August 12 in Olympia the Washington State Republican Party State Committee elected State Representative Jim Walsh as the new WSRP Chairman! We are so happy and excited to have Jim as State GOP Chair! Jim flipped LD 19 from Dem to Republican by about 20 points two election cycles in a row. LD 19 was a previous longtime Democrat legislative district of 50 years, and shows it is definitely possible in other areas of the state. Jim is a very hard worker and a proven winner! It is an absolute honor to be serving and working with such a fantastic leader! Jim is replacing Caleb Heimlich who served as chair for 5 1/2 years, Caleb replaced Susan Hutchison (all pictured below).
Conservative lawmaker chosen to lead Washington State Republican Party

You can meet our new state GOP chair here in Skagit in a few weeks! Saturday, Sept. 23 from 1 PM - 4 PM there will be a Sedro-Woolley Candidate's GET OUT THE VOTE Community Appreciation event in Sedro-Woolley at the Riverfront Park 901 River Rd.
Washington State Republican Party Chairman, and State Representative Jim Walsh will be the Keynote Speaker and Sedro-Woolley Council Member Nick Lavacca will MC.
Candidates Include: JoEllen Kesti for Sedro-Woolley Mayor, Allan Henderson for Sedro-Woolley City Council, Kevin Loy for Sedro-Woolley City Council, Ed Iriarte for Sedro-Woolley City Council and Lindy Mullen Doyle for Sedro-Woolley School Board.

Big Congratulations to all the candidates for stepping up in the August 2023 Primary Elections, and Very Good News - Conservative Candidates did well across the state. These local races are very important to help local communities. Next, the Nov. 2023 general election will decide the fate of many counties, please do all you can to vote, make sure everyone you know votes and supports good, well qualified candidates that care and want to serve the community.
The Skagit County Republican Party Central Committee meets in-person the second Saturday of every month from 10 AM to 11:30 AM at the Freedonia Grange, 1225 McFarland Rd, Mount Vernon, and on Zoom - 6 PM the 4th Tuesday of each mo.
MV Grange: 10 AM - 11:30 AM Saturday, September 9
ZOOM: 6 PM - 7 PM Tuesday, September 26
MV Grange: 10 AM - 11:30 AM Saturday, October 14
ZOOM: 6 PM - 7 PM Tuesday, October 24
MV Grange: 10 AM - 11:30 AM Saturday, November 11
ZOOM: 6 PM - 7 PM Tuesday, November 28
MV Grange: 10 AM - 11:30 AM Saturday, December 9
At our upcoming meeting Sept 9, we will be planning and discussing the 2024 Skagit County "Pooled" Precinct Caucuses that will be held Saturday, January 13 from 10 AM to Noon in several locations all around Skagit County.
The precinct caucuses are vitally important meetings that only happen once every 4 years. This is the opportunity to make your voice heard and Vote in Person for a 2024 Republican Party Presidential Nominee. It is where GOP activists, supporters and members of the community vote for their preference for U.S. President, discuss pertinent issues, the Republican platform and elect Delegates and Alternates to the County Convention.
November 10, 2023, is the last day for PCO's to qualify as automatic delegates to the County Convention. MORE INFO HERE or email / call (360) 820-1700.

Call for Applications for the Skagit County Planning Commission. The Planning Commission works with the Planning and Development Services Department and advises the Department and the Board of County Commissioners on proposed land use plans and regulations in unincorporated Skagit County. The Commission consists of 9 members (3 from each Commissioner District) and usually meets twice monthly in Mount Vernon at the Commissioners Administrative Building. Meetings are broadcast live on Skagit 21 and archived online. Info Here
Currently there is a vacancy in District 1 on the Planning Commission. This call for applications is for residents who live in District 1 of Skagit County and would like to be considered for a seat on the Planning Commission. The new planning commissioner would fill the existing vacancy until the end of the term on August 31, 2024. Please use the link here for a map of the 3 districts in Skagit.
Please follow this link to access the application if you are interested in the position
The RNC, WSRP, and WA State County GOP parties are focusing on the "Electoral Process" now more than ever before. For years Republicans have been focused on banning ballot harvesting. That strategy has not worked and now Republicans are changing course. State law does not address whether someone may or may not return mail-in ballots on behalf of voters. However, it is allowed and for all intents and purposes legal. Democrats have been doing it in WA State and using it to their advantage for decades. Ballot harvesting is where Dems (most often) hire third parties to go out and pick up ballots where Democrat voters are registered to live. This gives Dems a huge advantage regarding a large portion of their “Harvested” voter base.
Some voters are apathetic because they don’t feel like putting in the effort to vote, or because it is simply not a priority. Some voters have given up hope because they believe their vote doesn’t count, and nothing seems to change to make life better. So, when someone they trust comes to their door to get their ballot, they give it to them.
Advantages of in-person, hand-collecting of voters’ ballots: 1) Opportunity to make a face to face voter contact, 2) Can verify legitimate voters at the address on record for enhanced ballot security, 3) Allows the chance to find illegal registered voters at the address for voter challenges to help auditors clean the voter rolls, and 4) thanking them for participating in restoring the USA to the Democratic Republic we all cherish!
To compete, we must use every available lawful tool and method in our arsenal. I prefer the term “Ballot Collecting” and / or “Ballot Protecting” - We are protecting the sacred vote / ballot of the legal registered voter. To WIN in the current era, the implementation of organized ballot collecting is an absolute must! If you would like a ballot collection box they are available at our SCRP Office, located at in the Villiage Square Office park, 2114 Riverside Dr. Suite 206 Mount Vernon, or email

