Emergency Action Alert! Unconstitutional Vaccine Agenda-- Act by JAN. 7, NOON

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RED ALERT!  On Jan. 12th starting at 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM, the WA State Board of Health will discuss applying current infectious disease WAC codes to include Covid-19 for all WA State residents.  Zoom meeting details below.  Please attend and show them you are listening.


• Allow local health officers to use law enforcement (WAC 246-100-070) to force an emergency order to involuntarily detain a person or group of persons (families) to be isolated in a quarantine facility (WAC 246-100-045) following refusal to voluntary comply with requests for medical examination, testing, treatment, counseling, vaccination (WAC 246-100-040). These specifics come from WAC 246-100.

• Include the Covid-19 injections as part of school immunization requirements using WAC 246-105.

YOU MUST LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD! Click HERE to send an email to the WA State Board of Health. It must be received by Noon, Friday, January 7.  If this link works with your email server, it will populate an email for you, with the board of health email address, the subject line and body of the email.  All you would have to do is sign your name at the bottom of the email and include your address or city.**

**If for any reason the link does not work on your computer or phone, try link HERE, HERE or another device. The link is written in HTML code and may not work on all mail servers or devices.  If you still can't get the link to work properly, you can copy and paste the email address, the subject and the message below into one of your personal emails.

In the To Field, copy and paste this address:  wsboh@sboh.wa.gov

In the Subject Field, copy and paste this:  NO on Unconstitutional Vaccine Agenda

In the Body of the Email, copy and paste this message or write your own message:

Washington State Board of Health

I object to the plan to apply current infectious disease WAC codes to include Covid-19 for Washington State residents.  This disease is manageable if treatment is started early.  Moreover, it is survivable by more than 90% of the population. These Covid vaccines have little effect on the Omicron variant, and in fact, most people who get this variant have been double vaccinated, some have even received booster shots.  Being fully vaccinated will require regular booster shots, forever!

Including Covid vaccines as a requirement for attending public school is completely unnecessary.  Children have little risk from Covid-19, but they do have considerable risk from the unapproved Covid vaccines. 

In America, health officers do not have the right to quarantine a person or family in a prison-type facility for refusing the Covid vaccination or any other medical intervention.  This is not about our health; it is an unconstitutional, criminal attempt for the government to control the population. Those who are proposing this plan should be charged with treason.




EQUALLY Important to attend the board of health zoom meeting:

• To voice your concerns, register for the live webinar here:


• You can also dial-in using your phone for listen-only mode: Call in: +1 (253) 215-8782 (not toll-free) Webinar ID: 894 7406 4216 Passcode: 957396

• Location: 101 Israel Rd. SE, Tumwater, WA 98501

• Comments must be in by this Friday, Jan. 7th at noon. Don’t wait!


DETAILS HERE: https://sboh.wa.gov/.../MeetingInfor.../2022/January12Online








Notice of Public Meeting

Notice of Public Meeting Wednesday, January 12, 2022 . 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Virtual Meeting via ZOOM Webinar (hyperlink provided below) Draft Agenda



Dear Washington State Department of Health staff,

Please do not require school children and preschoolers to be inoculated with a Covid “vaccine” in order to attend school in our state!

Why the Pfizer vaccine for Covid 19 Does More Harm Than Good

Source:  www.CanadianCovidCareAlliance.org

The Pfizer trial only used:

1)    Unexposed & inoculated, and

2)    Unexposed & not inoculated.

They should have also included:

1)    Exposed & inoculated, and

2)    Exposed and not inoculated (aka natural immunity from having had Covid).

The fact that they avoided the latter 2 shows that they thought their Pfizer vax wouldn’t perform well in those categories.  A study should show how those exposed and not inoculated fare vs. inoculated & exposed.  It didn’t.

The clinical endpoints of the trial should have been:  Do people who take the Pfizer vax have less illness and death?  (It wasn’t)  Choosing the proper endpoint is well-known, as a result of testing of cancer drugs.  In cancer drug testing, they had to switch to all-point mortality, and Pfizer should have done so.

They could easily have included biomarkers, but they didn’t. We need to know how people exposed, but not inoculated compare with the exposed and inoculated.  This is natural immunity, and we need to know how those with natural immunity fared.

They should have tested for:  de-dimer levels (micro-clotting) before and after.

