2024 Washington State Legislator Scorecards Are Out!

<em>Edit Promo Post</em> October 2024 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

Track your legislator's 2024 Conservative Voting Record - Washington State Legislator Scorecards! LINK HERE

After asserting “all men … are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,” the Declaration of Independence also asserted “that to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men.” The Founding Fathers created the Constitution in 1787 to institute just such a government.

However, the security of our rights is at risk due to Congress’s increasing disregard for obeying the Constitution. The solution – hold congressmen accountable to the Constitution with The Freedom Index: A Congressional Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution.

To find the Freedom Index and the Congressional Scorecard see: TheNewAmerican.com or TheFreedomIndex.org.

2024 WA State Legislator Scorecards - Based on the Principles of the U.S. Constitution

The Conservative Ladies of Washington complied the voting records of Washington legislators on a sampling of 10 of the bills their team testified on and issued calls to action on during the 2024 session. SEE ENTIRE SCORECARD AND RANKING LINK HERE

*The blue highlighted legislators received a perfect score of 100%, voting no on each of these bills we opposed. Green highlighted legislators voted no on every bill except HB 2494, which we give a bit of a “pass” for – see bill details below. We gave them 90%

HB 2368: Establishes a state Office of Immigrant and Refugee Assistance that will be overseen by DCYF and will be responsible for administering cash, housing help, english language lessons, food and more for illegal immigrants.

HB 2494: Public school funding. This bill funds public school materials, supplies and operating costs which have risen substantially as a result of democrat policies.

SB 5427: Hate crime & bias incident hotline. Establishes a “hotline” overseen by the Attorney General for “victims” to call to report so-called “hate crimes” or “bias incidents.” There is no monetary reward or compensation – this is data collection. Watch next session for a funding bill to follow this.

SB 5462: Requires public schools to teach LGBTQ history and provide “inclusive curriculum” and a curriculum coordinator

SB 5838: AI Task Force. This bill creates an AI Task Force to be overseen and directed by the Attorney General’s office. The task force is to be staffed primarily by left-leaning persons or organizations and there is a big concern over how this might be used against citizens. *The House companion version of this bill was prime sponsored by Republican Travis Couture.

SB 5982: Changes the definition of “vaccine.” Allows the state to purchase RSV monoclonal antibodies with taxpayer funds.

SB 6095: Gives the Washington Secretary of Health emergency powers, allowing them to issue a prescription or standing order for any biological product, device, or drug for purposes of controlling and preventing the spread of, mitigating, or treating any infectious or noninfectious disease or threat to the public health.

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Complete 2024 Record of Bills Passed/Failed


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