New initiatives to sign at the SCRP Office - The goal is to get 400,000 signatures by December 31, 2023 - THE INITIATIVES: Good Government Policy and Simple Solutions.
This measure would remove certain restrictions on when peace officers may engage in vehicular pursuits. Such pursuits would be allowed when the officer has a "reasonable suspicion" a person has violated the law, pursuit is necessary to identify or apprehend the person, the person poses a threat to the safety of others, and those safety risks are greater than those of the pursuit.
This measure would prohibit the state, counties, cities, and other local jurisdictions from imposing or collecting income taxes, defined as having the same meaning as “gross income” in the Internal Revenue Code.
This measure would repeal an excise tax imposed on the sale or exchange of certain long-term capital assets by individuals who have annual capital gains of over $250,000.
This measure would allow parents and guardians of public-school children to review instructional materials and inspect student records, including health and disciplinary records, upon request.
It would require public schools to provide parents and guardians with certain notifications, including: medical services given and when students are taken off campus; access to calendars and certain policies; written notice and opportunities to opt students out of comprehensive sexual-health education; answering certain surveys or assignments.
This measure would prohibit state agencies from imposing any type of Carbon Tax credit trading and repeal Cap & Invest program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It also REPEALS the wretched cap-and-trade tax scheme which doesn't do anything to stop pollution or greenhouse gasses and driven gasoline and diesel prices up $1/gallon. It is a regressive tax that hurts working families harder than rich people.
This measure will allow working Washingtonians to opt out of the state government's insolvent "long-term care" tax scheme. It's an unpopular and expensive Democrat deduction out of working people's paychecks, benefit is minimal, and people can't afford it. While most workers must pay for it, many won't be eligible to receive it. It disproportionately hurts lower income individuals, the benefit won't cover many long-term care needs, and lots of people won't qualify even after paying into the program for years.
All of these initiatives have until the end of December to gather the needed signatures to qualify for the Nov 2024 general election ballot. More details here
Rantz: Seattle Times Can’t Figure Out Why Fentanyl Floods The City
Nearly five dozen Republican state lawmakers have asked Washington Secretary of State Steve Hobbs and Attorney General Bob Ferguson, both Democrats, to investigate alleged incidents of intimidation stemming from signature gathering efforts to oppose a new law that allows licensed shelters to harbor youth in certain instances without parental notification.
“We write with great concern about a threat to the integrity of the democratic process here in Washington – specifically, activities to hinder Washington citizens attempting to sign referenda petitions,” the GOP legislators wrote in a July 27 letter to Hobbs and Ferguson.
The letter was signed by Senate Republican Leader Sen. John Braun, House Republican Leader Rep. Drew Stokesbary, and 54 other GOP lawmakers from legislative districts across the state.
They referred to a July 18 letter to Hobbs from Brandi Kruse, whom the lawmakers described as “a well-known and highly respected political reporter,” in which Kruse said leaders of local Democratic Party offices “have engaged in and encouraged harassment of signature gatherers.”
Kruse cited alleged incidents of intimidation and harassment of volunteers gathering signatures for a referendum measure in opposition of ESSB 5599, which a Democratic legislative majority approved in April. The bill allows overnight shelters or organizations serving homeless or runaway youth to initially notify state authorities, rather than parents, when a minor seeks refuge to pursue gender-affirming or reproductive health care.
In her letter to Hobbs, Kruse, a supporter of the referendum, said opposing protesters exhibited intimidating or harassing behavior – including name-calling and photographing volunteers – during a trio of signature-gathering events this summer in Pierce and Thurston counties. She said protesters were encouraged to gather by local Democratic parties in both counties.
“For any reasonable person, the actions described … constitute harassment and intimidation,” Kruse told Hobbs. “In some cases, it is my assertion that the actions supported and promoted by the Democratic Party are in violation of (state law).” Her concerns were echoed by the GOP state legislators, who asked the SOS and AG offices to investigate “those who are reportedly involved in organizing and carrying out the incidents described by Ms. Kruse.” Article
OF NOTE: Most unfortunately there was a brutal assault and violent attack of an innocent volunteer gathering signatures for the R-101 Stop 5599 Petition the morning of July 4 in Anacortes, there were many witnesses and a police report filed.
WSRP Chair Jim Walsh released a statement in regards to the recent lawsuit filed to stop SB 5599 from going into effect saying: “On behalf of parents, grandparents and families from all over the state who’ve reached out to me over the last day or two, I am disappointed in the current governor’s recent efforts to play cheap politics with parental rights in regard to the lawsuit recently filed on behalf of several Washington families over the hideous law created by Senate Bill 5599,” stated Walsh. Article
Conservative legal group suing Dem WA State Gov. Inslee over controversial law to allow shelters to hide runaway children from their parents without any allegations of abuse, and allows them to have taxpayer-funded, elective abortions and sex-change treatments. Nearly 4,700 people signed up to oppose state Senate Bill 5599 during a Senate hearing in February. Parents also organized protests at the state capitol in Olympia, and Republican lawmakers unanimously opposed the bill, but Inslee signed the radically pro-abortion measure anyway. Article
Washington State Sued for Usurping Parental Rights
WA STATE DEMOCRATS USING MORE COMMUNIST TACTICS: Gov. Inslee and AG Bob Ferguson say Idaho abortion travel ban 'illegal' - Washington wants you to know that your children are not safe in Washington or even in Idaho or any state in the Nation. Washington State will welcome any minor in the Nation for sex changes and abortions without parental consent. But Democrats want citizens that moved away to know, they are still coming for your children. Article

According to a new report - WA State is the 8th-most expensive place for household bills in the country at $2,468 per month. Bills in the state are over $5 K more annually than the national average. Overall, residents spend about 37% of their income on household expenses, including rent, utilities and ins. WA Top 10: 1. King - $2,988 2. Snohomish - $2,698 3. Island - $2,614 4. Thurston - $2,584 5. Whatcom - $2,467 6. Pierce - $2,460 7. Skagit - $2,277 8. Chelan - $2,211 9. Kitsap - $2,187 10. Benton - $2,156 Article
EXCITED FOR LIGHT RAIL NOW? - Seattle light rail passenger beaten with rock; another rider stabbed in separate attack. Not only is safety a concern, Billions of Taxpayer Dollars has been spent on Democrat's light rail project in the Puget Sound region. Light Rail is a haven for Fentanyl, Drug use, Physical assaults, and homeless problems. Seattle Sounder chooses not to require riders to pay and restricts employees to enforce law & order.
TriMet seeks others to pay as part of I-5 Bridge Replacement over the Columbia River from Vancouver to Portland. C-Tran has revealed that TriMet’s preliminary operating cost for the light rail extension into Vancouver will be $21.6 million per year. The IBR finance plan indicates the transit component could cost between $1.3 billion and $2 billion of taxpayer dollars.
In June last year, TriMet’s J.C. Vanetta told the 16-member Bi-state Bridge Committee of Washington and Oregon legislators that they needed new taxes from both states to cover operations of the light rail extension. Under the Biden / Inslee Democrat economy the cost projections exploded to $5 to $7.5 billion for the entire IBR project. Article
The State Legislative Ethics Board fined Sen. Manka Dhingra, a Redmond Democrat who is running for attorney general, for using public funds when she encouraged people to register to vote and to vote for “reproductive health champions." Article

