March 2021 Chairman's Corner Newsletter

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The 2021 WA State Legislative session is now in full swing and the dangerous Democrat Socialist agenda is playing itself out. Dems actually passed legislation out of committee that would legalize possession of hard drugs including meth and heroin. This is in addition to passing the unconstitutional No Open Carry at the State Capitol law. Additionally their plans to pass an unconstitutional capital gains income tax, and a large gas tax increase continue.

The House Democrat's transportation budget includes a 2-year phased-in 18 cent gas tax increase that would be tied to the consumer price index, which means it will continue to go up in perpetuity with no public input or legislative oversight. It also includes a carbon tax on industry that will be passed on to consumers. Together, they would raise the price per gallon of gas by at least $1 (and that's not including any new potential low carbon fuel standard).

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The Dems transportation plan also includes a 50% increase in license tab fees, and increases to personal trailer fees, trip permit fees, title fees, RV fees, and car rental fees.

There is absolutely no need to raise taxes. In 2020 revenues actually increased as the Covid mandates funneled economic dollars from wiped out small businesses to large corporate giants such as Amazon, Walmart and Costco. 

The House Republicans 2021-23 budget lead is Rep. Drew Stokesbary who says "operating budget framework demonstrates that it's possible to fund the state's existing needs and emergency priorities without raising taxes or cutting vital services. This isn't a budget that will grow government or serve special interests, it's a proposal that will help people – working families, growing students, vulnerable people, small businesses, and all Washingtonians.” More Here

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Here is a summary of some of the many 2021 legislative bills:

SB 5043: Would allow schools to pass levies to pay for housing for school employees

SB 5438: Providing unemployment benefits to illegal aliens who are unemployed as a result of the Covid-19 and not eligible for unemployment benefits due to immigration status.

SHB 1236: Prohibits a housing provider from evicting a tenant or terminating a tenancy unless they meet "just cause" criteria determined by the state. Mandates that a housing provider must renew a fixed-term lease at the end of the term unless the tenancy is in the first year.

HB 1499: legalizes all “personal” drug possession to include heroin, meth, cocaine, and anything else. If someone, even a school-aged child, is caught with “personal” drugs, up to and including a heroin needle inserted in their arm, no arrests could be made and no fines imposed. 

SB 5038: Prohibits firearm "open carry" in public spaces during any demonstration.

SB 5078: Limits firearm magazine capacity to 10 rounds.

HB 1164: Bans the sale, transfer and possession of rifle or pistol magazines of more than 10 rounds. 

HB 1229: "Assault weapons” ban which includes a long list of semi-automatic popular rifles used for for hunting, target shooting, rifle clubs, and three-gun competitions. Banning a weapon based on how it looks is unconstitutional.

HB 1283: Bans open carry in our state. It prohibits “acting with three or more persons and openly carrying or displaying a weapon in a manner in which a reasonable person would feel threatened.” 

HB 1169: Removes the requirement that multiple firearm or deadly weapon enhancements must be served consecutively. In effect, this reduces the sentences for violent criminals – felons – who commit crimes with firearms.

HB 1078: Allows felons the right to vote immediately after serving their sentence and leaving prison, rather than petitioning to have that right restored, as is current law. 

SB 5044: Mandates equity, diversity, inclusion, and anti-racism curriculum to existing cultural competency standards and training for public school students, school board directors, district staff, and school staff. This is forced racist BLM Inc. liberal indoctrination that ties the hands of school boards and mandates a list of state trainings for public school educators and students. 

SB 5227: Another indoctrination program on diversity, equity, inclusion, and "anti" racism mandated training for all public institutions of higher education (faculty and staff) beginning with the 2022-23 academic year. Requires all public institutions of higher education to conduct campus climate assessments on diversity, equity, and inclusion annually. 

SB 5045: Establishes a state meat and poultry inspection program only if the Department of Agriculture (WSDA) has full federal approval for the program.. Sets more inspection requirements under the meat and poultry inspection program.

SB 5096: Imposes a 9.0 percent capital gains tax beginning January 1, 2022.

HB 1496: Creates a more progressive tax system in Washington by enacting a Capital Gains Income Tax on sales and extraordinary profits of high valued assets.

HB 1406: Creates a Washington state wealth tax and includes taxing extraordinary financial intangible assets.

