CALL TO ACTION! Push back on Terrible WA State Democrat 2023 proposed legislation!

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Please take a few minutes to OPPOSE this Terrible Open Carry bill by January 18, 7 am!  This bill is  It is scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on Civil Rights & Judiciary.  You may also sign up to testify via zoom or in writing, by 7am, January 18. Links below.

NAME/NUMBER OF BILL:  HB 1195  Prohibiting the open carry of certain weapons in public parks and public hospitals.  SEE BELOW FOR A SUMMARY OF THE BILL.

Click HERE to state your OPPOSITION.  This link will take you to a Committee Sign In page. This will not sign you up to testify.

On the pull down menu, enter your position as CON.

Put in your first name, last name and email address.

You are not required to write in anything under "Organization," unless you are testifying on behalf of a group.

Putting in your address is optional, but you must include your city, state, zip and phone number.

Click the box to prove you're not a robot, then "Submit Registration." And you're done.


If you can submit written testimony or testify via zoom, that carries more weight. You must sign up by 7 am January 18 to testify in writing or remotely with the committee when it meets at 8 am.

Sign in to submit written testimony HERE. Enter your position (CON), First and Last Name, email address, city, state, zip and phone number.  Then enter your written testimony, and click the box to show you are not a robot.  Then Submit your Registration.  You may use the paragraph below.

Even better, sign up to testify remotely by zoom HERE. Enter your position (CON), No to testifying as a panel, enter your First and Last Name, email address, city, state, zip and phone number.  Click that you are not a robot and Submit Registration.

Summary of the bill: This bill will make it illegal to knowingly open carry a firearm within any public park or public hospital with appropriate signage showing the prohibition of open carry of firearms.

    -public hospital is any hospital owned or operated by the state or any of its subdivisions.  It does not include roads, driveways, parking lots or parking garages

    -public park is any city, town, county, regional or neighborhood park facility where children are likely to be present, including sports facilities, swimming pools/beaches, water play areas, community centers, skateboard parks or other recreational facilities.

    -would take effect immediately


Please take a few minutes to OPPOSE this BAD bill by January 17, 9:30 am!  It is scheduled for a public hearing in the Senate Committee on Labor & Commerce.  You may also sign up to testify via zoom or in writing, by 9:30 am, January 17. Links below.

NAME/NUMBER OF BILL: SB 5236 Concerning hospital staffing standards.  SEE BELOW FOR A SUMMARY OF THE BILL.

Click HERE to state your OPPOSITION.  This link will take you to a Committee Sign In page. This will not sign you up to testify.

On the pull down menu, enter your position as CON.

Summary of the bill:

Establishes and enforces a maximum number of patients assigned to registered nurses at all times and at all Washington hospitals regardless of the acuity of the patient or experience of the staff.
Removes the ability to interrupt or delay a break for “clinical circumstances.” Nurses could not choose to stay with their patient, even if they were the only ones with the expertise to deliver care in the moment.
Removes patient care assignment flexibility except during “unforeseeable emergency circumstances.”
Eliminates emergency waivers for nursing meal and rest breaks and fines hospitals up to $5,000 for each nurse that misses a meal break to care for a patient. The fines would go to the state’s retirement fund.
Removes local control of staffing standards from hospital staffing committees.
Would prohibit hospitals from operating services if they were not in compliance with state mandated staffing ratios. This would delay care and could lead to closure of some hospital services.


Enhance nurse compensation.
Increase the number of nurses available for hospitals to hire.
Address the nationwide nursing shortage. Washington hospitals currently have a shortage of more than 6,000 nurses that they are unable to fill. To meet the requirements of this bill, hospitals would have to hire at least 15,000 more nurses and certified nurse assistants on top of the 6,000+ existing vacancies.


Please take a few minutes to OPPOSE another REALLY BAD bill by January 18, 7:30 am!  It has a hearing in its HOUSE COMMITTEE.  You may also sign up to testify via zoom or in writing, by 7:30 am, January 18. Links below.

HB 1136 Requiring employers to reimburse employees for necessary expenditures and losses.  

Click HERE to state your OPPOSITION. 

Summary of the bill: This bill will force employers to reimburse an employee, within 30 days, for all necessary expenditures incurred by the employee while doing their job.

-failure to comply gives the employee the right to bring a civil suit against the employer

-if the employee prevails, the employer pays court costs, attorney fees, plus interest for the employee's costs

-who decides what are necessary expenditures?  That's not covered in the bill

-if the employer is paying for some tool or supplies, who owns that item after reimbursement?  Also not covered in the bill...


Please take a few minutes to OPPOSE this Terrible 5th Anti-gun bill by January 17, 9:30 am!  This bill is a request of the governor and attorney general.  It is scheduled for a hearing by the House Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee.  You may also sign up to testify via zoom or in writing, by 9:30 am, January 17. Links below.

NAME/NUMBER OF BILL:  HB 1240  Establishing firearms-related safety measures to increase public safety Another misleading title  SEE BELOW FOR A SUMMARY OF THE BILL.

Click HERE to state your OPPOSITION.  This link will take you to a Committee Sign In page. This will not sign you up to testify.