Preview of things to come? Cougar attacks 8-year-old in Olympic National Park. If leftists get their way for re-population of Grizzly Bears in the Cascades, you can expect similar attacks. North Cascades National Park has renewed efforts to evaluate how grizzly bears could be reintroduced to the park, restarting the effort that began in 2014 under Obama. Article
Public Schools Struggling! During COVID Governor Inslee and state superintendent Reykdal kept public schools closed to in-person instruction. Studies shown the harms of the extended lockdowns. Most state universities have had education programs rated poorly and students fleeing to private schools with a 25% increase in enrollment since 2021. School choice promotes positive education outcomes for both public and private school students. Article
New Banking Regulations Could Sink the Economy - Credit card debt now $1 trillion for the first time in American history. Democrat Controlled Bidenomics is not working.
Report: Nearly 40% of drivers canceled summer travel plans due to high gas prices
GOP Governor Candidate Semi-Bird: "This recall has not hindered me, but energized me to continue to choose the PEOPLE of Washington state over politics! Let's make history and give Olympia the Bird! United we stand, together we can!" Video

Trump Indictment Is a Mockery of Common Sense: Because Trump didn’t embrace the left's narrative, he is now committing criminal fraud... Article
Special Counsel Democrat Hit-Man Jack Smith indicts President Trump over Jan. 6th. This is simply a campaign strategy. Democrat Operatives believe they can't beat Trump in 2024 and so play dirty using these charges to target their chief political opponent in attempts to take him out of the 2024 election. Video
Trump Responds: "This is nothing more than the latest corrupt chapter in the continued pathetic attempt by the Biden Crime Family and their weaponized Department of Justice to interfere with the 2024 Presidential Election." Trump is the undisputed frontrunner, and leading by substantial margins. But why did they wait two and a half years to bring these fake charges, right in the middle of President Trump’s winning campaign for 2024? "The answer is, election interference! The lawlessness of these persecutions of President Trump and his supporters is reminiscent of Nazi Germany in the 1930s, the former Soviet Union, and other authoritarian, dictatorial regimes." President Trump has always followed the law and the Constitution, with advice from many highly accomplished attorneys. Article / Video
Jack Smith Admits Making False Claim to Court in Trump Case. Special counsel Jack Smith’s team made a startling admission in its case against President Donald Trump, acknowledging in a July 31 court filing that it failed to turn over all evidence to Mr. Trump’s legal team as required by law and falsely claimed that it had. Article
While Jack Smith accuses Trump of defrauding the US for questioning the outcome of the 2020 election, the Democrat controlled media and a Who's Who of Democrats have been denying fraudulent election results for decades. Video
Trump's Attorney Alina Habba Responds: Video
Jack Smith’s dangerous criminalization of dissent - Nothing more than a political indictment designed to silence dissent from what the powers that be decide is truth. Article

Legal experts point to previous rulings and First Amendment issues with Special Counsel Jack Smith’s indictment against Trump to argue charges against him would not hold up on review by the Supreme Court. “I do not believe that any of these charges can fairly be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in front of a fair judge and jury." Article
Video: Dems Crisis Plans and Indictments Are Trump's Rocket Fuel
Monica Crowley Podcast: Indicting Trump for Biden’s Crimes
Ex-Capitol Police Chief Calls Jan. 6 Events 'Cover Up' in Buried Tucker Carlson Interview
We live in a country where the ruling Uniparty has fully embraced a series of hostile, authoritarian ideologies that present a much bigger threat than ever before. The people in charge are trying to transform America into a centralized surveillance state akin to the CCP. Article

Biden & Dems singlehandedly reversed Trump’s 2019 achievement of low gasoline prices and energy independence (the first time since 1957) into dependence on foreign oil, a 40% depletion of the U.S. strategic petroleum reserve that negatively affects U.S. military readiness, and dramatic inflation in fuel costs that ripples throughout the entire economy. Article


It was my absolute honor to represent Washington State at the Election Crime Bureau Summit (ECBS) in Springfield MO. August 16 & 17. The two-day event was live-streamed around the world in 85 languages on, Lindell TV, Real America's Voice, Right Side Broadcasting, Steve Bannon's War Room, and other media outlets. Several million people watched at least some portion of the event that was organized and sponsored by Mike Lindell.
VIDEO: Frankspeech: Washington - The State Hope Report
VIDEO: Official "Let My People Go" Documentary Trailer

If you remember last year, at the Lindell Moment of Truth Summit, State Representative Brad Klippert helped to expose voter and election fraud evidence in WA State (ARTICLE / VIDEO).
At that event a call to action to get Cast Vote Records (CVR's) in the states was sent out. CVR's are records of each election that shows how each of the recorded votes came in for each of the candidates, in essence it is a way to replay the election how it happened in real time. This is the best way to audit an election to see if it was legitimate. Many of the counties and states complied with the request and the CVR's were compared with the reported results. According to Jeffery O'Donnell (over 40 years of experience as an IT software and data analyst) who studied the data, NONE of the CVR's matched up with the election results, most were not even close, meaning there was most probably election fraud in most, if not all U.S. counties in 2020 and 2022 elections.
Many of you already know for nearly 3 years I have been the Washington State Republican Party Election Integrity Chairman. Our committee has over 70 members and represents 36 of WA State's 39 counties and has been meeting twice a month on Zoom. One of the things I exposed at the ECBS is that WA State door-to-door canvassing efforts keep finding serious problems with our voter rolls as many "registered voters" are completely unknown to the actual resident of the address.
These many anomalies still are on the rolls and now Election Integrity volunteers are being forced to do "Voter Challenges" in efforts to get them off the rolls. In Skagit County alone we have over 100 new voter challenges that will have expected hearings with the Skagit County Elections Department in the next few months.
OF NOTE: Until last month anyone could get the most updated county list of registered voters via Public Records Request. In Skagit it would normally take between 3 hours to 3 days. The list is constantly being updated several times a day in all of the 39 counties.
However, now the public is prohibited from getting these daily updated lists. The whole process is now centralized and controlled by the state due to new state law SB 5459 in coordination with the SOS. If you want a county registered voter list you can only get a monthly update, yes, every 30 days the list will be given out. This is plenty of time for nefarious actors to add or remove "registered" voters. The passing of SB 5459 also makes Cast Vote Records unavailable to the public. It is quite interesting the WA State Democrat Controlled Legislature and the Democrat Controlled WA State Secretary of State keeps changing statutes and policies making it easier for bad guys to cheat.