SB 5426: Creating a state wealth tax and taxing extraordinary financial intangible assets.

HB 1025: Allows cities, counties, metropolitan park districts, and park and recreation districts to submit an authorizing proposition to voters to impose a local sales and use tax of 0.1 percent. 

SB 5182: Repeals the requirement that advisory votes for tax increase legislation appear on the ballot and voters' pamphlet. A Very Dangerous Precedent if this passes.

HB 1068: Exempts from disclosure under the Public Records Act (PRA) continuity of operations plans for election operations, security risk assessments, and other election security records. Exempts from disclosure under the PRA portions of records that contain information related to election security, operations, and infrastructure. 

HB 1233: Allows a county to provide for limited areas of more intensive rural development and to determine what development and redevelopment is consistent with the character of the existing area through local development regulations. Allows a county to set and, when needed to primarily serve the needs of the existing population or to connect two separate areas, to expand the logical outer boundary for limited areas of more intensive rural development. Needed legislation to address the housing shortage!

HB 1054: Would make it illegal to use a police dog off leash to apprehend fleeing Felons. Terrible legislation that puts law enforcement in harms way.

SB 5292: Requires the Department of Health to convene a new task force to develop parks prescription pilot programs.

HB 1072: Provides free legal council to illegal aliens.

HB 1009: Adds abortion coverage to student health plans.

SB 5185: Allows children as young as 13 to make health care decisions without notifying parents.

SB 5053: Notification of the parents or guardians of a minor in cases of abortion (will notify parents if their young daughter has an abortion). DEAD

HB 1334: The REAL Recovery for Washington Act. This GOP bill would provide immediate financial support to struggling families and businesses, accelerate the safe reopening of schools. Making appropriations to revive our economy and accelerate a lasting recovery for Washington. DEAD

HB 1176: Would allow high school students who willfully and intentionally vandalize or destroy school property (think computers, desks, uniforms, windows, etc.) to get their diplomas and transcripts without paying for the damage they've done.

FOR IMPORTANT DAILY UPDATES SEE SKAGITREPUBLICANS.COM BLOG page. And to view WA State Legislative Important Resource Links see the Info For Voters page on the website. Also while legislators are in session please frequently Make Your Voice Heard and Call the Legislative Hotline: 1.800.562.6000

Redistricting: Every 10 years, after each new census count, the two main political parties adjust the boundaries of State Legislative and U.S. House of Representatives districts to account for population shifts. The process can be grueling. In 1983, after decades of tough redistricting fights, the Legislature did what voters asked for: they amended the state constitution to place political mapping in the hands of a bipartisan commission.

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The Redistricting Commission now consists of two Republicans and two Democrats picked by leaders of the State Legislature. An all important fifth member is chosen by the four voting members to act as a non-voting chairperson. The 2021 members include:

(R) Joe Fain, Senate Republican Caucus Appointee

(R) Paul Graves, House Republican Caucus Appointee

(D) April Sims, House Democratic Caucus Appointee

(D) Brady Walkinshaw, Senate Democratic Caucus Appointee

The 5th member chosen was Sarah Augustine. She is a professional mediator and Director of the Dispute Resolution Center of Yakima and Kittitas Counties.

The bipartisan commission works together to draw new maps for the state's 10 congressional and 49 legislative districts. If you have question, or want to leave a comment email:

The WA State Senate has a new Freedom Caucus! The founding members are LD 42 Sen. Ericksen, Ferndale, Sen. Phil Fortunato, Auburn, Sen. Mike Padden, Spokane Valley, and Sen. Jim McCune, Graham, who say:

Freedom is the watchword for the new Senate Freedom Caucus, advocate for lower taxes, responsible state spending, individual liberties and a government that gets out of the people’s way.

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The new caucus will advocate for core conservative principles. Sen. Doug Ericksen says The Freedom Caucus will tackle big-picture issues that often cannot be encompassed by broader political caucuses that must represent a wide variety of views.

Last month I was named Chairman of the Washington State Republican Party Election Integrity Committee for 2021-22. The Committee includes 29 committed members representing 26 of our state's counties. Election Integrity is a major issue in our state and nation as much of the American population has lost faith in our election systems. 

This is a very Proactive Committee dedicated to working together in helping find constructive solutions to help restore Election Integrity and the trust of the voters by fighting for free and fair elections! Our focus is on identifying areas and vulnerabilities in the election system and offering proactive solutions to eliminate the potential for fraud.

