The purpose of the Skagit County Republican Party is to promote conservative Republican ideas and principles that are consistent with the state and federal constitutions; and to help elect good Republican candidates that will best represent Skagit County, the State of Washington State, and our Nation. The following rules and regulations of the Skagit County Republican Central Committee, in accordance with RCW'S 29A.80.010 through 29A.80.061, are hereby adopted:
The name of this organization shall be the "Skagit County Republican Party Central Committee", hereafter referred to as the "Central Committee" or "SCRP." The trade name of this organization shall be the Skagit County Republican Party, also known as The Skagit Republicans and The Skagit GOP.
The Central Committee is the basic political organization and holds the underlying authority of the Skagit County Republican Party. The Central Committee has the authority to help fill vacancies on the party ticket for partisan county offices and to nominate candidates to fill county offices vacated by an elected Republican, to elect members to the State Central Committee, and to help fill vacancies in legislative offices in cooperation with the Washington State Republican Party and the Central Committee of any other county within the same Legislative District. Its basic purpose is to promote republicanism and elect Republicans to elective office, and organize itself accordingly.
1. The Skagit County Republican Party Central Committee, hereinafter referred to as the "Central Committee", shall consist solely of the duly elected or appointed Republican Precinct Committee Officers (PCO's) and Precinct Captains of Skagit County as provided by law.
2. NO vacancy in the office of a PCO or Precinct Captain shall be filled by appointment between a general election and the organizational meeting of the Central Committee.
3. Only Elected PCO's may vote in the organizational meeting.
Except in extraordinary circumstances the Organizational meeting of the Central Committee shall be held no later than January 15 of the year following a general election (general elections occur only in even numbered years). A copy of these bylaws shall be provided to the elected PCO’s at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting. The order of business at the organizational meeting shall be as follows:
1. Call to Order
2. Flag Salute
3. Invocation
4. Reading of the call
5. Roll call to establish quorum
6. Oath of office administered to PCO's
7. Report of the nominating committee
8. Report of names and election of the County Chairman*
9. Report of names and election of the County Vice Chairman
10. Report of names and election of the State Committeeman
11. Report of names and election of the State Committeewoman
12. Adoption of Bylaws
13. Good of the Order
14. Adjournment
* All SCRP Central Committee Meetings Shall follow Robert's Rules of Order (latest version) and shall govern, on any procedure not provided for in these bylaws.
* Note the term Chairman is used because it refers to an 'Elected Office'. To address the 'Chair', it is "Mister Chairman" or "Madam Chairman."
The following rules shall be followed at Central Committee Meetings:
1. No proxies shall be recognized at Central Committee Meetings.
2. The Central Committee shall meet a minimum of six (6) times per year.
3. Notice of Central Committee Meetings shall include an agenda and must be emailed to Precinct Committee Officers and Precinct Captains at least seven (7) days prior to meeting via email addresses provided by members.
4. At least one-fifth (1/5) of the members of the Central Committee shall constitute a quorum.
5. For the transaction of business, action taken by a majority of the members at any Central Committee Meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the valid action of the Central Committee, unless otherwise specified in these bylaws.
Special Meetings of the Central Committee may be called, if deemed necessary for the transaction of important business. Special Meetings may be called by the Chairman, a majority of the Executive Board, or upon written request of at least one-third (1/3) of the members of the Central Committee. The business of this meeting shall be limited to that specified in the request for the meeting.
1. Only a Republican registered to vote in Skagit County is eligible for election or appointment to any position on the Executive Board. Any member of the E-Board shall be a resident of Skagit County and must be a member in good standing of Skagit County Republican Party.
2. If an elected Executive Board Member decides to seek a partisan public office during his or her term of office, he or she may resign as an officer of the Skagit County Republican Party by the date of filing forms for said office with the Public Disclosure Commission.
3. Executive Board Members may work on behalf of a Republican candidate, but should not disparage an opposing Republican candidate. To do so may constitute a resignation from his or her role on the Executive Board.
4. The Chairman shall not endorse a candidate running for office in opposition to a Republican candidate.
By a minimum two-thirds (2/3) vote of PCOs at a Central Committee Meeting properly called and indicating the purpose of the meeting, the Skagit County Central Committee shall have the power to remove from office any officer of the Executive Board for any reason which, in its judgment, is deemed sufficient. In the event of any such vacancy, the Central Committee shall elect a replacement for such office within thirty (30) days.
