Undemocratic-Democrat Funded Groups' Lawfare and Collusion Exposed!

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On Sept 20 a three-judge Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals panel tossed another election season lawfare attempt on our various states’ election laws. This election lawfare suit was filed to block Arizona law that required:

1) Cancelling registrations of voters found to be concurrently registered to vote in another state, and

2) Felony charges for knowingly providing ‘a mechanism for voting’ to another person who is also already registered to vote in another state.

The court reinstated the law that enables county recorders to cancel a voter’s registration if the county learns the voter has registered to vote in another county. The duplicate registration must be confirmed with the other county, per the law.

U.S. Circuit Judge Kenneth K. Lee, citing a U.S. Supreme Court decision from earlier this year, said the organizations must show they’re directly affected by a law to have standing to challenge and that the groups “alleged only a frustrated mission and diverted resources.”

The court ruled that the plaintiff-groups in question were not harmed or posed to be harmed, and thus lacked any standing to file the suit. This ruling reinstates those statutes, which is great news for election security!

It's quite telling Democrats argued that the law explicitly harms them. Are they afraid that if we make it harder to cheat, they'll never win???

The pawns in this lawfare game are undemocratic-Democrat funded groups. In this case the Alliance for Retired Americans (ARA), an AFL-CIO founded organization, Voto Latino (VL), and Priorities USA are all headquartered within a quarter mile radius of the White House, and their offices are in the midst of the multitudes of typical undemocratic-Democrat union headquarters, including the AFL-CIO itself (who created the ARA).

On their websites, they brag about coordinated efforts to undermine and eliminate key election security laws in multiple key swing states, with one having poured more than $60 million into undemocratic election lawfare since 2015.

Not coincidentally, ALL THREE of these organizations use the Democrat-operated, CORRUPT ACT BLUE fundraising platform, which is presently the subject of multiple state AGs’ criminal and Congressional investigations for alleged illegal international money laundering and straw-man campaign ‘contributions’ that I’ve previously written extensively about.

The alleged campaign finance corruption may go well into the hundreds of millions of dollars over the past several election cycles, and it’s not surprising to see historically corrupt unions fully bought-in to the ActBlue infrastructure, in this modern political mafia era we are living through.

These undemocratic-Democrat front-men groups have continued this lawfare pattern from the same mold created by their thought-leader, Marc Elias. As outlined in Time Magazine’s February 2021 article in which they outright boast of how they used every method possible to interfere with the 2020 elections in order to FORTIFY their coup.

As was utilized in the AZ suit, their typical playbook ‘fortification’ tactic follows this pattern: Identify states where they control the Governor, AG, and the SoS, often coupled with a friendly judge of their choosing. After collusion, sue the state & local elections officers, who agreed to roll over, put up no defense, and proceed to make major ‘settlement concessions’ via the court process that completely alters or eliminates key provisions of election security laws.

The exact same play was run out of the Democrat playbook when on November 20, 2023, the Leftist Organization Washington State Alliance for Retired Americans via the Leftist Elias Law Group filed a 22-page Amended Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief in US District Court, Western District of Washington, against the Dem WA Sec of State and two leftist county auditors in King & Thurston Counties.

The complaint violates the State Constitution Art VI Sec. 1 and RCW 29A.08.230 and allows the homeless, illegals, newcomers, etc., who may arrive in WA state within 30 days of an election to vote.

The sham (agreed) order was clear collaborated collusion and is easy to see right through. Most obviously orchestrated by both the “Plaintiff” (a biased 501(c)(4) Non-Profit Organization) via Leftist Elias Law Group and Leftist “Defendants” SoS, King County Auditor Julie Wise & Thurston County Auditor Mary Hall… Then rubber-stamped by a Leftist Judge, all under the watch of corrupt AG Bob Ferguson. This matter is rightly being challenged in court by the WAGOP.

The 30-day residency rule is a key security provision intended to afford time for the election officials to review new registrant-applicants prior to the election date.

No legitimate voter should be disenfranchised of their right to vote in federal elections under this WA Constitution provision. Should any newly arriving resident wish to vote within this 30-day window, they should only be getting a federal-only ballot issued, provisioned upon them declaring that they will not be voting in any other jurisdiction where they previously lived.

OF NOTE: US District Judge James Dever recently dismissed a federal lawsuit challenging North Carolina's 30-day residency requirement for voters.

Just like in WA, the North Carolina Alliance for Retired Americans, working with Dem operative Marc Elias' law firm, challenged the residency requirement as unconstitutional.

Judge Dever ruled that the retirees alliance lacked standing to file suit, that its claims were not "ripe" for legal action, and that the residency requirement complied with the Constitution and the federal Voting Rights Act.

The case is North Carolina Alliance for Retired Americans v. Hirsch. Dever’s 34-page order rejected plaintiffs’ arguments on multiple fronts, Dever wrote:

“The Alliance fails to identify any current member of its organization who will be harmed by the 30-day durational residency requirement. None of the Alliance’s ‘approximately 52,000 members across North Carolina’ will be harmed by the requirement that a prospective voter must live in North Carolina for 30 days before an election to vote in North Carolina.”

These so-called resulting ‘Consent Decrees’ must be exposed! They use partisan partners in attaining decrees which are key ‘fortifications’ to allow the Dem cheating apparatus to illegally re-write state laws. They bypass all democratic processes, such as legislative and public debate and legislative approval.

These fortifications generally include such settlement provisions that make it nearly impossible to timely identify & stop possible illegal and unlawful (per existing state statutes) ballots from being opened and mixed in with legitimate voters’ legally cast ballots.

Under the guise of Mail-in Voting, these lawfare front-men organizations know it’s too late to pick the illegitimate ballots back out, since they are anonymous ballots, upon separation from their outer envelopes, and are thus co-mingled with all legitimate ballots of other voters. Absent scrapping the entire election, which they know is a near-impossible ‘ask’ in court.

In the 2024 primary election, perhaps as few as 49 of these unconstitutionally-cast ballots may have already cost a guaranteed Republican win in this November’s State Commissioner of Public Lands position (See My Prior Substack).

OF MORE CONCERN: The National Association of Letter Carriers and the American Postal Workers Union Just Endorsed Kamala Harris…

While it has taken over a year for the favorable Ninth Circuit ruling to be issued, it presents hope that the recently filed WAGOP-initiated suit can also stave off the damage from this same type AFL-CIO ARA group.


But even MORE critical to defeat any possibility of the cheat in 2024 is by having an overwhelming turnout at the polls for our Citizen Initiatives and the many good Republican and Conservative candidates running for office.

This is a war and to win, it is our civic DUTY to vote and better yet, identify at least 10 new voters and get them registered to vote and make sure they all VOTE!




Bill Bruch

Bill Bruch is the WA State GOP Election Integrity Chairman, WAGOP Executive Board Member, 4-Term Skagit County GOP Chairman, Citizen Journalist, Blogger, Business Owner, “2021 Citizen Activist of the Year” award by the Olympic Conference, 2020 WA State House Representative Candidate, Former Council Member, and WA State 2016 & 2024 RNC National Convention Delegate.

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