January 29, 2025, Election Integrity Update
It was announced today that the WAGOP lawsuit filed in Clark County Superior Court disputing the current 2024 Legislative District 18 State Senator race, set to be heard on January 30, 2025, has been “postponed.”
Apparently, Clark County and the Secretary of State did not like the evidence that was recently submitted, and their attorneys convinced the judge to postpone.
On Monday, Jan 27, the WAGOP appears to have submitted 312 sworn written affidavits by residents of LD 18 that say about 300 voters that cast a ballot from their respective addresses did NOT reside at their address.
The case is Matthew Frohlich and Washington State Republican Party Plaintiffs, V Clark County and Greg Kimsey, in his official Capacity as the Clark County Auditor, Defendants.
In the race, Republican candidate Brad Benton is down by only 172 votes with 84,123 total votes cast. Benton has 41,881 (49.79%) votes and his Democrat challenger Adrian Cortes has 42,053 (49.99%) votes.
The WAGOP and their attorney Ard Law Group say hundreds of votes counted in the race were from voters who did not reside in the district, violating RCW 29A.08.060.
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