THE 2024 SKAGIT COUNTY REPUBLICAN PARTY COUNTY CONVENTION WILL BE HELD SATURDAY, MARCH 9 FROM 10 AM to 3 PM at the Mt. Vernon Freedonia Grange. If you plan on attending (if possible) please arrive between 9 am - 9:30 am to register. Cost is $25 which includes materials/handouts, lunch, and beverages.
TO ATTEND (IF YOU HAVE NOT YET) PLEASE RSVP: SCRP Chair Bill Bruch (360) 820-1700- Email:
At the convention, we be discussing and voting on important 2024 SCRP Resolutions and the SCRP Platform and will be electing Delegates and Alternates for the WAGOP State "Endorsement" convention being held in Spokane April 18-20. Also, elected officials and candidates will be giving speeches and taking questions, including Pete Serrano for AG. MORE INFO HERE
The 2024 WA GOP State Convention is April 18th - 20th at the Spokane Convention Center. Over 2,500 PCO Delegates from all 39 counties will be voting to endorse candidates in 2024. Don't miss it, the state convention is a hallmark event for Republicans across WA State. It's a time to come together, chart a path forward, and formally endorse federal and statewide candidates.
Even if you are not a delegate, you can still be a guest to the state convention:
- Candidates for Statewide office, Congress, and Legislature
- National speakers for lunch and dinner events
- Workshops with national experts
- Network with hundreds with Republican groups
- Social events with 3,000+ Republicans
- State Party officers from all 39 counties
- Vendor exhibits from dozens of conservative groups

Washingtonians, who turned in more than 2.7 million signatures, have reason to celebrate, as three Republican-backed measures scored public hearings—even as Legislative Democrats tried to the thwart the Democratic process, as mandated by the Washington State Constitution. Three (of six) common-sense citizen initiatives to fix what’s broken in Washington state, concerning police vehicle pursuits, taxes and parental rights in public schools could be settled by state lawmakers before the session ends on March 7. “If we can get these [initiatives] into law sooner, that’s better,” says WAGOP Chairman Jim Walsh. “I believe in these policies. I’ll take the win,” adds Walsh, who is also the author of the six initiatives to the Legislature. Post
THE INITIATIVES: Good Government Policy and Simple Solutions
I-2113: REASONABLE POLICE PURSUIT - Expect to be law
This measure would remove certain restrictions on when peace officers may engage in vehicular pursuits. Such pursuits would be allowed when the officer has a "reasonable suspicion" a person has violated the law, pursuit is necessary to identify or apprehend the person, the person poses a threat to the safety of others, and those safety risks are greater than those of the pursuit.
I-2081: PARENTAL NOTIFICATION - Expect to be law
This measure would allow parents and guardians of public-school children to review instructional materials and inspect student records, including health and disciplinary records, upon request.
I-2111: NO STATE INCOME TAX - Expect to be law
This measure would prohibit the state, counties, cities, and other local jurisdictions from imposing or collecting income taxes, defined as having the same meaning as “gross income” in the Internal Revenue Code.
I-2109: REPEAL THE CAPITAL GAINS TAX - Expect to go on ballot in Nov.
This measure would repeal an excise tax imposed on the sale or exchange of certain long-term capital assets by individuals who have annual capital gains of over $250,000.
It would require public schools to provide parents and guardians with certain notifications, including medical services given and when students are taken off campus; access to calendars and certain policies; written notice and opportunities to opt students out of comprehensive sexual-health education; answering certain surveys or assignments.
I-2117: STOP THE HIDDEN GAS TAX - Expect to go on ballot in Nov.
This measure would prohibit state agencies from imposing any type of Carbon Tax / Credit Trading and repeal Cap & Invest program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It also REPEALS the wretched cap-and-trade tax scheme which doesn't do anything to stop pollution or greenhouse gasses and has driven gasoline and diesel prices up $1/gallon. It is a regressive tax that hurts working families harder than rich people.
I-2124: OPT OUT OF STATE-RUN LTC COVERAGE - Expect to go on ballot in Nov.
People can't afford another payroll tax! Allow working Washingtonians to opt out of the state government's insolvent "long-term care" tax scheme. It's an unpopular and expensive deduction out of working people's paychecks. Benefit is minimal. Taxpayers lose benefit if they move out of state.
PANIC is setting in among legislative Democrats in Olympia, as citizen initiatives to repeal the egregious cap-and-trade tax scheme (I-2117) and the states newly passed capital gains income tax (I-2109) head to the November ballot—where the voters will decide. “There is a real opportunity for Republicans and common-sense conservatives to see thru the blarney, the fearmongering, and the panic,” says WAGOP Chairman Jim Walsh. “The truth is strong. The truth is standing tall—above all the blarney. The truth is our budgets are still running surpluses, as they have been for nearly a decade. We are collecting more than enough tax money here, in Olympia and can easily repeal these two taxes, and there will be NO effect on fundamental basic services—despite partisan rhetoric, framing, and fearmongering from Democrats. Video
WA State Initiatives on ballot convince State Dems to abandon proposed tax increase
Nearly 90% of those who testified at public hearing in Olympia support I-2111: NO INCOME TAX! This is a big win for the democratic process in WA—despite efforts by Legislative Democrats to delay hearings on three of six initiatives. “Initiative 2111 is designed to codify into law, the state’s longstanding tradition of not having an income tax based on personal income,” said WAGOP Chairman Jim Walsh, who is the author all six common-sense citizen initiatives (to fix what’s broken in WA) to the Legislature. “It’s been drafted narrowly so that it only applies to personal income, it does not apply to any other sort of tax and also it is designed really to support the good fiscal traditions of this state,” added Walsh. Article
Lawmakers won’t act on WA long-term care ballot initiative
Washington state lawmakers consider police pursuit and parents’ rights initiatives
Thurston County Sheriff and others denied testimony. Walsh condemns Dems allowing filibustering at Olympia public hearing on I-2113 (restoring vehicular pursuits) by out-of-state “experts,” depriving law enforcement officials and citizens from across the state the opportunity to testify. Video
Republicans, others lament 'sham of a hearing' on police pursuit initiative. State Sen. Lynda Wilson: “This whole thing was staged, then we finally got to hear from the public, and we go to remote testimony. We’ve got a room full of people who drove from all over to be here, and we go to someone in New York City.” Article / Post
Brian Heywood's Hearing Testimony on I-2113 to restore reasonable police pursuit
A twelve-year-old Immaculee Goldade lost her life to a criminal who fled in a stolen vehicle and was high on meth. The police were not allowed to pursue. Current law prevented pursuit (Legislative Democrats’ HB 1054 in 2021). Immaculee's mother, Amber, explains why we must pass Initiative 2113 to restore reasonable police pursuits. Video