On the pull down menu, enter your position as CON.

Put in your first name, last name and email address.

You are not required to write in anything under "Organization," unless you are testifying on behalf of a group.

Putting in your address is optional, but you must include your city, state, zip and phone number.

Click the box to prove you're not a robot, then "Submit Registration." And you're done.


If you can submit written testimony or testify via zoom, that carries more weight. You must sign up by 9:30 am January 17 to testify in writing or remotely with the committee when it meets at 10:30 am.

Sign in to submit written testimony HERE. Enter your position (CON), First and Last Name, email address, city, state, zip and phone number.  Then enter your written testimony, and click the box to show you are not a robot.  Then Submit your Registration.  You may use the paragraph below.

Even better, sign up to testify remotely by zoom HERE. Enter your position (CON), No to testifying as a panel, enter your First and Last Name, email address, city, state, zip and phone number.  Click that you are not a robot and Submit Registration.

Summary of the bill: This bill will prohibit the manufacture, importation, distribution, and selling of assault weapons except for sale to armed forces and law enforcement agencies

    -assault weapons are defined as civilian versions of military weapons that were designed to kill humans

    -the legislature finds that assault weapons have been used in the deadliest mass shootings in the last decade, due to the features on the weapon that allow shooters to fire large numbers of rounds quickly.


Please take a few minutes to OPPOSE this ANTI-GUN bill by January 17th, 9:30 am!  It is scheduled for a public hearing in the House Committee on Civil Rights & Judiciary.  You may also sign up to testify via zoom or in writing, by 9:30 am, January 17th. Links below.

NAME/NUMBER OF BILL:  HB 1144 Enhancing requirements for the purchase or transfer of firearms.  Click HERE to state your OPPOSITION.


Please take a few minutes to OPPOSE this ANTI-GUN bill by January 17, 9:30 am!  It is scheduled for a public hearing in the House Civil Rights & Judiciary Committee.  You may also sign up to testify via zoom or in writing, by 9:30 am, January 17. Links below.

NAME/NUMBER OF BILL:  HB 1143 Concerning requirements for the purchase or transfer of firearms.   Click HERE to state your OPPOSITION.  This link will take you to a Committee Sign In page. This will not sign you up to testify.

On the pull down menu, enter your position as CON.


Please take a few minutes to OPPOSE this VERY BAD ANTI-GUN bill by January 17, 9:30 am! This bill is a request of the governor and attorney general.

It has a public hearing in the Senate Committee on Law & Justice.  You may also sign up to testify via zoom or in writing, by 9:30 am, January 17.  Links below.

NAME/NUMBER OF BILL:  SB 5078  "Protecting public safety by establishing duties of firearm industry members." This is another misleading title.  

Click HERE to state your OPPOSITION. 

Summary of the bill: This bill states that "The legislature finds that the irresponsible, dangerous and unlawful business practices by firearms industry members [dealer who sells, manufactures, distributes, imports firearms] contributes to the illegal use of firearms...and exacerbates the public health crisis of gun violence in this state..."

    -if the attorney general finds that a firearms dealer has violated the provisions in the new bill and causes a nuisance, he can issue fines, and other "remedies" (example, pursue legal action, forcing the dealer to pay court costs, attorney fees, punitive damages)

    -anyone who the attorney general believes has information relevant to a firearms violation will be required to testify or provide information they know

    -people who have been harmed by a dealer's acts may also seek "remedies" for violating the provisions in this bill (forcing the dealer to pay fines, attorney fees, court costs, punitive damages; having to deal with legal action)

    -the party "seeking relief" (attorney general, for example) is not required to demonstrate that the dealer acted with the purpose of causing harm to the public


The WA SOS is requesting more terrible changes to our election laws! They want to do several things, one of which is to eliminate transparency and restrict the information available to the public with SB 5112! Everyone's date of birth has been available on the registration list for years, now they want to take that away and only give the birth year.

This will make it harder to prove the ghost voters are fake, or to prove a deceased relative was credited a vote and a will place a number of other obstacles between transparency and having accurate registration data! They will say it's a coincidence that the person credited a vote has the same name and birth year, but without date of birth, it becomes much harder to make these matches and confirm any voters!

"(2)(a) The following information contained in voter registration records or files regarding a voter or a group of voters is available for public inspection and copying, except as provided in RCW 40.24.060 and (b) of this subsection: The voter's name, address, political jurisdiction, gender, ((date)) year of birth, voting record, date of registration, and registration number. No other information from voter registration records or files is available for public inspection or copying"

SB 5112 also REQUIRES that the Department of Licensing make voter registration, signing up to register, or voter registration updates automatic for enhanced driver's license and enhanced identicard applicants unless subsequently declined in writing. This is a big problem: DOL should not register people to vote. Period!

CLICK HERE comment on this bill! We OPPOSE this change that restricts public information about our voters!!!

This is on the agenda for this Jan 13th at 8am! Please Comment before then!


Please take a few minutes to OPPOSE this VERY BAD bill by January 18, 7 am!  It has a hearing in its HOUSE/SENATE COMMITTEE.  You may also sign up to testify via zoom or in writing, by 7am, January 18. Links below.