1. In accordance with Washington State Law, the Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall be of opposite gender.
2. The following shall be voting members of the Executive Board:
A. The four County Officers elected by the Central Committee: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, State Committeeman and State Committeewoman.
B. The Treasurer and Secretary.
C. Chairs of the following Standing Committees as appointed:
1. Finance: Assists in raising money & fundraising projects.
2. Membership: To seek and develop paid membership.
3. Ways and Means: Advisory regarding the methods & means in taking action.
4. Communication: To deal with the media and inform party members.
5. Candidate Support: To seek and assist candidates.
6. Precinct Development: To train PCO's and Precinct Captains.
7. Data Control: To organize and disseminate voter information to PCO’s and Precinct Captains.
D. Three District Coordinators.
There shall be a District Coordinator for each Commissioner District. District Coordinators are to assist the County Chairman in contacting the Area Chairs and to assist the PCO’s and Precinct Captains within their Commissioner District.
E. Up to nine Area Chairs, three per Commissioner District.
Ex-officio members do not have the right to vote and are not included in a quorum count. All Ex-officio members may however participate in the Executive Board discussions. The following are ex-officio members:
1. Presidents, or their designated representatives, that are members of recognized State Republican Party organizations, if they live in Skagit County.
2. Members of the State Legislature and the United States Congress who live in Skagit County and Republicans holding partisan elective offices in Skagit County.
The members of the Executive Board shall assist and advise the elected officers in the conduct of the business of the Republican Party in Skagit County. They shall vote on proposed action that is not specifically assigned to the Chairman or the Five (5) other Elected Officers, and on action to be presented for the vote of the Central Committee. They shall vote on the appointment of members of the committee that will nominate a slate of officers to be presented for the vote of the Central Committee for the next organizational meeting.
1. Executive Board meetings shall be held at least four (4) times a year with at least one per calendar quarter. At least one forth (1/4) of the non ex-officio members present of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum. Action taken by a majority of the quorum shall be the valid action of the Central Committee. The Chairman shall provide all Executive Board meeting notices at least five (5) days in advance.
2. Robert's Rules of Order (latest revision) shall govern the deliberations of the Executive Board, on any procedures not provided for herein.
1. Appointments
A. The County Chairman shall appoint PCO’s and Precinct Captains to fill vacancies subject to the approval of the majority of the voting quorum of the Central Committee.
B. At the County Chairman's discretion, a Special Committee (or Committees) may be appointed if deemed useful to the SCRP and its members.
C. The County Chairman shall appoint the following subject to the approval of the majority of the voting quorum of the Executive Board: Treasurer, Secretary, Chairs of Standing Committees, District Coordinators, and Area Chairs.
2. Removal of appointed members of Executive Board.
A. The County Chairman shall have the power to remove any appointed member of the Executive Board, with the approval of the majority of the Elected Officers.
B. Any appointed member of Executive Board, who does not perform the functions of his or her office, for a period of three consecutive months without good cause, may be removed from his / her office. The County Chairman shall fill the vacated position with a new appointment.
3. Meetings
A. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Central Committee and of the Executive Board.
B. The Chairman shall arrange to have Precinct Caucuses held and shall select a suitable place for holding the caucuses. The Chairman shall give sufficient notice of caucuses in accordance with the State Committee rules.
C. The Chairman shall arrange and provide for a Skagit County Republican Convention in accordance with the call received from the State Committee, and shall fix the time and place for said convention.
4. Finances
The Chairman shall have the power to solicit and receive funds on behalf of the Republican Party, either personally, or through any representative appointed by him for that purpose. The Chairman shall promptly transmit or cause to be transmitted to the Treasurer all such funds received.
5. General powers
A. The Chairman shall do all things in his power to support the campaigns of Republican candidates.
B. The Chairman shall perform all of the duties pertaining to the office of Chairperson of a county political organization.
C. The Chairman shall be a voting representative of the Republican State Committee.
6. The Central Committee reserves the right to remove the Chairman if he or she violates these policies.
1. The County Vice-Chairman shall consult and work in close cooperation with the County Chairman, and shall promote party organizations in the County under the direction of the Chairman.
2. The Vice-Chairman shall exercise all the powers and perform all the duties of the Chairman in the event of the absence, sickness or other inability of the Chairman to perform. The Chairman shall resume these duties and powers at the termination of any absence or disability.
3. In the case of death, removal or resignation of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman shall, within thirty (30) days, hold a meeting of the Central Committee for the purpose of filling such vacancy using similar prescribed procedures as in the Organizational Meeting.