OLYMPIA BILL KILLING! SB 5856 wanting to make it illegal for citizens to challenge "Inactive" voters may be dead. The whole concept of "Inactive" voters (staying on the roll) as a classification of being a registered voter is ridiculous, there should only be active registered voters on the rolls.
The fight is over, SB 5770 - allowing local governments to increase your property taxes 3% a year - has ended! It will NOT receive a vote in 2024. 8,500+ people testified against the bill in committee.
House Democrats pass "rent control" guaranteeing an increase in rent. HB 2114, passed the State House on a party line vote, but looks like it died in the Senate. This Rent control law is terrible for tenants. It decreases available rental property and creates an ‘apartment lock’ where apartment-seekers have fewer choices. Article
HB 2331 would create yet another reason for families to leave the public education system. The bill passed along strict party lines. Sponsors of the bill seek to punish school districts for exercising local control over classroom curriculum and materials. It would give a state-level official, the SOPI, the authority to cut the budget of any school district that they decide is not using certain books, lesson plans or other materials in class. The bill directly contradicts long-standing state policy that community-based school boards and parents have the right to run their own public schools. Article
3 minutes that prove Democrats have lost their way: Last year, Dems argued in support of a bill to hide LGBTQ+ children from parents without any evidence of abuse or harm. Last night, Dems argued against an amendment to protect kids from parents who abuse fentanyl around them. Post
HB 1889 would encourage more illegal immigration and take away jobs from Americans
SHB 2368 Is a very troubling, proposed law by the state legislature that authorizes the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) to coordinate statewide efforts to “assist” Immigrants and Refugees with millions of dollars of tax-payer cash and services. The bill codifies the Office of Refugee and Immigrant Assistance within the DSHS and designates DSHS as the lead state agency responsible for the development, review, and administration of the Washington State ‘plan’ for refugee settlement. 1,587 people went on the record as CON and 310 as PRO. That is more than a 5 to 1 ratio of people, an absolute massive majority of very concerned citizens that are opposed to SHB 2368. Article
Washington House lawmakers have unanimously passed a bill to increase K-12 special education funding by another $185 million in the coming years. HB 2180 will spend about $28.6 million more on special education in the 2023-2025 budget, $76.5 million from 2025-2027 and $80 million from 2027-2029. Article
WA State Democrats failure - K-12 school results down - Crime up and police attacked - Cost of living explodes. This left-wing failure chases away children, families and all people. Article
WA State diverted $340M in federal COVID funds to immigrants, including via $1,000 checks. A new report is highlighting how federal COVID funds were used in Washington state to give $1,000 checks to illegal immigrants who were ineligible to receive federal economic impact payments during the pandemic due to their immigration status. Article
So, That's How Washington State Spent $340 Million in COVID Funds
Jim Walsh: Questions about reports that WA State gave $340 million of federal money to illegal immigrants during & after COVID, 10% of money went to connected orgs. Post

$460 million in C19 cash diverted for illegal migrants in WA - while local citizens suffer. $460 million of Covid19 relief funds was used to subsidize illegal immigration in Washington State rather to help mitigate the damage being done by Governor Inslee and AG Ferguson's abusive lockdown world policies. This story was originally exposed by Jason Rantz in Seattle (KTTH - 770 am). #1 - the fact that once again, the state (government) promises to use a pile of cash for one purpose, but it often gets diverted to something completely different. We can't trust these guys to ever be honest or tell us the truth. #2 - there is no accountability. Video
Dangerous crash-and-grabs are the latest iteration of the breakdown of public safety across Washington—compliments of reprehensible policies by Olympia Democrats that prioritize criminals. Not victims of crime. It's time to restore law-and-order across our state. Article
Sadly, on Tuesday the Skagit County Republican Party Central Committee was forced to have a discussion and take a vote we did not want to take. The SCRP voted unanimously to formally Censure Legislative District 39 State Representatives Carolyn Eslick and Sam Low for their sponsorship and voting for SHB 2368. Legislative District 39 is approximately 25 % in Skagit County and 75% in Snohomish County.

Here is the Resolution:
Resolution to Censure State Representatives Carolyn Eslick and Sam Low
Whereas SHB 2368 is a new proposed law by the Washington State legislature that authorizes the Department of Social and Health Services to coordinate statewide efforts to “assist” Immigrants and Refugees with appropriated tax-payor cash and services.
Whereas Legislative District 39 State House Representatives Carolyn Eslick and Sam Low Co-sponsored SHB 2368 along with several State Democrats.
Whereas State Representatives Carolyn Eslick and Sam Low and the State House Democrats voted in favor of SHB 2368.
Whereas at a townhall held in Concrete on February 17, 2024, Representatives Eslick and Low were asked to explain their actions, and they took the opportunity to continue their support of SHB 2368.
Whereas SHB 2368 puts the infrastructure in place to enable, encourage, and condone illegal immigration, criminal trafficking, and human smuggling into Washington State.
Whereas SHB 2368 will increase pressure on housing, healthcare, and schools and increase the potential for more violence, crime, and deadly drug distribution (including Fentanyl) contributing to the degradation of Washington State.
Whereas SHB 2368 creates more financial burden on the taxpayers and adds to the unending tax-payor funded government bureaucracy in Washington State.
Whereas SHB 2368 conflicts with Republican and Conservative principles, and the Skagit County Republican Party platform.
Now, Therefore Be It Resolved; on February 27, 2024, the Skagit County Republican Party Central Committee hereby formally Censures Legislative District 39 State Representatives Carolyn Eslick and Sam Low. MORE HERE
ALSO: The Snohomish County 39th Legislative District Republican Committee recently voted to Censure State Representatives Carolyn Eslick and Sam Low.
The WAGOP Plan to Restore Rational Immigration Policy - The WA State Republican Party (WAGOP) believes it’s time to ACT against the Biden Administration’s failed open border policies and WA Democrats’ disastrous waste of taxpayer money. The current tension between the federal government and the state governments, especially in Texas is an urgent issue for all Americans—including all Washingtonians. And a call to action!

