Skagit County Republican Party

2114 Riverside Dr, Suite 206 in Mount Vernon
(360) 424-9792 Email Us

2114 Riverside Dr, Suite 206 in Mount Vernon
(360) 424-9792

Email Us
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The Skagit County Republican Party is composed of and represents people of every age, race, religion, and station in life who share a passion for liberty.  We understand that fredom from oppressive government was the reason our nation was founded, and to provide this freedom our United States Constitution was created.

We believe freedom is maintained by the strict application of this Constitution, recognizing that the basic government entities are the states, and believing that the Federal Government should exercise only those powers granted by the Constitution.

The exceptional freedom that makes this country unique in the world, is rooted in the ideals of free enterprise and the basic right to private property. Excessive governmental regulation and oppressive taxation threaten our freedoms and is not tolerable.  The "Rule of Law" needs to be paramount.

The SCRP wholeheartedly favors protecting faith-based institutions and individuals from government discrimination.  We understand and affirm that religious freedom in the Bill of Rights protects the right of the people to practice their faith in their everyday lives.

Our mission within Skagit County is to promote the values of economic and personal liberty for all and to support the candidates of those who feel likewise.  We are Republican Conservatives and desire to conserve, preserve those conditions that make our country so remarkable, so special in all the annuals of history.

Come by and visit us at our office located at: 2114 Riverside Dr. Suite #206 in Mount Vernon Off of I-5 East on College Way Exist (Just North of Max Dales Restaurant). We are open Mon - Fri 10 AM - 2 PM.

SCRP CHAIRMAN: Bill Bruch is a Skagit County business owner and property manager serving his 7th year and 4th elected term as Chairman of the Skagit County Republican Party. Bill is also the Washington State Republican Party Election Integrity Chairman (2nd term) and serves on the WSRP State Committee Executive Board (2nd term). He was a 2020 WA State House of Represenataive Candidate and is a former La Conner Town Council Member. To contact Bill call (360) 820-1700 or email:

Mon - Fri:
10:00 am-2:00 pm

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