Our county, state and country are all part of a Representative Constitutional Republic empowered by elected representatives at all levels, via a democratic election process from segments of equal population. The following shall be in accord with Article II, Section 15 of the Washington State Constitution, the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), the bylaws of the Skagit County Republican Party (SCRP), the bylaws of the Washington State Republican Party (WAGOP) and the rules and guidelines of Republican National Committee (RNC).
The County Party: The Skagit County Republican Party "Central Committee" is comprised of ALL Skagit elected and appointed PCOs and Precinct Captains. Meetings are held twice a month: the second Saturday from 10 AM to 11:30 AM at the Freedonia Grange and the fourth Tuesday from 6 PM – to 7 PM on Zoom. Every two years at the County Organizational Meeting, PCOs elect the County Officers: Chairman, Vice Chairman, State Committeeman, and State Committeewoman. The officers lead & represent the SCRP on the State Committee as voting members. Of note: Skagit County is the 11th most populous county in the state.
The PCO: The Precinct Committee Officer (PCO) is the official representative of the voting precinct to the Republican Party. There is one Republican PCO allowed per precinct. The PCO is an elected or appointed official and is responsible to the voters within the precinct that he or she lives in or has been appointed to. PCOs and Precinct Captains make up the SCRP Central Committee and are the grassroots of the GOP.
The Precinct Captain: If a volunteer lives within a precinct with a PCO, the volunteer may be appointed a "Precinct Captain.” This individual acts as a PCO and follows similar processes and eligibility as a PCO, except a Precinct Captain may live outside the precinct to which he or she is appointed. Precinct Captains are NOT allowed to vote at the County Organizational meeting.
The Voting Precinct: In Skagit County, we have 121 voting precincts. Each precinct is a specified geographic area (territorial subdivision) and is the starting point or the basic building block of the SCRP and WAGOP political units. In the political party structure, Republican members working at the local precinct level connect the precincts to the county—and state-level organizations.
The County Districts: In Skagit County we are part of Congressional District (CD #2) and three of the state's 49 Legislative Districts (LD #10, LD #39 and LD #40). Additionally, Skagit County encompasses three Commissioner Districts: #1 (West), #2 (Central / South), and #3 (Central / East). Also, the city municipalities of Mount Vernon, Anacortes, Sedro-Woolley and Burlington use "Wards" of equal population for government representation. All district maps: Skagit County iMap
The State Party: There are 39 counties in Washington State, and each of the counties has three voting members: a Chairman, a Committeeman, and a Committeewoman; there are a total of 117 members statewide who are authorized to vote at the Washington State Republican Party State Committee meetings. Every two years at the State Organizational Meeting, the County Officers elect a State Chairman, Committeeman, and Committeewoman representing the WAGOP at the National Level. These three individuals are part of the 168 total members that comprise the Republican National Committee (RNC).
PCO & Precinct Captain Activities: Each PCO & Precinct Captain is strongly encouraged to attend all Central Committee meetings. PCO's & Precinct Captains help to set strategy and policy for the SCRP, including voting on important issues. We campaign for and help to elect and keep good "Constitutional" Republicans in local, state, and national offices. We help to "get the vote out" for the precincts, coordinate Republican functions, and recruit, work with, and train new members and volunteers. Doorbell and / or Phone Canvassing is top priority including Ballot Collecting (Harvesting).
PCO Legal Duties (RCW 29 A. 80.030) - WA Constitution Art II Sec. 15: PCO's are responsible for electing officers to the State Central Committee, helping to appoint replacements to fill vacancies in other elected partisan offices such as County Commissioner or State Legislator, and oversee conducting Precinct Caucuses as directed by the County Chairman per SCRP and WAGOP bylaws.
PCO Eligibility & Elections (RCW 29 A 80.041 & RCW 29 A. 80.051): PCO's must be a registered voter in the precinct. Must file for election in even-numbered years (if unopposed, the PCO Candidate is automatically elected; if opposed, whoever receives the most votes in the August Primary is elected) and serve a two-year term beginning December 1st following the election.
PCO & Precinct Captain Appointments (RCW 29 A .28.071): Appointments for open precincts must be made after the County Organizational Meeting and before the November General Election in even-numbered years. The PCO or Precinct Captain must be a registered voter in the county and a member of the SCRP. Their appointment also requires approval via a majority vote at an SCRP Central Committee meeting.
PCO Eligibility & Election:
* Be a member of the Skagit County Republican Party (SCRP).
* Be a registered voter in the precinct.
* File for election in even-numbered years.
* If unopposed, a PCO candidate is automatically elected. If opposed, all Republican PCOs filing will be placed on the August Primary ballot, and whoever receives the most votes in the election will be elected.
* Serve a two-year term starting December 1st following the election.
PCO Appointment:
* Appointment for open precincts must be after the county reorganization meeting.
* Eligibility: must declare to be a member of a major political party and be a registered voter in the precinct.
* Appointment is made by the County Chair and requires SCRP Central Committee approval by majority vote at a Central Committee meeting.
Republican County Conventions / Precinct Caucuses: Coordinating and participating in GOP County Conventions and Precinct Caucuses are also important PCO and Precinct Captain functions and are usually held every four years. Precinct caucuses are held in the individual Precinct District Areas, (also known as "Political Subdivisions"). These caucuses are where the resident voters meet to discuss many important Republican business issues including choosing the most preferred Presidential candidates and electing Delegates and Alternates to the County Convention.
ONLY PCOs (not PCs) Need to File for Office: Candidates are required to provide an email address when filing. ALL communication with candidates is done via email.
Online: https://www.skagitcounty.net/Departments/AuditorElections/filing.htm
8:30 am Monday, May 6, thru 4:30 pm Friday, May 10 (online filing is available 24 hours). Candidate Submission Guidelines.
Skagit County Elections is open Monday – Friday from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm at:
700 S. 2nd St, Room 201, Mount Vernon.
All candidates receive auto-generated filing confirmation emails.
For further information or questions, contact Skagit County Elections @ 360-416-1702, or email scelections@co.skagit.wa.us.
MAPS: For Comprehensive Skagit County Maps and to find your Voting Precinct, Click Here.

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