The WAGOP stands with Texas at this critical moment. Texas is acting in the best interest of its residents and all U.S. residents by enforcing this country’s immigration law when the current White House administration will not.
“The Biden Administration’s disastrous open-border policy is allowing fentanyl to destroy Washington’s neighborhoods, straining Washington’s public-benefit and service systems and exposing everyone in Washington to personal safety risks,” says WAGOP Chairman Jim Walsh. “This recklessness and lawlessness cannot go on." Texas is making that case eloquently—through bold action.
And in Washington State the WAGOP principles on immigration include:
Repudiate and reverse the empty virtue signaling of so-called “sanctuary state” and “sanctuary city” policies.
Repair damage to public safety caused by 2019’s State Senate Bill 5497 (for details on the problems this law has caused, see the WA Attorney General’s information page.
Narrow the scope and mission of the WA Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) Office of Refugee and Immigrant Assistance (ORIA) to cooperate with federal agencies to repatriate undocumented immigrants.
Extract Washington state agencies from immigrant resettlement programs administered by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR).
Support common-sense reforms like the Equal Representation Act that requires the U.S. Census Bureau to include a citizenship question on any future census, to better delineate the U.S. population between citizens and non-citizens for apportionment purposes.
It would also prohibit non-citizens from being counted for the purposes of congressional district and Electoral College apportionment.
Defend efforts to protect national sovereignty and the rule of law, including restoring WA law-enforcement agencies’ ability to chase criminals and criminal suspects.
Support enforcement of current U.S. immigration laws, including the use of immigration detainers and other law-enforcement tools.
Promote legal immigration through merit-based processes—and ending so-called “chain migration” and related justifications for ignoring immigration law.
Encourage the legal and regulated use of temporary and/or seasonal immigrant labor through federal programs like the federal H2A/agricultural worker visa program and re-starting the once-popular “bracero” (guest worker) program that worked effectively in the U.S. for several decades.
Acknowledge the financial drain—including the $340 MILLION given away to illegal immigrants in Washington during the COVID outbreaks and cost of fentanyl and related drugs sweeping through WA neighborhoods—as well as national security consequences of uncontrolled mass illegal immigration.
Prosecute, to the full extent of the law, organized criminal activities of street gangs like the Mara Salvatrucha (a/k/a MS13), which are known to recruit active members from among illegal immigrants to the U.S. Encourage the reversal of the Biden Administration’s disastrous open-border immigration policies. Post
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in Seattle arrested five illegal immigrants convicted of child exploitation crimes last month, fueling migrant crime concerns. This month, they nabbed another two who have enjoyed Washington’s sanctuary state privileges. Among those nabbed by ICE is a man from El Salvador living in Tacoma who was convicted of felony child molestation in the first degree, child molestation in the second degree, and rape of a child in the third degree. Another sex predator is a 24-year-old from Mexico who was living in Fife. He was convicted of possession of depictions of minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct. Article
Dem states, cities overrun by migrants funneled millions in federal Covid-19 aid to support illegals
The Results Are in—Oregon's Total Drug Decriminalization Was a Failure!
ELECTIONS: Under the fog of war, Ukraine cancels its 2024 presidential elections. Zelensky-led government has transformed the country into a totalitarian dictatorship, no semblance of democracy left in Ukraine. Article
RNC Chair McDaniel Announces Resignation. RNC will vote for new Chair March 8.
North Carolina GOP Chair Michael Whatley announced his candidacy to lead the Republican National Committee on Monday. In a letter to the RNC’s 168 members, Whatley highlighted the endorsement he had received for the post from former President Donald Trump, the frontrunner for the GOP nomination. “I have been truly honored to receive President Trump’s endorsement for this position and I hope to earn your vote as we undertake the crucial work of winning up and down the ballot in 2024,” Whatley wrote. Whatley, who has served as RNC’s general counsel, won Trump’s support thanks in part to his focus on “election integrity” issues. Article
Donald Trump's daughter-in-law Lara Trump seeking RNC Co-chair position
Washington State Primary Elections Explained - Washington State has “Open” Presidential Primaries. There is no party registration, but in 2019 Democrat lawmakers set the policy to require voters to affiliate with a party via a declaration (check box on the outside of the envelope sleeve) and then only vote for the candidate of that party. This only happens once every four years, and is the only election conducted this way.

