Historic WA State GOP Caucuses a Big Success!

<em>Edit Promo Post</em> October 2024 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

January 13, 2024, was a historic day for the Washington State Republican Party. We are changing the way Republicans in Washington State campaign for statewide and congressional office. Thousands of grassroots Republican voters attended their local “precinct caucuses”, with the opportunity to be elected as “delegates” to their county convention, with the hopes of becoming 1 of 2,500 delegates elected to the state convention in April.

Skagit County GOP Caucuses were well attended and hundreds of Delegates were elected to the March 9, GOP County Convention.

At the state convention in April, for the first time ever, 2,500 grassroots Republicans from all 39 counties will have the opportunity to endorse statewide executive candidates including Governor, a US Senate candidate, and congressional candidates from their respective districts.

Historically, the WAGOP has remained neutral during the primary elections. The candidates that receive endorsements at the April state convention will now receive the support of the WAGOP and Republican activists from April to the primary election in August, and then through the general election in November.

For too long, Republican campaigns have wasted time and millions of dollars fighting each other in over-crowded primary elections - which can last over a year - and then winners of the primary only have 90 days to make their case to the general voting public.

By holding statewide grassroots endorsements in April, Republicans can essentially add 3.5 months to the general election calendar, while helping endorsed candidates spend more time and resources winning over independent - and even Democrat - swing voters with our WAGOP message of common sense policies and solutions that build prosperity for our state.

The best example for endorsing candidates early at the state convention, and allowing grassroots Republicans to have a voice in selecting the candidates that represent our Republican Party, is the 2021 victory of Governor Glenn Youngkin in Virginia.


LOCATION: 14245 McFarland Rd, Mount Vernon (Map)

According to the latest Real Clear Politics 2024 Republican Presidential polling data from several pollsters as of January 9, the 45th President of the United States President Donald J Trump is leading the nearest challenger, Nikki Haley, by 49.8 points. Currently, Trump leads with 61.1%, Haley with 11.3%, DeSantis with 10.9%, Ramaswamy with 4.1%. Article

Iowa Poll shows Nikki Haley leads Ron DeSantis in Iowa Caucuses. Donald Trump far ahead

Trump Wins Iowa Caucus

Trump 51%

DeSantis: 21%

Haley: 19%

Ramaswamy: 8%

STATE OF IOWA STRAW POLL - 2/3 say in 2020 Trump won and election was stolen by Biden 

NOW YOU KNOW: The One County Out of 99 that Trump Lost in Iowa Ran Out of Party-Switch Forms on Caucus Night (VIDEO)


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