Washington State Redistricting Commission Updates


September 27, 28 2021 UPDATE  

Each of the four voting members of the Washington State Redistricting Commission (WSRC) published their proposed map for state legislative districts. The public can access the proposed maps on the WSRC website (redistricting.wa.gov) and comment directly on specific areas of each proposed map. 

“The Commission looks forward to hearing the public’s feedback on these proposals,” said Commission Chair Sarah Augustine. “With the final deadline of November 15 looming for the Commission to finish its work, now is the time for residents of Washington to let us know what they like and/or don’t like in the proposals put forth today.”

The Commission will hold a virtual public outreach meeting on Zoom. Those who wish to comment on the state legislative map proposals can sign up to testify at the meeting to be held on October 5 at 7 p.m. by visiting the “Public Outreach Meetings” page on our website and clicking the “Register for Public Comment” button.

There is no need to register for the meeting if you simply want to watch the meeting. You can watch the Commission’s meeting live on TVW or on our YouTube page.

The meeting will be broadcast in English, Spanish, and American Sign Language. If a member of the public requires interpretation in another language, they can request it upon registration.

The public will find several ways to comment in any language on the proposed maps at the Commission’s website on the “How to Participate” page.

Commissioners will see all comments made regardless of the method of comment or language used. All map submissions, comments on proposed maps, and comments sent using the various methods available on our website are subject to public disclosure under the Washington State Public Records Act.

The Commissioners will release their proposals for congressional districts on Tuesday, September 28.

It comes as no surprise that State Democrats are trying to rig our elections in more ways than one, before a single vote is cast. The Democrat Commissioners drafted maps that included almost zero swing districts and instead they gerrymandered safe Democrat seats in a desperate attempt to keep themselves in perpetual power. The takeaway from all this is clear: Democrats are trying to stop the voters from deciding elections and Republicans are working to give more voters a choice on election day. 

Our State Republicans are fighting back hard, Commissioner Paul Graves' proposed map has over 10 swing districts and promotes electoral competitiveness. WSRP Chairman Caleb Heimlich has been blasting Democrats to the media for being the political hacks that they are and people are listening to him. This is a once-in-a-decade opportunity to give voters freer and fairer elections, we have to do everything we can over the next few months.

State Republicans are going to continue fighting for the most competitive maps possible, every step of the way. But now we need you to fight with us by submitting written comments, video testimony, and more, all saying the same message: Washington State voters deserve more competitive districts! Click here to submit public comment and sign up to provide testimony!

Lawmakers targeted for displacement in redistricting

For immediate release: UPDATE: September 28, 2021

Contact: Jamie Nixon, Communications Director                                360-742-2854

Washington State Redistricting Commission publishes four congressional district map proposals

Olympia – The four voting members of the Washington State Redistricting Commission (WSRC) each published their proposed congressional district maps today. The public can access the proposed maps on the WSRC website and comment directly on specific areas of each proposed map. 

“Now that draft maps are available for everyone to review, we are looking forward to our public outreach meetings next week,” said Commission Chair Sarah Augustine. “I believe public input is critical to helping the Commission come up with a finished product that meets all statutory obligations.”

The Commission will hold two virtual public outreach meetings next week on Zoom:

Tuesday, October 5 (7 p.m.) – Statewide Virtual Public Outreach Meeting to receive feedback on state legislative district map proposals.

Saturday, October 9 (10 a.m.) - Statewide Virtual Public Outreach Meeting to receive feedback on congressional district map proposals.

There is no need to register for the meetings if you simply want to watch. You can watch the Commission’s meetings live on TVW or on our YouTube page.

The meeting will be broadcast in English, Spanish, and American Sign Language. If a member of the public requires interpretation in another language, they can request it upon registration.

If you wish to comment on the maps, but do not want to do so at a public meeting, you can find several ways to comment in any language at the Commission’s website on the “How to Participate” page.

Commissioners will see all comments made regardless of the method of comment or language used. All map submissions, comments on proposed maps, and comments sent using the various methods available on our website are subject to public disclosure under the Washington State Public Records Act.

You can find more information about the Washington State Redistricting Commission at our website. You can watch our meetings live and recorded on TVW or YouTube. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Sign up here to receive press releases and media advisories.

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