4. The Vice-Chairman along with the State Committeeman and State Committeewoman shall confirm, by majority vote, all appointments of the Chairman.
The State Committeeman, State Committeewoman and the Chairman shall be the voting representatives of Skagit County Republicans on the Republican State Committee. They shall exercise and perform such powers and duties as usually pertain to those offices. They shall report to the Executive Board about the activities of the State Committee.
The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the Central Committee and Executive Board. The Secretary shall perform other duties as may be assigned by the County Chairman.
1. No funds can be expended or contracted for without the approval of the Executive Board.
2. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all funds of the Republican Party of Skagit County and shall perform the following duties:
A. Keep an accurate record of all receipts and shall disburse funds only on order of the County Chairman, as approved by the Executive Board.
B. Deposit all funds of the Republican Party in a bank or a savings and loan company (designated by the Chairman.)
C. Sign all checks, unless someone else is designated to do so by the Executive Board.
D. File all required government forms, including Public Disclosure Commission forms, in a timely manner.
E. The Treasurer shall present a balanced financial report, in writing, at each Executive and Central Committee Meeting.
3. An Auditing Committee appointed by the Chairman and approved by the Executive Board shall audit the Treasurer’s books annually, before December 15.
1. The County Executive Board in accordance with the rules of State Committee shall determine the number of Delegates and Alternates to a County Convention.
2. Delegates and Alternates to the County Convention shall be elected at the precinct caucuses. Delegates and Alternates must be registered voters in the precinct in which they are elected at the time of the precinct caucus. Election and qualifications of Delegates and Alternates shall be in accordance with the rules of the State Committee. The SCRP Officers, Chair, Vice-Chair, Committeeman, Committeewoman and all elected and appointed PCO’s in accordance with Washington State Republican Party rules, shall be Automatic Delegates to the County Convention.
3. Delegates and Alternates to the Convention shall be advised in writing at the Caucus of the following:
A. Suggestions for the Platform to be presented at the Convention must be submitted in writing to the Platform Committee at least five (5) weeks before the date of the Convention. Note: The platform committee for the platform shall consider resolutions passed by a caucus.
B. All Resolutions to come before the Convention must be submitted in writing to the Resolutions Committee at least five (5) days before the date of the Convention.
Written notice of the County Convention and a copy of the proposed Platform shall be sent to all delegates and alternates not less than two (2) weeks prior to the date of the Convention.
The County Chairman shall appoint the following committees for the Convention:
1. Credentials Committee: The Credentials Committee shall review the election and qualifications of the proposed attendees of the County Convention and issue proper credentials.
2. Rules and Order Committee: The Rules Committee shall pass any special rules and procedures not covered by these bylaws and enforce them during the convention.
3. Platform Committee: The Platform Committee shall consider ideas and opinions expressed at the caucuses and in post caucus correspondence when drafting the platform.
4. Resolutions Committee: Review all resolutions and give a recommendation concerning them at the convention.
The County Chairman shall call the Skagit County Convention to order as Temporary Chairman, and shall proceed with the following order of business, unless the convention changes the order upon adopting its permanent organization.
1. Election of Temporary Chairman
2. Appointment of Secretary and Parliamentarian
3. Main Speaker
4. Introduction of Elected Officials
5. Introduction and announcements of candidates for office
6. Presentation and approval of report of Credentials Committee
7. Presentation and approval of report of Rules and Order Committee
8. Election of Permanent Chairperson, who calls meeting to order
9. Presentation and approval of Reports of Platform and Resolutions Committees.
10. Election of Delegates and Alternates to State Convention.
Elections shall be by Commissioner District first. If a sufficient number of Delegates and Alternates cannot be selected from a particular Commissioner District, then the positions may be chosen by an 'At-large' vote.
11. Adjournment
1. The County Convention shall adhere to the following rules of temporary organization:
2. This convention shall transact no business other than to organize itself until the permanent organization is affected.
3. No proxies shall be recognized by the Convention.
4. On all questions before the convention, the vote shall be by "yeas" and "nays", standing vote, or if voted by the Delegates, a roll call vote.
5. Fifty percent (50%) of the Delegates who were elected at Caucuses and approved by the Credentials Committee shall constitute a quorum.