UNDEFEATED - Donald Trump Wins Nevada and US Virgin Islands Caucuses
After a Crushing Defeat in Nevada, Nikki Haley Must Accept This Conclusion - Haley decided not to participate in the caucus, opting to run in the primary where no delegates would be awarded—the Nevada GOP was clear on their position. Haley suffered total humiliation losing to ‘none of these candidates’ by 30 points. Haley could only garner 30.9 % of the vote. The literal ‘no one’ category got 62.9 %. It meant that hordes of Republican voters took time out of their day to drive to the polls and tell Nikki to shove it. Article
As President Trump comes closer to clinching the official Republican Party’s presidential nomination, he scored yet another endorsement in his race to take back the White House—this time from the Florida GOP. Article
Trump Easily Defeats Haley in South Carolina, Her Home State - Trump cruised to victory with the race called moments after polls closed. “There’s a spirit that I’ve never seen,” President Trump said at a watch party in Columbia before a jubilant crowd shortly after the race was called, “I have never seen the Republican party so unified as it is now.” Article
Nearly Half of Nikki Haley’s Voters in the S. Carolina Open Primary Voted for Biden in 2020
Only 16 of Michigan's 55 Republican delegates have been allocated as a result of the primary. The remaining will be allocated at the March 2 Republican convention, via a Caucus Trump is expected to win the remaining 39 delegates because of his grassroots support. Article
'Get out of the way': Tim Scott calls on Nikki Haley to drop out of race for good of America. Article
Donald Trump’s Chances of Winning Are Better Than Ever

Trump gives short list of possible VPs: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, multimillionaire biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida, and former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, a Democrat turned independent. Article
Here is the calendar for important presidential primary contests in the next two weeks:
March 2: Idaho and Missouri Republican presidential caucuses, Michigan Republican convention
March 3: Washington, DC Republican presidential primary
March 4: North Dakota Republican presidential caucuses
March 5: Super Tuesday — Alabama, Alaska Republican presidential primary, American Samoa Democratic presidential caucuses, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Iowa Democratic presidential preference, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah Democratic presidential primary and Republican presidential caucuses, Vermont and Virginia.
March 12: Washington, Georgia, Mississippi, and Hawaii
Why black Republicans are gaining ground nationwide and blacks Dems are reconsidering
CAN TRUMP KILL THE DEEP STATE? Deep State Creatures Do Not Identify As "Public Servants"
FINALLY, Mitch McConnell Stepping Down From Senate Leadership

Musk calls out unfair blue state advantage in elections gained from illegal immigration
Massive percentage of Americans say U.S. is in 'rapid decline' - Economy and world influence described as plunging - 68% of respondents showed "pessimism" about the country, because of Biden's economic practices, the political divisions he's encouraged, and other societal problems.
Dems Freaking out about Tucker Carlson's Interview of Putin - Analysis (18 min into video)
Tucker to be arrested, sanctioned? Elon Musk has brilliant response - Carlson's interview with Vladimir Putin triggers global elites. Article
Col. Douglas Macgregor - Ukraine being obliterated and running out of soldiers - What is next in Russian Ukraine War? Tucker Video Interview
The Censorship Industrial Complex Strikes Again - the National Science Foundation (NSF) worked with academic institutions, including the University of Michigan, the University of Wisconsin, and others — to censor "misinformation" online through Big Tech platforms and search engines. Alarmingly, they're using new AI technology to do it. Article
Unnerving Federal Scheme Spends Millions on AI-Powered Propaganda
A congressional report released by the House Judiciary Committee and its Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government has revealed scheming by Washington bureaucrats to spend millions of taxpayer dollars on propaganda driven by artificial intelligence that would censor information available to Americans.
"The purpose of these taxpayer-funded projects is to develop AI-powered censorship and propaganda tools that can be used by governments and Big Tech to shape public opinion by restricting certain viewpoints or promoting others," the committees said in a report. Article
Government-Funded Entities Are Building a Network to Flag “Misinformation” in Private Messages - More reports are emerging about the various forms of Big Tech/government collusion. Companies getting hired to make massive databases of supposedly unlawful speech that are compiled thanks to users effectively spying and reporting on each other on messaging platforms like WhatsApp. Former State Department official, now executive director of Foundation for Freedom Online, Mike Benz, calls this “a snitch network of citizen informants.” Article
ELECTION INTEGRITY: Former Atlantic City Council President Charged in Mail-in Ballot Fraud Scheme During 2022 Election
Leaked audio reveals Dominion operators being trained to alter election results
Bolsonaro’s dire warning about the current state of Brazil under the RADICAL Lula regime
Corruption in elections has affected the leadership of our country and the critical infrastructure. The problem lies with certifying elections that are not valid or accurate. United Sovereign Americans is using voter registration rolls as evidence and is filing temporary restraining orders against states in order to prevent corruption in the upcoming 2024 election. Article
Mollie Hemingway Breaks Down Everything Wrong With U.S. Elections From Mail-In Ballots To Zuckbucks To Censorship - Instead of having full security and a verifiable chain of custody for ballots being issued, cast, and counted, addresses across the country were flooded with tens of millions of mail-in ballots months ahead of elections frequently to locations from which voters, if they’re even alive, have long since moved, instead of having election administration that is rigorously nonpartisan and impartial under the law.
We have a press that is so corrupt that it is willing to perpetrate hoax after hoax against opposition party members instead of a vibrant public square where Americans can debate issues and express their strongly held views. Big Tech uses its internet power to influence election outcomes. An elaborate censorship industrial complex exists, where the government works hand in hand with tech oligarchs to suppress and blacklist debate on all the important issues that contribute to election outcomes.” Article / Video
Elon Musk: New Immigration Bill ‘Enables Illegals to Vote’
Tucker Carlson on the 2020 Election: ‘It Was 100 Percent Stolen’ (VIDEO)

