October 2019 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

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The ballots for the November 5th general election will be mailed out soon, please remember to vote and tell your friends and neighbors to vote. The phrase "All Politics is Local" is true, these local races are the ones that affect Skagit's residents personal issues and lives on a day-to-day basis. All elected offices are very important, from Fire Commissioner and School Board to Councilmember and Mayor; these are the people responsible and accountable for how your tax money will be spent, for the roads being safe to drive on, and the books your children will be reading in school.  With the simple act of voting you can make a difference in our community by choosing the highest quality people possible to be representing us as the elected officials running our local governments.  

October 2019 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


The past month and a half there has been much focus on helping to replace the retiring LD 10 Senator Barbara Bailey.  The LD 10 Republican PCO's will be picking three quality candidates to be submitted to the Skagit County, Island County and Snohomish County governing authorities.  Whoever is chosen to be appointed to the position must be able to work well in Olympia, and must be able to win the 2020 general election.

The tri-county LD 10 PCO meeting to vote for the three nominees is set for 7 pm this Thursday, October 3rd at the Mount Vernon Christian School (MAP). The LD 10 Candidates seeking the appointment who have formerly announced are: Steve Bristow (Oak Harbor), Christine Cribb (Oak Harbor), James Golder (Oak Harbor), Damian Greene (Clinton), Sara Hyatt (Stanwood), and Ron Muzzall (Oak Harbor).

Per WA State Constitution, the three Island County Commissioners, the three Skagit County Commissioners and the five Snohomish County Councilmembers will be meeting to appoint the new State Senator.  The meeting is open to the public and set for the Mount Vernon County Commissioners offices at 1800 Continential Place, on Friday, October 18th at 1:30 pm.


The 2020 Skagit County Republican Party Lincoln / Reagan Day Gala is set for Saturday, May 2nd at the Corporate Air Center in Burlington.  The event will feature One America News Network Superstar TV Talk Show Host Liz Wheeler.  Liz is a very gifted individual, a fearless Conservative, a social media star and for the past 4 + years is host of the nationwide cable TV hit show "Tipping Point" which is seen Monday thru Friday at 6 pm (Direct TV Channel 347), and online at KlowdTVoann.com.  Liz is also a national best selling author, her new book, "Tipping Points, How to Toplle the Left's House of Cards" is highly recommended and is available in bookstores and on Amazon.  

October 2019 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

Liz is an passionate advocate for limited government and Conservative principles and is well know for her "Final Point" videos that air at the end of her nightly broadcasts.  These videos regularly rack up millions of views on Facebook and YouTube; Liz just had a recent video with over 20 million views.

Of Note: Liz graduated high school at age 16, and in her Ohio hometown Liz organized a group of young conservatives to self publish a handbook called "Young Conservative, & Why it's Smart to be like Us", which reached #2 on Amazon's Kindle Bestseller list in the Civics category.  During college Liz served as a Commissioner on the Board of Zoning Appeals in her hometown in Ohio, she was the youngest person in city history to hold that office.  Liz is a graduate of Penn State University with a B.A. degree in Political Science and a Minor in Homeland Security.  To RSVP click here.


Referendum Measure 88 will be on the November 5th general election ballot.  Referendum 88 was designed to require a vote on I-1000, meaning an approve vote on R-88; approves I-1000 and a reject vote on R-88 rejects I-1000.  The full text of the initiative is here.

R-88 will be in the title of the ballot measure.  When you see the words R-88 and I-1000 on the ballot this fall VOTE TO REJECT I-1000 on Referendum 88, you are voting to REJECT LEGALIZED DISCRIMINATION IN WASHINGTON.

I -1000 fosters racial discrimination and specifically allows government to consider race, sex, color, ethnicity, national origin, age and sexual orientation in public hiring, contracting and school admission decisions.  It is one of the worst things the Democrats did in the 2019 state legislature session.  Additionally I-1000 creates a "Governors Commission on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion".  The new commission members are appointed by the governor and have 4 year terms; the commission is responsible for planning, directing, monitoring and enforcing each state agency's compliance with this act.  DO NOT ALLOW unelected Socialist/Democrat appointees deciding the civil rights of our children and future generations to come!  

