NINE State Delegations (Including WA State) will receive an on the scene tour of the historic Arizona audit on Friday.
June 11, 2021 Gateway Pundit by Jordan Conradson
Mark Finchem for AZ Secretary of State Update from Arizona: The states that have visited so far are PA, VA, GA, AK, CO. More individuals from GA will be in tomorrow and other states later in the week. Until those states have visited we do not want to release their state names to prevent harassment. The unanimous sentiment that the trip and time spent was well worth it. Election integrity is a priority in every community across America. Many state delegates have shown interest in the audit to ensure a future with fraud-free election. MORE HERE
Mark Finchem for AZ Secretary of State
@RealMarkFinchem tweeted: As the focus, and I am very pleased that Arizona is leading the way. All states need to come here because insecure elections are indeed a national security threat worth fixing.
AZ Election Non-Certifiable After Major Discrepancy Found: Christina Bobb reported on OANN that she expects to see “that the count is not even close to what was certified” due to the fact that some pallets are missing up to 20% of the ballots that should be there.
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