Lindell Champions Election Integrity at Springfield Summit - Announces 'The Big Reveal" Wireless Monitoring Device that proves election machines are connected to the internet. More Here
Jeff O'Donnell Explains How The Device That Will Save Our Elections Operates
Mike Lindell Explains The Wireless Monitoring Device That Will Help Police Our Elections

Shawn Smith: The Vulnerabilities in Our Voting Systems
How Can Mail-In Voting Be ‘Secure’ When Postal Theft Is Rampant?
VIDEO: Cyber IT Specialist Mark Cook on Voting Integrity
The difference between Republican and Leftist ballot harvesting is leftists manufacture ballots Republicans chase them. In Michigan police found one of clearly dozens of ballot manufacturing dens. The work in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona and Georgia by their extraordinary voter integrity teams looks not so outlandish. The Black Swan appeared – so everyone can see ballot manufacturing is real, industrial scale, and not investigated by the FBI. Article
SHOCKING ATTEMPT TO HIDE THE TRUTH UNCOVERED! ES&S ACCUSED OF BLOCKING ACCESS TO CRUCIAL ELECTION RECORDS NATIONWIDE! MASSIVE ELECTION FRAUD EXPOSED, PRESIDENT TRUMP VINDICATED - FEC records reveal a Democrat dark money super PAC paid the company implicated in a Michigan police report of voter registration fraud, $11,254,919 to register voters for Joe Biden's 2020 presidential campaign. Article
BlackPAC, a Democrat political action committee fueled by undisclosed contributions, funneled $11 M to GBI Strategies LLC in 2020 to register voters for Biden's presidential campaign. Notably, BlackPAC, which garnered more than $44 million in funding during the 2020 election cycle, endorses Democratic candidates and causes. This Corrupt PAC has Smurfs in them big time. See ElectionWatch website on Smurfing: massive campaign money laundering nationwide!
You’ll Never Guess Where the Headquarters of the Multimillion Dollar GBI Strategies LLC Is Located?
Poll Shows Majority Of Americans Support Voter ID, Limited Mail-In Voting
How Elections are Stolen with Dell Computers
Democrats’ ‘Freedom to Vote Act’ is the Death of Free Elections - A declaration of just how radical the Democratic Party has become. If enacted, these policies would guarantee rigged elections forever. Article
The Left’s Election Fortification’ in 2024 - Democrats used Covid-19 as an excuse and strategy to transform our elections; they are still at it. Article
The US Census Bureau is run by Dem partisans and has been manipulating census figures with impunity for decades - They finally got bold enough to “cook the books” big time & in the open and now we know many SEATS STOLEN HAVE BEEN FROM R STATES AND GIVEN TO D STATES - Recently admitted making “errors” when they were determining which states gained or lost congressional seats under the 2020 Census. This form of election fraud will benefit Democrats over Republicans for the next 10 years. Article

This investigation reveals the shocking true story of the Everybody Votes campaign—the largest and most corrupt “charitable” voter registration effort in American history—that may have decided the 2020 presidential election and could decide 2024. Commissioned by Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, funded by the Democratic Party’s biggest donors, and coordinated with cutthroat Democratic consultants. Article
Is ERIC Using DMV Lists to Create Targeted Unregistered Voter Lists-Who Gets These Lists?
WASHINGTON: Election Crime Bureau Summit: Washington - The State Hope Report
Washington State Official Who Rigged 2020 Presidential Election, Hired to Rig ALL Elections
Publicly available information from WA State's official data base shows over 84,000 registered voters are still "active" on the Washington State voter rolls despite not having voted in at least 8 years. WHY are these "voters" not being removed???
Why doorbelling to help clean the voter rolls is necessary for Election Integrity / PODCAST
A growing majority of Americans know the 2020 election was fraudulent - Many analysts who have been studying election integrity have concluded that there had to be a two-way connection between local election electronics (electronic poll pads, tabulators, election management systems, voter databases, etc.) and a centralized data collection system responsible for monitoring and manipulating the election.
Fingers have rightly been pointed at all-inclusive election management software (LIKE VOTE WA (FORMERLY BPRO) USED IN WA STATE), the Albert / CIS Sensor system (USED IN MOST AL WA STATE COUNTIES), Scytl and Edison, and the Election Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center (EI-ISAC). This incestuous collaboration between the Department of Homeland Security, the Election Assistance Commission, leftist/globalist funding, foreign companies, and their private partners, allowed for the real-time monitoring of all election data, and more importantly, the ability to change the results. Article
Some Republicans in Washington State Cast A Wary Eye On Election "Security Device"
Anyone who doubts the political motivations behind Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis’ lawfare against President Trump should set those doubts aside, thanks to an investigation started by Peter Bernegger at Election Watch, out of Wisconsin, and Chris Gleason in Florida. The investigation turned up a large number of unemployed “campaign finance mules” in Washington State, of all places, who “gave” lots of money to a U.S. Senate candidate in Georgia, Raphael Warnock. Remarkably, out of the top Warnock “volume” donors, only one was actually from Georgia.
Do Federal Election Commission Policies & Website Facilitate Money Laundering? (Part 2)
Captain Seth Keshel will be coming to WA State and speaking at a fundraiser for Doug Basler who is running for Director of King County Elections. The event will be Sunday, Sept 17 at the the Black Diamonds Gardens. More Info see:
As a remider Seth Keshel has gone on the record saying, "Washington state had the most fraudulent election of 2020 - per elector. With 590,000 excess votes spread over 12 electors, that comes out to 49,000+ fraudulent votes per elector. My numbers show DJT within 6 points there." Top 5 Dirtiest States by Excess Votes per Elector: 1. Washington – 49,176. 2. Hawai’i – 37,033. 3. Oregon – 37,029. 4. Michigan – 36,005. 5 New Jersey – 35,944. Article
Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan – Including Estimated “800,000 Ballot Applications Sent to Non-Qualified Voters” – Bags of Pre-Paid Gift Cards, Guns with Silencers, Burner Phones, and a Democrat-Funded Organization with Multiple Temporary Facilities in Several States. Article
EXPOSED: Whistleblower Steps Forward – Reveals Private Facebook Group Where MI Clerks Discuss STUNNING Evidence of Organized Fraud in 2020 Election. Article