October 2019 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


The Washington State Legislature is suing Jay Inslee for an illegal veto of six single-sentence provisions in the state’s 2019-21 transportation budget (House Bill 1160) The Senate Facilities & Operations Committee, along with the House Executive Rules Committee, voted unanimously to file suit against Inslee to challenge these single-sentence vetoes.

“The state constitution provides the executive branch with the power to veto sections of legislation or specific appropriation items. It does not give the governor the power to veto individual sentences. The text of the statement isn’t the issue. It’s the fact that the governor can’t be allowed to overstep his constitutional authority. This is why we have separate branches of the government. If this is allowed to stand, it would further damage the dwindling trust the legislature has in the governor.” – Senate Republican Leader Mark Schoesler, R-Ritzville.

October 2019 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


A few weeks ago Secretary of State Kim Wyman was in Mount Vernon to explain and answer questions about the new statewide voter registration system: VoteWA.  Thank you to Kim who did a great job with her presentation and explanation of the new system (and with all the Q & A).  The system provides a unified platform & database for all of Washington's 39 counties.  For the first time in state's history, qualified residents will be allowed to register and vote on the same day. Previously, Washington voters were required to register online or via mail 29 days before Election Day.  The idea is that it will increase voter turnout by making it easier for people to vote.

However because of concerns for potential voter fraud, Republican legislators believe it would be good to have additional safeguards, so 19th LD WA State House Representative Jim Walsh is drafting a proposal that would create harsher penalties for incidents of voter fraud in the WA State election process. Jim's proposed legislation will be targeting individuals and organizations that knowingly attempt to register ineligible people and dissuades them from attempting to take advantage of the new same day policy.

October 2019 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Last month the Left-Wing San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed a resolution declaring the National Rifle Association a “Domestic Terrorism Organization."  The NRA responded as they should saying, “This ludicrous stunt by the Board of Supervisors is an effort to distract from the real problems facing San Francisco, such as rampant homelessness, drug abuse and skyrocketing petty crime, to name a few; the NRA will continue working to protect the Constitutional Rights of All Freedom-Loving Americans.”

Additionally the NRA filed a lawsuit on September 9, 2019, against the City and County of San Francisco and members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors saying, “This lawsuit comes with a message to those who attack the NRA; we will never stop fighting for our law-abiding members and their constitutional freedoms, some politicians forget that all 5 million of us in the NRA stand for freedom and that we believe it is a cause worth fighting for. We will always confront illegal and discriminatory practices against our organization and the millions of members we serve.”  Of note: National Rifle Association is America's longest-standing Civil Rights Organization. 


The Democrat Presidential candidates keep moving farther and farther to the left and the Socialist insanity is almost beyond belief.  Bernie Sanders is advocating that U.S. taxpayers pay for the abortions in foreign countries for population control, Andrew Yang wants to tax cow emissions, Beto O'Rourke is vowing to pursue gun confiscation, Kamalia Harris wants the government to regulate eating meat, and Elizabeth Warren is advocating for a "Wealth Tax" that would actually have the government seizing wealthy people's assets if they make too much money.  And then there is Joe Biden, who at last months debate called Bernie Sanders "President."

October 2019 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


As the Democrats continue with an insane and irrational agenda of trying to impeach Trump, all the President does is continue to keep campaign promises and deliver record breaking results.  Facts matter, and the reality is that the majority of Americans are happy about most of the Presidential Administration's policies and the direction of the nation.  Besides a strong national defense and Isis being obliterated, the nationwide economy is booming under this administration, which includes record breaking unemployment numbers for all segments of population.  Democrats need to be reminded to check their 401 K, under the Trump administration the U.S. stock market has increased by about 7 trillion dollars.

Democrats have spent over 2 1/2 years pushing the phony Russia Hoax collusion narrative with no evidence; they thought Trump would implode, he didn't. They promised the Mueller report would change minds, it only confirmed the obvious, that NO LAWS WERE BROKEN.  Then they switched their focus to obstruction of justice, again another charade.  Now it is the Ukraine "hearsay" scandal.  The Democrats have been trying  to impeach Trump morning, noon and night since he took office and simply can't get over that fact that Trump won the Presidency in 2016.  The Socialist Democrat first agenda is hurting the nation and our state; and the sad truth is that Democrats keep trying to “fundamentally transform” the country into something it was created to be the opposite of.


