Message from Speaker Paul Ryan

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"Crumbs."  That's what Nancy Pelosi called the bonuses and wage increases that more than 2.6 million Americans have received in three weeks since the ​Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was signed into law.

Let me tell you something: For the families who are living paycheck-to-paycheck, an increase in take- home-pay and a $1,000 bonus to start out the new year -- these are not crumbs.

Companies big and small, including Walmart -- the largest private sector employer in the United States -- have also announced plans to expand employee benefits, like 401 k matching and maternity leave.  Some businesses have reversed previous plans to leave the United States.  Even utility companies are passing on tax savings to consumers, and in the middle of a cold winter, that is good news.

America's economic optimism is rising.  And the best is yet to come.

Starting next month, the IRS will adjust how much it takes out of your paycheck to account for the new law.  90 percent of wage earners will see an increase in their take home pay.  That's huge.  And it is only going to get better from here.

Paul Ryan

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