Other biomarkers Pfizer should have and easily could have tested for:  inflammation, barrier permeability, hypoxia, cardiac damage, predisposition to Alzheimer’s, predisposition to autoimmune disease.

They should have had biomarkers for thrombotic disease.  This is a condition which would take time to surface, but could have been measured before & after in biomarkers.  Many doctors are reporting thrombotic conditions in vaccinated patients.

Vaccine passports: The Pfizer vaccine was not tested for spread reduction:  No evidence at all that they reduce transmission and disease, and that was never one of the endpoints of the study. All they measured for was, “Do people who take the vaccine test positive for Covid-19 less often?” and the study was designed so that they would get few “no” answers, and they then proceeded to a vax rollout.

Testing failures:  Subjective testing:  The study did not test all patients for Covid-19!  Instead, they only tested for the Covid-19 symptom, and then left it up to the discretion of their investigators to decide what that was.  So that means that asymptomatic infection would be missed entirely.  And it introduced a high level of subjectivity to the trial, because an investigator could actually decide whether to test or not to test. This lack of systematic testing actually makes the results of the trial unreliable.  All participants should have been tested. 

There is considerable missing data in the study. The endpoint is all Covid cases:  8 inoculated vs 162 placebo.  But it’s such a small # of participants to begin with.  But there are 80 lost follow-up subjects in the inoculated group! They don’t know whether they got sick or not, or even died.  They don’t know.  That’s 10x more than the # of Covid cases they had in the inoculated group.  So if a significant proportion of those 80 had been positive, it would have dramatically changed the results.  Also, all the suspected but unconfirmed cases: 1594 in the inoculated group, 1816 in the placebo.  This means they were symptomatic, but the investigator never followed up with a Covid test!  These are huge numbers compared to the confirmed cases!  The fact that the suspected cases which weren’t tested were significantly larger than the endgame results means that this data is unreliable. The study should not have been accepted.

What about the placebo group? There were also many unconfirmed cases. If all these cases, inoculated and placebo, were positive, the relative risk reduction would then only be 19%.  That’s not a high enough percentage to gain approval.

Adolescents:  The inoculation is really all risk and no benefit.

Teens are statistically at 0% risk of death from Covid-19.  But the vaccine does pose risk of serious events.  But the study was not designed to find serious adverse events. A serious event that occurred at a rate of 1/800 might not even show up in a sample of 1,005 people.

In the tests, there was a serious event in at least one subject who was inoculated.  A 12-year-old girl. She experienced multiple serious effects, including lost feeling from the waist down, lost bowel and bladder control, menstrual cycle issues, seizures, verbal and motor tics, dizziness, fainting, headaches, brain fog, erratic blood pressure, and more. And the last 10 months, she is wheel chair bound and fed by a feeding tube.  Pfizer labelled her case  “functional abdominal pain.”

5-11 year olds:  The inoculation is an unacceptable risk to this group.  Pfizer, using predictive modelling, acknowledges that their inoculations WILL cause myocarditis, but optimistically claims there will be zero deaths from myocarditis in any of their modelled scenarios. It’s speculative.  Still, there’s no justification for giving children myocarditis.  But the government has actually normalized myocarditis in kids,  publishing Sick Kids brochures of how to deal with myocarditis in kids.  But how to deal with it is to not cause myocarditis in kids! It’s very serious.   It causes permanent damage.  Severe myocarditis weakens your heart so that the rest of your body doesn’t get enough blood.  Blood clots can form in your heart, leading to a stroke or heart attack.  And the mortality rate is up to 20% at 6.5 years.  The risk of 4 in 20 children who contract myocarditis dying within 6.5 years is unequivocally an unacceptable risk for children.  But the FDA maintains that it is an acceptable risk for children. They have actually abandoned the “do no harm” principle. 

Dr Eric Rubin of the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) has said that the way to find if they do harm is by doing a roll-out on the population.  He voted to roll out inoculations for ages 5-11, and suggested that a population level roll out as an appropriate way to test for adverse events. Of note, the NEJM is also the publisher of the Pfizer reports. 

Governments are proclaiming the inoculations to be safe, yet the data is not there to back that up.  Pfizer admits that their long term immune response, efficacy & safety data is limited and that their studies weren’t powered to find “rare” side effect, as only about 1500 kids were in the testing group which received the inoculation.  The law of informed consent says that parents should be told about these risks, but it’s not happening.