SCRP Voter Integrity Project Update: Government Watchdog Cody Hart, who is Co-chairing the Skagit County Election Integrity Committee, has complied a detailed report of many voter irregularities that happened in the Skagit County elections department. Records indicate that under the direction of Skagit County Auditor Sandy Perkins, the Auditor's office knowingly deleted five election camera video files in their entirety. The information was obtained via dozens of records requests since November 2020, a meeting with the county auditor, and detailed forensic analysis with several pages of footnotes. Of Interest: David Cunningham, who had been Director of Skagit County Elections and Chief Deputy Auditor, decided to retire on or about November 12 (in the middle of counting the 2020 General Elections results).  MORE HERE

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At the national level polls indicate that over 80% of Republicans believe there was widespread voter fraud during the November Presidential election between President Donald Trump and Joe Biden. People that have been researching the evidence, including thousands of witnessed affidavits know the truth that this election was stolen from the American people. The evidence is everywhere and more keeps coming out every day.

While mainstream media outlets continue to either ignore or downplay the impacts of voter fraud on the 2020 election, the thousands of irregularities surrounding the vote raises many questions and concerns in the states of Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada and Arizona. Examples of election irregularities in these and other states like Minnesota include using Covid-19 to unlawfully usurp state laws. More Here

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YES, Voter Fraud is Real! The national election of 2020 was the culmination of years of work by the Left to weaken free and fair elections in America. Leftist Political Operatives have been working steadily for decades to create a system of laws that facilitate voter fraud such as Same Day Registration, Motor Voter Registration without proof of Citizenship verification,and Mail in Voting. In 2020 with drummed up rhetoric against President Trump and using Covid -19 they implemented their plan. VIDEO: Unmasked - The truth about the 2020 election

Four Arrested in Texas on 150 Counts of Voter Fraud: 4 people were arrested in Texas last month on 150 counts of voter fraud dating back to the 2018 Medina County Primary Election, according to reports.

The Texas AG's Election Fraud Unit on Feb. 11 arrested Medina County Justice of the Peace Tomas Ramirez, and earlier detained Leonor Rivas Garza, Eva Ann Martinez and Mary Balderrama on election fraud allegations. According to a release from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s office, the case involved allegations of vote harvesting at assisted living centers in Medina County in the 2018 Medina County Primary Election. More here

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Through investigative research and forensic legal analysis, the American Conservative Union has uncovered the Left's strategy to make it almost impossible to trace illegal ballots -- Election Integrity and Accontability Project Info Here.

A Sept, 2020 Judicial Watch (JW) Study found 353 counties nationwide had more voter registrations than citizens old enough to vote, i.e., counties where registration rates exceed 100%. In Oct. 2020 JW filed a lawsuit in federal court to force Colorado to clean up its voter rolls. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of itself and three residents of Colorado against Jena Griswold, Colorado Secretary of State, and the State of Colorado for failing to clean the state’s voter rolls as required by the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA). The lawsuit argues:  

JW alleges that 40 of Colorado’s 64 counties had voter registration rates exceeding 100% of the eligible citizen voting-age population. The share of Colorado counties with registration rates exceeding 100% was the highest in the nation. 

Data Colorado itself provided to the federal Election Assistance Commission (EAC) showed that Colorado was lagging in the processing and removal of certain classes of ineligible registrations belonging to those who had moved out of state. In 8 Colorado counties, more than 1 in 6 registrations belonged to an inactive voter. 

Earlier this year, JW sued Pennsylvania and North Carolina for failing to make reasonable efforts to remove ineligible voters from their rolls as required by federal law. The lawsuits allege that the two states have nearly 2 million extra names on voter registration rolls. 

In 2018, the Supreme Court upheld a voter-roll cleanup program that resulted from a JW settlement of a federal lawsuit with Ohio. California settled a NVRA lawsuit with Judicial Watch and last year began the process of removing up to 1.6 million inactive names from LA County’s voter rolls. Kentucky also began a cleanup of hundreds of thousands of old registrations last year after it entered into a consent decree to end another JW lawsuit. In September 2020, JW sued Illinois for refusing to disclose voter roll data in violation of Federal law. 