HERE’S THE PROOF OF ELECTION FRAUD IN MICHIGAN - The FBI and Attorney General Nessel Hid These from the People of Michigan – Piles of Fraudulent-Manufactured Ballot Registrations from the 2020 Election. Article
NEW Police Report Verifies Law Enforcement Went Door-to-Door Confirming Fraudulent MI Voter Registration Ring…Where Are The Arrests? Article
Bannon War Room Video: GBI Strategies Flew Election Workers To Michigan From Georgia
Michigan AG CONFIRMS Up To 10,000 Ballots Registrations Turned In Were All Fraudulent
Mystery Swirls Over Batch of Thousands of 2020 Voter Registration Forms in Michigan
Michigan Voter Fraud More Widespread Than Previously Realized – Attorney General Dana Nessel and FBI Burying Explosive Issue. Article

Michigan Investigation: Suspicious Spikes in Michigan Voter Registrations Across State Occurred on the Same Day in 2020 Election. Article

MISSISSIPPI: MASSIVE EVIDENCE OF VOTER FRAUD! A Democrat County Supervisor in Hinds, Mississippi is challenging his party's primary election results after discovering massive election fraud "We have videotapes of someone going into boxes bringing in thumb drives, bringing in ballots to be inserted into the machines" The person he's talking about is the Hinds County Democrat Party Chair. If you watch this presentation, it sounds exactly like what happened in the 2020 election and 2022 election in Arizona. If Democrats are rigging their own primaries, imagine what they're doing in general elections. Donald Trum, KariLake and hundreds of others are not alone. Democrats are rigging elections everywhere! Video
ARIZONA: AZ Has Opportunity To Be 1st State To Ban Voting Machines & Take Back Our Elections! Aug. 26th, the Maricopa County Republican Committee (MCRC) passed a Resolution DEMANDING the Arizona Republican Party (AZGOP) Chairman Jeff DeWit withdraw the AZGOP from a government-run 2024 AZ Presidential Preference Election (PPE). The MCRC also DEMANDED: The AZGOP conduct its own statewide election for the Republican Presidential Nominee for AZ, on paper ballots, in a one-day, one-vote election, hand counted at the precinct level.
The manner of election shall be developed by the Republican PCO's and how conduct of election shall be voted on and adopted by our fellow Republican State Committeemen at the January 2024 AZGOP Meeting - This Is a Chance to Take Back our Corrupt, Fraudulent and Unconstitutional Elections. Ff the AZGOP votes to adopt this commonsense process, it could set the precedent for the primaries, general election and for other states. Article
MCRC Chairman Craig Berland to AZGOP "Please be advised the MCRC EGC adopted a Resolution demanding the AZGOP withdraw from a government-run 2024 Arizona Presidential Preference Election." Video
AZ Republicans FIGHT For In-Person 2024 Presidential Preference Election! w/ Liz Harris

Judge Rules Kari Lake Lawsuit Seeking Mail-In Ballot Signatures Will Go to Trial
AZ AG sends a letter to all counties threatening them with prosecution if they count their ballots by hand. This is what happens when thieves gain control. Article
Mohave County, an electorally pivotal county in the purple state of Arizona, voted to reject hand-counting ballots received in the 2024 election, citing practical concerns with the proposed election integrity measure. Article
Georgia SOS admits botched ballot process involving MTG’s ex, blames county; "heard from a lot of people who experienced a similar issue with their ballot. It's not known how many other voters experienced trouble casting their ballots in Georgia, though the SOS acknowledged that many mistakes were made." Article

