Call To Action! Stop ESSB 5044 - State Sponsored Discrimination


March 16, 2021 SCRP WA State Legislative Update

This may be one of your last opportunities to let your state legislators know how you feel about their intention to Mandate Institutional Racism in our Education System.

ESSB 5044 tragically already passed in the Senate, and is now in the House.

The House Committee on Education will consider it in Executive Session on March 18, 2021 at 1:30 PM. The title of the bill is “Concerning professional learning, equity, cultural competency, and dismantling institutional racism in the public school system.”

BUT, what it really does is Institute State Sponsored Discrimination -- Our Founding Documents define our principles of fairness as Equal Opportunity; not Equal Outcome!

The Washington State Civil Rights Act forbids discrimination and preferences based on race and gender. ESSB 5044 mandates the division of people based on a definition delegated to an unelected Bureaucracy.

“Equity”, falsely claims to achieve fairness by treating people differently dependent on perceived need, Equality achieves fairness by treating everyone the same!

Equity concentrates POWER IN THE GOVERNMENT by treating people differently as determined by government.


Also Please E-mail everyone on the Education House Committee and ask them to STOP THIS BILL! Here is the link to view Committee Agenda, Docs and Video HERE

Here is the email list to copy and paste in to field:;;;;;;;;;;;;


                  Snohomish, Skagit and Island GOP Counties Joint Resolution Concerning      

                                                 Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5044

An act relating to equity, cultural competency, and dismantling institutional racism in the public school system.

Whereas; The Washington State Senate passed Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5044; and 

Whereas; ESSB 5044 states that institutional racism exists in our public school system and must be dismantled, although in ESSB 5044 there is no definition that defines what Institutional Racism is; and this characterization of teachers and school boards is in itself highly racist and an insult to our public school workforce; and

Whereas; our Founding Documents define our principles of fairness as Equal Opportunity; not Equal Outcome; and our Declaration of Independence clearly states that all men are created equal, but does not guarantee equal outcomes for any student or citizen; and one of the fundamental principles of the United States of America is equality, meaning equal justice under the law; and

Whereas; Equity achieves fairness by treating people differently dependent on need, while equality achieves fairness by treating everyone the same regardless of need. Equity concentrates power in the government by treating people differently as determined by government. Equality gives power to the people; and

Whereas; The Democrat Party has controlled the legislature and the executive branch of government for the last forty years; and therefore is responsible for state public school policy. And the Washington Education Association and its members are also responsible for instituting racial curriculum and controlling the educational standards in the public schools in Washington State; and

Be it therefor resolved that the Republican Parties of Snohomish, Skagit, and Island Counties declare that the Washington State Democrat Senate Leadership has performed a terrible disservice to the entire Washington State Educational system by passing ESSB 5044 through the State Senate; and

Be it finally resolved that we strongly disapprove of SB 5044 and request that the Washington State House of Representatives do not pass this bill.



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