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Daja Vu all over again, instead of Joe Biden caught bragging about "Putting together the most extensive and and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics." VIDEOThis time it was Michigan Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey who was caught saying that the January 6 Capitol takeover was “staged” and “pre-arranged.” Video Here

In the video, Shirkey said the events that occurred in DC on Jan 6 "have been a hoax since day one, and that was all pre-arranged.'" He then admits that the violent actors came in separately from the rest of the crowd. “They came in on separate buses, that was all, you know, you know, arranged by somebody who was funding them,” said Shirkey. “Why wasn’t there more security? It was ridiculous, it was ridiculous, it was all staged.”

Georgia’s Fulton County’s Board of Registration and Elections voted last Tuesday in favor of removing its Election Director, Richard Barron following a mistake-marred and disputed 2020 election cycle.

Problems with balloting in the county emerged in the June primaries and resurfaced in the November General Election. The county’s efforts were criticized by the state and the Trump campaign, which argued the results were tainted by voter fraud.

On election night in Atlanta workers were told to go home due to a water main break.  However, we soon found out that this was a lie – there was no water main break.

Barron was on TV a lot after the 2020 election. He was even quoted as saying that no one was told to leave the Atlanta State Farm Arena on election night. He shared this when news of the fake water main break was released. The suspected election fraud occurred late at night by poll counters after all the poll observers went home.

Individuals present at the arena election night signed affidavits saying that they were told to go home that evening. Barron never signed an agreement stating that they were not told to go home.

It’s no surprise that Barron is gone, now will the Fulton County Board bring in an auditor to review every ballot in the county to ensure every ballot was free of fraud and only valid ballots were counted?

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A judge last Friday ruled that Maricopa County must provide some 2.1 million ballots from the Nov. 3 election to the Arizona state Senate and allow access to its election equipment to conduct an audit.

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Timothy Thomason ruled that subpoenas issued by Arizona’s state Senate are valid and should be enforced, and he disputed arguments from Maricopa County officials saying the subpoenas are unlawful. 

“The Court finds that the subpoenas are legal and enforceable,” Thomason wrote in his ruling. “There is no question that the Senators have the power to issue legislative subpoenas. The subpoenas comply with the statutory requirements for legislative subpoenas. The Senate also has broad constitutional power to oversee elections.”

He argued that the “Arizona legislature clearly has the power to investigate and examine election reform matters,” adding that senators can “subpoena material as part of an inquiry into election reform measures.” The move was hailed by Republican legislators in Arizona.

Georgia Senate Passes Voter I.D. for Mail In Ballots -- The Republican-led senate passed S.B. 67, a bill to require photo identification for absentee ballots. John Fredericks explains how the Steve Bannon War Room audience is leading to the first step to fixing the fixed elections in Georgia, after the senate passed a bill requiring voter I.D. for mail-in ballots. VIDEO

“You gotta get involved in Georgia because that general assembly is the litmus test of how to fix the voter irregularities and the fraud going forward,” Fredericks said.

“This is a huge win, if you can’t undo the fix, how are you going to do anything else?” said Bannon, explaining why real fixes to election integrity is critical."

Georgia House Passes Omnibus Election Reform Bill: 

Georgia’s House of Representatives passed an omnibus bill that would reform a range of election rules, including over absentee voting, voter ID for absentee voting, time limits for voting, and more.

The 66-page bill, HB 513 (pdf) passed the Republican majority chamber on a party line vote of 97-72 and is headed to the state Senate for further debate.

State Rep. Barry Fleming, R-Harlem, the main sponsor of the HB 513 bill, said that the proposal was designed to restore voters’ confidence in Georgia’s election system following the 2020 presidential election, which saw numerous allegations of voting irregularities and allegations of election fraud.

Separately, the GOP-majority Senate on Feb. 23 introduced its own version of an omnibus election reform bill, SB 241 (pdf) that has some overlap with HB 531.

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Florida Gov. DeSantis proposes law that would fine Big Tech companies that ‘deplatform’ political candidates. DeSantis said:

“What began as a group of upstart technology companies from the West Coast, has since transformed into an industry of monopoly communications platforms that monitor, influence, and control the flow of information in our country and among our citizens, 'Big Tech' is becoming more like ‘Big Brother’ with each passing  day. Used to be that consumers were trusted to make their own decisions about what information to consume, about which leaders to ‘follow,’ about what news to watch, now those decisions are increasingly made by nameless, faceless boards of sensors.”

