 thru 2020 are out of compliance per the U.S. Election Assistance Commission [EAC]. The Help America Vote Act [HAVA]of 2002 established the EAC and our State of Arizona takes a strict view on this Federal Election Law. Our State of Arizona went out of compliance in February of 2017 (or possibly sooner) and was only recently purported to bere-certified in January 2021. There are multiple problems with the documentation regarding contractor laboratoriesthat invalidate any machine certification. A certification can only last for a maximum of two years, and there are very important reasons for this. This will either unseat every state level politician in Arizona or declare every Federal Law applied to Arizona as unlawful. The violation of Federal law is due to No Certification of the Voting System Machine, which includes all aspects ofmachine from hardware to software to add-ons by the Voting System Test Laboratories. The VSTL is accreditedand overseen by the EAC per the HAVA act and is critical to the compliance and standards set forth by Law. This accreditation must be thoroughly vetted every two years. Arizona takes a strict view of Federal Elections Law Per A.R.S. §16-442(B):

“Machines or devices used at anyelection for federal, state or county offices may only be certified for use in this state and may only be used in this state if they comply with the help America vote act of 2002 and if those machines or devices have been tested andapproved by a laboratory that is accredited pursuant to the Help America Vote Act of 2002.”

Here is the case filed on Friday in Arizona with names of Petitioners redacted:

Wow.  This could be really big.  This would mean that any elections since 2018 that were impacted by this law must be undone.  New elections will be necessary.

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