The California State Democrat Legislature recently passed a new bill SB 24, the proposed law requires all 34 California State tax payer funded universities to be required to have doctors perform medical abortions during the first 10 weeks of pregnancy to students.  This is a unbelievable government overreach and should not be permitted, lets hope Governor Newsom vetoes this terrible legislation.


As Democrats try to destroy the electoral college and gain illegal votes by not allowing our own government census to count how many citizens are living in our country, it is important for Republicans to stand up for the Constitution.  It is in America's national interest and public safety, and is simply common sense to know how many people are citizens that live in our country. (US Constitution,14th Amendment, Article 1, Section 2).

October 2019 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


A few weeks ago fake news CNN stooped to a new low.  CNN had a guest interview with a physiatrist named Allen Frances (former Duke University Chair of Psychiatry) who accused President Trump of begin worse than Hitler, saying "Trump may be responsible for many more deaths than Hitler, Mao, and Stalin."


The "Climate Mobilization", an AOC aligned group pushing for a national mobilization to fight global warming, recently condemned the media for pursuing "objectivity" by giving air time to "climate deniers."  The left wing group has aligned with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders, and the organization's clear goals are to silence all voices opposing their climate alarmism.

In other words, climate change activists like AOC and Sanders aren't just calling for radical changes to America to stave off some hypothetical climate disaster — they're also calling for opposing voices to be silenced.   Their version of "Science" can only have one voice, and that voice must be the Socialist Democrats.


The number of women who have abortions in the U.S. has dropped to its lowest point since the procedure was legalized in 1973.   According to a new report the rate of abortions was 13.5 per 1,000 women of childbearing age in 2017, down from 14.6 in 2014, and 16.9 in 2011, according to the Guttmacher Institute, an abortion research organization cited by those on both sides of the issue politically. The group releases the study about every three years.

October 2019 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

The latest recorded rate from 2017 is the lowest rate since the Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade declared abortion legal nationally. The rate was highest in 1980 at 29.3 abortions per 1,000 women. The 862,320 abortions performed in the U.S. in 2017 represent a 7 percent drop from 2014, according to Guttmacher.


Last week President Trump became the first American President to convene a meeting at the United Nations on Religious Freedom.  On the international stage Trump said, "The United States is founded on the principle that our rights do not come from government, they come from God. This immortal truth is proclaimed in our Declaration of Independence and enshrined in the First Amendment to our Constitution's Bill of Rights. Our founders understood that no right is more fundamental to a peaceful, prosperous and virtuous society than the right to follow one's religious convictions." 

October 2019 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


Tonight (Oct 1st) the Skagit County Republican Woman's group will be hosting an event to honor retiring LD 10 State Senator Barbara Bailey.  The gathering will be at the La Conner Civic Garden Club, 622 2nd St. from 5:30 pm to 7 pm.  Hors d' oeuvres, cake and coffee will be served.  For more information please contact Judy Billings @ (206) 550-1836.


A Big Thank You to Tim Lewis Owner of Corporate Air Center, for again letting us use his beautiful facility for the 2020 SCRP Lincoln/Reagan Day Dinner.  The venue is perfect for this event, we are planning early and are expecting 300 + people for the May 2nd, 2020 Gala.  RSVP will be available soon!


The Washington State Senate Republicans are putting together a Legislative District 10 regional event at Shawn O' Donnell's Restaurant on October 29th.  The event will be from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm and will feature elected officials and candidates helping to get the word out and to helping to raise funds.  The restaurant is located at: 122 128th ST, SE  Everett, WA 98208.  We are looking for corporate and event sponsors.  For more information please call (360) 424-9792.


Our last SCRP Central Committee Meeting of the year will be held at 7 pm on Thursday, October 17th in the Mount Vernon Valley Business Center (1st floor nw conference room), 2021 E. College Way.  On the agenda will be Ray Gilbride, Founder and CEO of "We Speak" (the Uncensored Social Media Alternative to Facebook) www.wespeak.com., Representatives from the Lauren Culp for Governor Campaign, and others.  

October 2019 Chairman's Corner Newsletter


At noon on Wednesday, October 23rd at the SCRP office headquarters (2nd floor Suite #200) we will be having a special 2020 Lincoln/Reagan Day planning meeting.  We need lots of good volunteers who can help plan and volunteer for next years event.  If you are interested in helping out with the May 2nd, 2020 Gala please call (360) 424-9792.



Respect and Blessings,

Bill Bruch, SCRP Chairman


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