Mail-In Ballot Fraud Study Finds Trump 'Almost Certainly' Won In 2020 and mail-in ballot fraud “significantly” impacted the presidential election. “Had the 2020 election been conducted like every national election has been over the past two centuries, wherein the vast majority of voters cast ballots in-person rather than by mail, Donald Trump would have almost certainly been re-elected.” Over 43 % of 2020 votes were mail-in, the highest percentage in U.S. history.
‘Biggest Story of the Year’ - In the study, Heartland analysts say that, after reviewing the raw survey data, subjecting it to additional statistical treatment and more thorough analysis, they now believe they can conclude that 28.2 % of respondents who voted by mail committed at least one type of behavior that is “under most circumstances, illegal” and so potentially amounts to voter fraud.
“This means that more than one-in-four ballots cast by mail in 2020 were likely cast fraudulently, and thus should not have been counted." Article
Is an election legally certifiable if the rolls are corrupt?
Google has Usurped Democracy - Across the globe, fair elections no longer exist. Elections are likely to be stolen via search engine manipulation effects (SEME - Search Engine Manipulation Effect). In a series of randomized controlled experiments, it has been shown that more than 20% of undecided voters can be manipulated into voting one way or the other, by simply manipulating (Censorship) of the rankings of search engine results. Studies were published in an article titled “The search engine manipulation effect (SEME) and its possible impact on the outcomes of elections.” Internet search rankings have a significant impact on consumer choices, mainly because users trust and choose higher-ranked results more than lower-ranked results. Article
Microsoft has announced plans to disable the computers of people who share ‘non-mainstream’ content online, in an attempt to combat so-called ‘misinformation’ in the run-up to the 2024 election. Article
How AI Could Play A Role in Future Elections
Craig, the "ballot stuffer," feels betrayed by Democrats so he’s now telling Republicans the secrets of harvesting. Craig says if you want to beat a Democrat, you have to harvest like a Democrat. Video
Massive Census Irregularities / Corruption Exposed. GOP states are short at least 12-16 electoral votes collectively, swinging the Electoral College 24-32 votes toward Dems on account of population cheating. Article
Phill Kline of American Voters’ Alliance, and Naomi Wolf I at DailyClout, teamed up to draft, with AVA’s lawyers, this model bill to clean up our elections. It solves most of the major issues with our current corrupted elections process. This bill takes care of ten serious flaws in our process that, in my view, have meant that since about 2005, when voting machines were introduced everywhere in the US, we really have no idea who has won any election that is digitally counted.
The election-transparency-accountability-and-inclusion-act-model-bill
Ensures paper ballots
If anyone uses machines, the code must be accessible to inspection
It deters “ballot harvesting”
It ensures voters must show US ID as citizens
It ensures that absentee ballots must be affirmatively requested by the elector and witnessed by a witness who signs the form as well, with address
It gets NGOs and nonprofits (often funded by partisan dark money, or “Zuckbucks”) out of the voting process
Voting is a one-day process
The vote is not called until every vote is counted
Vote counting is public (as in our past in the US, when vote counting happened on a raised outside dais in front of everyone in the community)
There is a clear transparent remedy for disputed outcomes Article
Boxed In - Drop Boxes, Vote By Mail and Election Fraud
Democrats Loaded the CISA Election Councils Exclusively with Left-Leaning Groups and Far Left Actors
Voter Roll Clean-Up: List Maintenance for the Masses - How to Get Your Friends to Call ERIC
Tucker interview of Mike Benz Reveals CISA and the Stealing of Elections
A Proposed Federal Election Integrity Law

For more than a decade, Judicial Watch has been fighting to keep elections free and fair. One of the key weapons in this battle is the National Voter Registration Act. The NVRA directs the states to make “a reasonable effort” to remove from voting rolls “the names of ineligible voters” who have been disqualified from voting due to death or change of residence. States—red and blue, Republican and Democrat—often dodge this responsibility, creating opportunities for election fraud and opening the door to illegal votes.
Judicial Watch holds the states accountable. Legal pressure from Judicial Watch has resulted in the removal of more than four million ineligible voters from voter rolls in New York, California, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Kentucky, Ohio, and elsewhere. As JW President Tom Fitton puts it, “cleaner voter rolls mean cleaner elections.” Article
CISA Knew About Mail-in Voting Risks in 2020, But Continued to Censor Criticism Before the Election
Foreign nationals are getting registered to vote across the country
BRAZIL AWAKENS: Hundreds of Thousands Congregate in São Paulo’s Streets to Join Bolsonaro in Largest Protest Since Elections. Video
Tucker Carlson: Biden helped install pro-Chinese government in Brazil - Immediately shut down opposition media, began arresting dissidents. Video

WASHINGTON: WA Voter Research volunteers are helping auditors across WA state remove registered "voters" off the rolls in several counties via voter challenges (at least 50 just in Skagit County in the last 6 months). In the 2023 general election in Skagit, Conservatives won (flipped) a key school board race by 6 votes (6,000 votes counted), won a Sedro-Woolley city council race by 8 votes, and (flipped) a Mount Vernon City Council race by 49 votes. And again, in the most recent 2024 February levy election, a race was decided by ONLY 6 votes. Voter challenges are effective and working via the voter challenge process!
The University of Washington connection to online censorship. Washington’s taxpayers are helping pay for censorship because the UW is providing part of the “army” of specialists doing artificial intelligence modeling, crisis informatics, and other research. Several UW Centers are partially funded by federal government agencies. The UW Center for an Informed Public, headed by Kate Starbird, is partially funded by the National Science Foundation. The UW Center for Responsible AI Systems and Experiences (RAISE) is funded by the National Science Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Microsoft, Cisco and U.S. DOD. Article
Secretary of State's 'misinformation' program flags factual stories on noncitizens voting
WA SoS Hobbs, Despite Ethics Complaints, Boasts Using AI To Surveil Social Media
Logically.AI of Britain and the Expanding Global Reach of Censorship
NEVADA: The discovery of a "glitch" that caused mail-in ballots across Nevada to show as counted even though voters hadn’t mailed their ballots or even voted. Video
A Proposed Federal Election Integrity Law - This is WAY overdue!
Wisconsin: The DOJ and FBI both knew there was large-scale election fraud, part of what we have been saying for three years now. Post / Election Watch
UTAH: Cache County’s Exit From ‘Zuckbucks 2.0’ Group Puts Utah A Step Closer To Safe Elections
MICHIGAN: Mich. Rep. Demands Answers from Governor, FBI, on Why Obvious Muskegon Voter Fraud Left Unprosecuted. Last August it was widely reported that police reports from the city of Muskegon, Michigan, showed a left-wing outfit named GBI Strategies was attempting to fraudulently register up to 12,000 voters in a city with only 30,000 people.
This report on systemic voter fraud in the 2020 election has never been refuted or debunked; it was simply ignored and suppressed by legacy media. The blithe answer from Michigan’s corrupt far-left Attorney General is that they ‘referred it to the FBI.‘
An hour-long training video from Dominion Voting Systems was leaked to the public revealing that employees at the company were trained in how to alter the election results in favor of Joe Biden.
Technical support from the company provided detailed instructions on how to connect Dominion ballot counting equipment to the internet, something that was initially denied but later verified to have happened on Election Day -- in violation of federal law.
The audio reveals that vote tally reporting methods varied from municipality to municipality, Wayne County, Mich. (Detroit), being one of the areas where Dominion machines were communicating with Frankfurt and elsewhere during the counting process. Article
New FOIA documents reveal that the Department of Justice and FBI uncovered alarming 2020 election ballot fraud in Detroit, Michigan but covered it up. Post
PILF Sues Michigan Secretary of State for Failing to Remove Deceased Registrants from the Voter Rolls. Article
PILF footage of nearly 26,000 deceased registrants on Michigan’s voter rolls.
Voting from the GRAVE in Michigan
ARIZONA: Just how widespread is the lie about our census numbers?
Arizona City Appoints Convicted Democrat Ballot Harvester Gloria Torres as Vice Mayor
Will Illegal Aliens Choose the 2024 Republican Nominee in Arizona? If you think our elections are safe from non-citizens voting, think again. An unprecedented move by Arizona’s Democratic Secretary of State Adrian Fontes just opened the way for non-citizens—legal or otherwise—to register for and cast a ballot in the 2024 election. That includes Arizona’s Republican primary in March, meaning the same illegal aliens flooding across our open border could vote against the leading closed borders candidate, President Trump. Article

