CALL TO ACTION! Let Your Voice be Heard on Proposed Elections Related Bills

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SB 5047 Provides that persons or organizations may file a notice of intent to challenge an election system under the WA Voting Rights Act; permits counties to increase the number of county commissioners. Click HERE to have CON your position recorded by 1/20/23, 7 am.

SB 5140 Provides for security test of the voter registration system. Click HERE to have your PRO position recorded by 1/20/23, 7 am.

HB 1272 Concerning publishing, formatting, and distribution of the voters' pamphlets. Click HERE to have your CON position recorded by 1/20/23, 12:30 pm


Here is a summary of 15 Elections Related bills and 11 proposed laws: WE STRONGLY OPPOSE ALL BUT SB 5140

SB 5378 2023-2024 Concerning Voter Education, is a set-up for ushering in the very dangerous Ranked "Rigged" Choice Voting. 

HB 1174: Improving Access and Removing Barriers to Jail-based Voting. 

SB 5047: Enhancing the Voting Rights Act - Executive hearing Jan 18 @ 1:30 PM. Modifying provisions - (1) Protecting the right to cast an effective ballot; (2) Ensuring that eligible voters are not impaired in registering to vote or voting including having their votes counted; and (3) Ensuring that voters of race, color, and language minority groups have equitable access to fully participate in the electoral process in registering to vote and voting free from improper dilution or abridgement of voting power. 

HB 1048: Companion bill - Enhancing the Washington Voting Rights Act.  Executive hearing Jan 18 @ 1; 30. Provides that persons or organizations who file a notice of intent to challenge an election system under the WA Voting Rights Act. Grants standing to organizations to challenge elections systems under WVRA on behalf of their members.  

SB 5112: Updating Processes Related to Voting Registration, Automatic Voter Registration at State Agencies, Acknowledgement Notices and Other Provisions. Referred to transportation Jan 16. A new section is added to chapter 29A.08 RCW to read as follows: A person applying for government services which require proof of citizenship as part of that application may receive automatic voter registration services by providing the following information: (1) Name;(2) Residential address;(3) Date of birth, A signature attesting to the truth of the information provided on the application;(5) An address where the person receives mail, if different from the residence address; and (6) Presentation of documentation as part of another government transaction confirming the individual is a US Citizen. 

HB 1229: Companion bill - Updating processes related to voter registration. Referred to state gov. and tribal relations Jan 11.

SB 5140: Voter registration, testing security via SECURE act. Public hearing Jan 20 @ 8 AM. The office of the secretary of state shall contract with 8 individuals for the purposes of a security test of the voter registration system. Such testing must analyze system gaps and other flaws that could allow potential fraudulent or duplicate voter registration to occur.

SB 5209: Establish Universal Civic Duty Voting. Referred to state gov. and elections Jan 9. Mandatory voting registration and mandatory voting, unless with waiver from SOS - A new section is added to chapter 29A.08 RCW (1) Every person who is eligible to vote under Article VI, 6 section 1 of the state Constitution must register to vote using one 7 of the methods prescribed in this title unless the person obtains a waiver from the obligation to register to vote. HB 1220: Companion bill referred to state gov. and tribal relations Jan 10 - Registering 16 and 17 YO to vote.

SB 5082: Advisory Votes on Tax Legislation, Repealing and Removing from statutes. Referred to Ways and Means Jan 16. HB 1158: Companion bill (Dems want to abolish advisory voting). Jan 18 Public hearing at 1:30 PM.

SB 5153: Concerning uniform disclosure of records related to future voters and making conforming amendments related to participation in state primaries. Executive session Jan 20 @ 8 AM. Information that is otherwise disclosable under this chapter cannot be disclosed for a future voter until the person reaches 18 years of age, or until the person is eligible to participate in a primary or election. This information is exempt from public inspection and copying under chapter 42.56 RCW. Information may be disclosed for the purpose of processing and delivering ballots. "Future voter" means a US citizen and WA State resident, age 16 or 17, who has provided information related to voter registration to the appropriate state agencies. Penalties. A person voting in a primary election who is 17 years old, but will be 18 by the general election, does NOT commit knowing illegal voter registration.

SB 5208: Online Voter Registration - last 4 numbers of SS for voter registration authentication. Executive Session Jan 20 @ 8 AM - The problems with this are obvious! 

SB 5182: Moves Candidate Filing Week up to the first Monday – Friday in the month of May in which the office is to be voted upon. Executive Session Jan 20 @ 8 AM.

HB 1272 Revision of state and local voters' pamphlet laws. Public hearing Jan 20 @ 8am. A ((Candidates)) statement submitted for inclusion in the voters' pamphlet shall not contain false or misleading statements ((about the candidate's opponent)). A false or misleading statement shall be considered "libel or defamation per se" if the statement tends to expose the ((candidate)) opposition to hatred, contempt, ridicule, or obloquy, or to deprive him or her of the benefit of public confidence or social intercourse, or to injure him or her in his or her business or occupation. If a candidate believes his or her opponent has libeled or defamed him or her, the candidate may commence an action under subsection (((3))) (6) of this section. 

HB 1333: The Domestic Violent Extremism Commission. Referred to state gov. and tribal relations Jan 16. Established within the office of the attorney general for the purpose of establishing a comprehensive public health and community-based framework for responding to domestic violent extremism.

(a) Identifying community-led and evidence-based solutions to combat disinformation and misinformation, address early signs of radicalization, and develop public health-style responses; (b) Evaluating any future data-tracking recommendations around domestic violent extremism, including how data is collected, what triggers data collection, and how to ensure data is not disproportionately used against black, indigenous, and people of color communities or other communities.

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