"When 2.8 million Americans downloaded the social media app Parler, a self-described “free speech” platform, it was canceled by Amazon, Google, and Apple. What about the 88 million Americans who chose to ‘follow’ Donald Trump [on Twitter]? Sorry! Content moderators on Twitter pulled the plug,” the governor said.

DeSantis said they can’t let Big Tech “manipulate” news content and design algorithms to give an upper hand to the candidates of their choice.

“That’s why in Florida we’re gonna take aim at those companies and pull back the veil and make sure those guys don’t continue to find loopholes and gray areas to live above the law,” DeSantis said. “Under our proposal, if a technology company de-platforms a candidate for elected office in Florida during an election, that company will face a daily fine of $100,000 until the candidate’s access to the platform is restored.”

DeSantis also proposed that if a company promotes a candidate for office against another, the value of that free promotion must be recorded as a political campaign contribution. Video Here

Hillsdale College Free Online Courses — America’s Public Education Hillsdale College was founded in 1844 to provide—to all who wish to learn—the education necessary to perpetuate the blessings of civil and religious liberty. In 2011, the College began producing free online courses in order to extend that mission.

These free, not-for-credit courses are taught by Hillsdale College faculty and are patterned after the education offered on the Hillsdale College campus. They aim to provide students with an education that pursues knowledge of the highest things, provides insight into the nature of God and man, forms character, and defends constitutional government.

Basic facts about current events, our nation’s history, and even reality itself are dismissed or even censored by the Socialist Left. Public life is no longer guided by reasoned argument, but instead by feelings, emotion, or who has the biggest “platform.” Without reason or logic, how can we arrive at certain knowledge? How can we distinguish truth from falsehood? Check out HILLSDALE COLLEGE.

HR 1: Congressional Democrats’ Latest Power Grab H.R. 1 is an attempt to federalize elections and weaponize the Federal Election Commission, even in the midst of a pandemic.

*Democrats’ bill, H.R. 1, would mandate unconstitutional federal “national rules” they have long desired.

*H.R. 1 would transform the Federal Election Commission (FEC) into a partisan 5-member organization under control of the White House.

*The bill promises to expand flawed Vote-by-Mail systems Democrats pushed during the 2020 Presidential election.

*Many election officials say fraud in voting by mail is “vastly more prevalent than the in-person voting fraud.”

Democrats’ $1.9 Trillion massive stimulus bill has very little to do with Covid relief. The bill puts a greater emphasis on fulfilling political goals of the left than it does  helping small businesses and American families.

An analysis by the Center for a Responsible Federal Budget found that more than 15% of the proposed package — about $300 billion — will go toward long-standing policy priorities that are "not directly related to the current crisis." 

*Only 9% of the nearly $2 trillion package goes to Covid relief.

*Only 1% of the spending will go toward accelerating vaccine distribution.

* Just 5% is focused on public health needs.

* $135 million for the National Endowment for the Arts

*Another $135 million earmarked for the National Endowment for the Humanities

* $200 million for the Institute of Museum and Library Sciences

* Over $100 million for a Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) expansion project just outside of Nancy Pelosi’s district in San Francisco.

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The Biden Administration's stimulus bill is not about reopening schools:

The science supports getting students back into the classroom and we should put our students first. Biden’s own CDC Director has said closing the schools does not actually reduce transmission rates: “there is more spread that is happening in the community when schools are not open than when schools are open.”

The CDC Director also noted it’s possible to safely open schools without all teachers being vaccinated. It only has $6 billion to reopen schools in FY2021. The rest of the funding wouldn’t be spent for years, after 100% of Americans are vaccinated.

Remote learning is devastating working parents, especially moms. All the while Joe Biden is letting 25,000 asylum seekers into the U.S., all before getting our children back in schools.

Under President Trump, more than half of the jobs created went to women, but Biden’s refusal to reopen schools is forcing women out of the workforce. It’s time Biden stands up to special interests, listens to the science, and opens the schools!