NAME/NUMBER OF BILL:  HB 1215  Concerning the protection and restoration of riparian areas. SEE BELOW FOR A SUMMARY OF THE BILL.

Click HERE to state your OPPOSITION.  This link will take you to a Committee Sign In page. This will not sign you up to testify.

On the pull down menu, enter your position as CON.

Put in your first name, last name and email address.

You are not required to write in anything under "Organization," unless you are testifying on behalf of a group.

Putting in your address is optional, but you must include your city, state, zip and phone number.

Click the box to prove you're not a robot, then "Submit Registration." And you're done.

If you can submit written testimony or testify via zoom, that carries more weight. You must sign up by 7 am January 18 to testify in writing or remotely with the committee when it meets at 8 am.

Sign in to submit written testimony HERE. Enter your position (CON)

Summary of the bill: This bill will bring restrictions to farmland and agricultural areas across the state, with no such restrictions in urban areas. All in the name of reducing stream temperatures.  The ecosystems between Eastern and Western Washington are different.  This legislation provides a one size fits all approach.

-the bill puts a heavy burden on ranchers and farmers and the control they have over their own livelihood

-the bill promises 5 years of payments to landowners who install riparian buffers (ie. trees) but does not have a source for the funding, or explain how the payments are calculated or what the expectation of landowners is after the 5 year period

-buffer zones are calculated based on the maximum height of the talllest tree species in an area.  In eastern WA, there may be no tree species, so landowners from those areas would be precluded from this program

-in Skagit and Whatcom counties, the problem of draining ditches and tile drains in fields interferes with planting trees along riparian areas, so once again, difficult to participate in the program

-WA Dept. Fish & Wildlife explains that beyond 100 ft. there is no reduction in stream temperatures. Buffers larger than 100' are costly with little benefit.  Most buffers are 140-240 feet distant from the riparian area.










ALSO OPPOSE SB 5082 and HB 1158: Repealing and removing Tax Advisory Votes from State Statutes. Dems now want to completely abolish advisory voting! VOTE CON AND SUBMIT WRITTEN TESTIMONY HERE


Please take a few minutes to OPPOSE this BAD bill by January 11, 12:30 pm!  It is being heard by the Senate Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education.  You may also sign up to testify via zoom or in writing, by January 11, 12:30 pm. Links below.

NAME/NUMBER OF BILL: SB 5020  "Concerning elementary education starting at 6 years of age." SEE BELOW FOR A SUMMARY OF THE BILL.

Click HERE to state your OPPOSITION.  This link will take you to a Committee Sign In page. This will not sign you up to testify.

On the pull down menu, enter your position as CON.

Put in your first name, last name and email address.

You are not required to write in anything under "Organization," unless you are testifying on behalf of a group.

Putting in your address is optional, but you must include your city, state, zip and phone number.

Click the box to prove you're not a robot, then "Submit Registration." And you're done.

If you can submit written testimony or testify via zoom, that carries more weight. You must sign up by 12:30 pm January 11th to testify in writing or remotely with the committee when it meets at 1:30 pm.

Sign in to submit written testimony HERE. Enter your position (CON), First and Last Name, email address, city, state, zip and phone number.  Then enter your written testimony, and click the box to show you are not a robot.  Then Submit your Registration.  You may use the information below.

Even better, sign up to testify remotely by Zoom HERE. Enter your position (CON), No to testifying as a panel, enter your First and Last Name, email address, city, state, zip and phone number.  Click that you are not a robot and Submit Registration.

Summary of SB 5020: This bill removes the parental decision of when a child should be placed into public or private school or home-based instruction!

    -it is another step in allowing government to dictate decisions on raising our children

    -home schooled students 8+ years old will have to complete a standardized achievement test


ALSO PLEASE OPPOSE the "Washington Voting Rights Act" (HB-1048) which would allow special rights to special groups, allow non-citizens to vote and arbitrarily penalize certain groups of people. This would further erode election integrity in the state of Washington!

Click HERE to state your OPPOSITION.  This link will take you to a Committee Sign In page. This will not sign you up to testify.

On the pull down menu, enter your position as "CON."

Put in your first name, last name and email address.

You are not required to write in anything under "Organization," unless you are testifying on behalf of a group.

Putting in your address is optional, but you must include your city, state, zip and phone number.

Click the box to prove you're not a robot, then "Submit Registration." And you're done.


AND OPPOSE HB 1059 Protecting minors from sexual exploitation.  

Click HERE to state your OPPOSITION.  This link will take you to a Committee Sign In page. This will not sign you up to testify.

SUMMARY OF THE BILL.: This bill will make photographing a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct a crime (felony). Its name is deceptive; it might be more appropriately called "Protect Drag Queen Story Hour."  The concerned public would not legally be able to photograph the lewd, pornographic and grotesque behavior happening at drag queen story hour events. 

    -This bill does not stop minors from being brought into sexual situations, such as the drag queen story hour dance routines

    -It does make anyone recording or photographing the perverted acts as a felon

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