6. Only the Platform submitted by the Platform Committee shall be considered by the Convention.
7. The platform shall not be read at the Convention, unless a motion to do so shall have been properly made and passed by the Delegates of the convention. The Delegates may vote to adopt or amend the report of the Platform Committee in total or section-by-section. All motions to amend the Platform shall be in writing on forms provided by the County Chairman.
8. No resolution or item of the platform shall be tabled or otherwise deferred. All resolutions and platform items shall be concluded before the election of delegates and alternates to State Convention.
9. The proponent of any resolution or motion shall be allowed the privilege of the floor for one (1) minute to support the resolution or motion and thirty (30) seconds to close the debate, if any. The proponent shall have the question moved or called for. No more than two (2) additional proponents and three (3) opponents shall speak to a resolution or motion. All such speeches shall be limited to one (1) minute.
10. No action shall be taken at the County Convention, which shall be employed in such a way as to jeopardize the right of the SCRP to participate in the Republican State Convention.
11. Robert's Rules of Order (latest revision) shall govern the deliberations of the convention on any procedures not provided for herein.
The following rules shall be followed at Central Committee Meetings called for the purpose of nominating three candidates to fill a vacated public office:
1. Pursuant to Article 2, Section 15 of the Washington State Constitution the following shall have the right to vote on nominees: per Washington State Republican Party bylaws, 'qualified' elected Precinct Committee Officers and 'qualified' appointed Precinct Committee Officers whose elections and appointments were made sixty (60) days prior to the date that the position was vacated; and when applicable at the local levels, the four SCRP Elected Officers .
2. The County Chairman shall publicly make known the vacancy of the elective office. The Chairman shall further announce publicly the deadline for Candidates interested in filling said vacancy to submit their letter of candidacy to the Skagit County Republican Party.
3. The County Chairman shall communicate all 'Letters of Candidacy' along with a Call of Special Meeting to the Central Committee at least ten (10) days prior to the called meeting.
4. Each Candidate may designate two persons (including the candidate) of their choosing to give nominating speeches not exceeding three (3) minutes each.
5. Nominations for first, second, and third positions shall be voted on in separate ballots (not the three persons receiving the greatest number of votes in a single ballot).
6. Each Candidate seeking to fill said vacancy must obtain a majority vote (50% plus 1) before they are considered a Nominee.
7. In the event that no Candidate receives a majority on the first ballot the following rules of elimination shall be used:
A. On the second ballot, each candidate who received less than 10% of the total vote on the first ballot shall be eliminated.
B. On the third ballot, each candidate who received less than 20% of the total vote on the previous ballot shall be eliminated.
C. On the fourth ballot, sufficient candidates receiving the lowest number of voices on the previous ballot shall be eliminated so that the ballot includes twice the number of unfilled positions to be voted on.
D. Regardless of the foregoing rules for elimination, every ballot shall include a number of candidates not less than twice the number of unfilled positions to be voted on if sufficient candidates have been nominated. When this requirement conflicts with the above rules the candidate receiving the highest votes on the previous ballot who was eliminated shall be included until the number of candidates remaining is twice the number of unfilled positions.
1. The Central Committee will determine action to be taken on all endorsements. Should endorsement determinations not be completed at a Central Committee Meeting they shall be referred to the Executive Board.
2. All endorsements made by either the Central Committee or Executive Board will be made in the name of the Skagit County Republican Party.
3. To receive a valid SCRP endorsement there must be a quorum of at least one-third (1/3) of the members present, with at least a two-thirds (2/3 majority approval vote).
4. The Skagit County Republican Party may endorse multiple candidates for any office or position.
5. Only those candidates and ballot measures specifically endorsed by the Skagit County Republican Party are authorized to claim such endorsement.
6. Endorsement of a candidate may be rescinded by a three quarter (3/4) majority vote of the Central Committee, provided there is a quorum of at least (1/3) of the members of the Central Committee present.
1. Before the General Election Certification, in even-numbered years, the Chairman shall appoint a Committee to review the bylaws and to recommend revision, if any. The bylaws and revisions, if any, shall be reported by the Committee at the Organization Meeting and shall be voted on by the Central Committee.
2. These bylaws may be amended by a majority vote at any regular or special meeting of the Central Committee, provided that the proposed amendment is submitted in writing to each member of the Central Committee at least seven (7) days in advance of the meeting.
3. These bylaws were reviewed, updated and amended and were passed by a majority vote of the Central Committee properly called and assembled on November 14, 2024
Bill Bruch (SCRP Chairman)
Lorilee Gates (SCRP Secretary)
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