The Absolute Truth with @EmeraldRobinson - Brian Kemp admits that the voting machines ARE hackable. This after a group of Georgia voters confronted Governor Brian Kemp & SOS Brad Raffensperger. Video.
OF NOTE: GA Gov. Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger spent over $100 million to put in Dominion voting machines in all of GA counties. Machines that are so delicate that they will threaten you with lawsuits if you question their results. CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Kemp Tells GA Voters: “If You Give Anybody a Voting Machine They Can Hack It” Hmm..
Georgia Election Board Chairman Bill Duffey Resigns
True Story Behind 16 ‘Fake’ Trump Electors Being Charged with Felonies
Catherine Engelbrecht Joins War Room To Discuss Lawsuit In GA Over Stolen Election. True the Vote - Elector Challenges proved 354,000 ineligible voters on the rolls / 67,000 "voted" in GA 2020 election. Video
Gregg Phillips Discusses the Lies Told to Residents of Georgia and President Trump
Every County Board of Elections in Georgia Receives Packet Describing How and Why to Move to Hand Marked and Verifiable Paper Ballots. Spaulding County voted to perform an automatic hand-recount of all future elections, the results of which will then be compared to the machine counts If a discrepancy is found, the County will halt certification of the election until the discrepancy is resolved. Article
James O' Keefe OMG released a story from Fulton County, GA which then triggered attention from @vanitaguptaCR (Now No. 3 at DOJ) and her civil rights group as “dangerous”. The story showed that “thousands of people” were registered at one address. POST
How the AJC and mainstream media are perpetuating blatant lies. On December 4, 2020, President Trump, together with his campaign committee and GA GOP Chair David Shafer, filed a lawsuit in Fulton Superior Court contesting the 2020 Presidential election. Under the Georgia Election Code, lawsuits contesting elections are required to be heard within twenty days of being filed. But twenty days later, on Christmas Eve, December 24, 2020, this particular lawsuit had not even been assigned to a judge who was eligible to hear it. In fact, this lawsuit was never heard. More:
Hand Count Intro and Practice Demo for GA
WISCONSIN: Peter Bernegger: Explosive Information in WI Senate Hearing Asking for Meagan Wolfe's Arrest - Testimony before the State Senate Committee of Wisconsin of Meagan Wolfe's felony crimes. All six commissioners are guilty of state and felony crimes. Supporting documents in tweets below. Adding: Kevin Kennedy is a Director of CEIR. Kennedy used to be the Administrator of GAB. GAB was dissolved because of massive corruption, mainly by Kennedy. WEC replaced GAB, but Kennedy is tied in with Zuckerberg, with corrupt David Becker. Kennedy groomed Meagan Wolfe. VIDEO
Peter Bernegger of Election Watch filed a criminal complaint to Waupaca County Sheriff against the following people for illegally giving out his personally identifiable information: Meagan Wolfe (WEC), Robert Kehoe (WEC), Kevin Kennedy (formerly but booted out from GAB - director of CEIR), Shane Hamlin (ERIC), Lori Steele Contorner (EveryoneCounts), Sarah Whitt (former WEC now ERIC), Ericka Hass (ERIC) and the companies ERIC, CEIR and Everyone Counts. POST
Sidney Powell Wins Victory for “Rule of Law” in 7th Circuit Court
RNC intervenes in Marc Elias Wisconsin election integrity lawsuit
IOWA: VIDEO Jefferson Davis Peosta Presentation on Election Integrity
MARYLAND: Elections: A County Board of Elections Pulls a Fast One
NORTH CAROLINA: North Carolina, a critical swing state, is seeing rapid changes in election law, the state’s 2023 municipal elections will be first in which citizens must present identification in order to vote. Article
ILLINOIS: 14% of Illinois Counties Have More Voters Than Citizens of Legal Voting Age. Judicial Watch released the results of a study of voter records showing the entire state has close to 800,000 inactive voters still registered, indicating that the counties are failing to keep accurate voter records in accordance with federal law. Article
New Illinois law creates a task force to examine Ranked Choice Voting
ARKANSAS: Another County in Arkansas Switches to Hand-Counted Paper Ballots
NORTH CAROLINA: NCGOP Statement on NCSBE Vote Rejecting Flawed Voter ID 'Reasonable Impediment' Rule
TEXAS: Over 20 GOP Candidates Sue Largest Texas County Alleging Election Day Malfeasance: Harris County, Texas, the most populous in the Lone Star State, has become the center of election challenge lawsuits after a myriad of problems occurred on Election Day in Nov. 2022. Republican county judge candidate Alexandra Mealer filed an amended complaint, alleging widespread violations of Texas election law and thousands of illegal votes. Article
NEW YORK: Why and how would someone create algorithms in the New York voter registration database and how could the data have been used? The Zark Files place the creation of the Spiral Algorithm July 2007. Article
PENNSYLVANIA: "DNA-LEVEL" STATISTICAL PROOF: "Smartmatic" Vote-Counting System Was Manipulated in PA and GA to Overturn Trump's Victory
Conservative Group Files Lawsuit to Secure Military Votes in PA to Prevent Voter Fraud
PA Congressman Deluzio wants “more stringent oversight" of Election Machine Vendors
KENTUCKY: Voting rights for former felons could be on the line in Kentucky
IDAHO: VIDEO - "If Idaho Gets Ranked Choice Voting, We're Finished." Bryan Smith
NEVADA: Nevada GOP tells SOS Thanks but No-Thanks - Sets Feb 8 Presidential Caucus
MONTANA: Montana’s CISO departs for role with Center for Internet Security
'Successful' cyber-attack on elections details more than 40 million voters at risk - The UK Electoral Commission revealed "hostile actors" managed to hack its systems, accessing registers which contained the addresses and names of tens of millions of voters. Article
VIDEO: Soldiers in Gabon Declare Coup
Here’s How I Explain Away Election ‘Anomalies,’ and You’re Just Expected to Believe Me
VIRAL Video Shows Democrats Claiming Election Was Stolen
At the RNC meeting in Milwaukee, WI, an Election Integrity Resolution passed almost unanimously by its 168 members. This Election Resolution was worked on by key members of the RNC who are dedicated to seeing our elections be transparent. Everyone is beginning to understand how important it is to go back to in-person (with ID), paper ballots, same day voting at the precinct levels!

President Trump tells Tucker "paper ballot, hand count" elections is the only way forward!
CURRENT REALITY: This is a Psychological Operations battle between the administrative elite-deep state who want to keep and aggrandize their power and the people who want equal justice and a fair playing field. With there being no Dem compromise on this, Trump has to be eliminated or destroyed. The previous efforts to stop Trump through the special counsel Mueller investigation about collusion with Russia and two subsequent impeachment attempts all failed. The battle is much more vicious now because the Democrats and deep state are cornered and desperate. Article
Democrats are seeking to land a one-two punch to cement their control of America today and for generations to come: Criminalize the political opposition and cripple the last authority to which the opposition might appeal in defense of its rights. Article
The DOJ Has Gone Totally Rogue! A new letter to the House Judiciary Committee says: the DOJ doesn't have to comply with Congress. DOJ now entitled to rule that subpoenas issued by Congress don’t really count as real subpoenas??? That’s called: a constitutional crisis. We don’t live in the United States of America anymore. It’s the Banana Republic of Biden. Article
Marxist teacher from Colorado, who called for a “FORCEFUL Cultural Revolution” against “Whiteness,” was voted in by Democrats to fill an open state House of Representatives seat Saturday. The impacts of illegitimate elections abound! Article

TUCKER CARLSON INTERVIEW: Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund reveals what really happened on January 6th
OF NOTE: PROPAGANDA VETTING AT WHITE HOUSE: At least 442 reporters have lost their credentials since the White House press office "changed its rules" for journalists to be eligible for permanent passes. The number of credentialed White House correspondents dropped from 1417 to 975 after the previous passes expired July 31, with the new number reflecting “a mix of renewals and new applications.” Article
75-Year-Old Utah Man Who Posted Biden Threats Killed During FBI Raid
J6 prisoner receives 15 year prison sentence from kangaroo court for piddling 'offense'

The House select committee that investigated the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021 failed to adequately preserve documents, data and video depositions – including communications it had with the Biden White House that are still missing. Article
WH lawyer stepping down as Biden investigations intensify. Biden’s top White House lawyer is stepping down in the midst of federal criminal investigations into the commander-in-chief and his family, as well as a House Republican influence-peddling probe that could morph into an impeachment inquiry this month. Article
$20M Biden Bribery Scheme EXPOSED
There’s no other way to characterize the politically partisan indictment of President Trump and 18 other defendants (along with 30 unindicted coconspirators) for legally questioning the legitimacy of the outcome of the 2020 election in Georgia. GA DA Fani Willis is trying to criminalize free speech, a chilling effect on anyone in the future who might dare to question the results of an election. Willis manufactured this egregious “case” with seeming unforgivable ignorance of the freedom to speak, to engage in political activity, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances that is protected by the First Amendment. Article
MORE ELECTION INTERFERENCE - Trump’s Trial Date Huge Conflict of Interest
Trump's Georgia trial will be televised, judge says
TOTAL SHAM! Democrats are putting President Trump on trial for “election interference” the day before Super Tuesday - This is 'Blatant' Election Interference
Laura Ingraham Interview: Trump Co-Defendant John Eastman "If We Don't Fight Back Against This, We'll Never Have A Fair Election Again." VIDEO
Tucker Carlson Warns We Are Speeding Toward the Assassination of Trump