After 4 years of Peace under President Trump -- Joe Biden decided to bomb Syria last week as the U.S. military carried out an airstrike against an Iranian-backed militia stronghold in Syria. After decades of previous wars, thousands of lives lost, and trillions spent on these nation-building projects in the Middle East that have only caused more instability, you would think we would have learned. Oh, and it’s also allowed Iran to increase its regional clout and they’re about to acquiring nuclear weapons so—(via Fox News):

Wenatchee students were finally allowed back to school after a brutal year long Covid shutdown. However mandates of healthy students wearing masks and music students forced to practice in plastic bubbles are more examples of blatant child abuse.

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A new poll among Republicans showed that former President Donald Trump was chosen over former President Ronald Reagan as the “best president” ever.

In a new Economist/YouGov survey, 36 percent of Republicans called Trump the best, while 18 percent called Reagan the same, 13 percent called President Abraham Lincoln the best, and 11 percent said the same for President George Washington. Republicans chose Reagan over Trump 36 percent to 10 percent in 2018, according to the poll.

“The change in GOP rankings since 2018, when the last survey was conducted, is striking. In 2018, Republicans ranked Reagan first (36 percent), followed by Trump (10 percent). Now, the positions are reversed, with the percentage of Republicans who name Trump as the best President ever having tripled to 36 percent, twice the number who still choose Ronald Reagan (18 percent),” according to the survey.

Rush Limbaugh defined conservatism for a generation. The #1 conservative radio talk show host, whose voice reached tens of millions of Americans for more than 30 years, died at 70 succumbing to late-stage lung cancer. After his passing, many prominent conservatives, in their tributes to America's Anchorman, credited the late patriot with founding the conservative media industry. They remember him as a tireless advocate for beliefs shared by millions of Americans whose voices are to this day ignored by the mainstream, "drive-by media." Rush Limbaugh was a conservative. To understand what that means, to genuinely understand Rush Limbaugh and who he thought he was, there's perhaps no better place to begin than a CPAC speech he gave in 2009 Here.

WHAT?! Amazon is censoring “When Harry Became Sally.” This book is rigorously cited & based on science. So the only reason Amazon would do this is because they don’t want anybody to question the leftist trans ideology.

NBC poll shows good news for GOP: A new NBC poll says a significant number of blue-collar workers no longer believe that the Democratic Party is for them and they’re fleeing to the Republican Party. According to the poll, the number of blue-collar workers who call themselves Republicans has gone up by 12 % in the last decade. Meanwhile, blue-collar workers who identify as Democrats have dropped by eight points. The number of black and Hispanic blue-collar workers who identify as Republican has also gone up, with Hispanics up 13 % and black blue-collar workers up 7 % over that same period of time.

The entire school board of the Oakley, CA Union Elementary School District were forced to resign after a video of them mocking parents was leaked to the public. The president of the School board, Lisa Brizendine, resigned first then the other three members – Kim Beede, Erica Ippolito and Richie Masadas soon followed.

The School Board members in Oakley, CA were caught mocking and trashing parents who desperately want their children back in the classroom during a virtual meeting.

The board did not realize that parents could watch the meeting. One of the board members said that parents just want schools to reopen so they can smoke weed during the day. Another said they want them out of home so we can babysit them. VIDEO

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The Equality Act HR 5: Congressional House Democrat's Equality Act proposed legislation is a threat to our nation's people, businesses, and ministries of faith. In fact the Equality Act is a threat to life as we know it in our nation today:

* The Equality Act designates schools, churches, and healthcare organizations as “public accommodations.” With this, schools, churches, and hospitals could be forced to accept the government’s beliefs and mandates about sexual orientation and gender identity. This is highly intrusive and incredibly far-reaching. 

* The Equality Act will legislate that we allow boys in girls’ sports, boys in girls’ locker rooms, men in women’s shelters, and men in women’s prisons. It will force teachers and students to publicly pretend that a biological male is a female. Schools will be encouraged or mandated to instruct first, second, and third graders that they can choose to be a boy or a girl, or neither, or both, making biological sex (and science) a relic of the past.

* The Equality Act will use the force of law across all 50 states to strip Christian and other religious ministries of their right to hire people of shared faith to pursue a shared mission. Can you imagine a Christian organization being forced to hire people hostile to its deeply held beliefs?

* The Equality Act will strip health care professionals of their rights of conscience. It will force doctors and medical professionals who long to do no harm to engage in gender transition treatments such as hormone-blocking, cross-sex hormones, or surgery. Faith-based practitioners and hospitals would be forced to perform gender transition surgeries that go entirely against all they believe.