WISCONSIN: Corrupt Attorney General Josh Kaul of Wisconsin Caught Laundering Money
Test Ballots Were Counted as Real Ballots in Georgia! Philip Davis & Bridget Thorne were right: Dominion Voting Systems allowed "test ballots" to be counted in Fulton County's recount. Article / Video
PROBLEM: 3,434,956 Active registrants on the Wisconsin voter list. 4,107,447 Inactive registrants on the list. Totaling 7,542,403 on the list. There are only ~4,700,000 adults in the state. We have proven that Inactives can be turned Active, with or without using the same voter ID number. We have proven voter ID numbers get moved around to new jurisdictions. The registration is moved, not the person; typically, a new name is assigned. We call them Shapeshifters; typically, they get moved on election days. Post
GEORGIA: "A HUGE win!" Catherine explains TTV's victory over Fair Fight
Fani Willis Caught Laundering Money into Her Campaign
3,574 ballots in Fulton County were clearly printed locally by Fulton Co. themselves to provide absentee ballots for when they ran out. Post
SOUTH CAROLINA: Here We Go Again: South Carolina Voters Unable to Vote Reportedly Due to Internet Being Out – Voters Told to Put Ballots in “Another Slot”
MAINE: Huge Win in Maine - Ruling says must release voter rolls to conservative group for independent audits, federal court rules. Article
Maine must release voter rolls to conservative group, court says
FLORIDA: RINO Never Trumpers Undermining Election Integrity In Florida
Election Jihad: Islamist Political Machines Are Transforming States and Threatening America and Israel. More
NEW YORK: The Left wanted 900,000 non-citizens to vote in New York City. We sued and just won a massive court victory. We will keep fighting to stop Democrats from letting non-citizens vote. American elections should be decided by American citizens – full stop. Post
More Illegal Registrations Every Year
NY Dems Utilize "Unregulated, Unvetted, and Illegal Ballots" In New York, Model For Nation
Degrasse: NY Dems Utilize "Unregulated, Unvetted, and Illegal Ballots" In New York, Model For Nation
CALIFORNIA: During the 2022 election cycle, L.A. County election officials mailed out about 5.7 million vote-by-mail ballots to 4.3 million voters. Gee, what could go wrong? Article
ILLINOIS: Plan to Stop Election Fraud in 2024 Using Temporary Restraining Orders!
TEXAS: AG Ken Paxton Sues to End NGO’s Operations In Texas
Hundreds of Voter Fraud Cases Get ‘Dismissed’ Due to Leftist Court’s Sudden Decision
KANSAS: A Kansas county shredded old ballots as the law required, but the sheriff wanted to save them
ALASKA: 700 GOP volunteers led the drive to get the required signatures needed to Ban Ranked Choice Voting. The Pro-RCV group is taking money from the 1630 Fund which is directly linked to Arabella Advisors. Even the New York Times labels them as "Dark Money." Post
Obama’s CIA Asked Foreign Intel Agencies to Spy on Trump Campaign - The sanctity of our electoral process and the trust in our intelligence agencies are at stake. We must not allow the politicization of intelligence to go unchecked. Article
Tucker's Amazing interview of Mike Benz: The National Security State is the Main Driver of Censorship and Election Interference in the US - State & Defense Dept, CIA With Media to Control Elections - Psychological Warfare Using Social Media, Spying and Narrative Control to Censor - UW, Stanford and 'Disinformation' Mapping-
Russian Counter-Terrorism Unit Thwarts Assassination Attempt - Moscow man arrested for allegedly accepting payment from Ukrainian intelligence to plant an explosive on Tucker Carlson's vehicle, targeting the American journalist during his interview with Putin. Post
Charlie Kirk Podcast: The CIA's Mass Censorship Behemoth
Pentagon tells AI experts: ‘We really need your help’
MORE JANUARY 6 VIDEOS EXPOSING TRUTH: Congressional candidate and J6 defendant Derrick Evans discusses a shocking new video of an unknown man who brazenly fired a gun on January 6, yet has attracted no interest from the feds for the past 3 years. Interview /
Post-Jan. 6 Life in America: CPAC Panel on ‘The Real Story of January 6 Part 2’ - Epoch Times Documentary - American Thought Leaders. Video
TRUTH about the January 6th "Insurrection" - Forgotten History
Victor Davis Hanson Interview - New book - THE END OF EVERYTHING. Why everything is going wrong at the same time. Tucker’s Putin Interview, Wars Being Waged, and the Left’s New Strategy. Video

