WAGOP - Help Support Election Integrity

WAGOP - Help Support Election Integrity

The WAGOP is fighting to stop radical Democrats from stealing elections. From registering illegal immigrants, to counting votes from people who have moved, to online voting, to tossing out valid votes and committing brazen voter fraud like in the 2004 Governor’s race, Democrats will steal elections any which way they can. And in our State, there has been nothing to stop them…until now.

Help Support Election Integrity

WAGOP has committed to starting a full-fledged Election Integrity Legal Fund to help “We the People” fight back! This lawlessness, this Democrat corruption, this absolute usurpation of the will of voters, must come to an end. The WAGOP is the only organization working to do just that.

Legislative District 18 Senate Race:

The closest race in our state in the 2024 General election was the 18th Legislative District Senate race. Republican Brad Benton narrowly lost to regressive liberal Democrat Adrian Cortes, who beat him by 173 votes out of nearly 90,000 cast in the district. The liberal Clark County Auditor Greg Kimsey not only refused to count scores of valid votes for Brad Benton that could have helped him win, but also neglected to do his duty of keeping the voter rolls clean and up to date by removing voters who had moved out of the district.

WAGOP, using the United States Postal Service’s (USPS) National Change of Address (NCOA) file, identified hundreds of voters who had previously moved out of the 18th Legislative District, notified the government of such, and still received and filled out ballots specific to their old address in the 18th District.

The number of ballots received and tallied by the county in the 18th Legislative District that were cast by voters who no longer lived in the district, far exceeded the 173-vote margin in the race. In fact, a small team of canvassers in the 18th district even went to these addresses and verified this by knocking on over 1,000 doors to verify residency and filling out legal affidavits attesting to their findings for each address. Auditors should be keeping these voters off the rolls, not sending them ballots.

We need to hold our election officials to a higher standard to ensure we have accurate and legitimate elections, not degrade, demean, and circumvent those who have concerns.

With Adrian Cortes illegitimately representing the 18th Legislative District, Democrats have a supermajority that allows them to unilaterally pass bonds and put our state into massive debt, for the first time in over a decade. Overturning this election and holding a new one, that is fair and does not count the votes of illegal voters, could prevent this and stop our State from drowning in the financial debt the Democrats are so desperate to get into. Help us fight for another chance to preserve our State and protect against this power grab. We can win this case set a precedent that when voters move, they have to be taken off the voter rolls or their votes from their old jurisdiction cannot be counted!


Omniballot Online Voting and Ballot Rehab:

The State of Washington is currently pushing for the online voting platform Omniballot, developed by liberal Democracy Live Inc., to be adopted around the state. This would make our elections far less secure and easier to manipulate than they already are. It is currently only used in some counties, primarily for conservation district elections, but also for ballot rehabilitation. When a voter forgets to sign their ballot or signs it with a signature that does not match, they have up to a few weeks to “rehab” their ballot by filling out an affidavit with their signature clarifying they want the ballot they submitted counted.

Most counties do not use Omniballot except for the big liberal ones like King County. With this tool in use, in the most corrupt parts of our State, no election is safe. King County allows voters to rehab their ballots online on a phone app with a digital signature, using their finger, rather than their actual signature on a paper affidavit like most of the rest of the State. This gives King a massive advantage over most other counties in the State and is very clearly susceptible to fraud.

In the 2024 Lands Commissioner race, Democrats narrowly edged out Republicans from “top-twoing” them out of the general entirely, by 49 votes out of over 2 million cast in that race. The top two vote getters get through to the general regardless of party. Now, insane and incompetent Dave Upthegrove, a borderline eco-terrorist, is in charge of our State’s public lands because of the use of Omniballot in King County. On top of that, Democrats are salivating at the chance to implement Omniballot all around the State and push universal online voting. Getting Omniballot adopted and in use around the State is only the first step for them, and we cannot let that stand!

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