* The Equality Act will be a tool used by the government to deny or threaten accreditation to religious colleges and universities if they do not satisfy the demands of the secular Left to apply sexual orientation and gender identity to dorms, sports, places of privacy, and even teachings. The Act could be used as a weapon to threaten the availability of federal student loans and grants to students at certain disfavored religious schools.

* The Equality Act would be used to mandate school curricula that affirm and promote sexual orientation and gender identity views.

*The Equality Act would be used to remove custody rights from parents who refuse to have their minor children undergo transgender medical interventions and procedures.

* The Equality Act exempts itself from the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, religious schools, hospitals, and adoption agencies could face federal sanctions for upholding their teachings with regard to life, sexuality, and marriage under the legislation.

* The Equality Act’s text that names a form of “discrimination on the basis of pregnancy” would be used to punish healthcare providers who refuse to perform an abortion or to outlaw policies that ban funding for the procedure.

Last week the Washington State Supreme Court overturned longstanding precedent and held that the criminal statute prohibiting the possession of controlled substances (narcotics) is now unconstitutional. In delivering a 5 to 4 ruling today, on a case being appealed out of Spokane County, justices on the Washington Supreme Court removed the ability for local, county and state law enforcement to charge someone with possession of a controlled substance. The Inslee appointed leftists on the court are in lock step with the Socialist Agenda playing itself out. It is outrageous that the court is taking away common sense Rule-of-Law. More here

Donald Trump told Fox News on Sunday that he had expressed concern days before the Capitol riots that the rally crowds in Washington D.C. may be larger than expected and he personally requested 10,000 National Guardsmen to support Capitol police.

Trump said “his team alerted the Department of Defense days before the rally that crowds might be larger than anticipated and 10,000 national guardsmen should be ready to deploy.”  “He said that — from what he understands — the warning was passed along to leaders at the Capitol, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi — and he heard that the request was rejected because these leaders did not like the optics of 10,000 troops at the Capitol.” Trump’s statements align with former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows last month, who said that Trump gave a “direct order” for “10,000 National Guard troops” to be ready.

Governor Greg Abbot of Texas on Tuesday ended his statewide mask mandate while allowing all businesses in the state to fully reopen. “With the medical advancements of vaccines and antibody therapeutic drugs, Texas now has the tools to protect Texans from the virus. We must now do more to restore livelihoods and normalcy for Texans by opening Texas 100 percent,” Gov. Abbott said.

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South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem: "Covid Didn’t Crush the Economy, Government did and Why America needs Conservatives Now More than Ever." Noem told the audience at last weekend's annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) that lockdowns and other restrictions imposed by state and local governments were to blame for the economic crash in 2020, not the pandemic which they were intended to snuff out. 

“In my administration, we resisted the call for virus control at the expense of everything else. We looked at the science, the data, and the facts, and then we took a balanced approach.”

Noem said that as a result, South Dakota now has the lowest unemployment rate in the nation and that the state’s economy is booming!" Video Here

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Yesterday Donald Trump gave a 90 minute speech at CPAC and hinted at a potential 2024 run, saying "I May Even Decide to Beat Them For a Third Time" and saying: "Joe Biden has had the most disastrous first month of any President in modern history, already the Biden administration has proven that they are anti jobs, anti-family, anti-borders, anti-energy, anti woman and anti- science. We have gone from America First to America Last." Full Speech Here

The Clark County Republican Party (CCRP) Central Committee voted to censure Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler. The vote took place at the CCRP’s first quarterly Central Committee meeting last week. There are already three candidates — Yacolt resident Joe Kent, Battle Ground resident Heidi St. John, and Vancouver resident Wadi Yakhour who have announced they will challenge in 2022. All 3 cited Herrera Beutler’s vote to impeach President Donald Trump as a prime reason for their candidacy.

The Skagit Republican Women's Group meets the first Tuesday of each month at 9:30 AM. This month's meeting is tomorrow. For more information call (206) 550-1836.

Our next SCRP Central Committee meeting is this Saturday, March 6 at noon. Next month's Central Committee meeting on Saturday, April 3rd will be only about 15 minutes as we are having our PCO / Precinct Captain Training that day from 12:15 PM - 2:15 PM. For more info call (360) 820-1700.



Respect and Blessings,

Bill Bruch, SCRP Chairman


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