Democrats rushing to destroy America before Trump Two
A New York judge who has faced accusations he's biased against President Trump is demanding $364 million in fines in a fraud case brought by Attorney General Letitia James, who campaigned on a promise of "getting" Trump.
Further, she was unable during the course of the trial to show that anyone lost anything to the claimed "fraud" schemes, that involved the valuation of Trump properties. Major bank institutions who did deals with Trump during that time period testified there was nothing fraudulent about Trump's accounting. The judge in the case repeatedly censored Trump's comments about the case, and in fact denied him permission to make statements on his own behalf in court. Article
Democrats' Judge Refuses to See Evidence - Kangaroo Judge Has Extremely Poor Judgment. The judge is a Democrat, the attorney general is a Democrat, and the entire power structure in New York City and the State of New York is owned by Democrats. They are in the process of stealing President Trump’s real estate and his businesses because he is running for office again. Article
Far-Left NY Judge Orders Trump Pay $355M in Letitia James Trump Org Case.
Letitia James: "Show Me Trump, I Will Show You The Crime"

Biden Officials Meet, Court Pro-terror Arab-American Leader in Michigan - Meeting with one of Michigan’s most influential Arab-American leaders, one with an extensive history of praising terrorist groups. Siblani in 2022 urged Arabs to fight Israel with “stones” and “guns” and praised the fedayeen, or Islamic militants. He has referred to Hamas and Hezbollah as “freedom fighters.”
A secret virus laboratory was discovered operating in a windowless building connected to a recycling center in a small farming town in California. Inside were found live viruses, humanized mice, and vials of substances that remain, to this day, unknown. A subsequent arrest revealed the lab was run by a Chinese national, and that many of the people associated with it have ties that go back to front operations for the Chinese Communist Party. Article / Video
In opening up the southern border, Democrats’ short-term goal, of course, was to cause chaos and overwhelm our systems and institutions via the Cloward & Piven playbook.
No one can deny that our once calm and orderly immigration system is collapsing under the weight of massive numbers of foreign nationals. It just wasn’t and isn’t built to handle such numbers in such a short amount of time. The immigration system isn’t the only system that is collapsing. Dems know that adding 15-16 million non-English-speaking foreigners, many of whom are uneducated & have few skills, in barely 3 years, would push our welfare system to near collapse, along with health care systems, and public schools, and public housing, and law enforcement. Article
Nursing student killer not a US citizen

Ohio Sheriff Richard K. Jones Warning the Amercian People After Meeting with FBI DIRECTOR - The Illegal Immigrants Entering America Will Do Us Harm “It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. China has safe houses in every state in the United States. They’re bringing something here to cause us harm." Video
Speaker Johnson Eviscerates President Biden's Border Policy in Fiery House Floor Speech. All that Biden has done is INTENTIONAL AND DELIBERATE. He does not care how much this has hurt people in our country. And don’t forget the warning from the head of the FBI. “We don’t know how many terrorists” have come into our nation because of Biden. This includes Hamas and we know what Hamas did in Israel. Every American needs to understand the results of Biden’s plan by design to destroy our nation. Video
The House voted along party lines to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. He's the first cabinet secretary to be impeached in nearly 150 years. Mayorkas is accused of a "willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law" in enforcing border policies. Article
Republicans impeach Mayorkas in historic vote
The people of the world are standing in defiance of what globalists seek to do. Globalists plan to replace all citizens of Western countries with illegal immigrants in an attempt to secure and maintain perpetual power. Video: Massive Protest against mass immigration in Dublin, Ireland
New York City has announced that they will be handing out $53 Million in pre-paid credit cards to illegal "migrant" families. A family of four, for instance, could be provided nearly $1,000 each month and the cards will be refilled every month. Article
There Are More Illegal Migrants in the U.S. Than the Population of 36 States
Biden admin providing veteran medical resources to illegal immigrants instead of U.S. vets
Charlie Kirk Podcast: Why Borders Are Biblical
Ben Bergquam Reports from Darién Gap That US is Funding Processing Centers in South America and Flying Illegals into America BEFORE They Reach the Border. Article
Migrants are fleeing Florida for New York because it's easier to commit crimes. A law enforcement officer told CNN that illegal immigrants are deterred by Florida's laws and do not look upon the state as a safe haven in which to commit crime sprees. Post
13 GOP Governors Join Abbott at the Border, Vowing to End Biden's Destructive Policies "America's Governors have banded together to make one thing clear: Texas has the right to protect & defend our border. We will NOT tolerate this invasion the Biden Admin's open border policies enabled. President Biden — it is your turn now to enforce the law & secure the border."
VA Dems Want to Incentivize Illegal Immigration by Giving Migrant Minors Free Healthcare.
Chinese illegal immigration on pace to break records at US southern border
WATCH: Tucker Carlson: Why no one's stopping border invasion
Let Sanctuary Cities & States Wallow In Their Own Misery
'Sanctuary' city cutting some workers to zero hours so it has money for illegals
Biden's Venezuelan Guest Kidnaps, Slaughters American Nursing Student
Tucker Video: Mass immigration is completely destroying our country
Yesterday's Trump Full Texas Border Speech: Texas Gov. Abbott on immigration
BIDEN CLEAR CRIMES EXPOSED - Biden should be charged with breaking the law…many times. Marl Levin Video
Hur report: Biden as ‘elderly man’ with ‘poor memory’ - Special counsel Robert Hur‘s report on his 15-month investigation into Joe Biden‘s mishandling of classified documents includes damning assessments of the president’s mental acuity. In his nearly 400-page report, Hur provides details regarding his decision not to prosecute Biden criminally, unlike President Trump, such as the likelihood that a jury would sympathize with him and that he could not remember, “even within several years,” when his son Beau Biden died, among other important dates. Article
The report by Special Counsel Robert Hur reveals shocking details about Biden's sloppy possession of top-secret documents, the destruction of evidence, and attempts to thwart investigators. Article
Joe Biden's Gaffes and Confusing Remarks Now Involve International Conflicts
The Idiocy Is Getting Overwhelming
Biden Takes: Dark times require dark humor, and the last 3 1/2 years have been the darkest