On Nov 2, the British Medical Journal released an article about their investigation into Ventavia, one of the research companies Pfizer hired to conduct the trials. A whistleblower who was a Regional Director reported to the FDA that Ventavia: falsified data, unblended participants, did not follow up and test participants who reported symptoms, and mislabeled some specimens.  Several other employees backed up the Whistleblower’s account.  But Pfizer never disclosed the problems in its EUA application, and in fact, Pfizer has now hired the same researcher, Ventavia, to run more Covid-19 clinical trials.

So it’s not surprising that we are seeing the issues we are in the 6-month report.

Manipulation of Data Cohorts:  Pfizer took the results from their adult trial, which started July 27, 2020, and then added in the results from the 12-15 year olds’ trial, despite the fact that the adolescent trial started four months later.  Since it’s well known that the efficacy wanes over time, this gives a false boost to the efficacy numbers.  The efficacy of the two groups should have been reported separately, not presented as one combined result. 

Pfizer trials did not prove safety.  They proved harm.  The endpoints of the trial should have been illness and death, not a positive or negative Covid-19 test. But their test actually showed harm.  They used younger, healthier groups than the vaccine would eventually be rolled out to.  Here are some results of Pfizer’s own randomized control trial: Related adverse event, +300% over placebo group;  severe adverse event, +75% over placebo group; any serious adverse event, +10% over placebo group. Deaths in the vaccinated group: 20; placebo group, 14.

How is this harm playing out in the real world?  Governments are assuring us that they are monitoring safety and will let the public know if there are problems.  But once the vaccine was rolled out at the population level, the surveillance method for reporting is called “passive.”  It’s difficult and time-consuming for overworked doctors and health workers to file the harm reports, and then it goes thru several levels of bureaucratic approval before  the case is accepted as a vaccine-related injury.

“Active” surveillance was used for trial participants.  They were given a phone app with choices of adverse events they experienced.  78% reported adverse reports, and 5% were serious. There was also journal entry options for the participants, and 30% reported adverse events thru that, and 2% were serious.  But when the reporting method was switched to passive for the general population rollout  the reporting fell way down.

But some news is getting out:  For example, the risk of myocarditis is becoming known. And it’s occurring in younger, healthy population where there was previously a very low rate of myocarditis.

On Nov. 17, the FDA released the first batch of data to satisfy a Freedom of Information request.  This is data used by the FDA to approve Pfizer’s covid-19 vaccine. One report in which Pfizer tracked adverse events in the first 2.5 months after the EUA, reported 1,200 deaths and over 25,000 nervous system adverse events.  Under “Safety Concerns” Pfizer listed Anaphylaxis and Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease. This document should be incriminating for any agency who saw it and called the vaccine “safe.”

Pfizer’s criminal past includes lying about a heart valve which fractured and killed hundreds; conducting clinical trials on African children without their parents’ consent, after which some of the children died; bribing doctors; suppressing research; manipulating studies; withholding information that its products caused cancer; fraudulent marketing, and many more. They’ve literally paid billions in fines and settlements for their actions. So they are not a highly ethical corporation.

The CDC has redefined “vaccine” to suit political & pharmaceutical interests. The new definition of vaccine by the CDC is “A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.” The new definition does not indicate there is any actual benefit derived from a vaccine.


RELATED: Bill Filed In Washington Would Authorize ‘Strike Force’ To ‘Involuntarily Detain’ Unvaccinated Families: ‘They Have Already Set Up The Internment Camps’

David Martin Explains Why Forced Vaccinations Are ILLEGAL Under U.S. Law!


Petition Action: We the constituents and community members of this great State of Washington, DEMAND the Washington State Board of Health (WSBOH) REFUSE to make COVID vaccinations/shots mandatory for children of Washington State for childcare and school admission. Due to the following reasons:

1. COVID vaccines remain under Emergency Use Authorization

2. Children under the age of 18 have a 99.995% survival rate from COVID infection

3. Children have a higher chance of death or adverse reaction to COVID vaccines than COVID-19

Attention: Every person who signs this petition must use his or her true name and is a constituent of Washington State

HALT Immunization Criteria for Children of Washington State



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