Biden Administration steamrolls toward disaster in the Middle East. Joe Biden is reportedly considering going where no past U.S. president dared go: signing a mutual security pact with Saudi Arabia in return for Riyadh normalizing relations with Israel. Article
Biden Blasted Over Deal He Just Made With the 'Butchers in Tehran'
Biden Lives Up to Nickname 'Sleepy Joe Biden,' According to New Tell-All Book
Report: Dozens of U.S. K-12 schools linked to Chinese Communist Party
CIA sued over helping Biden campaign unleash 'Dirty 51' letter to interfere with election
House Committee Focuses on Chinese Efforts to Steal Agriculture IP
LGBT Mob Violently Assaults Christian Students Peacefully Protesting Woke Grooming of Children
O'Keefe OMG SHOCK: Livingston, NJ @LivSchools school board called the police after James O'Keefe revealed that he had been secretly recording their board meeting led by Superintendent Matt Block @DocBlockLPS exposing his diversity, equity and inclusion “audit” conducted by a mysterious firm called “A2Z." POST
Disney's Latest Ploy to Indoctrinate Children Is Beyond Disgraceful. Disney said, "Hold my beer" to Bud Light as the woke corporation partnered with TikTok transgender influencer Seann Altman— a biological male who identifies as a "gender-fluid"— to target young girls by pushing the Left's radical LGBTQ propaganda on them. Article
Vivek Ramaswamy DECIMATES climate change arguments
Cyber-Workforce Crisis Another National Security Failure for Biden Administration
Anthem Medical’s Vaxx-Incentive Plan Exposes How Much Doctors Got Paid to Push the Death Jabs
The Unseen Crisis: Covid-19 Vaccines. Dozens of Death Certificates List Covid-19 vaccination as cause of Death. Article
Pilot of airplane Carrying 271 Passengers Dies Following Cardiac Arrest Mid-Flight
China-linked Bio Lab Discovered in Fresno, CO. California – Had Over 900 Mice “Genetically Engineered to Catch and Carry the Covid-19 Virus.” Article
News Conference Video Update: Illegal biological Covid Lab linked to China
Here we go again— the Biden Administration has plans to roll out a new COVID-19 vaccine this fall, requiring Americans to get another jab. Article
There's another election coming, so COVID surges again? - 'What impeccable timing!'

GET READY FOR COVID 2.0 DEM CAMPAIGN STRATEGY: Biden Regime to Reinstate COVID-19 Restrictions Beginning with Mask Mandate as “COVID Cases Rise”, Say TSA and Border Patrol Whistleblowers. New variant rumored to be declared by W.H.O. with policies in order. Article
September 2023: Airport employees to begin masking
October 2023: Airport travelers to begin masking
December 2023: Return to full Covid-19 Protocol
Lockdown/Response Objectives:
• Cover up for record-level mortality, disability, & illness
• Destroy more small businesses
• Bankrupt paycheck-to-paycheck workers
• Run through election year (2024)
According to Jesse Waters: Biden and Media are deceiving you by denying you the real reason there’s a tiny uptick in cases - "COVID follows seasonal and regional patterns. Every year there's three waves," Watters explained. "One starts in New England in the spring, the second travels north from Mexico in the summer, and the third wave travels in all directions from the Dakotas in the fall. Deaths and hospitalizations are dramatically down from last year, there are more people hospitalized for falling down than are hospitalized for COVID right now." Article

‘WE WILL NOT COMPLY’ in Response to Efforts to Reinstate COVID Lockdowns and Mask and Vaccine Mandates Donald Trump Defiantly Declares: "The left-wing lunatics are trying very hard to bring back COVID lockdowns and mandates with all of their sudden fear-mongering about the new variants that are coming. Gee whiz, you know what else is coming? An election. They want to restart the COVID hysteria so they can justify more lockdowns, more censorship, more illegal drop boxes, more mail-in ballots, and trillions of dollars in payoffs to their political allies heading into the 2024 election. Does that sound familiar? These are bad people. These are sick people we’re dealing with. But to every COVID tyrant who wants to take away our freedom, hear these words, WE WILL NOT COMPLY, so don’t even think about it." Article / Video
Florida surgeon general slams renewed mask mandates, urges people to refuse to participate
Leftist controlled college paying students $10,000 to take leave of absence
New FL Disney Board Eliminates 'Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion' Programs - The new board overseeing the Disney jurisdiction in Florida ended all DEI discriminatory practices saying, "Our district will no longer participate in any attempt to divide us by race or advance the notion that we are not created equal." Article

Twitch streamer giveaway caused by a lawless society with DA’s who sold out to George Soros and politicians who care more about buying votes than the communities they represent. In NYC robbing, killing, and other violence isn’t being properly punished. Instead they’re going after a former President, white citizens who defend themselves, and anyone who is a threat to the power they love. Article / Video
Announcing that "God's reach does not stop at the schoolhouse gates," U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., has confirmed plans to introduce his "National Prayer in School Act." The bill, little more than one paragraph, confirms that anyone who limits another person's "ability to engage in prayer" shall be liable "in an action at law." Article
The Aug 23 GOP Presidential debate confirmed Trump to be the frontrunner, and almost all candidates said they would back Trump if he were the nominee, Christie, Hutchison and Pence were the outcasts. None of it will make much of a difference, according to Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), who said in the spin room that the race is functionally over, and Trump will win. Article
Donald Trump was the winner of the night. With over 200 MILLION VIEWS and counting, Trump's interview with Tucker crushed the Fox News debate numbers.
TOTAL BLOWOUT: Fox News Debate Ratings are Downright Pathetic as President Trump’s Tucker Carlson Interview SOARS to Over 248 MILLION Views. Trump told Tucker that Pence “got very bad advice” about electoral college certification in 2021. "In my opinion, Mike Pence had the absolute right to send the votes back to the legislatures," President Trump added that the change to the Electoral Count Act of 2022 after the 2020 elections proved that he “was right.” Article
Trump at his best - Exactly what sets President Trump apart from the other GOP candidates
Clear Front Runner Trump in All Polls by "Legendary Numbers" No Need to attend Presidential Primary Debates “The public knows who I am & what a successful Presidency I had,” Trump wrote on his social media site. “I WILL THEREFORE NOT BE DOING THE DEBATES!” Trump has also repeatedly criticized Fox, the host of the Aug. 23 primetime event, insisting it is a “hostile network” that he believes will not treat him fairly…Article

Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy said former VP Pence missed a “Historic Opportunity” over his decision in the certification of electoral votes on Jan. 6, 2021."I would have done it very differently. I think that there was a historic opportunity that he missed to reunite this country in that window." I would have said, "We need single-day voting on Election Day. We need paper ballots, and we need government-issued ID matching the voter file, and if we achieve that, then we have achieved victory, and we should not have any further complaint about election integrity. I would have driven it through the Senate. In my capacity as president of the Senate, I would have led through that level of reform, then, on that condition, certified the election results, served it up to the president, President Trump then, to sign that into law, and on Jan. 7th, declared the re-election campaign pursuant to a Free and Fair Election." Article
More reasons why food is now getting so expensive - Blame what Biden did to food stamps
NO WATER in the Hawaii fire hydrants? Government would rather blame "climate change" for the Hawaii wildfires than take responsibility for their own reckless disregard. Video
Hawaii official concerned with ‘equity’ delayed releasing water for more than 5 hours as wildfires raged: Access to water should be predicated on “conversations about equity,” according to the Hawaii official under fire for delaying access to water during the Maui wildfires.
M. Kaleo Manuel, former deputy director of the Hawaii Commission on Water Resource Management, waited for more than five hours to release water during the wildfires that devastated Maui, according to reports Manuel described water as a sacred god.
“Let water connect us and not divide us,” said Manuel in a recent interview, referring to water distribution on the island. “We can share it, but it requires true conversations about equity…How do we coexist with the resources we have?” A former Obama Foundation leader — part of a program by the former President’s non-profit to help participants with coaching and “practical skill building for social change” — Manuel said he considered water an important tool for social justice. Article
When Maui residents tried to fight the flames approaching their homes using hoses, they were greeted with a shocking revelation - The water had been shut off! Article
'Biden Curtains' Surrounding Maui Suggests Gov't Officials Attempt to Keep the Truth Out

VIDEO: Livid Maui residents screaming obscenities, flipping off Joe Biden’s motorcade
Hawaiian business savages Joe Biden for belittling the destruction of Maui

"Climate Change is a manufactured consensus," says climate scientist Judith Curry - In her new video How Climate “Science” Got Hijacked by Alarmists she says scientists have an incentive to exaggerate risk to pursue "fame and fortune." Article
Nevada law enforcement arrests climate change protesters at gunpoint after driving a pickup truck through their trailer blockade. Article / video
Judith Curry Video: How Climate “Science” Got Hijacked by Alarmists

Over 1,600 Scientists Sign ‘No Climate Emergency’ Declaration. International scientists have jointly signed a declaration dismissing the existence of a climate crisis and insisting that Carbon Dioxide is Beneficial to Earth, contrary to the popular alarmist narrative.
“There is no climate emergency,” the Global Climate Intelligence Group (CLINTEL) said in its World Climate Declaration (pdf), made public in August. “Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific. Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures.” A total of 1,609 scientists and professionals from around the world signed the declaration. The coalition explains Earth’s climate has varied as long as it has existed, with the planet experiencing several cold and warm phases. The Little Ice Age only ended as recently as 1850. Article
John Stossel: The Fake Climate Consensus
A Texas Democrat official, has learned the lesson that her party is not about securing the border and making the streets safe for Americans, becomes a Republican. Article
Motives Behind Illegal Immigration

California Democrat Admits Radical Crime Bill Is Not Working - Rising theft sweeping through the Democrat-run state has liberals admitting their progressive crime bills are not working and making matters worse. Article
PSE not permitted to notify customers of rate hike. The WA Utilities & Transportation Commission says new charges would be "confusing" to customers. The rate hike stems from the 2021 Climate Commitment Act. “It kind of creates issues of trust, really, if everything is transparent then you feel really good about your dealings with the company, and when it becomes non-transparent, you start to wonder what kind of shenanigans they might try to pull in the future.” Article “This is not only dishonest but violates the spirit of Washington’s laws and constitution. The position of the Public Counsel in the AG's office is that they know what the public should know and what they shouldn’t. The claim that transparency is bad for the public is remarkable and revealing.” Article
Big Congratulations to the Yakima County Republican Party that set a new attendance record of over 900 people that attended their Lincoln / Reagan Dinner event in August. Republican Congressional Candidate Joe Kent was the MC, Charlie Kirk of TPUSA was the Keynote Speaker, Republican Governor Candidate Semi Bird and WSRP State Chair Jim Walsh also spoke!

GREAT NEWS! Freedom Foundation wins $75,000 from San Bernardino County in public records case
Thank you to all the volunteers who helped out with our SCRP booth at the Skagit County Fair, it was another successful event that thousands enjoyed!

Thanks to everyone that attended Legislative District 10 State Senator Ron Muzzall's campaign kickoff! Ron's Re-election is vital to continue representing the citizens of LD 10. Ron's approach: Ensure the government is spending taxpayer dollars responsibly, safeguard public trust in government, and enhance economic prosperity through common-sense legislation that makes life easier, not harder. MORE INFO:

The Skagit Women's group meets the first Tuesday of each month at the Freedonia Grange from 10AM to noon. For the upcoming Sept 5th meeting I will be giving a SCRP / WSRP Update and speaking about the precinct caucuses. For more information about the women's group contact Connie Miller (360) 202-7575 or email
On September 9th, from 4 PM to 7 PM, Cowboy Church Bow will be hosting an Active Shooter Defense Level 1 Training. The first 90 guests can claim a free admission to the training by using Promocode: COWBOY or scan the QR Code on the flyer. You must preregister for the event here:

November 10, 2023: Last day for PCO's to qualify as automatic delegates to the County Convention.
January 13, 2024: Skagit County Republican "Pooled" Precinct Caucuses - Anacortes, Burlington, Conway, La Conner, Mount Vernon, Sedro-Woolley
March 9, 2024: Skagit County Republican Party County Convention
March 12, 2024: Presidential Preference Primary Election
April 19-20, 2024: WSRP State 'Endorsement" Convention, Spokane, WA
June 1, 2024: SCRP Lincoln / Reagan Day Dinner, Corporate Air Center
July 15-18, 2024: Republican National Convention, Milwaukee, WI
August 6, 2024: Primary Election
November 5, 2024: General Election
Respect & Blessings,
Bill Bruch, SCRP Chairman
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