An overwhelming majority — 86% — of voters in an ABC News/Ipsos poll released Sunday say that President Biden is “too old” to serve another term. Article - Survey comes in the immediate wake of special counsel Robert Hur describing Mr. Biden, 81, as a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory” in a report on mishandling classified documents.
Senile Is As Senile Does — and Joe Biden Is Senile
Nashville Nazis Pledged Support for Biden, Ukraine

During a S.C. campaign rally, President Trump weighed in on a damning special counsel report about Joe Biden’s mishandling of classified documents. Special Counsel Hur ruled that Biden should not be charged despite evidence that he willfully retained classified information. Video
When Will Democrats Assassinate Trump? - They Have Tried Everything Else
The Truth About the Jihad in Dearborn Michigan
VIDEO: WSJ op-ed calls Dearborn, Michigan 'America's Jihad Capital'

“Blueprint” Reveals How Radicals are Infiltrating Government to Push Abortion, Transgender Agenda
How Progressive Policies are Designed for Civilizational Suicide. But what if, we ask, seemingly fumbled programs were intended to be the initial throes of civilizational suicide? What if apparent missteps were actually directed at the purposeful destruction of a prosperous, free, safe, and secure society? As we examine the policies pushed by the Biden administration progressives regarding climate, national security, crime, and the border, we can rationally conclude that they are being purposely implemented to render our society unsuccessful, not successful, in its traditional aims, causing what could be the ultimate destruction of a civil society. Article
Judge warns Fani Willis over outbursts in heated testimony. Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis, who is prosecuting former President Donald Trump on charges of attempting to overturn the 2020 election, verbally sparred with lawyers for hours at an evidentiary hearing regarding her relationship with the lead prosecutor who she hired to bring the case against Trump. Article
MSNBC Legal Analyst Declares It Looks Like 'Game Over' for Fani Willis - “This is monumental. If things are going in the direction we think, Fani Willis lied to the court, it’s game over for her. She will be disqualified” Article / Video
Tucker Carlson: How many people died from the COVID shot? - Do vaccines actually cause autism? Steve Kirsch looked at the data. Video
Ohio State study showing vaccinated Covid patients had a HIGHER risk of death than the unvaccinated - Researchers published a stunning finding. Vaccinated Covid patients hospitalized with respiratory failure were more likely to die than the Un-jabbed. 70 % died, compared to 37 %. Article
A court filing by Trump's defense attorneys includes thousands of texts and phone calls dating back to 2021. The cell data reveals that Fulton County DA Fani Willis and Nathan Wade appear to have met up at least 35 times in 2021 at Fani Willis' residence BEFORE the AG hired him as special prosecutor. POST / POST
The annual Conservative Political Action Conference, CPAC was held last weekend in WA DC, and a reported 6,000 + attended. El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele received thunderous applause and urged people to “unapologetically fight” against what he called “dark forces. Speech

PRESIDENT TRUMP AT CPAC: "I'm conservative, but the words are common sense. Our country is run by people that are destroying it. We're not going to let it happen again. We're going to have a great military. Everything in our country is going to function properly again. It's going to function well. We're going to be respected all over the world. We're going to be respected like we've never been respected before, and it won't take long." Video
Trump says he’s the only one to stop the country’s ‘obliteration’ under Biden -
President Trump made his general election case Joe Biden at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday, presenting himself as the only way to stop “Biden’s fast track to hell. “The only thing standing between you and [the country’s] obliteration is me,” Trump declared Article / Video."In 2016, we gave these corrupt insiders their chance to change, and with Biden, they answered with hoaxes and witch hunts, censorship, lockdowns, and with total repression. 8 years later, the swamp has rejected your righteous pleas to reform, and we have to do this. And we're going to reform, and we're going to have freedom again." Video
Republicans Sen. J.D. Vance (OH), Gov. Kristi Noem (SD), and Reps. Jim Jordan (OH), Matt Gaetz (FL), and Elise Stefanik (NY) are among those speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Maryland. Article
Kurt Schlichter: CPAC Was Amazing
Argentina's President JMilei "We will not surrender until we Make Argentina Great Again!"

CPAC DAY 3 / STRAW POLL: When asked who they would be voting for in the Republican primary, 94 % said President Trump, compared to 4 % for Haley. Attendees also gave President Trump a 96 % approval rating and picked Rep. Jim Jordan and J.D. Vance as their favorite members of the House and Senate. Article
FLYNN Movie Premiere Tour Coming to Skagit! General Michael Flynn will be out to the Cowboy Church Ranch in Bow on Wednesday, April 24 from 5 PM to 9 PM to share his story and show the premiere of his new movie - Tickets at
General Flynn Movie - A gripping and revealing true film exploring the life of General Michael Flynn, from his rise in the US Military, to severe political persecution he faced exposing corruption as the National Security Advisor to the POTUS.

5:00pm Doors open
5:00pm – 6:30pm Meet & Greet
6:30pm Movie starts
8:30pm Q&A session
9:00pm Event ends MORE INFO
A big thank you to the Skagit County League of Women Voters who hosted a town hall form titled The Ins and Outs of: 2024 Presidential Primary - How is it different from regular elections? Myself, Gabrielle Clay, Skagit Elections Manager, and Leadership representation from Skagit Democratic Party all spoke and took questions, the event was live streamed and on live radio and was very successful.
The Skagit Republican Women's group meets this Tuesday March 5 at the Freedonia Grange from 10 AM to Noon. For more info contact Connie Miller:
Become a Precinct Committee Member - Precinct Strategy
Video: Precinct Strategy Will YOU Help Save America?
For all SCRP Important Updates, see the website. More info please contact me @ (360) 820-1700 or email:
Respect & Blessings,
Bill Bruch, SCRP Chairman
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